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21350617 No.21350617 [Reply] [Original]

>Girl I've been talking to for months that I really liked deleted and blocked me

I don't need anyone... Just my crypto, right /biz/? That's all I fucking, not roasties, not friends, I just need my crypto and money to be happy.

>> No.21350651

Why did she delete and block you?

>> No.21350694

Because I'm apparently too mean to her or something. Shes got a lot of issues so that doesnt help, but she was pretty cool.

Regardless, all I need is crypto, right?

>> No.21350711

Sorry fren, girls are stupid keep trying

>> No.21350769

No there's no point, this girl was at least red pilled and went on /pol/, so talking to her wasn't terrible. But I just need you guys and crypto, I don't need a woman.You guys are always here.

>> No.21350848

Anon I will let you in on a secret that I had to learn the hard way. Girls aren’t that much different than men. They’re just lazier because they grow up getting bombarded with complements for having holes.
But this makes them stupid as they get older, so it all evens out. But they still want an attractive man just like you want an attractive woman. Start lifting and dieting. It’s the best thing us autists can do.

>> No.21350854

>talking to an egirl

why are you like this anon? have some self respect

>> No.21350866

I got ghosted a couple weeks ago too and I'm not sure what I'm going to do when I make it I'm so lonely

>> No.21350897

You were probably acting like a simp and a weak beta. It's obvious from your comment that you were a little bit too attached to her already and she wasn't attached to you at all.
Try not acting so desperate and like you have all the time in the world for them.

>> No.21350924
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>She's got a lot of issues
>Talking and simoping to a faggot damage goods thot

Not gonna make it

>> No.21350927
File: 58 KB, 512x351, 1595091238720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to sound like some gay faggot shit but I don't care.

You are worthy of love op, this girl was not the one for you. You can be the juiciest peach on the tree but some mofos just don't like peaches

>> No.21350931

did you ever meet her? and you probably dont want a girl like that anyway

i met up with a girl i'd talked to for near enough a month and then she did a complete 180 and stopped talking to me afterwards. she seemed really interested, she knew what i looked like etc., it seemed to go well, and then nothing

so dont sweat it. just stay consistent in your daily life, and if people wanna join you in your journey then thats up to them

>> No.21350961

Women are incredibly shallow. You most likely will never be able to form a genuine relationship with one where they love you for who you are. Having money will definitely attract a lot of women but just remember they wont live you for you. Youre better off just blowing loads in whores and prostitutes and kicking them to the curb. Never get married.

>> No.21350973

Maybe you need to take the trannie pill.

Nah jk anon you be fine , I also got my heart broken by some girls but crypto kept me busy.
It's hard to get upset when your wallet just keeps pumping 2k every time you Refresh

>> No.21351004

>i met up with a girl i'd talked to for near enough a month and then she did a complete 180 and stopped talking to me afterwards
You talked to her too much and you killed the mystery about yourself.

>> No.21351006

all women are whores

>> No.21351008

Yeah, the power women have is unbelievable whether it's Briffault’s law, vast majority of consumerism, or in politics. And they have the gall to call themselves oppressed. If you have full control over your own time, money and property, you are already doing better than 80% of other men.

>> No.21351020

Is this kind of bait how nocoiners are coping now? You missed out on crypto repeatedly because you are retarded and now you need someone else to feel bad with you bawww. You will always be poor and retarded.

>> No.21351031


>> No.21351045

those women love the powerful feeling they get from alt-rightism, but ultimately most /pol/ users are beta simps

>> No.21351051

or its possible she built up an idea of who she thought i was through these chats, but i wasnt actually that person
we live and we learn

>> No.21351081
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I just broke up with my gf last weekend because she annoys me and all i want to do is get high and trade crypto. The other night I was sitting with her watching a movie and I just couldn't take it anymore and told her to get out. She was pretty cool too. We've been together for 3 years. She even would listen to my tweaked out ramblings about schizo XRP shit. I probably fucked up but i honestly dont care and feel nothing.

>> No.21351089

No she lives in france and I'm a mutt.
Whats your portfolio look like?
>Start lifting and dieting
Can't lift (don't ask) and I'm not fat. She even told me I was very attractive.
Wasn't simping. First time she blocked me she said I was bullying her too much and I constantly gave her back handed compliments.
My portfolio is about 6k. Would have had more but had to cash some out at different periods of time.

