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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21318602 No.21318602 [Reply] [Original]

Absolute poorfag here, yesterday I lost $200 of my $550 of savings on this scam. I already pulled everything out of crypto and have given up trying to chase the loss. How do I cope?

>> No.21318784
File: 492 KB, 460x660, Screen Shot 2020-08-12 at 2.01.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realize that you wasted your money on an internet anonymous board full of liars and shills for scams online.

please don't gamble online again.
If you don't have money you don't have money to gamble
if you have a lot of money you are stupid for gambling
if you only have some money you are even stupider for gambling.

>> No.21318844

I’ve made more money gambling than I’ve lost on crypto and stonks but yeah fuck /biz/

>> No.21318925

If you don't know shit stick with Ethereum Bitcoin and Chainlink

>> No.21319010

I genuinely hope you are joking.

>> No.21319034

honestly you should of just waited man

>> No.21319089

Worst part is I pulled out of bitcoin for this shit

>> No.21319093

I'm not selling this shit.
I habs faith.

>> No.21319149

I mean Chainlink

>> No.21319308

Imagine buying shitcoins at more than 0.1$ each

>> No.21319330

The top STA holder is dumping in increments which is why it's tanking. Why he didn't do this closer at to .40 I have no idea.

Assuming he finishes up, we will begin to see price rise again. Not sure how low it will go, but we will eventually bottom out after he's done. After that, the new exchange listings and the refund will pump the price again. Idk, I'd say target buy-in should be around .10.

>> No.21319484

he sold? pump it

>> No.21319538

Nice gonna buy more soon

>> No.21319679

Gas fees are absolutely INSANE

>> No.21319745
File: 198 KB, 575x426, Abu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Step back and wait. STA will be $1 EOY at least.

This board is so schizo. Literally 1 day ago, everyone was hyped and saying they're going to buy farms and retire and shit. Now it's a "scam" apparently.

>> No.21319865

It is. Recognize an exit scam when you see one.

>> No.21320039

Kys, you had 3 months to fill your bags faggot.

>> No.21320127

its a scam, sell the shit and take the loss, go to a reputable site to find ico

>> No.21320157

Sup man, semi normie here but I've lurked and shitposted here for a year or so. I put around 1 ETH or so into Statera, so I know the feel. I'm just gonna wait until it raises desu. If that worries you, you can sell at a loss. You shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket, if you're not sure if it's a pajeet scam then check out the amount of holders and activitiy the shitcoin in question has on etherscan, then peep their social media. If I were you and didn't have a couple extra grand to gamble on these, I'd stick with doing .1-.3 eth buyins. Be smart with it, don't always look for here for breadcrumbs. Check out the marketcap and ICO's for new shitcoins. I made 4x off that chi gas token so it made up for what I lost on STA.

>> No.21320246
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>selling the exact bottom
its already up 50% from when you sold KEK

>> No.21320298

What a shitty advice. All in Statera is a poorfags only hope, and a good one.

>> No.21320320


>> No.21320329

you absolute retard cannot wait a few days

>> No.21320362

I sold at .28

>> No.21320386

Did you lose as in SELL or lose as in bought something for more than you could have? The 2nd one isn't a loss, it's hindsight - always 2020. Just chill. This is an index fund. It's a slower gain than making good calls, with a lot less risk. Holding for less than a few months is silly.

>> No.21320394

you know nothing. these big movements have been common during the course of the entire token. Ask me how I know you hold XRP

>> No.21320404
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LOL, fellow STArMarines can you actually believe there is people destined to fail on this board like these idiots?

>> No.21320426

I'm fully expecting to see pink wojaks tonight after you realize you sold the absolute bottom.

>> No.21320452

Buy it back now when there is a dip

>> No.21320484

Wait one week you dumb cunt.

>> No.21320564

so you bought at what, 45c or something ??

>> No.21320717

It's already bouncing back lol

>> No.21320734

Literally all you have to do is buy STA and walk away until 2021. Holy fk.

>> No.21320822

anon just buy into two or three things that you believe in. Do some good research. Dont check the price every day or even week. Just let it be.
Crypto still has a long way to go. Short term its going to be all over the place. Don't try to make a quick buck.
Youll make it.

>> No.21321489

i've got a couple thousand of them, i bought some of the dip I'm just not holding my breath or telling someone with literally only 500$ to go all in

>> No.21322507

hahah down we goooo

>> No.21322562

No one cares about your little shit stack of savings, anon. $200 is 0.5 ETH. With this type of mentality you're NGMI.

