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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21353454 No.21353454 [Reply] [Original]

Weird how there are nothing but fuds on the 13th it's like they got jewed into believing something was happening today.
>Scotty doesn't know

>> No.21353513

This date was hyped for WEEKS.

Nothing happened. Schizos are unironically roping themselves.

>> No.21353556
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 29fff0537fe5cc80de09e0dfc83c5669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one is getting paid to fud xrp, we just aren't buying your fucking kike scam you dumb fuck. imagine investing in anything that pic related is involved with. stop shilling this trash here faggot. all fields

>> No.21353594

Whos paying the relentless and incessant shilling here? Must be a fucking shillbot army or some pajeet or chink shillfarm.

Got to be Cripple paying all this shilling, because the bigger the dump the harder the shill campaign.

It's getting really tiresome

>> No.21353599

>nonbelievers will drown. an endless cascade of drops will overtake the space

>> No.21353601

Never saw the Aug 13th memedate before yesterday. The only dates I saw were from UHNWI saying "XRP will look like it's died completely before Sept-Nov when the flippening will occur."

>> No.21353638

how mad? 1-10? How mad Scotty? 11 mad?

>> No.21353655

People still hold XRP in 2020?

>> No.21353667


>> No.21353725
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>> No.21353746

The date was hyped by Linkies undoubtedly.
There was never an official date, but a time range which is Sept-Q1 2021

The news today is actually extremely bullish for XRP. Unless banks adopted ODL they didn't have to use XRP for the messaging portion.
All Brad said was adoption is slow so they're gonna branch out. The community has been screaming for this for years. XRPL is capable of a shit ton but it's been handcuffed for ODL and remittance.
Dev tools are getting worked on
Flare comming up
Fast and cheap TXS
Things are looking extremely good, especially while eth is convulsing.

>> No.21353810

i'm not the one bagholding a shitcoin that's still down over 90% from all time high while chainlink is violently mooning. how mad are you?

>> No.21353834

Why would you not hold for the FXRP alone? Even though it hasn’st mooned we haven’t lost anything. This fucking coin won’t move from27-30.

>> No.21353890

I sent my xrp back from my wallet to the same address that I received it from thinking it will go back to my crypto.com , I sent it to the fucking transfer address am I getting this shit back I sent a ticket im retarded

>> No.21353948
File: 601 KB, 1242x943, 06B5EDC4-F3E3-448A-A125-04E80040CA85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No FUD just facts people got scammed . Pic related ripple did not get awarded faster payments from the feds . They chose to do it themselves. The gig is up.

>> No.21353997

>buying XRP kike scam
>putting your crypto in crypto.com, a literal ponzi scheme
>sending your coins to the wrong address
these are the retards who invest in XRP and CRO

>> No.21354001


(I shill XRP even though I would never, EVER buy XRP. I just like pretending to be a schizo bag holder.)

>> No.21354241

Moved 90% of this shit into ALGO, left only 100 XRP just in case. These schitzos have cost people lots of money bagholding this shit

>> No.21354263

lmao that's not what it says, that pic is actually bullish as FUCK though just bought 9800 more XRP thanks

>> No.21354277

seriously just the sheer amount of shilling on youtube should be warning enough

>> No.21354308
File: 475 KB, 2000x1067, XRPtheSTANDARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admit it OP you were one of the retards in that thread right LOL

>> No.21354319

>Using YT as a meaningful metric of what intelligent people should do
Go back to plebbit normie faggot

>> No.21354408

Idk where you poorfags are from but the day is just getting started in the US, where people and things actually matter
At least do your fuds at a time that makes sense, like in 12ish hours

I miss when people actually put effort into fuds. It's just seething redditfags that need to go back and dilate

>> No.21354538
File: 583 KB, 616x618, Screen Shot 2020-08-07 at 16.36.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
