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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21313201 No.21313201 [Reply] [Original]

I'm fucking 22 with almost $250k... IS LIFE A FUCKING JOKE?!?! Still can't get a date for the life of me but i'm happy to know I'm gonna skip wage slavery.

>> No.21313236
File: 44 KB, 298x260, 1577638172645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 20 and only worth $90k

>> No.21313292

250k is a good start but its not really a life changing amount of money.

>> No.21313298

Congrats bro, and remember, money doesnt cure autism. I recommend you visit /fit/ and watch some pickup vids.

>> No.21313311


>skip wage slavery

You’ll be broke before 27

>> No.21313326

same ish. yes it is

>> No.21313347

20 something, 7 figs , still waging and cant get a date checking in

>> No.21313351

bro 200k is nothing...do you live in a 3rd world country or something?

>> No.21313363

Dont do hard drugs

>> No.21313365

cash out

>> No.21313370

I do not recommend /fit/ you will just place improper load on your joints and women will think you're a try hard and avoid you.

Also, I am not seeing $250k on that screenshot, but what you posted is a decent amount, I guess. I had about that much when I was 17 though.

>> No.21313385

I haven't cashed out.

>> No.21313392

Are you me?
22, 1 LP 14.9k link

>> No.21313399

How is 178k 'almost 250k'?

>> No.21313413

It absolutely is life changing. That's at least 8 years of not wagecucking.

>> No.21313422

it says you have less than 180 tho? even if you have 250 it really ain't shit lmao, 10x it then maybe you can retire.

>> No.21313438

I have other investment, mean't to say I have $250k NW

>> No.21313450

I'm 23 and 1.73mil
Life was rigged from the start

>> No.21313461

250k would literally transform my life into something magical

>> No.21313464

>women will think you're a try hard and avoid you.

>> No.21313483
File: 76 KB, 512x512, zzzlink (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pickup a small bag of zzz and youll become a millionaire

>> No.21313504

You are a complete retard

>> No.21313511

$250k would pay off my student loan debt and allow me to place a very large down payment on a house. it would change my life and i make tolerable money as a wagie.

>> No.21313539

Carnivore diet, if you read this you will never have an excuse anymore

>> No.21313544 [DELETED] 

im 12 and have like 10mil or something

>> No.21313547

With 250k you already made it in some nice countries.

>> No.21313551

29 with 45k.

You’re beating me, good job pal.
If you’re holding link, be smart and cash out.

>> No.21313561
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Everything is just a joke

>> No.21313601

19 here with 68k links, thanks mom and dad!

>> No.21313606

Lunch money

>> No.21313617

lol, some nice countries like Ethiopia?

>> No.21313631
File: 256 KB, 1029x831, 1596997123885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm happy to know I'm gonna skip wage slavery.
What kind of lazy fuck doesn't have a job as soon as they're 16?

>had my own landscaping business at 13
>working 2 jobs at 16
>parents made me move out on 18th birthday
>paid for college entirely by wage slaving on my own
>never unemployed because I actually have a work ethic

Some of you faggots just have life handed to you on a silver platter I guess.

>> No.21313660





>> No.21313690

at 22 $250k is life changing, if you pop that in an index fund at a conservative 5% interest rate you are guranteed to be able to retire. Anything else you are able to save on top of that is icing on the cake

>> No.21313757

I’m 25 and barely worth $100k, and that’s with three years of a highish (70k starting 85k now) paying job. Student debt is a bitch. At least I got out of it but still can’t believe I fell for it.

>> No.21313797
File: 32 KB, 300x358, thumb_feels-all-around-wojak-feels-guy-know-54350942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 25 and 780k net worth
>poorfags will call this larp so i cant even talk about it online like you can

>> No.21313824

I don't know why come people confuse "life-changing money" with "make-it money"
Obviously other than pajeets in the poorest of shithole countries, $250k isn't money you can sit down and retire off of. But to say it isn't life changing money is retarded

>> No.21313830

I'm 24 and only have around 9k, wtf.

>> No.21313873

Nope, Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia mostly. I'm sure you'll do fine in Ethiopia too, but if I were to live in Africa I'd definitely choose Ghana. The people are nice and it has comfy places.

