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21348384 No.21348384 [Reply] [Original]

I'm ready to drop another 10k onto this but it just seems too exponentially high right now and we're due a correction, is this the right thinking?

>> No.21348402

no one knows and no one will give you actual advice friend

>> No.21348409


>> No.21348429
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Yes it is the correct thinking. Wait for the correction, whether it be a three dollar correction or a 10 dollar correction. I, however, disregard timing the market in any sense whatsoever. I know where chainlink is headed, and have boughten at these prices.

>> No.21348430
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>its just like buying eth when it was $15

>> No.21348464

You’re asking for trouble by waiting. There have been many threads asking this over the past month and every one of the posters would have been wiser to simply buy in. You will be even more priced out soon.

>> No.21348898

No. It will continue to pump for now, with an absolute minimum of $25, potentially even as high as $40. After that it will likely dump again, resting somewhere between $15-$25 for a while. You could buy right now, or wait til later, and the price will be about the same as it is now again; but don't expect much of a short-term ROI.

>> No.21348959

listen to this anon he's speaking the basic truth

>> No.21348981
File: 1.49 MB, 1525x1396, ohlinkieswtfwt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had three fucking years to buy

>> No.21349001

This, but unironically

>> No.21349336
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, This Is How I Win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's it settled, im going all in now lads, just made the transfer to CB.

Thanks /biz/

>> No.21349918

b-but i thought link was just a meme

>> No.21349974

Welcome to the team Marine.

>> No.21350477


>> No.21350541

The bloat man decides the price.

>> No.21350618

>buying at peak delusion

>> No.21350669

It will drop. Upwards to $40

>> No.21351030

Only thing you'll be pumping is a load of cum from all that fucking you'll be getting in your ass

>> No.21351073


>> No.21351077

If i were you i'd wait, if it dips to ~$14 before the conference buy. Other than that hope the conference is a dud and buy in afterwards.

>> No.21351141

But ETH has to rise with Link tho right? Links limit is kinda set by ETH. So ETH $10k EOY?

>> No.21351167

Kek keep buying so I can keep dumping

>> No.21351251

How long does it take you to dump 6 link exactly?

>> No.21351279

>But ETH has to rise with Link tho right? Links limit is kinda set by ETH. So ETH $10k EOY?


>> No.21351287

Should I just sell? It has to dump at some point right?

>> No.21351401
File: 165 KB, 252x403, 1594827222083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink will do it's initial pump like every crypto then drop to £6.

Look at pricing charts for all similar crypto. Pump exponential, drop down to the same, steadily climb.

Whoever said it's going to pump to ETH prices is delusional. ETH tracked at like £10 for a long time before it initial pump, LINK tracked at £0.20.

Expect LINK to be £6 after this. Hope I'm wrong cus I bought at £3.90 and £6.50.

I will try to sell the top like everyone, then buy my Linkies back at £4.

>> No.21351404

i've just sold half my stack

>> No.21351479

Yeah, you’re going to be proved wrong.

>> No.21351495
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FUCK FUCK FUCK now idk what to do fucking hell i don't wna get rekt

>> No.21351582

Do what all /biz/ newcomers do, wait for it to dump a bit then sell at a loss before it recovers.

>> No.21351589

Just hold then. Don’t buy, don’t sell.
You shouldn’t have put in more than you’re willing to lose anyway.

>> No.21351640

Yep just like every crypto that went into the top 5 crypto marketcaps it will go straight down again. Kek.

>> No.21351698

See you at $20 eow

>> No.21352156


>> No.21352157

There’s like ten of these threads a day

>> No.21352204

wrong, faggot.

>> No.21352211
File: 36 KB, 431x535, 1596669994272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not selling 25% of your stack every time we break a significant milestone

Buy in little bites as it goes down
Sell in little bites as it goes up

Never sell yourself to 0
Never go all in.

t. Anon that tripled his money in the last 2 weeks.

>> No.21352278
File: 122 KB, 888x1120, 1585200682016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it is so expensive
it is still in the lower double digit area
> it will drop
no it won't. Sergej will announce staking at smartcon and we will go parabolic from there
> it already mooned
it did not. We are still at the beginning of the bullmarket. You will see high three figure prices of LINK when bitcoin starts the golden bull run.
Buy now or you will buy ropes

>> No.21352746


>> No.21352874

If you aren't cashing out your Chainlink right now and going all in on physical silver and junior silver miners you are an absolute fool.

>> No.21352955

have fun with taxes

>> No.21353039

Ended up selling too.
Not sure if I should try to buy in again on a slight dip or just wait for the correction.

>> No.21354099
File: 32 KB, 542x417, 1596336622212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL go look at the top 5 in market cap. They all went up like this, and they all went down again after. If you think LINK will go up, then stay high or go up forever good, you can be my bag holder when I sell at the top.


>> No.21354304


>> No.21354326

yeah its absolutely going to drop...after slipping through your fingers yet again.

>> No.21354363

We’re due for $1000

>> No.21354430

True, but we aren't even close to the peak yet.

>> No.21354602

I've been holding a measly 0.3 BTC for a year, traded it for 222 LINK. Will I make it?