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File: 221 KB, 1024x512, IOTAsoononCoinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21305553 No.21305553 [Reply] [Original]

Have u seen this guys?

> Coinbase patent mentions IOTA
> There is no reason for it to mention IOTA if it wasn't on their close radar
> All other mentions are already listed


wdyt biz?

>> No.21305646

I'm all in

>> No.21305730

Let's fucking go.
Smart money is IOTA.
Literally the black swan that will take over all the other shitcoins. ZERO FEES, indefinite use cases will pop up because of this single fact.
Plus the protocol is way too modular, you can literally add everything to it. Smart contracts, oracles, sharding, etc. pp.

>> No.21305769

nice find OP
reading over it now

>> No.21305927

Zero fees is what makes it so compelling
If this coinbase patent is true i need to buy more

>> No.21306062

Indeed. People had enough paying hundreds of dollars into gas fees for no fucking real reason.
IOTA will change that. Also IOTA had a lot of new patents popping up everywhere lately. There's a huge amount of progress going on under the radars of the masses. We have to keep a close eye on it or we will miss out big times.

>> No.21306253

They are just waiting for Chrysalis Phase 2 for resable addresse as many other exchanges.

>> No.21306289


>> No.21306334

Great find. Where have you been since march 2020?

>> No.21306370

Fuck off, shills. I'm not selling my stinkers for your refugee scam. Thread is reported and hidden.

>> No.21306399

Seethe more discord tranny faggot.
Get lost. IOTA always has been on 4chan first than your little shitstink tax haven fat russian scam. Your bubble will explode soon enough.

>> No.21306441

How is the network insensitivized?

>> No.21306568

holy shit its real

>> No.21306593

Im in thanks

>> No.21306602

Running nodes on IOTA is pretty cheap and very easy to do.
The end-goal of IOTA is to have millions of nodes similar to how we have wifi hotspots everywhere which are basically free for use.
The incentivize is having ZERO FEES. The industry will be the first to have a lot of nodes, when the tech matures even more (see ST Microelectronics building hardware on the IOTA protocol) there will be even more ways to set up nodes very cheap.
Plus you have stuff like the mana system where you need IOTAs to have throughput in the network. Similar to staking in ethereum but without the chance for centralization since mana depletes after a time of inactivity. Think about videogames here regarding mana.

>> No.21306670

looks good and iotas network upgrade is coming
simple math, need to buy

>> No.21306672

>Is this a clue blocking a significant portion of text
What the fuck are you thinking OP?

>> No.21306748

Just check the link I added & search for IOTA

>> No.21306873

>The incentivize is having ZERO FEES
So basically, the insentive only exists for an organisation to run a node to save money over the use of legacy systems? Is there any intensive for a random person to run a node like in blockains?
And what gives the token value exactly?

>> No.21307025

The token has a variety of different use-cases.
For example, look at jaguar land rover, they already have pilot projects going where they have implemented an IOTA Wallet into their cars which are connected to sensors that will automatically earn IOTA Tokens for you aka money while driving around the streets.
IOTA just has a lot of different use-cases basically with their token since with zero fees you can do a lot of shit that wasn't possible before.
IOTA will also have colored tokens but unlike in Ethereum, you can't create them out of thin air so you also need to have IOTA Tokens to be able to color them into something different, like digital assets or anything you can think of.
Also, there will be the data market place very soon by TM Forum the biggest telecom conglomerate in the world with over 2 TRILLION revenue each year and 850 members which all will use the IOTA Protocol with the token, so yeah a lot of reasons the price of the token will rise.

>> No.21307401

The worth of the token comes form the data it's used to collect or how does that work exactly?
So colored tokens are analogous to ER20, except that you have to use up ETH to create them?

>> No.21307690

You just color normal iota's into something different. You give them basically a new hash function. Remember one miota is 1 million iota's in the end. So a lot of iota's around there to be used. You can always "uncolor" the iota token if you want though but wouldn't make much sense in most cases since colored tokens will probably will be worth more than 1 single iota.
And yeah, data transfer is one of the biggest points for IOTA since you can also do zero value transactions etc.

>> No.21307750

Everyone already knows the posters in here is mostly the same perrson.

Vertcoin is a Reddit coin
Nano is a Reddit coin
IOTA is a Reddit coin

See the similarities? They all are worth nothing and in the end it showed.

>> No.21307790

To be frank - most of IOTA threads are being blocked and banned on /CC
You are talking nonsense

>> No.21307793

Holy...can you guys spell. It's "incentive" not "incentivize" nor "insentive".

