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21266586 No.21266586 [Reply] [Original]

Wagecage is no way to live. My portfolio is sitting around $30,000. I’m considering quitting my job, cashing out little bits when I need to and hoping it keeps going up. I gotta get out and sabbatical sounds like what I need.

Have any of you budgeted for this? At what point would you quit, if not just to take a sabbatical?

>> No.21266699
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dont quit OP. just dont

>> No.21266767

fuck off. some of us are 7 figure and still waging. you have 30k you dumb bastard. youll be in that cage for YEARS

>> No.21266771

It needs to be at least 6 million before I never work again.
Don't be a retarded poorfag OP. Working as well as investing is how you secure that you will make it. Relying on dumb luck will end you. You have to have constant money coming in so that losses don't fuck you. And losses will happen in crypto if you are taking enough risk to actually make it in the first place..

>> No.21266835

Incredibly based

>> No.21266854

$2M and I can quit
Will cash out and stake/loan a token for 5-10%

>> No.21266864


If you live in the most decrepit third world shithole maybe you could make it on this

>> No.21266899

At least 100x that amount

>> No.21266905

Do this math?
[House (White neighborhood and not smal and not big) + Good car (Toyota, Honda or BMW) + 2 years of healthy food] x 1.2.

Also, have a good job, you will need income money to not be fucked in the future.

>> No.21266916

That’s retarded. You can live off interest with 1-2 million and just let your wealth compound at that point

>> No.21266957

just get a job you like for as long as you need it, start a holding company for your investments when you have enough capital to retire and just work less and reinvest dividends/staking rewards

>> No.21267028

1-2 mil to NEVER work again?
I'd still be doing consulting and side hustles even if I crossed 7 figs. I'm trying to build wealth for a future family not just live in a neetcave and be happy with not waging.

>> No.21267379

>trying to build wealth for a future family
fuck that, they can earn money themselves. generational wealth’s a stupid aspiration that relies on too many factors out of your control.

>> No.21267402

30k? Are you insane?

Maybe at 300k.

>> No.21267655

I didn’t clarify but the plan’s just to take a few months off, then get another job after. I’m about to blow my brains out.

>> No.21267816

I would advise only taking a sabbatical of 2-4 months, and then re-evaluate your situation, 30k is not a lot of money, even if it's more than what most have in their savings. Also consider the missed compounding growth from draining that money now and lowering your net worth essentially setting you back. You'll have to recover and the more time you are not making money, the longer you will be working later. It sucks but it's just how it is.

The best way to get a break is to be part of a layoff and collect severance.

>> No.21267918

>The best way to get a break is to be part of a layoff and collect severance.
based, thanks for the input. I’ll just sit tight, half-ass it, and keep my fingers crossed for headcount reductions.

>> No.21267985

>-2 mil to NEVER work again?
yes 2mil is all anyone needs for a safe inflation adjusted $80k annual draw for life. If you don't know how to accomplish that with $2mil then you will never have enough money to retire because you suck at managing money. $2mil or $200mil you'll fuck it up and end up destitute again within a year.

>> No.21268077

> keep my fingers crossed for headcount reductions.
the absolute state
throw that 30k into SUTER and you won't have to work again

>> No.21268838
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gamble your entire wage each month on a new shitcoin. do this for 24 months and youll make it.

30k is nothing btw. you need 20mil

>> No.21269375

So aside from high dividends, what would you do with your $2 million?

>> No.21269387

>My portfolio is sitting around $30,000. I’m considering quitting my job

>> No.21269389

keep grinding. Keep hustling.

>> No.21269441

live off it. why the fuck do you zoomers get so obsessed with memes like traveling and consooming. I'm 34, I want to cash out and not have to work, period. the only reason to get more is if you want to be able to support a family cause fuck having a wife that works

>> No.21269470
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take some time to explore your aspirations because if you want to blow your brains out, simply laying around all the time isn’t going to make you feel better. not to be a faggy r*ddit armchair psychologist or anything

>> No.21269497

Looking for another job? IN THIS ECONOMY?

>> No.21269511

ok wagie time to go back in the cage

>> No.21269513

I have a well paying job so I'm not quitting until I'm literally at the point where I'll never have to work again.
Also even then, I still wouldn't quit. I'd just stop giving a shit until they eventually fire me. Which could take a while for them to actually get around to finalizing, so in the mean time might as well take advantage of easy money

>> No.21269519

this, gotta put your time somewhere. martial arts is good, and helps get you /fit/ if you're a slob

>> No.21269545

This, unless you can get hit a 1000x you are waging for life. A millie is not enough to quit, all that is is enough that you don't have to pay a mortgage and car payment, maybe you can live in a nicer neighborhood. But you are not escaping wageslavery under 8 figures

>> No.21269555

Wtf can you do with 30k lmao

>> No.21269559

1mill for borderline homeless
10mill for secure happy life
100mill for lambos and #madeit life

>> No.21269584

I know how you feel fren

My portfolio is around $300,000 now.

I just need a 2x and i'm quitting and fucking off to live in Thailand for a few years.

This wagecuck life is killing me.

>> No.21269598

this. i did taekwondo for a few years and it was a good time

>> No.21269608

I quit with 20k portfolio and it lasted 2 years

Was very dumb since I missed out on those sweet early years of compound gains

>> No.21269716

yeah dont quit man, those small chunks will be worth loads soon.