>> No.21322706

Absolute spastic with weak hands lmao
You're gonna rope when you see the price of this at the end of the year

>> No.21323068
File: 376 KB, 500x338, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope you're joking anon. I'm a day 1 holder here. Statera has been shilled here for weeks. I myself was responsible for most of the general threads and the thanos memes. I've seen this project get beaten to death, get revived then double executed to then slowly die just to then rocket launch to the moon. Statera has gotten so much shit thrown at, but in the end it just keeps going up. Wanna know why? Because the devs are confirmed Satoshi Nakamoto. They created a masterpiece of a project, got it audited and then gave it to the community to live its legacy.

I get that you're upset that it dipped hard, but it's never a loss until you sell. You did wrong by selling your stack. I'll give you 2 weeks and we're over ath.

To all those newfags here that claim STA is a scam. FUCKING KEK BACK TO PLEBBIT

>> No.21323619
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And then there was silence.

>> No.21324073
File: 100 KB, 508x531, sta_hold_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you don't know how to invest
Did you read the whitepaper of statera before investing?
Do you understand how token pools work?
Have you proven to yourself that the system makes sense and the product will increase in value?
Do you understand the use cases and whats different from its competitors?

I hold STA and did my research before buying. I invested what I was willing to lose; obviously there's risks but if you don't understand what you're getting into go to a casino instead. Take responsibility of your investment.

I bought at $0.14 and I still have confidence it can go to $1 EOM, because I understand how it works and I'm convinced it's not a scam. But if I'm wrong I'm willing to lose my investment.
Panic buying/selling is the worse strategy you can have.

>> No.21324215

>buy top after +500%
>price settles lower

No wonder your saving are worth a couple eths.

>> No.21324220


you hold on for dear life. Statera will be the most used token in defi. It literally is the BTC of defi.

>> No.21324244

Is it possible for it to go over $1?

>> No.21324255

Based (non $BASED token kind of based)

>> No.21324294

holy fuck actual idiots are buying in i'm so fucking bullish i'm gonna cum diamonds

>> No.21324295

anon, i have a prediction of $7.5 EOY.

That is only 500M marketcap.

think about that for a second.

>> No.21324375

>BTC of defi

This feels more and more right to me. Except STA won't waste years trying to be a currency instead of a store of value.

>> No.21324448

10k stack ok?

>> No.21324704


The STA token is the stabalizer for all the indexs and pools.

We are literally just at the start of this journey.

"This is just the beginning of the ecosystem. More funds will be implemented to give options to all investors (Exchange Token Fund, Layer 2 Solutions Fund, Social Networking Fund, Lending Fund, etc.).

With these focus on specific sections of the cryptocurrency landscape, investors can choose specific areas to invest in more heavily than others. These will be chosen by the Statera Core Team (a group of community members that helps with the initial direction of Statera) and will be called our “White Label Funds.” However, we have already seen our community make their own pools and add in Statera Delta.

These “Community Funds” will help the ecosystem grow and make the value proposition of Statera that much clearer to all investors."

Think of all the pools and new platforms. Think of all the Delta and STA tokens used in each pool on many different platforms. And then think of the utility of STA. My God...STA will be the most used token in Defi. Literally the BTC of Defi.

>> No.21324768

I bought $250 at .40 cents knowing full well it is an evil scam.

I figured we would grinder top and stay on top, but now we are chicken dinner.

(No good winner)

I'll still hold for a year

>> No.21324874

Are the Chinamen done dumping yet? Will we go over .30 tonight? Trying to top off my stack, missed the latest dump.

>> No.21324894

Damn I should read that whitepaper, huh?

>> No.21324995

A lot of good nuggets in the whitepaper.

I had a bag but after reading the whitepaper im all in.

>> No.21325007

I really don't believe this is going up at all anymore. I feel like the bitcoin dump killed it.

I'm feeling a slow climb down to .10 c a statera and then a pump to .20 c a statera and then another month of descent and then another serious and mighty pump, maybe a 50x again.

>> No.21325069
File: 27 KB, 795x488, Statera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course this is long-term bullish.
It's just repeating the first cycle. I'm willing to guess we are literally at the first red circle again because it's the same breed of man buying and selling this coin

>> No.21325385

Yea I'm not seeing the volume to see a major spike tonight, a few whales seemed to buy dips earlier though. On the other hand the Chinamen might be waiting for a decent pump before they dump.

>> No.21325578

Here's some advice from a fellow poor fag who has made some good side money at trading.
1) Whether it's crypto or stonks, don't invest in anything under a billion dollar market cap unless you are willing to risk losing all of that money.
2) Don't buy during a bull market like we're in right now. You'll never make money spot trading with small amounts of cash. Wait until the market is deep in bear territory, buy what you can, then wait.
3) Don't fall for the FOMO trap. Be smart.

If you follow these rules, you'll make money, but we both know you'll probably just buy the next garbage shit coin that someone shills you. Best of luck with your degenerate gambling, anon!