>> No.21307837

Are you for real? It's "incentivize", I dunno where you're from but you are wrong, lmao.

>> No.21307911

What are you even saying? Sorry I dont speak faggot

>> No.21307929

Yeah if you use it as a verb...

>> No.21307995

If a word is preceded by an article it is a noun. Incentivize is a verb. Incentive is a noun.

>> No.21308211

Yeah okay, I misworded in that regard. I read his sentence like "incentivize" isn't correct at all.
My bad. Didn't know /biz/ is all about correct grammar when 50% of bizlets are pajeets though, lmao.

>> No.21308298

Let's say someone colors a set of tokens for a project that people buy into. The project ends up failing. The owners of these colored tokens can convert them back and basically retrieve their value?
>muh spelling errors
Imagine caring about this, you pedantic cunt.

>> No.21308382

1 colored iota could be colored into 1 FAKECOIN in that case - if that FAKECOIN would fail you could just de-color it and have 1 iota

keep in mind that 1 iota is not worth much though - exchanges use 1 MIOTA as unit
this is 1 MILLION IOTA

>> No.21308395

That was before it broke and gave everyone’s money away anon. It’s dead now.

>> No.21308403

Reusable adres is where its at. Money cant be anonymous ever anymore. Once they can track the money it is moonsoon

>> No.21308424

If he owns most of those colored tokens he could, technically but the thing is for example if you hold most of those failed colored tokens you can still get some money back by reverting them to native iota tokens. You mostly get no money back at all if you hold ERC20 Tokens which failed hard since they're made out of thin air. So you still get some value out of it in the end I assume.

>> No.21308479

Iota is alive as never before.

>> No.21308657

I mean, what if I create SCAMTOKEN69 and release it at 1 SCAMTOKEN69 = 1 iota. Wouldn't it be the case that the price cannot go down from there? It can only go up or remain the same, eliminating all risk?
>if you hold most of those failed colored tokens
Can you not convert an arbitrary portion of said token?

>> No.21308779

Yes but 1 i is worth $0,00000037 currently
so its not like u would not lose money assuming that your colored token is worth way more

>> No.21308808

Thanks for the warning guys

>> No.21308810

>I mean, what if I create SCAMTOKEN69 and release it at 1 SCAMTOKEN69 = 1 iota. Wouldn't it be the case that the price cannot go down from there? It can only go up or remain the same, eliminating all risk?

From my understanding that would be the case, yes.

>Can you not convert an arbitrary portion of said token?

In theory, you could but that would be pretty much retarded because you would lose money by doing that in most of the cases at least.

>> No.21308997

>you would lose money by doing that in most of the cases
Because it costs money to color them or why?
I create a billion SCAMTOKEN69, each with an initial price of 1 IOTA. Seems like it can't go down from there, can it?

>> No.21309102

> Because it costs money to color them or why?
Because uncoloring it would turn your 1 COLOREDCOIN into 1 IOTA which currently is worth $0,00000037.
As long as your COLOREDCOIN is worth more than that u would lose money

>> No.21309173

>Because it costs money to color them or why?
No, it costs zero to color the token as everything with the IOTA Protocol basically, but you would lose money in the sense of if your scam coin is worth still a little bit more than 1 iota. Since 1 iota can never worth more than 1 colored token.
The only thing that will "cost" money, in the end, would be to get initial colored tokens.
At least all of this is my understanding of the whole concept behind IOTA.

>> No.21309195

I only have 20k... am I gonna make it?

>> No.21309211

Yeah, this basically.
If you can HODL strong you will but you have to be patient.

>> No.21309217

Yeah. What stops me from buying 1 miota and declaring that each of my coloured tokens in iota is worth $1000 instead of $0,00000037? People will value my coloured tokens, not iota.

>> No.21309274

Right, but I sold it at a price of 1 SCAMTOKEN = 1 IOTA. I made a lot of scamtokens.
The point is that I can't lose money, right? The initial buyer has zero risk (other than IOTA itself failing)

>> No.21309314

Well, your colored tokens should be bound on to something valuable then, for it to be at least $1000.
Colored tokens on IOTA would have a lot of different usecases not just "ERC20 like shitcoins". You could give colored tokens the proof of ownership of something like assets etc.

>> No.21309338

Uh oh, how patient we talking here? 5 years? What's a good way of keeping the seed safe

>> No.21309372

>The point is that I can't lose money, right? The initial buyer has zero risk (other than IOTA itself failing)
That would be true, AT LEAST from my understanding. Colored tokens will be coming in chrysalis part 2 (mainnet upgrade 1.5) so end of OCT/NOV. Gotta see how it unfolds. Has a lot of potential though.