>> No.21351099

fucking chase her down and ASK why you dummy dont just push yourself down into a sad little hole you made for yourself and grovel, god is it really that hard to talk to someone about problems

>> No.21351113

broski, a girl literally decides if she wants you within 10 seconds. Spending any more time to convince her you are worthy of her is beyond retarded.
She needs to prove she is worthy of YOU, not the other way around.

>> No.21351120

well maybe she has a more masculine mindset, which would explain why she's on /pol/. seems like she took your insults personally instead of passing them off as teasing like most girls

>> No.21351125


Women are stupid, it is manly to make money for sexy ones that are not sluts and actually like you.

I pretend I am broke. The women that don't care are the good ones that deserve to be spoiled.

Just make money and ignore whores.

>> No.21351126

imma steal your gf

>> No.21351148
File: 272 KB, 1019x929, asdfafds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you rely on something for happiness it will get taken away from you, just how the universe works m8

best not to give a fuck, its all memes at the end of the day

>> No.21351161

Women? Come on man, focus on yourself.

>> No.21351164

Fuck that, she pulled this shit once already. I'm not doing that.
She really liked the idea of being a trad wife, she wore dresses and tried to be as feminine as possible.

>> No.21351188

I think most of us have had to deal with some kind of rejection. You're in the right place friend.

>> No.21351194

>She really liked the idea of being a trad wife, she wore dresses and tried to be as feminine as possible.
this is all horseshit, dont fall for this nonsense

>> No.21351252

there are literally millions of women out there and i mean millions good looking quality women. among billions of shit, but still if you adjust your standards you're good to go. they are all replaceable, even the one you think is your soulmate or some shit like that is replaceable. don't be a retard.

>> No.21351264

Jesus fuck you incels, can really tell how most of you on this board are by the way you talk about women. How about try not being a simp bitch, unless that's your preferred kink and your girl wants that, not gonna judge, telling those who involuntarily turn themselves into that shit. Worry about you, not about women, when women see that you put yourself first and see that you have some fucking self worth that's when you wont have problems with women. Learn to fucking care for yourself first and stop looking for mommy to take care of you.

>> No.21351273

Anon you need to learn game and get red pilled , there is a difference between what she say and what she do, you got shit tested down the line and failed , also if you feel that you trying to please her you already lost.
Read the book of pook and the 3% man by Wayne something / don't remember the name

>> No.21351302

I have game, I've been with a decent amount of girls and had success, I just liked this one more than the others.

>> No.21351307

Also this

>> No.21351330
File: 127 KB, 1125x1522, 0591FB1B-9C41-4732-8A66-BED4F989E320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys so I have a gf / waifu, I met her in church in 6th grade , and she has a cat named link , is it meant to be? And she doesn’t even know why I love her cats name so much

>> No.21351332

Who fucking cares you wil get over it soon enough , find other one and don't get emotionally attached ever , or at least till she do first by having sex with you multiple times

>> No.21351340

if it was time for her to go then it was time for her to go

>> No.21351369
File: 171 KB, 1071x1541, A119FEA4-8EA7-4605-9F59-FE1C8AC36B58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive never told her about crypto

>> No.21351370

so glad i'm into guys, fuck women

>> No.21351382

>she liked the idea of being a tradwife

if she wanted to be a tradwife, she wouldn't be on the internet

>> No.21351383

Jesus don't talk to girls like /pol/

>> No.21351390

is this just a random girl you know or is she actually your girlfriend

>> No.21351412

>if you feel that you trying to please her you already lost

^ this right here. Even if you are "unattractive" (mostly subjective) do things that make yourr appearance better, idk shave for once, shower for once, and maybe get that shit up out from your dirty ass fingernails. grow the fuck up and learn to dress better, its not that hard. Girls like men with a sense of themselves so that means having a sense of clothes that you look good in. Good hygiene go a LONG fucking way. Also don't constantly kiss their fucking feet, unless you and her agree about that beforehand and its in the bedroom. Like you guys make it harder for yourselves than it has to be.

>> No.21351432
File: 312 KB, 1125x1580, FAC83CB9-D3B1-4D2D-A3CF-61F8933C4353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s more of a waifu type, she’s actually flying to come see me this weekend and I’ve been sperging out cuz Of anxiety cuz she wants to smash but am scared

>> No.21351451

> Green hair
She either very nerdy or mentally damaged

>> No.21351458

what the fuck am i reading

>> No.21351488

you don't really have to be a literal homo /fa/ggot to pull some decent pussy, but i guess to a neckbeard anything is an improvement.

