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21251657 No.21251657 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy a Trezor hardware wallet, or just create a wallet offline and print out the private key and words?
Also, is it too dumb to upload an encrypted text file with the private key (strong password using AES-256) to something like my personal google drive? I'm kind of scared of only having a physical backup of the private key and losing it somehow. Imagine a house fire where I lose my paper backup plus PC and USB devices.

>> No.21251724

Also, if you think a hardware wallet is a good idea, which one is the best one, biz? Trezor?
Sorry, this year the value of my LINK stack finally reached a level where it's worth too much money for me not to become a bit paranoid about losing it.

>> No.21251791

Outdated tech. If you're not a larping link spammer you can afford an ngrave.

>> No.21251836

You can store your private keys here:
https://www.bitcoinfiles.org and then think hard about the probabilities of a house fire or about Zeus Capital being right. Meanwhile get a HW wallet and store the recovery phrase in a different physical location. Preferably in a different jurisdiction

>> No.21251899

god just get a safety deposit box or something idiot

>> No.21251926

Is there a reason why that one is so much safer? I don't mind paying premium if it can put my mind at ease, but I just searched and it's not released yet, no? You can pre-order for a possible release date of November 2020. I kind of want to do this sooner if possible.

What is that website? I'm scared to click it, much less upload something sensitive, even if encrypted.

>> No.21252035

Yes a hardware wallet is a good idea. Trezor is the better one because it's open source and you there hasn't been any hacks or vulnerabilities as opposed to ledger which has had many hacks and isnt open source so you never know if (((they))) have a backdoor in there or anything.

>> No.21252130

I wary of ledger as well because of the recent vulnerability flaw (even if it didn't expose the privat key), and possible backdoors and stuff like you had.
I'm thinking of buying a Trezor as you said, print out the key and phrase as well, buy a safety box like >>21251899 said, and also store a copy of the key there too.
My biggest uncertainty is if uploading the encrypted file is too unsafe? It probably is, right?

>> No.21252299

Yea I'm not sure about the safety deposit box method. I wouldn't trust putting my whole key there, and if you're going to then only put part of it and part somewhere else.
I wouldn't upload anything anywhere as that's just more risk of it being found/hacked/whatever - the more places your private key is, the more risk of it being found/compromised.

All I have atm is a trezor with my private key written down once. I'm not risking placing more elsewhere, and soon I'm going to rewrite my key in parts and split it up in multiple places. It's more than enough security imo as long as you're not stupid enough to lose them and have preventative measures in case of a house fire

>> No.21252380

Thanks, for now I'm going to order a trezor and give it some thought until it arrives. I guess a Trezor One is fine? I think the only advantages of the Model T is having a few more coins and touchscreen support, is that right?

>> No.21252416

Tungsten alloy sheet of metal with the paper wallet words engraved in braille.

>> No.21252444

It actually stores your coins offline 100% you never have to plug it in a pc

>> No.21252486

Checked. I think I will buy a Model T because with the touch screen I don't need to ever connect to the PC. Do I understand that correctly?

>> No.21252521

Dont know what a model t is. Its what ngrave has

>> No.21252539

I got confused, my bad. But isn't ngrave still unreleased? I can get one once it's out, but I want something for now.

>> No.21252566

I have a Model One, didn't bother laying extra for the model T. I don't see the value in paying the extra. Model One works fine, can store BTC and ERC20 tokens - good enough for me

>> No.21252627

It connects to your computer via usb. This is the only way it receives power and is able to authorize transactions. The key in fact never leaves the device.

>> No.21252683

In that case i'd just get a cheap ledger nano s for now. Only $40 or so

>> No.21252734

Keep in mind that flash memories get corrupted after a few years of inactivity, but I’m pretty sure link will be worth zero 10 years from now

>> No.21252767

That’s what your recovery seed is for

>> No.21252776

Thanks, I was researching a bit and I think I will settle for a Trezor One then.

>> No.21252927

everyones freaking out about these usb's breeaking down and shit. Cant you just buy another one as long as you have your seed phrase? or is that just nano? or am i missing something.

>> No.21252932

np mate, hope you got adequate help. Makes me sad that this bored has become overrun by newfriends and a lot of ppl (long time posters) on here have become more hostile and refuse to help anyone.

>> No.21252970

Yeah of course, if it dies can't you just restore your wallet from your seed phrase and use your new trezor as if it were the old one?

>> No.21253052

If i restore my wallet from the seed phrase does it restore my mew wallet also? Im worried that if i lose my trezor and restore it with the phrase it wont restore my links

>> No.21253075

yes I initially debated one vs T and settled for the T as I would expect it to have fewer potential exploits similarly to using win 10 over win xp. Also native compatibility with xrp and other alts. V expensive but as I’m already heavily invested the expense i feel is justified. Big selling point on trezor was open source architecture and the recent ledger hack.

>> No.21253146

only just heard of this and it looks cool however their marketing is really disingenuous. they insist there are no online attack vectors but you still have to download new firmware. lol. i realize a malicious firmware attack is ludicrously unlikely but that's not the point i'm making at all. advertising your device as having zero online attack vectors when that's not true makes me really uncomfortable with them. i suspect i will inevitably buy one over a ledger though. just not right away.

>> No.21253174

>Cant you just buy another one as long as you have your seed phrase?

>> No.21253268

Trezor one is great & simple .. love it for 50$ and you can use it with exodus so 2 wallets and a passphrase for extra security .. basically a 25 word passphrase. Also you can use the exodus to exchange and have smaller balances on there and your big stack on trezor.. it’s the best

>> No.21253545

to add to this for anyone curious their website says things like "no usb", "zero online attack vectors", and "100% offline". i'm wondering how the thing handles firmware updates and only until i scroll literally all the way to the bottom of their page does it mention that the thing has a usb port for handling firmware updates. yeah, its really cool that you can sign transactions offline and publish them to the chain on another device. i'd imagine that's safer, in fact i'm 99.9999% sure it is. but when your marketing essentially says "dude nothing can go wrong lmao" and minimizes, clearly on purpose, that there is a caveat it is not a good look and does not make me trust them.