>> No.21309390

how is that crysalis testnet doing?

>> No.21309391

They are tied to the real world assets backing them. Which could be loans, cars, etc. Not iota. So my coloured iota could be worth a lot, while your regular iota is worthless.

>> No.21309444

Stronghold just got released and a new wallet will be introduced by the IOTA Foundation. Think about ledger but on a software level.
The new wallet will be as safe as mathematically possible on a software level at least.
If you're interested to read more about it.
5 years would make it I assume.
You need iron hands for this, IOTA has the chance to change a lot as we know but that takes time. Just like with bitcoin.

>> No.21309495

Is there any video or article that you're aware of that gives a decent overview of the IOTA project in its current state?
What sorts of crypto projects would IOTA theoretically eat the lunch of? What kind of cryptos would theoretically be "IOTA resistant?"

>> No.21309512

But for that, you need a lot of IOTA to be able to color them to represent that worth, at least that's what I read about. There are theories colored tokens can be colored in different values, like $100, $200 etc.
It's progressing at a very high speed. The first part of the 1.5 mainnet upgrade will come out in less than a week so expect a big pump.

>> No.21309562

Yup got a healthy iota sack fren

>> No.21309739

There's a lot of material out there regarding IOTA progress and the sort. A good overview would be https://www.youtube.com/c/everythingtangle/videos which has small high-quality videos giving a glimpse about how the basics of IOTA will work.
Hello IOTA on the other hand has weekly uploads about the progress that is going on behind the scenes and he's basically tracking everything.
>What sorts of crypto projects would IOTA theoretically eat the lunch of? What kind of cryptos would theoretically be "IOTA resistant?"
IMO, that would be Ethereum for the most part since feeless smart contracts and the IOTA colored tokens are way too strong. You don't need to pay the gas fees and IOTA just has way more use-cases than Ethereum because of that.
Chainlink could also be eaten by IOTA in the end because feelees oracles will be possible with IOTA and they are working on just that as well with their smart contract platform.

>> No.21309786

Why do I need it? I can buy 1 miota, which can be turned into 1 million coloured iota. Whereas your miota could be worth $5. And if I want to do a "stock split," so to speak, I can simply buy another $5 worth of miota. So, while yes, the value of 1 iota will gradually increase, it will never get even close to the AUM.

The token value velocity of uncoloured iota could be absolutely horrible and leave it worthless. NKN has the same problem, no? NKN will increase in value... but it will never moon.

>> No.21309788

Oh I forgot about cryptos which would be theoretically "resistant".
Tbh, I assume bitcoin for the most part as a "store of value". IOTA is one of the biggest rabbit holes in DLT space if you deep dive into it.

>> No.21309898

1 IOTA doesn't generate enough "mana" sort of PoS like in Ethereum so if you want to be able to and as far as I know, colored tokens don't generate any mana at all (at least from my understanding what I read so far the last months, someone correct me if I'm wrong) so at the end of the day you still need to hold some native iota tokens to take part in the network similar to ethereum.

>> No.21309925

Thanks, I'll give it a look.
Well, it seems the primary usecase is data-transfer in IoT.
I'm wondering though about how it would (if it would) work with smart contracts and oracles (and the usecases that are derived from them), which is what I'm currently betting on.

>> No.21309932

*if you want to be able to take part

>> No.21310036

IOTA is not just IoT anymore in that sense.
They are also going big into digital identity and a lot of different use cases since you're able to do zero-value data transactions as well which no other DLT can do at this date which I'm aware of at least.
>I'm wondering though about how it would (if it would) work with smart contracts and oracles (and the usecases that are derived from them), which is what I'm currently betting on.
I had some video back then which explained a bit about it (the smart contract devs of IOTA talked briefly about oracles in the IOTA protocol) gotta find it.

>> No.21310292 [DELETED] 

So there are gas costs, after all?

>> No.21310340

It's like holding NEO, which produces GAS?

>> No.21310374

Found it.
Here's the timestamp where he goes a little bit in to detail about oracles as well:

>> No.21310432

Idiots thinking in fiat

>> No.21310475

Don't know a lot about NEO in particular but "Mana" is something like in videogames in a sort.
It regenerates and it can decrease if you're not taking part in the network actively. You CAN'T trade mana though. It's kind of a proof of stake with reputation mixed into it.
It's a unique approach as far as I know at least.

>> No.21310611

Well, we're still living in 2020 and not 2030-2040, so most people still tend to think in FIAT but that could also change very rapidly, lmao.

