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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.21302646

GAXY too

>> No.21302650

you forgot SENS

>> No.21302723
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>XELA Gang
>XELA Gang

>> No.21302805

Do you guys only trade us stonks

>> No.21302919

been refreshing for the last 30 minutes waiting for this :^)

>> No.21303074

>control + F, ptg
literally this

>> No.21303118

I need a good day trade. Im sick of seeing red.

>> No.21303211

Where my CLIS chads at? 30k stack reporting in

>> No.21303221


>> No.21303258

Still holding 40k. Feels better than this heavy ass RLFTF bag next to it.

>> No.21303264

Buy more KTOV yes or no?

>> No.21303271

Will ZAGG ever reach 3.8?

>> No.21303276

baby 5.5k stacks here, nice to finally be making some gains

>> No.21303347

>beta tomorrow

CLISbros how are we feeling about this?

>> No.21303415
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>> No.21303448

I hope it goes well. Not thinking about this until Friday morning

>> No.21303471


I hope good. Although I find it funny I've been down out of stocks due to internet problems for like two weeks. So I thought I missed out on a lot, but I might be just fine. Somehow made more money when I was more active. I wish I had more in clis in case it takes a huge jump though. I'm just going to be worried about what happens when a whale jumps ship

>> No.21303508

KTOV bros... what's going on...

>> No.21303548

Can’t believe there are still ktov bros around here. You fellows are ridiculous

>> No.21303659

SAy it with me

>> No.21303906

What do you suggest? Chinese?

>> No.21303915


>> No.21303942

No. Any stock that has potential is fair game.

>> No.21304004

What's a good play

>> No.21304176
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>> No.21304208

What broker do you fuckers find these sub penny stocks on?

>> No.21304352

E-trade. It’s shitty boomer shit that takes forever and requires fees tho.

>> No.21304385

Schwab has had everything I've wanted and there's been no fees so far

>> No.21304444


>> No.21304567

ONTX Bros, what happened :^)

>> No.21304710


>> No.21304749
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I am even more financially ruined than before

>> No.21304856


What exchanges you dabbled in?


>> No.21304926

When did you get in? Should had just trade ONTXW

>> No.21305043

you can make a thread yourself yknow, just copy from last archive

>> No.21305094

rlftf is below half of its 52 week high right now. if it gets approval the thing will 4x easily.

>> No.21305586

Not sure it's hit the floor yet

>> No.21305659

yeah i am hoping for a 30 cent floor. but it could go in the 20s. in any case wherever one buys at this time is going to payoff well.

>> No.21305715

I'm in on CLIS, TLSS, IGEN, and BBRW

anyone else have these memes?

>> No.21305760

EWLL will soon hit .001

>> No.21305953

Thoughts on IGEN being a long term hold? This company seems like it'll be something in a few years, also given that each share is 2 cents each right now it has tons of potential to make serious gainz. Thoughts?

>> No.21306542


>> No.21306769

what happened to all the activity here? Did all the short term kiddy shitters get shaken out?

>> No.21306796

My Portfolio today.
>PXLW: -2%
>ZAGG: -2%
>MNK: -16%

>> No.21306948
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SENS can fuck off

>> No.21307152

Because of earnings tomorrow? What do you expect?

>> No.21307504

Hope you boys bought NXTD during the dip

>> No.21307728


>> No.21307762

IGEN has been my boom gamble. Not risking a significant amount money on it. It’s interesting that unlike the other telematic companies it’s also an actuary and well positioned to process this kind of data for clients. I think the Tesla speculations have a .00001 percent of happening but IGEN should be getting some kind of contact and I’m anticipating a good pump when that happens.

>> No.21307785

Good to see a large reception for the beta.

>> No.21307801


>> No.21307942

im gonna sell most of my shares right before earnings and if its good ill go back in

>> No.21308322

Ktov baggies: they have cash on hand until 2024. You won't be hearing any interesting news until then. There's no need to PR when your next 4 years of income is guaranteed

>> No.21308647

This isn't a FUD post either; i have my bags. I'm just saying you better be prepared for the long haul

>> No.21308871
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$SPOM $STHC why are you not in on these yet you losers

>> No.21308930

It's been 2 months and you've said absolutely nothing new. Baggies all think the same and jesus christ they are on another fucking planet. I pray that you just eat the loss, learn your mistake, and move on

>> No.21309029

thinking about it. I hesitated last time at this price and it hit 1.40. got 2000 already though

>> No.21309083

if you don't have a stake in the state of israel and its future prosperity, don't know why you would hold on to this stock for years. i think israeli tech/pharma/science could be a good investment, but this is a penny stock thread

>> No.21309187

they will drop PR before September 18. Screencap this! over a dollar by then

>> No.21309564

I'm out of the loop on ktov for a bit, why sept 18 anon?

>> No.21310114

To prevent reverse split
Agreed-- im not advocating buying in for ptg swinging, but i think it's a solid long term if you have the ability
Trust me. I know.

>> No.21310614

Finally, thank you for the reply. I'm gonna hold on to this guy for a while. I think tesla is making their own tech, so I think it's unlikely they will be bought by tesla. But you're right, someone may give them contracts in the foreseeable future. Feel good about this stack

>> No.21311003

EWLL pumping

>> No.21311200


>> No.21311304

it has to trade over $1 for 10 consecutive days to regain compliance.

>> No.21311493

Why is NYMX not moving anymore? I placed a buying order at 2.79, for today but right as I placed the order, it went up and jamed at 2.83, for the last hour.

>> No.21311786

Guys should I dump OPTI and GAXY . ? I’m hemorraging

>> No.21311802

IGEN will still be viable if it gets widespread adoption from rental car companies and insurance agencies. Rumors of a tesla buyout will pump price too. However if they're going to stand on their own they're going to have to be able to scale.

>> No.21312016

I'm gonna go ahead and average down GAXY.
News was next month, right?