>> No.21351493
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>> No.21351522

Fucking simp anon ,
Aaah I am depressed momeey , she wil use your ass , since she know you have some money and crypto

>> No.21351531

TOP FUCKING KEK ur paying the ticket? God I hope you get scammed, simp

Yeah seriously.. you're better off single for now anon, make your gains while alone so you don't have to split anything

>> No.21351532

>cutting your fingernails makes you a homo
yikes no wonder you guys cant get laid

>> No.21351552
File: 85 KB, 860x499, 411-4118058_apu-apustaja-hug-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come here fren

>> No.21351562

I’ve never told her about crypto that’s why she’s confused I like her cats name so much

>> No.21351566


No unfortunately you do need a roastie. You cannot live a fulfilling life as a man without a female companion. Incels and MGTOW chincels on here will say you don't need a female to be happy but you legitimately fundamentally do need a female to be complete as a man. Her feminine energy is the ying to your masculine yang. The creator of this universe has decided that these principles dictate human life, attempting to fight it because some Moloch worshipping kike wants your race to go extinct doesn't change this fact.

>> No.21351570

No, this is why he lost her. Because he thought he had "game", and was trying act too "red pilled".

>> No.21351584

She bought her own ticket I just said I’d give her money to cancel because I don’t wanna hang out cuz I’m depressed

>> No.21351601

You guys are fucking sad. Read some stoic literature.

>> No.21351606

Anon, if you dont let her visit you, you will regret it for a very long time. Plus, she looks cute, just bang her. If necessary, just spend the majority of the time drunk to help with anxiety. I've missed too many opportunities due to being shy, dont be like I used to be. Just embrace the situation

>> No.21351620

its natural for men to simp when they fall in love, find a woman that will respect the simping and make you feel happy for simping.
atleast non white women still respect simping, its in mens dna to simp when they fall in love.
you will make it fren. just focus on your crypto gains it'll distract you well

>> No.21351631

post your link wallet and ill send you a few stinky linkys to make you feel better anon

>> No.21351665

call me a fag but im actually gonna screenshot this post and look at it every once in a while. image included
nice quote. thanks

>> No.21351681

>too mean
You can't really be too mean unless you're just telling her what to do all the time while also being a beta
If you're not a beta she'll probably come back

>> No.21351699

Jesus dude you’ve already ruined things with this girl. You should have said you were busy with <insert any hobby here> not sitting around being depressed and simping.

>> No.21351703

I appreciate it man but I'm alright, your linkies are worth too much to give away. Hope the bullrun goes well

>> No.21351760

Actually this , I take it back , just go with the flow and fuck her anon , use condom and see how it goes , even if she is a slut who cares you bust a nut.
Just don't get needy and that's all but sound like she want to fuck so don't say no, post nut clarity Wil lead you to what to do next with her so follow you intuitions as a man

>> No.21351769

>the girl was at least red pilled and went on /pol/
either this is a LARP or OP is retarded

>> No.21351777

Women only want your manseed and you ability to father and provide for a child anon. You're probably mistaking liking a girl for cowardice about losing her and it showed in your conversations. Women are really good at sniffing that stuff out. Accept and move on bro

>> No.21351802

No larp so guess I'm a retard

>> No.21351817


>red pilled
Choose one

>> No.21351853

post number so we can see if she likes BBC

>> No.21351913

Holy shit I wish this wasnt real. Admitting your depression to the universe let alone a FEMALE?! Offering her money for ANYTHING. Lift weights learn a fighting style you will realize your more powerful then you ever realized king.

>> No.21352039
File: 2.52 MB, 1125x2001, 25BDED79-A46D-4E3D-B728-363B3D37A496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think alone my schizo vibes are chad enough, she has no clue what chainlink is, or who sergey or vitalik is , yet some how she still likes me, I do workout but more so cardio

>> No.21352082
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>> No.21352141
File: 40 KB, 449x258, 20200713_081004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl is literally coming to be with you and you pay her not to?
What in the world?
If you're scared of sex just say no wtf
What in the world is wrong with you
This is probably your one chance at love and you're blowing it

>> No.21352182

Just say no sex*
You're literally a faggot and deserve to die alone if you're telling a girl she can't come visit
She'll definitely dump you If you do that to her too

>> No.21352215

Ignore it literally forget about her, at one point she'll come back and apologize I can set my watch to this shit their brain is like a hamster wheel

>> No.21352239

god i wish that were me. i havent been touched by a female in 3 years

>> No.21352282
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she was your soulmate and you lost her forever anon, think about that. think about how EMPTY your life will be even if you make it, all you truly want is her next to you and to share your wealth with her, to cuddle her, to be loved

>> No.21352315
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Premarital sex is a bad idea, anon feeling anxious about fucking a rando whore means he is a good man with a good set of intrinsical values.
Take the chastity pill, and spend the money it takes to chase tail on crypto. Marry and have children under God's law.