>> No.21310713

Are you fking braindead? Theyre literally just listing polular cryptoncurrencies as exames, could even be as simple as the cmc top 20. Reading anything into this makes me hope this is a false flag post to make iota hodlers look dumb. If thats an honest shill attempt fking bury yourself with your measly stack, its pathetic.
Coming from an 100% iota hodler.

>> No.21310714

Thanks anon

>> No.21310729

They are indian scammers

>> No.21310859

Np fren, always DYOR in the end.
Hope I could give you some good pieces of information though.
I see a lot of potential in IOTA, I'm also deep into it. It's unlike chainlink, not a meme coin, it's really trying to change a lot in a different way than most crypto projects.

>> No.21310882

Yes, and thus reducing supply of the main token. There is a lotnof tokens around, but imagine what you could peg to iotas: currencies, (fractional) stock ownership, property, art, land (via gps), anything.

>> No.21310933

Typical linky. Sees image and doesn't check the link.

>> No.21310977

He doesn't seem to be a linky though, he knows his stuff with colored tokens.

>> No.21311100

no. Cuz you could use one iota (1/1,000,000th of an exchange traded miota), and assign a value of 465$ or 1.12 indian rupees, or whatever. The pegged value doesnt have to correspond to the value of the iota token. Thinknofntjebtoken as a certificate of ownership. You won that token = you own thr pegged asset.

>> No.21311128

- IOTA is on track like never before
- real world adoption is just around the corner
- since cfb left iota and iota abandoned trinary, they're moving really fast
- Q4 2020 / Q1 2021: coordinator-less fast decentralized.

- chrysalis timeline IOTA 1.5, next week 1st step with 1ktps and <10s conf. time.

- coordinator-less decentralized network, see testnet:

- do you believe shitheads like some here or do you believe in what the now here following partners actually DO:

- OMG (object management group):
IOTA as an industry standard: Object Management Group Chairs Update Technology Standards - Influencing the future direction of key technologies

- ST Microelectronics - one of Europes biggest Chip Manufacturer:

- Tangle EE / eclipse foundation:
IOTA and the Eclipse Foundation Launch Working Group to Develop Commercial Applications on Distributed Ledger Technology
members eg: DLR, Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS, Fujitsu, Huawei, IBM, Oracle, Red Hat, Bosch, SAP SE

- TMForum
The Federated DLT Catalyst provides an immutable trusted data record of the physical tracking of devices leveraging the IOTA Tangle.
members: too many, see: https://www.tmforum.org/membership/current-members/
showcase: https://twitter.com/iotatoken/status/1288460803130130438

- MoBi

- software ag

- ZEBRA Coop:


btw. also Bitcoin had a coordinator to halt the whole network in case it had to.

>> No.21311197

technically yes, but good luck selling that new 1,000$ token to anyone. Again think of recolouring as a certificate of ownership. Owning the token means owning the pegged asset (i.e. 1$, appartement, piece of art, land, stock, etc

>> No.21311457


I used to be a linky. Bought a .40$
S9ld all fpr iota by now. Right now i am holding 100% iota plus a bit of usdt f9r leveraged trading.

>> No.21311529

Based, we will make it.

>> No.21311562

...? Isn't that my point? I have a business idea, or an already existing business backed by assets, and then buy 1 miota for $5, which I then colour. This in turn could have the result of 1 coloured miota worth $1 trillion, as they backed by real assets. As opposed to uncoloured iota, which will remain relatively worthless (still $5). Maybe uncoloured iota could be like FIAT. But under consideration of the (coloured) derivatives market and more, for example, the uncoloured iota market cap would be tiny.

>> No.21311613

Uncolored token will be pretty much something in their vision like bitcoin is today for most people. How it unfolds, in the end, has to be seen but there still is a lot of reasons to hold native iota tokens.

>> No.21311694
File: 76 KB, 512x512, zzzlink (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck iota is a piece of shit buy some zzz and stake instead


>> No.21311728

Kek. /biz/ in a nutshell.

>> No.21311733

Gimme one

>> No.21311757
File: 18 KB, 944x193, shitshow-gas-fees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

partially its similar to erc20-tokens, BUT the total supply of IOTA stays always the same, so the native token gets more and more rare with more and more shittokens. thats not the case with ETH AND you have no fees on IOTA.... pic related.

>> No.21311758

Yeah I would never go all in, though. I would also buy into potential trillion dollar projects that are currently on ETH that could migrate to IOTA in the future. Because buying and colouring tokens seems to be relatively cheap. Going all in iota seems super reckless when it could potentially remain relativelty worthless...

