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File: 8 KB, 351x81, Offshift (XFT).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21237821 No.21237821 [Reply] [Original]

>Offshift is a cryptographically private offshore storage & DeFi protocol on Ethereum
>The first token to utilize the new EIP for encrypted token transfers using zero-knowledge proofs
>Will allow you to send and receive zkTokens (e.g. zkUSD, zkETH) which completely privatizes number of tokens transferred and held
>XFT tokens are burned in order to mint zkAssets
>Extremely early stage project, literally the ground floor, only listed on uniswap currently:

The Tech
This standard defines a way of interacting with a confidential token contract. Confidential tokens do not have traditional balances - value is represented by notes, which are composed of a public owner and an encrypted value. Value is transferred by splitting a note into multiple notes with different owners. Similarly notes can be combined into a larger note. Note splitting is analogous to the behaviour of Bitcoin UTXOs, which is a good mental model to follow. More info here:
Test transactions on zkDAI

>$2mil marketcap
>$1mil volume
>$150k liquidity locked, here's the smart contract before anons start saying "rug pull":
>total supply: 10mil
>circulating supply: 1.75m
>rest is all locked with vesting plans, none released until 6 months after listing
>most is dedicated towards staking and rewarding users for using the ecosystem, which begins late Q4

>Monero $1.7bil marketcap
>Zcash $920mil marketcap
>Haven $22mil marketcap
>Offshift $2mil marketcap
Each of those are their own blockchain, where as Offshift is utilizing Ethereum giving it much more value and usecases, allowing zkAssets to interact with other defi protocols etc. Very unique value proposition


>> No.21237848

Not reading your thesis pajeet

>> No.21237867
File: 8 KB, 437x138, XFT-chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upcoming Short-term Events
>Roadmap (just got released)
>Whitepaper v2
>Exchange listings
>Partnership announcements, hinting at ChainLink? check pic
>New team hires

Right now the volume is increasing, whales are getting in 20ETH at a time and the number of addresses is growing pretty fast. Currently 700 addresses, was only 400 yesterday. Short term I'm expecting this to 5x before going into consolidation whilst development is happening

>Telegram Official
>Telegram Trading

>> No.21237897

Only 10 million XFT. This can easily hit 100mm in the short term given that it's scarce as fuck. I got a 10K sui

>> No.21237955

thanks for ruining my post order faggot

>> No.21237963

Was about to get my stack up to 10k at $1 today but something came up and when I checked back it was already $1.2.

At least it’s going up again and also what I can make with XFT is tiny compared to my STA stack.

>> No.21237995

>what I can make with XFT is tiny compared to my STA stack
Wrong. Xft is way more scarce and useful

>> No.21237997

current circulating is 1.75m and wont start going up until october :^)

>> No.21238343

it will take years to reach total supply

>> No.21238505

Investing in Johnny feels like investing in a vitalik or Sergey that nobody knows about

>> No.21238539

>yfw this becomes the XMR of deFi

>> No.21238558

I have never been this early in my entire life

>> No.21238638

This requires you to put a lot of faith in the devs doing what most people consider impossible. While I support people that try to achieve the impossible, it is hard to do if it means I could lose a lot of money if they fail.

Also, how will this work with ETH 2.0?

>> No.21238674

This is far from impossible. It's a couple weekends of coding if you're good

>> No.21238741

What I’m saying is that I cannot possibly have an XFT stack large enough for it to be worth more than my STA will be.

Currently XFT should be over $20 for that to happen and as STA is mooning that won’t be enough tomorrow.

>> No.21238824

understandable anon, STA is a solid coin long term, wouldn't sell your whole stack. If you do start to slowly take profit, should definitely siphon it into XFT

>> No.21239039

wasn't there already some success shown recently on a test net or something? ill try to find it, anon was posting about it earlier

>> No.21239111

I am seriously considering flipping my profits from all my other coins into this for the long haul
I'm not even fucking kidding, this could pay off big time

>> No.21239185

but it's not impossible anon, it's already working tech. They're just building the protocol to allow you to bridge into zkAssets with Offshift

yeah here anon
Test transactions on zkDAI

>> No.21239239

depends on your risk tolerance and what you're holding desu, would pay off big time if you're willing to wait. Short term it's really starting to gain a lot of traction, we're at 732 holders now and climbing fast

>> No.21239510

Dumped this shitcoin Trash Pajeeet shit

>> No.21239523

bye faggot

>> No.21239582

seriously, if this works it will be a DeFi flavored XMR

>> No.21239802

huge potential, hopefully biz hops on board before it takes off, could be our coin

>> No.21239889

shitcoin that never moves past 1.50 lmao. waste of eth to buy into. Get statera instead.

>> No.21239930

>never moves past 1.50
its brand new you shit head

>> No.21239954

>shitcoin that never moves past 1.50
it's only been there for a few hours anon, the absolute state

>> No.21239971

yet no one cares. other brand new coins are pumping and no one literally cares about this project. Youre welcome for the bump.

>> No.21240008

you clearly care an awful lot

>> No.21240026

pajeet shills on full damage control lmao

>> No.21240065
File: 72 KB, 813x551, 1542911243827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pajeet shills on full damage control lmao

>> No.21240092

enjoy ur scam that wont make anyone any money. Peace. Also, stop spamming biz with your marketing.

