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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21286195 No.21286195 [Reply] [Original]








>> No.21286499

A s c a m

>> No.21286531

Wait until the linkies hear that Jed won’t get a single FXRP kek

>> No.21286637

You are gonna be priced out before you even get a chance.

>> No.21286699

If you think I’ll convert my xrp into fxrp you’re a fucking sped. No one from ripple had ties to this “fork”

>> No.21286730


>> No.21286770

ok but when?? The released an explanation yesterday as to what they're doing but didn't say when.

also why do they have multiple identical websites with different URLs?

ALSO whoever wrote for them fucking sucks at punctuation. Either ESL or wasn't properly educated. Feels a little scammy for something that wants to be viewed as professional

>> No.21286780

I w o n t c o n v e r t m y 1 : 1 X R P
Duck outta here scam boy

>> No.21286808

LMAO why the need to convert? You're losing there. Better on the NEM side with their 1:1 airdrop for their new token. You won't lose, but gain.

>> No.21286817

Are you retarded? This is a utility fork. We get it for free we just have to wait to see how, hopefully it isn’t such a pain in the ass for hardware wallet holders.

>> No.21286851

They said after they get clarification from the exchanges about whether or not they'll keep the fork so that people have time to move their xrp to another wallet

you don't convert anything, its a fork. you don't have to convert anything if you don't want to. You just get Spark for having XRP. you'll have the same amount in your spark wallet that you do for your xrp wallet

>> No.21287150

So I can sell my spark for xrp

>> No.21287354

yes, or you could stake it and have it generate money for you.

>> No.21287379

This will be smart contract and smart oracle 2.0 and it will be the most efficient and cheapest solution. It will be leveraged by enterprise for those reasons alone. All these fuddie duddies don’t get the big picture...
Thanks Flare, you will literally double the value of my xrp at launch then when I start staking (because I am a captain) I’m going to be set for life.

>> No.21287459

Its literally like buying into a stake of the worlds financial engine. Literally investing in the money protocol layer. It's amazing that we are this blessed to have this opportunity

>> No.21287518

What’s confusing is why do we need spark, does it effect xrps price? Wouldn’t that mean xrp has almost a 200b supply with its fork? And will it be used along side xrp for cross border transactions? I’m just so confused with the concept.

>> No.21287555

I know xrp is building the internet of value but spark would make xrp useless yes or no because it’s just a utility fork? Will my xrp be more important than the fork or just the same.

>> No.21287576

spark is xrp with smart contracts. xrp is for ODL and payments, spark is programmable money

>> No.21287602

where's the uniswap link for me to buy

>> No.21287640

So which one will be 2k e o y

>> No.21287675

I think you need to read the whitepaper bro.

>> No.21287750

It literally says the fxrp and fro will be the same price. You can't just fork xrp amd instantly have another token worth 11 billion dollars market cap. God you all are retarded.

>> No.21287882

XRP is used as collateral in the system. When you loan out money (by staking), you get compensated in XRP.

You stake spark.
the loanee gives you XRP collateral + creation fee.
you then give spark/FXRP collateral to loanee while maintaining the spark to conversion ratio.
loanee returns your spark/FXRP collateral
you turn XRP collateral BUT keep creation fee

there's more to it but that's the gist.

>> No.21287935

>thinking the most efficient and cheapest solutions are the ones that win

Biggest network and easiest solutions win every time.

>> No.21288243

>XRP's "link killer" response is to add staking to XRP via a fork

This would be hilarious if it weren't so sad.

>> No.21288246
File: 217 KB, 901x802, 72ce9cc4af03366f3e184c9324474d4f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, go and pay your $20 ethereum fee's with 16 hour wait times.

>> No.21288276

>erc20 token
>an oracle with a token
>an oracle with a token for a clunky expensive slow network

holy shit

>> No.21288320

Sorry Charlie but the ripple network is the biggest and Most efficient IN THE ENTERPRISE FINTECH SPACE

>> No.21288338
File: 37 KB, 298x471, 410F8C15-9549-4ED5-899B-B3A32A8654F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21288377
File: 9 KB, 252x200, mumu-toast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21289042

found an old video of david schwartz describing this


This is the biggest news