>> No.21352316

this all seems a bit too good to be true but hell what the fuck do i know, just do us all a favor and wear a condom.

a girl flying out all the way to timbucktoo so she can get some dick is already a bad sign of instability but im sure youre not complaining

>> No.21352395
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>> No.21352437

please bang her anon

>> No.21352443
File: 46 KB, 940x940, 1597237932284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your schizo ramblings are tied to the fact that you smoke too much pot and hold XRP

Poor life decisions all around desu

Enjoy holding retard bags as Tyrone and/or Chad ravages her pussy

>> No.21352445

>I was super low self esteem bish
Christ. This girl just wants to fuck and then she's never going to talk to you again, rightfully so.

>> No.21352541
File: 190 KB, 499x524, 44690453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Focus on crypto during bullrun friendo, you have the entire bear market for relationship. This is the time where lives change.

>> No.21352565

She's probably a psycho, stay away. Normal girls would've already blocked you

>> No.21352589

Stop writing like a 14 year old girl

>> No.21352620
File: 8 KB, 236x250, 2159FFD8-A1D7-41D5-9233-D041F09BB566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You discord tranny faggots never fail to disgust me. You type like a child. She doesn't think you're a chad and mysterious she's just mentally ill

>> No.21352705
File: 49 KB, 750x565, 1597015793177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else is bought KE this morning?

>> No.21352991

This can't be real, r-right?

>> No.21353177

Yes all women are lazy vapid uninspired spiritually dead and with no desire for self improvement. A woman today will do nothing but drag you down and make you miserable. Don’t get married and for gods sake don’t have children. I am married and have a son. My son is amazing. I love him so much. His mom is a worthless bitch like all women and has used him as a weapon against me since conception. She is a Machiavellian narcissistic cunt. Maybe there are better women elsewhere. Maybe I’m just not good enough for better women. Idk. No woman has ever done anything but bring me down.

>> No.21353455

Girl I met online started ghosting me earlier this year too. This year has driven a lot of people apart I think

>> No.21353616

i really hope this is just a very elaborate larp otherwise i will cringe so hard

>> No.21353916

Honestly this it's fucking pathetic

>> No.21354130

are you good looking op? sounds like you're good looking

>> No.21354171
File: 162 KB, 1241x652, Portfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Standard crypto Fund (QQQF)

Standard crypto fund is a tokenized index that aims to track crypto, defi and FoT index Tokens. QQQF's portfolio will underlying assets by leveraging the supply



>> No.21354190

Bro you got scammed. She wasn't real. I just read the texts. Love isn't real, it's really not. Join a discord and make friends.

>> No.21354245
File: 61 KB, 680x453, 1596681676199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the tradwife meme
you deserve this, stop posting on /pol/

>> No.21354341

wtf is a trad E girl?

>> No.21354403

Dude that comes from wrong diet.
Check out Weston a Price Foundation and a bit extremem Sv3rige.
Eat more meat and saturated fat not unsaturated oils and fiber .

>> No.21354546

Take the Latina Pill. Western Women are a lost cause.

>> No.21354595

Disgusting demoralisation, are you a nigger or a kike?

>> No.21354815

>i luhhhhh u
>can't even bring herself to say "love"
>or even some variation like "luvvvvv"
Yeah, you're her beta-orbiter. She is definitely slogging on some other cock elsewhere. She looks like she'd have some fucked up morals like not feeling comfortable lying by actually saying the word "love" yet is happy to use you for friendship and probably money.

>> No.21354890

What's wrong with fibre? Isn't it making you feel more full?

>> No.21354941

>Shes got a lot of issues
Don't date damaged goods.

>> No.21355059

As a man all you need is to be able to secure resources.

A woman who is hot and nurturing will not be able to resist. If this bitch can’t see what she had then fuck her. Don’t degrade yourself.
Having said that, you should go proclaim your love for her if you love her and propose you and her give a living, respectful relationship a go. Lay it all in the table because you will deal with regret later if you don’t bare your soul to her now.