>> No.21313887

I feel like index funds are a meme, you never get the full asset exposure and is just the lazy man way to invest. Gonna keep my Linkies forever.

>> No.21313892

Wow op im 14 and my networth is 700k catch up

>> No.21313952

Hey mate feel free to give me 250k if it's nothing to you

>> No.21313985

>all these seething boomers in this thread
i'm happy and jealous of you anon. Get a house and a nice car, stop chasing even more money and enjoy your youth.

>> No.21313986 [DELETED] 

I am 11 and I have $500k in my bank account. I still can’t get any pussy or tell anyone cause they accuse me of being a larp...

>> No.21314020

retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard

>> No.21314037
File: 162 KB, 233x362, brúsarinn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to put that 250k into a Ray Dalio All Seasons type portfolio so you don't lose any of it and still get 6-10% return every year.

>> No.21314074

Go back to your cagie

>> No.21314082

I don't recommend /fit/ if you are trying to pick up women, but being healthy and knowing that you are becoming a sick cunt is great. Saying people will think you are a tryhard is a clear example of crabs in a bucket. Ngmi

>> No.21314123
File: 534 KB, 1600x900, 1596767377348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW 19 with 250k PNK

>> No.21314128

Is that why the millionaires on biz never talk about it? Because they’ve just been accused of Larping every time?

>> No.21314168

I'm 22 wage slaving. I got 151 stinkers. Im gonna sink 1000$cad more in for 50link.

If I had 250k usd I'd buy a house and rent it out or airnbnb it and do a trade. Rent top floor to a couple and find a roastie to rent a basement room to. Pay my property taxes then sell the house after pandemic ends.

But I dont I'm poor and most i think I'll get out of link is 120cad per link. So 200links is my goal. I'd buy a truck and gamble the rest on shit coins

>> No.21314175


I'm 27 with about 45k-50k€ portfolio I've been saving for about 4 years and having 250k€ would make me easily top 1% of my age group and change my life for good.

>> No.21314222

retarded cunt

250k dollars equals 1m in my country, it would literally change my life

>> No.21314242

nah u will still have to wage poorfag

>> No.21314250

Where are you from?

>> No.21314288

25, worth nothing, afraid of crypto, and dont understand the system

>> No.21314298

>tfw 23 and only worth 15k

>> No.21314323

>GOUT diet, if you read this you will never have an excuse anymore

>> No.21314325

230 kleros
pray to allah for $20 pnk every night

>> No.21314382

anon is probably blow all of that money and become the wagie he hates

>> No.21314383

implying someone would sink every penny into shitcoin

>> No.21314390

>Tfw over half a mil in chainlink
>tfw already almost 30
>tfw can’t buy time with the gainz

>> No.21314403
File: 42 KB, 680x684, 1516875203447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only have 6k should i kill myself now? or gamble on defi to kill myself later

>> No.21314423

29 and £800k. About 40% cash/boomer stocks, 40% LINK and 20% shitcoin moonshots. Hi fren.

>> No.21314445
File: 103 KB, 659x781, 1567793948389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

650k whale checking in

29 yo virgin, no dates

>> No.21314449

well, I am from the steaming pile of shit called Brazil, and it would be 1.25m here, would put me at top 1% of the country...

>> No.21314469

>250k is a good start but its not really a life changing amount of money.

please please please remember
money =/= status
money = freedom

>> No.21314503

>I do not recommend /fit/ you will just place improper load on your joints and women will think you're a try hard and avoid you.

>> No.21314532

just give in. dump it all into link.

>> No.21314583

31 with 80k, was homeless most of my 20s.

>> No.21314751

Fucking retard

>> No.21314775

>lol, some nice countries like Ethiopia?
People in easter europe earn 500-1000 usd a month of hard work man

>> No.21314971

i predict a lot if the anons making money with link or other cryptos, will get fucked over time

you probably dont know how to make money by just managing your money, so if you cash out at 1mi or less, its gonna be tricky to live off only on fixed interest

at 250k you can already live off you money if you know how to manage it, dont be a sucker and start studying this now

>> No.21314977
File: 4 KB, 221x228, wojak-closeup-sweating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 18
>didn't even start anything, I just larp on here
what do bros

>> No.21315043

Where should I learn my shit senpai?