>> No.21311795

It does get more rare, but not in proportion to the value the coloured tokens capture. We'll see how it plays out. But again... I'd never go all in.

>> No.21311801

thanks for reading >>21311128 bye.

>> No.21311886

Check out TM Forum and their data marketplace project which will be huge. It will all work on the native iota token, can't be really done with the colored one afaik.

>> No.21312029


>muh altruism

You're fucking deluded, you know that?

>> No.21312113

? Where is there altruism to be seen ?
People don't want to pay $100000 gas fees you realize that?

>> No.21312388
File: 2.07 MB, 1329x1429, basedd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and get good backlinks? Paying someone to post a link is outdated... so what?
Also how to find a good niche?

>> No.21312622
File: 30 KB, 300x322, greenwojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i bought iota

>> No.21312626

When is Chrysalis Phase 2 scheduled to go live?

>> No.21312676

End of OCT/NOV.

>> No.21312744

Yes you're right. Pegging a business to an iota token is pretty much pegging shares to tokens. Ownership of token = ownership of share.
And you wouldn't have to buy a full miota for 5usd. One miota, the asset you can buy on binance for 0.37$ is technically 1,000,000 iotas (similar to btcs satoshis). You'd only need to color one.
To your point of a worthless main token, I tend to disagree. The token will be a universally accepted means of payment across the entire ecosystem. If you think of the tangle-ecosystem as planet, it would be the global currency. Different use cases will emerge where the native token will find its place, i.e. running a perma node and charge iotas for providing data. Or a data marketplace where individuals, companies and machines can trade data for iotas. Or already existing use cases like mentioned above somewhere: JaguarLandrover paying Jaguar drivers iotas to their car wallets for providing pothole data, which their car's sensors detect and share.
As the ecosystem grows, more use cases will emerge. And a universally usable native token for that will always have a place there.

>> No.21312864

I am heavily invested in IOTA but this line of argumentation is kinda weak to be honest.

>> No.21312951

There's still a lot to come. Imagine FEELESS oracles. Would be so huge. Gotta see how the next years unfold. IOTA is in my opinion the biggest long-term hold anyways. DeFi and dApps are also being looked at already.

>> No.21313034

everything sounds and looks really good but why are there not that much projects popping up on top of MIOTA?

>> No.21313065

Please explain. Whats not convincing about it. How would you argument differently.

>> No.21313073

IOTA is working closely with the industry first and the standardization orgs. Already has been confirmed 100% after chrysalis part 2 we will see a lot of stuff popping up very quickly.

>> No.21313751
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, iota-path.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the path.

>> No.21313806

This sums it up.

>> No.21313923

because frankly the network (tangle ) wasn't ready yet. Unstable and not easy to use. That's about to change with their intermediate solution called Chrysalis. Chrysalis part1 will be released next week, which already proved 1,300 ctps and confirmation time of less than 10sec. Phase 2 will come in Oct/Nov and yields the biggest improvements so far. Several cups, byt even more importantly, reusable addresses and colored tokens. It will be effectively enterprise ready by then. Coordicide (iota 2.0, without coordinator), scheduled to come mid next year.

So why go for iota 1.5? Answer being that their enterprise partners were growing impatient for the tangle to be production ready so that they could finally start building on it. So an intermediary solution driven solely by industry demand. And to namedrop a bit, their partners/users include VW, Bosch, Renault, JaguarLandrover, STM microchips, the European Union, Fijutsu, Dell, the linux foundation.

I've been holding this mess of a DLT for 4 years now and I have never felt more positive and optimistic about it. It really feels like that they have turned the ship around from the hyped meme coin they were in 2017, into fulfilling a the promises they made in 2017.

>> No.21313981

I have to admit my path to IOTA was not a direct one, indeed.

>> No.21313996

That's cringe.

>> No.21314022

Yeah I was thinking that I would get 1mm shares I can give to shareholders. Since iota is the smallest unit.

>> No.21314920

>Imagine FEELESS oracles
can't exsist
IOTA has been exploited 3000000 times... immagine relying on them..

>> No.21315034

I rather rely on a non-profit organization residing in one of the most strict bureaucratic countries (Germany, Berlin) than on some Russian scammer residing in a tax haven though. Plus no fees is just too big to ignore. Nobody wants to get oracle data for $500 in the end.

>> No.21315096

How much % change do you give Coordicide actually working?

>> No.21315267

Already working on the testnet (pollen), all they have to add is specifications like "mana" hybrid proof of stake/reputation system, which will be released in "honey" around q3-q4 this year. Then we will see.
I give coordicide a 90% chance to work out.