>> No.21355287

Sounds like her ESL peabrain couldnt handle superior bants. You can do better anon.

>> No.21355329

Based advice

>> No.21355427
File: 51 KB, 640x480, JuXaXbS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being some kind of internet bred zoomer fuckwit and man the fuck up anon.
Get off the internet, I mean all of it.
Go live in reality like the rest of us were forced to.
That's the problem with you kids, you've actually never tasted reality. Mommy puts a tablet in front of your face on family trips, and now you're melded with the digital world.
You think she wants to be a traditional wife? You don't even know what tradition is. She's got green hair and goes on /pol/ for fucks sake. Get out NOW.

>> No.21355534

>First time she blocked me she said I was bullying her too much and I constantly gave her back handed compliments.
she communicated what she didn’t want out of a relationship and you ignored it. pretty cut and dry why this didn’t work out. next time have the balls to admit you went too far and stop being such a fuckup.

>> No.21356165

Women are a tool to be used, treating them any different was your first mistake.
When it comes to women it's exploit or be exploited, there's no in-between.

>> No.21356267


>> No.21356280

>Schizo XRP shit
Good decision, you'll make it.

>> No.21356364

Unironically based advice

>> No.21356373

Yes and a good enough pc to go on vrchat, which unironically is 4chan.

>> No.21356571

So you're a simp

>> No.21356679

Here's some hard truths for the anons here.
Women are whores and extremely self-centered
NEVER simp or beg a woman for anything
Know your worth, always be improving yourself
Never waste time or resources on women
A woman will never make you happy and relying on one for happiness will only make you depressed

>> No.21356682

how do you have conversations like this? grow up

>> No.21356704

What a fucking autist.

>> No.21356770

check the sources.
Obviously fiber is natural in all plant foods and a few gram per day is totally normal, but too much fiber rots in your guts, gets you diarreah and constipation alternatly

>> No.21356845

My God, how can one unironically maintain this cringe-worthy conversation is beyond me.

>> No.21356895

You act like a faggot and your shits all retarded.

>> No.21356906
File: 19 KB, 678x585, 1596494736242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can be the juiciest peach on the tree but some mofos just don't like peaches

>> No.21357042
File: 100 KB, 700x573, hugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll make it fren

>> No.21357375

JESUS CHRIST shes coming by airplane to see you FOR THE SECOND TIME after you apparantly already met and you betad out like a giant faggot didnt even make a move on her

And now shes willing to come again basically begging you to smash her pussy in two and all you do is send sergays and cancel because youre afraid?

Everybody is afraid. Its what you do despite that fear that seperates the men from the boys

>> No.21357528

What do you expect from someone who types like a 14 year old girl?

>> No.21357557

I have a hard time believing an adult man would communicate like this. For your sake, I hope this is fake. If not, you need to stop being such a bitch. I was a virgin when I met my wife. I was just honest and said don't expect great sex. She thought it was flattering when I came in two pumps. Then we fucked hard a few minutes later. And then twice more that night. If she likes you enough to fly out to see you, there is literally no way you can fuck this up. Even if you accidentally stuck it in her butt she would probably just roll with it since she is so thirsty.

>> No.21357730
File: 107 KB, 500x637, GlaDv3N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>depending on transient outside circumstances t o be happy

>> No.21358043
File: 7 KB, 249x250, 1588835029057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright listen up. I hate to do this to a fellow Linkie but if you don't hard fuck that girl then we're going to have to confiscate all your LINK. You can't be a a part of the new elite as a beta. Take two shots of alcohol before meeting with her and just do it.

>> No.21358117

I dont like these women threads full of bad advice. However I will say this. Being in a relationship in these potential BOOM TIMES is not good risk management.

Now is not the time for a life, that comes later.

>> No.21358492
File: 455 KB, 753x748, 1597307217631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk man i simop a lot. Chicks like simops like me. Simoping gets them attention, they want attention, they return the attention to receive attention, now if you have balls you use that momentum and set the mutual attention to your terms

>> No.21358942

>Shes got a lot of issues
Well, then you are the retard.

>> No.21358969

Principle of least interest. You're worth nothing to her, simp.

>> No.21359014


>> No.21359080

> Love your enemies and maybe suck there dick too

Ahhm no thanks

>> No.21359103

>bpd girl

>> No.21359262
