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21330033 No.21330033 [Reply] [Original]

Does it really make any difference?

>> No.21330253

Sure, but she won't actually be aroused by you and will be gone when the money runs out.

>> No.21330386

Yes,but effect can be pretty weak if you don't know how to play it. Still at the margin lots of money is always preferred to little money.

>> No.21330454

Fpbp. It’s over for you ugly linkies. You won’t get a girl to ever love you for who you are but at least you’ll have money to buy escorts.

>> No.21330547

Who cares, the fact you're asking this means you already lost

>> No.21330552

the more masculine you are the feminine she will be

>> No.21330573

this actually makes a lot of sense

>> No.21330577


>> No.21330599

also, if it flies, floats or fucks its cheaper to rent
being alone is amazing if you can do it

>> No.21330614

Money can give you real confidence though, and time to improve yourself.

>> No.21330636
File: 179 KB, 750x495, BB539CC7-65A6-41B5-B791-4BB1DA05DE12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me

>> No.21330647

Just "having" money does not make her wet. HOWEVER money frees up time and you are no longer a cuck to anyone, so you can start working out more and live a stress free life which should increase confidence. Good luck Anon!

>> No.21330754

maybe. nothing breeds confidence in a man like physical labor: think about it, some people pay to work out, some people get paid to work out and get a tan.
I love gettin laid and I love gettin paid, but I know while Im doin one, the other ines gettin away

>> No.21330815

Yeah, the only real strategy is to use the free time, single focus and financial resources to work on yourself and physical appearance to hopefully become more Chad-like. Other than that the consolation prize is 10/10 escorts.

>> No.21330866

absolutely makes it easier to 'get' one but to keep one that actually likes you is much harder

>> No.21330887

>blue collar labour
And then from 40 onward you get to bitch about your knees and back and the sun turned you into Leatherface. Lovely.

>> No.21330956

based ye quoter

This genuinely only happens to retards who don't work smart. But yeah you really shouldn't be doing those jobs beyond age 40.

>> No.21330994

>white collar fantasy
if thats how you end up thats your fault, nothing more pure than full body motion, sweat, and the blue sky above you. If exchanged air and a view of other buildings is your thing, chase it like a madman, nobody goes to Manhattan for a vacation

>> No.21331081

Every woman is a gold digger, so yes, but you're never going to actually make it if you get one. They're gains leeches and literally only useful for spreading their legs, just buy a top of the line robot waifu when they're inevitably available.

>> No.21331207


It'll be a superficial attraction and the novelty of dating a hot girl will wear out pretty fast. Unironically take the /fit/ pill and do what you can to be a well-rounded person. I've attracted a lot more attractive women since I lost weight and put on a considerable amount of muscle, but most of those girls were batshit crazy and emotionally unstable. It doesn't matter how hot they are if they're constantly having mood swings, high maintenance, or indiscernible from every other thot you come across.

Go for the qt who's got a good relationship with their family, passionate about something, and has good morals. They're much more pleasant to be around and appreciative of you when you put in an effort.

Also, don't ever mention your gains or how much money you have. The second you disclose that information, it changes how they look and act around you. If you pay for something and they ask "are you sure about it?" regardless of the price, just tell them to not worry about it and leave it at that.

>> No.21331445
File: 34 KB, 780x585, 1589603568554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most boomer shit i've read all day
time to go to bed

>> No.21331515

>nobody goes to Manhattan for a vacation
uhhhhh how old are you anon? 40+?

>> No.21331544

holy shit you can improve from a 3/10 to a /fit/ 3/10

>> No.21332118

just remember kids, falling feels like flying til you hit the ground

>> No.21332167

Yup got rich recently off LINK and im now getting absolute dime matches after showing a pic of my new Rolex

>> No.21332180

You want money for girls. Why not just cut out the middle man, forget money and go to rsdnation and learn pickup.

>> No.21332231

just buy a hawaiin shirt and gain 300lbs. hairy chest and aviator sun glasses will take you a long way

>> No.21332353

>go to rsdnation and learn pickup.
OP is gonna waste an enormous amount of time chasing pussy. Escorts are more efficient if you value time IMO. Transformation Mastery would be most beneficial of the RSD programs.

>> No.21332392

based wisdomposter.

>> No.21332429

Boomers have found our board. SELL SELL SELL!

>> No.21332474

Yes. It also makes it easier to get a nice car. When you go to the dealership dressed all fancy, with your rolex, the salemen will just let you sit in a Benz hand you the keys and let you take it for a spin. But remember you aren't obligated to buy that car. Same applies to women.

>> No.21332557

stop shitting up the board with your newfaggotry

>> No.21332624

Yes but you dont want a gf based on that, she will drain you financially and emotionally. You should try to find someone who loves you for you. Yeah it will be dope having a smoke show gf but you wont be happy if shes into you for the money.

>> No.21332773

Been here since 2009, amigo

>> No.21333178

Pure cancer