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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21323140 No.21323140 [Reply] [Original]

>My nads are growing as much as my bags

>> No.21323230

bad picture

>> No.21323265
File: 90 KB, 800x800, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gonna be rich anon.

>> No.21323354

She hot afff

>> No.21323393

You better be right anon, bags loaded at 0.005

>> No.21323414

Why is she so beautiful

>> No.21323453

the fact she's hot is a plus - bitlord just mentioned them, this is gonna pump hard

>> No.21323470


She looks like a frog or some shit here. Not a good look. Lips are gross.

>> No.21323488

her face look like peanut

>> No.21323547


>> No.21323571


these aren't good...at all

>> No.21323591

Pepe has conditioned us to love the frog.

>> No.21323646

kek someone should shop that photo with Pepe.

>> No.21323648

anons, grow up. who gives a fuck what the ceo looks like - what them gains do??

>> No.21323683

when this hits a dollar, which is a mathematical certainty when you read the whitepaper, I'm going to coom buckets all over gab

>> No.21323709


>> No.21323771


>> No.21323933

I'm cooming rn with my new fuckin' gains

>> No.21323975

This chick looks like Texas state cheerleader I knew

>> No.21324147

Yo what the fuck it is actually her. Don’t buy this shit she’s a literal fucking retard.

>> No.21324188

frogs are the future!
>all in nigs!

>> No.21324206

weak ass fud dude, she is marketing major. all this coin needs is marketing bro the smart contracts are written and work. this coin smells of pure fucking money

>> No.21324313

>She's a literal fucking retard

Go on anon, explain.

>> No.21324458

mentioned where?

>> No.21324465

agreed all this coin needs is a good pump and all us bag holders are going to be sitting pretty

>> No.21324540

how much cns do i need to get to fuck her mouth?

>> No.21324553
File: 34 KB, 300x450, rasheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice "CEO"

>> No.21324581


>> No.21324597

This bitch deserves a load between her eyes

>> No.21324615

they plan on listing on all major exchanges, these tiny price swings will soon be full cent swings and when it hits 10 cents it will hit a dollar within the month, screencap this.

>> No.21324624

thats not the CEO, its just a random photo from the internet that the CNS team is using

>> No.21324645

same chick ?

>> No.21324795

Nope. She’s real

>> No.21324800


>> No.21324823

I'm gonna coom so hard if this is true.

>> No.21324833

Hired actor or more likely a deep fake

>> No.21324835

thats kinda based actually

>> No.21324853

Its her Linkedin you fucking retard.

>> No.21324854


>> No.21324897


I love /biz/

>> No.21324936


What year did this mega bitch graduate? My sister graduated from Texas State.

>> No.21324954

There is a video of her on YouTube, talking about the coin. Retard

>> No.21324961

looking back I should have gone to Texas state. great party school.

>> No.21325035

i'm deep in this coin at 0.0018

i'll tell you now, they've gone full marketing and have hired a whole front end team to take centric forward.

all this needs is adoption to hit $1, it is a mathematical and economical certainty, don't believe me read the whitepaper.

this marketing team are absolutely killing it, 4 good exchanges out the gate, more to come and work on over 100 partnerships is about to filter in.

>> No.21325139

I wouldnt say $1 is an economic certainty. But I do like your optimism.

>> No.21325268

im seeing them everywhere too. I feel the pump cooming

>> No.21325272

no doubt she got plowed by a train.

>> No.21325577

I’ve just bought in, this is only the start

>> No.21325626

Digits confirm.

>> No.21325660

checked. gab brings the digits.

>> No.21325784

What exchange has CNS?

>> No.21325859

Bitpro, Bithumb and Coin Tiger. Bitpro has the most volume.

>> No.21326120

That's a man.

>> No.21326326

Right you see with nose?

>> No.21326375

Probit Right?

>> No.21326408

Gab brings the bags!!!

>> No.21326418

u gay bro?

>> No.21326457

Oh yes, sorry.

>> No.21326507

She looks like a sexdoll. Ironically, the reason for the sexbot acceptance won't be the creators managing to get themselves out of the uncanny valley, but trannies and whores who cover themselves in fakery training young men to accept the uncannyness.

>> No.21326705

Lol you think

>> No.21326765

Went through school, including college with her, needless to say she's an absolute moron. I remember reading an essay she wrote and was dumbfounded at her level of writing, I don't think she's ever done any sort of work in her life.

>> No.21326921

That was ages ago

>> No.21326951

Imagine trusting a woman to create value

>> No.21327212

The value is already created dumbfuck. She is the marketing lead and are you really gonna try and argue that they haven't done a good job so far?

>> No.21327352
File: 53 KB, 828x471, ETXnfbMWsAM0ZkE.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah okay there.

>> No.21327364

She would've graduated last year if she even did, which I doubt. She always looked like that as well, I try to leave personal relationships out of business, especially the crypto sphere, it completely alters the reason for crypto.

>> No.21327529

Nice FUD bro there’s literally a picture of her in college in this thread so she didn’t “always look like that”

>> No.21328010

Lens can distort faces, I recognized her and was quite surprised. Call it what you will, but I can tell who she is along with the picture confirms that it is who I know, I said it was an essay she can market all day for all I care, I have no reason to spread lies, I know she has quite a following as well, so it makes sense.

>> No.21328094

You must have some proof then?

>> No.21328173

How the fuck does a dumb hoe like this end up in front of a crypto project lol. She’s literally fucking retarded. I’ve had her on Snapchat for a couple of years now nothing but dumbass bimbo shit.

>> No.21328209

Simps gonna simp

>> No.21328212

No one believes you dipshit.

>> No.21328266

What am I gonna do get my yearbook?
I would if I were even close to my house, if I see this sort of thread again and I'm home I'll do it. I have yearbooks with her at any age, I forgot what award she won for senior year, but it might've been Ms. Cedar Ridge.

>> No.21328319

I can literally take a screenshot but it’s gonna send a notification.

>> No.21328824


Kek I'm supposed to believe you both know her?

>> No.21329265

Like I said she was pretty popular and she was a cheerleader and extremely outspoken, she had many friends. She's very prevalent in social media. I would show support but it's clear this is all a ruse, and she does nothing for crypto.

>> No.21329368

Yeah I grew up in Round Rock bro. I don’t “know” her just have her on social media. Why is that so unbelievable?

>> No.21330112

My fuck, we're gonna 10x tomorrow. Hodl