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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21263273 No.21263273 [Reply] [Original]

Just got this from my bank

>> No.21263499

Imagine keeping any money in a (((savings))) account. Put your money into assets

>> No.21263688

it went down to 0.1% for bongs earlier this year

>> No.21263701

He never said he had money in the account. I get these, too.
That interest rate is way higher than we get in the UK now. Savings accounts here are a joke, like 0.01%, really nothing.

>> No.21263767

My bank is starting to perma block crypto ramps- coinbase or wherever. They've not cottoned on to pro, but still flagged my transaction and aggressively questioned me about it.
>t. cucked britbong

>> No.21263825

I opened it like a year ago. I have just put around $1,000 into it as buffer account

>> No.21263858

So basically rich people over 1mill still get taken care of and the poor get shitted on. Got it.

>> No.21263922

Assets like what? Savings can be accessed quickly, what asset can I sell immediately in case of emergency?

>> No.21263950
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Spainbro here. Does Coinbase PRO use a different bank account then?

More and more and more banks are blocking Coinbase, Kraken, Bistamp, Binance.. it's a massacre. Those motherfuckers make you call to the bank or even visit the physical office, so you are fucked if you use digital banks like N26 (no place to show up)

Just lol at our collective lives. We can't even buy BTC anymore, its over.

>> No.21263994


If you keep substantial amounts of money in savings. You deserve this. Buy btc, gold, a house, silver or anything hard.

Its fucked.

>> No.21264001

If you only have emergency funds in that account then the interest rate doesn’t even matter.

>> No.21264033

My old bank was the worst. The interest rates were like 0.001% for the savings account or some bullshit, but then also they would ding you a certain amount of money each month if you didn't have at least X dollars in your checking account and Y dollars in your savings account. So basically you better not be poor or invest your money elsewhere, because if you do we'll give you a nice fat vicious feedback loop of losing money

>> No.21264716
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It's all being labelled a scam- part of me wonders if they just don't want zoomers and millenials driving around in lambos.

Pro has different bank details- probably same bank.

Honestly if in the unlikely event I make it with crypto I am going to look at opening an international bank account- maybe one in Jersey. I'm not getting fucked trying to withdraw and having my assets seized which is what happened to one anon over £500,000 which is absolutely fuck all. But then the laws were never meant for the elite.

>> No.21264913

1.1 percent? Look at this faggot, around here (euroland) the savings account interest is like 0.05 percent, so in practice nothing. We'll just lose everything to inflation if we don't invest in something.