>> No.21315058

Post physique retard

>> No.21315285

People who brag about their riches either
Just won for the first time
Or got lucky and will blow it all quickly because they are idiots
Those who win all the time know that telling others about it only puts a target on your back and increased stress into your mind

>> No.21315376

>life changing
>8 years
you gonna an hero?

>> No.21315460

>never unemployed because I actually work
have you tried working smart over hard?

>> No.21315682


>> No.21315685

learn how to manage a diversified portifolio, how to make the most of it in bonds, analyse companies that pay dividends, treasury etc...

this guy is a good example of it, hes portifolio is of just about that, €250k, he lives frugal with €500 a month


at some point your "job" will be just moving money and studying markets

>> No.21316139

I know how to manage a portfolio, but LINK is my best shot at financial independence right now, once I get to a comfortable amount i'll diversify into REITs/Gold/Bonds and some indexes.

>> No.21316231

I was a 26 year old virgin with a 2 million net worth. All it took was 2 weeks of browsing /fit/ and I got my first brojob.

>> No.21316446

I forget how poor this board is.

>> No.21316685

Pretty much this. Also bragging about wealth is a way to get you bad boy points from the universe. You get wealth based on luck, I'd rather not piss it off.

>> No.21316973
File: 68 KB, 633x758, 1436288817416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40k net worth
I'm going to kill myself.

>> No.21316994

250k is just a starting point

>> No.21317041

Make sure you cash some of that out. Don't fall for 2017 2.0

>> No.21317137

Gem gem gem >>21316497

>> No.21317199
File: 10 KB, 259x194, madwojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

net worth of like 2k

>> No.21317198

people replying to you are probably wagecucks that live paycheck to paycheck
250k will grant you a feeling of freedom for a short while. but you'll start spending above your means subconsciously and run out of that money in 5ish years. If you have some real fortitude you'll reinvest it and continue to live the same way you did before - but 99% of people aren't capable of that. including most on this board

>> No.21317213


>> No.21317216


Yeah...true story but at least I'm only a 10x from legit making it to live on 3% dividend annual withdrawal rate

>> No.21317222

This guy is right, and you only have 250k if you sell.

>> No.21317483

>being proud of waging
>being proud of having shit parents
>being proud of having to work 2 jobs in high school
that last one just makes you sound like your family sucks and your life is pretty shit

>> No.21317527

>tfw 22 and worth -$10k

>> No.21317586


Jesus where did all the poorfags come from, I wonder

>> No.21317690

where would 1.25m reais put you at top 1%?

>> No.21317717

>tfw $5k to $250k to $50k in a month

Reeeeeee. When should I sell I'm a retard.

>> No.21317796

>25k net worth
Kill. me.

>> No.21317988

>12k net worth

>> No.21318064

any place
15k usd/month and you are in the top 1%
9k usd/year is the average income
just recently the government discovered 200m+ "invisible" adults who didn't even had id
the economic inequality here is insane

>> No.21318101

you live in a shithole country fren

>> No.21318148

what are your holdings?

>> No.21318200


>> No.21318261

just eth and link atm, I swing some shit coins here and there, last one was xrt

>> No.21318327

I'd off myself sorry anon, better try next time

>> No.21318392

Jesus fuck ngmi. Most normie shit I've ever heard.
Now is the time to hold on and maybe then you won't have to work again. Not just pay of some fake student loans and get a mortgage

>> No.21318566

>Has never heard of supplements

>> No.21318606
File: 116 KB, 1080x1080, 28a6b5d6c9d40eb089df27e422f07711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're gonna make it, fren
be glad you were born in the same country as her

>> No.21318621

>9k USD average income
What country is this for again

>> No.21318758


>> No.21318850

This. What a fucking idiot

>> No.21319157

tfw 34 and only worth 5k

>> No.21319180



Tell me more Juan

>> No.21319234

Based and truthpilled
t. 22 with $100k

>> No.21319365

What's your job?

>> No.21319439

>lardass tries to flex with his networth

>> No.21319626

I'm with you, anon. 1 year older and only about 80% of your NW but similar enough.

>> No.21319713
File: 1.99 MB, 332x215, 1508196370664.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$250k would pay off my current debt and get me into new bigger debt