>> No.21325590

Just realized STA symbol looks suspiciously similar to the recaptcha symbol. Definitely an insider scam. Knew exactly how to work biz with threads using chainlinks name to garner extra attention

>> No.21325632

They're basically the same thing now kid

>> No.21325661
File: 98 KB, 892x862, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously. if you want instamoon, buy coins that are just listed. if you want a more secure chance of making money, fucking hold. it had to retrace at some point. you only lose when you sell.

it's coming back.

>> No.21325670

You can't get 4 million dollars from 800 /biz/ users

That's 5,000 dollars a user. Most of us only put down like $200

>> No.21325714

I have 4,300 STA. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.21325725

Classic bullflag, on saturday we are 1$ Screen this.

>> No.21325730

crypto is the lottery with slightly better odds. you're literally as poor as a nigger. stop spending your money on lottery tickets.

>> No.21325754

Spoonfeeding Info pasta below:

What is an index fund?

An index fund is a fund that can track and adjust a specified basket of underlying investments. In this case: BTC, ETH, LINK all balanced with STA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzNhe5Hd0do).).

The rules are that these coins are set in a fund at a specified percent so as one goes up or down the others are automatically bought or sold to balance risk and maximize profit. HOWEVER, the key is that STA is deflationary (whenever a STA transaction happens for buying/selling/pooling, 1% of the transaction of STA is burned). You also are given a % of all the fees paid in STA transactions up to 36% APY and during a run up to 40,000% APY (https://medium.com/@stateraproject))

The power of STA is that the ripple effects of: (1) compounded fees/locked/pooled tokens, (2) token burn, (3) price pulled up by ETH, BTC, and LINK leads to an exponential effect and positive feedback loop on price.

Can the team dump? No, this is the most decentralized token. Much like how BTC is out of Satoshi's hands, STA is out of the hands of the devs who only own <4%.

STATERA is Finance 2.0’s answer the personal yet decentralized and immutable blue chip crypto index hedge fund manager.

>> No.21325758

nope.chz here and im 11x currently

>> No.21325794

Let’s assume that for one day every cryptocurrency stays flat except ETH. What would happen?

1. The value of Delta will go up and the 50:50 ratio would be out of sync, ETH would need to be sold and STA bought to keep the locked in split. This causes STA to burn

2.The Phoenix fund is 30% ETH and 40% Delta. It would then need to sell both assets and buy wBTC, Link and SNX to keep the predetermined asset weights. So now both Delta and Phoenix are back in balance, but it doesn’t stop here

3.As Phoenix sold Delta there is a negative impact on the price, but the actual quantity of ETH and STA inside of it didn’t change after point 1. As a result, it would be beneficial to unmint Delta to realise the full value of the underlying assets. This unminting process causes STA to burn. Something like this is generally done by arb bots.

4.But now as some STA has been burnt there is upward price pressure and the inverse of point 1 happens. STA is now sold to buy ETH, causing STA to burn. Initially this may not be significant but as supply decreases the impacts of this will get bigger.

5.Point number 4 means that the value of Delta has changed, which means Phoenix needs to sell Delta and so the cycle goes back to point 2
Please note, that the impacts of point 4 and 5 are probably too small to see this early in the project but it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

Now remember there is zero chance that ETH is the only asset to move in price for the day. THEY WILL ALL MOVE.

Now think how many indices Statera will be putting out on platforms like balancer (yes balancer will not be the only one).

Multiple index funds on multiple platforms with different pools using the Delta coin.

STA will be the most used coin in Defi soon.



In simple terms the Burn function of STA is designed to create volume. In a way Statera discovered "Volume farming"

>> No.21325845


>slow STArters

5k stack or less


Between 5k and 10k

>Suicide STAckers

Between 10k and 20k


Between 20k and 30k


Between 30k and 60k


Between 60k and 100k


Between 100k and 250k


Between 250k and 500k


Between 500k and 1mil



>> No.21325869

shoulda bought link

>> No.21325911

You retards keep buying the top of a coin, and when it falls a little instead of going up again, you say it's a scam.

Every fucking coin. This board is full of retards holy fuck.

>> No.21326014


this coin is setting new lows every other hour so every buy is the top brainlet

>> No.21326074

Buying a volatile cryptocurrency and then pulling out the minute it drops is retarded. It's that mindset that will keep you poor.

>> No.21326103

>setting new lows every other hour s
are you retarded?

>> No.21326138

tbf only whales are buying/selling rn gotta wait for gas to stabilize for the next pump

>> No.21326276

This is a market for the iron hands anon. I have some STA bought at 1.3-1.5 cents after the balancer hack, and I'm not selling shit until at least a year from now.

>> No.21326289

Already did. OG LINK marine bought at 20 cents in 2018. STA keeps my linkies balanced fren.

>> No.21326294