>> No.21269811

martial arts sounds great. local dojos are closed but i’ll look into some videos and guides to get started with some basics, then go to the gym to fix up my form once covid’s over. thanks anons

>> No.21269873

2 million, maybe a bit more for a house. I'd still work, but probably cut on working hours and basically travel and live of my wage for 10-15 years and retire at 45

>> No.21269961
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I don't really need a set amount of money in the bank, I need steady passive income. If I can make 20k per year off of LINK node staking I will literally never have to work again. I live in the middle of nowhere where everything is cheap as fuck, my house is paid off, I have no debt. My living expenses total less than 10k per year.

>> No.21269971

Or staking returns that's 3k a month.

>> No.21269994

I quit when I hit $300k.

>> No.21270011

it's currently unironically 200k

I don't think I'll ever quit but I've become a lot more complacent in my trades. Not a good thing I suppose

>> No.21270263

i need at least 10mm to quit.. and I'll still be investing and building apps

>> No.21270325

I was in Taekwondo as a child but I hated it, I hated the format of a room full of stinky feet bastards. Is there any way to learn without that shit? I heard about the Brazilian Jujitsu online courses and I have someone to practice with at home.

>> No.21270408

If you could retire off of 1 year mcdonalds salary no one would be slaving. 30k is literally nothing.

>> No.21270423

>15 million to never do back to school
>20 million to quit working

>> No.21270540

200k, but I dont work.

>> No.21270806

Honestly, i'll probably never be able to quit but I hope Crypto will help me buy a house or apartment so I have a bit more expendable income and don't have to worry about certain bills etc, also able to splash out every now and then

>> No.21270910

I'd quit with atleast 150-300k

Supplementing this with some kind of passive low effort company/freelance/online gig that net's at least $2k a month.

If you wanna quit, and never work depends where you want to live, and what you want to do with your life.

If you move to the Philippines, with no aspirations, nor coming back to the states. 30K would do you just fine.

>> No.21271344
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I know what you mean op. My portfolio is at 75k but it barely moves up. Not really sure what to do anymore. Really depressed and full of sorrow. Can't even focus on my personal project that could technically make me hundreds of thousands if it ends up succesful.

>> No.21271460

You’re not going to get good at BJJ just from drilling, you have to roll/spar. Try some classes. It’s fun and keeps me from killing myself

>> No.21271498

>My portfolio is sitting around $30,000. I’m considering quitting my job

That's a terrible idea.

>> No.21271610


>> No.21271698

My portfolio is $2k. How the fuck do I increase it enough to make an ungrateful whiny thread like this?

>> No.21271740

Cash out an buy drugs.

>> No.21271785
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What in the fuck are you faggots so greedy? I live in one of the most taxed and expensive nations in Europe and I could easily stop waging at 1mm. You guys are just greedy fucks.

>> No.21272047

The difference between a poor and rich person is that one is more efficient at spending money while the other specializes in gaining more money..

>> No.21272088

basically this because people who make it suddenly are just going to blow through 1m like it's nothing

>> No.21273068

This you need to spar fren or risk looking a twat when you get your online blue belt and get btfoed buy a 1 stripe white in comp or literally anywhere else

>> No.21273167

House paid for and 300k is my goal.

Even a modest 4% gain a year will give me a 1k month income, but I know I'd make well above that.

>> No.21273390


I want to get a farmhouse for my mum and dad. Completely paid off and then have maybe 500k-1M in a managed portfolio. Work as I wish on the farm, playing vidya and just generally chilling out not having to consume anything other than dlc

>> No.21274387
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You can retire in India as a millionaire
You can also aquire a qt 1.64 slum virgin who will be extremely traditional and loyal

>> No.21274446

You can live like a Slum King in India with $30,000

>> No.21274536

Wow you are retarded and absolutely boomer tier with your retardation

>> No.21274601

i guess with 5m EUR I'd go my own way without wage slaving. there are so many interesting things to learn and see that I think I wont regret quitting my job - maybe for a few years.

>>21271785 the taxes-part sounds like germany or sweden. :D

>> No.21275137
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>not being a NEET

>> No.21275638

At least at the six figure range, rn sitting at 13k a 10X will give me enough money to quit and start trading full time. I'm from a 3rd world country.

>> No.21275888
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I am looking at around 3 to 4 million EUR and I'm set for a very comfy life. Nothing to equisite, but I'll live a nice upper middle class life without having to budge a finger.

>> No.21275920

That's dumb as shit bro

>> No.21276909

Trading full time is a meme, especially if you only have 30k. You'll end up making rash and dumb decisions in order to try and make enough to get by, it wont work

>> No.21277311

> Not wanting your descendents to be one of the most powerful families in the world

NGM anon.

>> No.21277451

Dumb ass, you cant quit until you can make a livable amount of money on your investments. Cost of living is around 25-30k a year in most areas. Many super duper safe stocks pay out around 2% annually. Real estate stocks regularly pay ~7% annually, those fairly safe depending on the location.

>> No.21277601

Europe is may be beautiful in some places, but God is a boring shithole

>> No.21277647

Why stop there when you can go all in XRT anon

>> No.21277883

idk but the BBC featured Pepe made me lol. Thanks..I dont laugh as much as I should these days.

>> No.21278614

£200k minimum.

Buy a farmhouse with a small business in rural France/Spain. I don't need much to get by.

>> No.21279349

save up another 10 - 20k then move to a third world country that's not a warzone and keep trading memecoins when you're not sipping pina coladas by the beach

>> No.21279536

this. I believe we’re still a bit off the singularity but people need to consider what they will do with their stacks in order to make it produce income for them because they will otherwise burn through it in no time

>> No.21279599

3 million. Enough to travel for ten years, make my friends jealous, to provide for my wife and children, and to never have to work again.

>> No.21279791

I was living in Manali and Northern India for $10 a day roughly for 4 months.

I always said if I made a Million I'd go back to India to let my interest build up and barely spend shit.