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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 400x182, zeus_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21332959 No.21332959 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21333016

Nah, this shit is boring. I’m too busy counting my LINK gains.

>> No.21333043
File: 129 KB, 840x560, download (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like its having a MAJOR impact on the market.

>> No.21333060
File: 88 KB, 395x594, Freida+Pinto+Rula+Jebreal+Miral+Photocall+v5E8XqOd55Rl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Link it please.

Zeus FUD is not really FUD, it's actually pretty basic due diligence, but Stinklets are so sensitive and financially illiterate they perceive it as FUD because their shitcoin has no fundamentals whatsoever.

>> No.21333069

what is it

>> No.21333120

Obvious controlled opposition.
If they REALLY wanted to FUD, they could Investigate the Chainlink PO BOX, that many other businesses use, in the Cayman Islands and trace who’s really running the scam and using Sergey as a scapegoat actor

>> No.21333189

Sorry thought I included it.
Boring regurgitated fud but still a fun read.

>> No.21333234


Again, why are you calling it FUD when all of it is basically factual?

>> No.21333239


>Chainlink is not a blockchain. It is simply a software running between a level 1/2 infrastructure and external APIs, which makes the network highly dependent on the costs of the underlying blockchain and its potential shortfalls. The Chainlink community is arguing that the approach makes the service blockchain agnostic while lowering the hardware requirements for node operators. In reality, this creates layers and layers of unnecessary intermediaries each adding new complexities into the system. To put it into perspective, a Chainlink integrator running on Ethereum must own ETH (to trigger the log event) and LINK (to pay for the data request) to receive a simple HTTP request.

Oh my. For a minute I thought I was buying one of those new fangled blockchains all those big businesses are raving about. Quite ready to sell now thank you very much.

>> No.21333356

Kek read the conclusion. The author(s) are clearly ESL.
>None of the large DeFi projects is willing to integrate Chainlink. We already showed that most of Chainlink "integrations" are either grossly exaggerated or plain fake. If no respectable blockchain organization finds use of Chainlink, what is the chance of a player outside the crypto ecosystem picking Chainlink as a service provider?

>Close to zero.

>We maintain our short position in LINK.

>> No.21333604


So they're basically correct, and in fact there are no corporate partners for LINK, and your concern is grammar?

Do you even have a GED?

>> No.21333694

I kek'd at this one. Link is just an API but faggot stinkies don't like to face the truth.

>> No.21333748

>no corporate partners
I'm not going to spoon feed you Grandpa. Degree? Yes job no, I'm a fucking Neet and intend to stay that way for the rest of my life.

>> No.21333774

Lmao paying 15$ for a JSON.parse()

>> No.21333789
File: 162 KB, 1416x582, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link has a kill switch LMAO. Good to know.

>> No.21333857

If this is a scam can they say the same as the chink scam called BAND?

>> No.21333919

only retards are still buying link

that's good news