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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21258374 No.21258374 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought 500 because of the low MC. Don't know anything about it.

>> No.21258411

imagine Ethereum but much faster and cheaper. That's Solana.

>> No.21258434

imagine if ETH and NANO had a baby. They'd name it SOL

>> No.21258653

Just did some research and got pretty excited.
Circulating Supply
27,856,394 / 488,630,611

>> No.21258719

>Low MC

Top kek you're actually retarded or newbie. This is the most overvalued coin in the market and already top 25 by total supply valuation which is the only important metric and not "le let me release 1% of the tokens so we can make it appear undervalued".

Unless you think this is top 25 worthy (it's not) dump it asap.

>> No.21258741
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>low MC

Dumb money is back boys

>> No.21258787

This is what they said against me with CRO. Logic doesn't always wins.

>> No.21258975
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expect cro had "ponzi for normans" writen all over it and was first of its kind during bear and solana is 1 of 2314234 eth killers with 90% vc bags waiting to dump on you