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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2124600 No.2124600 [Reply] [Original]

my hard drive failed and i have 1.2 btc in a wallet. how fucked am i?

>> No.2124618

Not fucked atall if you have your seed phrase.

>> No.2124624

It's only like $2400. Don't worry about it.

>inb4 it's worth $240,000 in 10 years

Anyway, if the hard drive works AT ALL, just hook it up to a Linux system or something as an external HDD and see if you can access the files.

>> No.2124627

is it that hard to make backups?
i got backups on 3 usb drives, private key on paper and wallets on a fucking cd

>> No.2124632

Pretty fucked but there's some step you can follow to unfuck it, or take it to a computer shop and get them to copy everything across to a new drive.

>> No.2124634


Pay a professional for recovery and back your shit up in future.

>> No.2124641

I don't have any backups of my private key.

>> No.2124645

and why haven't you backed it up?

you got over 2k usd in that wallet, and you didnt even bother to make proper safety measures?

did you atleast write the 12 words down somewhere?

>> No.2124647
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Well of course you took the proper steps to back it up senpai? If you had $2500 in cash sitting around you'd probably spend a little money on a safe, right?

>> No.2124672
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>tfw there's 1.2 less BTC in the world and you are ever the richer

>> No.2124680

i had a word document in the hard drive. i'm retarded i know

>> No.2124684

Private key is the only thing you should really care about. Once you have the private key, you can restore your wallet even if anything else is lost.

>> No.2124706

>on a fucking cd

Enjoy losing your data in 10-20 years

>> No.2124713

only solution is to take your hardrive out and get it recovered

maybe try ask /g/ if they know anything about it, otherwise you need to pay a professional to recover it for you

>> No.2124723

>10-20 years

nigger im going to retire in 3-4 years if the crypto market keep going upwards like it does now

besides, he did mention he had backups on multiple usbs, dont be a nigger faggot

>> No.2124729

To be fair CDs are going to be resistant to EMP damage. And presumably, you'll check and recopy your discs every few years.

Also you can look at using an Mdisc, which actually etches the data into the disc instead of using a dye. Under decent conditions those should be readable for a few hundred years.

>> No.2124738

He said he has private keys on paper

That's more than enough even if he loses his CDs somehow

>> No.2124739

Which wallet you guys use for BTC?

>> No.2124763

As long as the platters aren't fucked you're okay, you can either send it to someone or put the platters in another hdd.

>> No.2124847

electrum and soon trezor

>> No.2124861

im curious what you look like

>> No.2124870

Not fucked, because you obviously made a backup of your wallet.

>> No.2124888


>> No.2124900
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>im curious what you look like

>> No.2124981

How bad is the failure? Might want to try running photorec on it if the drive mounts.

If you're a brainlet then just send the fucker in to a data recovery service. It'll be expensive though.


>> No.2125002

> if the crypto market keep going upwards like it does now

is that a joke? I'm all for cryptos, but be reasonable--this is not sustainable.

>> No.2125042

I'm using you as a valuable learning experience

>> No.2125084

Wallets consist of multiple priv keys. Seed or recovery file is what matters

>> No.2125364

i guess something good came out of this.
i'll check photorec out ty