>> No.21240254
File: 48 KB, 285x338, privacypepexft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao what scam you pajjeet will stay poor forever if you don't buy projects like this :D

>> No.21240300

Keep the fud coming anon your tears are making me so wet

>> No.21240305
File: 33 KB, 574x680, peperichnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just spoke to bogdanov and he approves. Buy this shit or go fucking necc in the street you poor pajeets

>> No.21240316

strong buyback today, will probably continue ripping in the coming weeks
why the fuck wouldn't it under these market conditions

>> No.21240325

Roadmap came out, oracles integration this quarter, major pump factor <3

>> No.21240349
File: 124 KB, 506x451, vroompepexft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop apu, here fresh meme

>> No.21240383
File: 201 KB, 871x1080, Daisy_Shah_at_Alvira_Khan&#039;s_Ahakzai_fashion_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im offshift-ing my funds in this project reading that roadmap! Make money like floyd!

>> No.21240776

this is the one senpai

>> No.21241096

Excuse me sir. What is this Pajeet you speak of?

>> No.21241101
File: 433 KB, 609x383, enterfinancialfreedomhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its fucking ez pz

>> No.21241141


>> No.21241155

we're gonna make it anons

>> No.21241176


That was me no larp bros. I got myself an 11k XFT stack this is it for me. I didnt want to DCA in I think the train is leaving the station. Godspeed bros this feels like a gem.

>> No.21241189
File: 11 KB, 216x234, oooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21241215

damn bro r u smart? should i buy more?

>> No.21241260


Haha nah man I just jammed about 50 eth in and I didnt want to wait cuz I gotta work tomorrow and I cant keep watching charts praying for dip. I still have ETH on sidelines if we go back to $1 which could happen but Im no chartist.

You guys shilled the fuck out of this i dont know how the fuck i missed this at 50 cents but the roadmap is super bullish im in.

>> No.21241269

kek is this you anon? >>21240031

>> No.21241306


Fuck no im not a poorfag throwing in half eth lol

>> No.21241334


Sidenote hope i didnt buy the top. I feel like entry at these levels dont even fucking matter congrats on those who got in sub $1 this market cap is fucking insanely low.

>> No.21241351
File: 93 KB, 540x370, speedracerxft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My one true love

>> No.21241364



>> No.21241412


They just dumped 19 eth kek. Sorry man I couldn't wait this feels like a ticking time bomb.

If this crashes to $1.20 in the morning I will load up more no worries.

>> No.21241501

Where can I check the price chart for this?

>> No.21241529


We will hold the line sir.

>> No.21241548
File: 64 KB, 658x901, 571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats unironically me kek

>> No.21241562


Thanks man if it pumps im happy if it dumps i will just buy more over the coming days. Im happy with my stack if i cant add to it.

XMR Defi is getting my dick hard. This is fucking insane the implications this could go 50 million mcap pretty easy i think.

>> No.21241564

just use dextools

>> No.21241567

The second this breaks $2 it's going straight to $3

>> No.21241612

Got in at 55 cents with about 2k XFT, feels good to have a smol stack

>> No.21241613

based anon im the one who told you to buy. you'll be alright fren.

>> No.21241623

Suicide stack of 1k, never selling.

>> No.21241637


Absolute legend nice man. Did that roadmap get released today? Also how the fuck did you find this so early?

>> No.21241660

How did you hear about it that early

>> No.21241694
File: 7 KB, 224x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only got 270

>> No.21241727
File: 12 KB, 324x266, z43al2s93vx31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it possible for this to be rugged? I put up my link for this

>> No.21241739

I wish I had the same mentality as you bro. Even losing money on 5 eth hurts for me as a poorfag. How are you so nonchalant about 50 eth?

Thanks. Is there way to view holders in real time? Dextools stuck at 99

>> No.21241744

Roadmap was today yeah.

I literally sit on Coingecko's 'Recently Added' all day (while I'm supposed to be wageslaving kek) and look into the newest listings.

>> No.21241748


How high can this realistically go?

>> No.21241757

Liquidity is locked for 90 days and will be relocked every quarter going forward

>> No.21241768

Nah liquidity is locked. No way for them to dump.

>> No.21241805

>I literally sit on Coingecko's 'Recently Added' all day (while I'm supposed to be wageslaving kek) and look into the newest listings.

Nicely done man I am sure you sift through a lot of garbage.

So from what I understand is this the first project on eth using zksnarks aka xmr like privacy at the protocol layer?

>> No.21241807

>some guy just sold 16 ETH worth of XFT
Fellas! If you're gonna buy this, then wait until tomorrow morning.

>> No.21241862


Well im not rich by any means anon but in an altcoin bullrun you gotta take big swings or it will never pay off.

I have been burned more times than I can count but I know biz still has a few gems here and there and it would be nice to catch a 10x off something that isnt a shitcoin and this seems legit so far.

>> No.21241880


Website is professionally made, whitepaper is professionally made and outlines a concept that actually builds and improves on existing systems, it appears they have a marketing team setup on social media platforms... smells like technical expertise (someone who develops architectural code, big picture systems) and funding behind it. Is it worth risking a couple hundred or thousand for a shot at 1000x? You be the judge. Me personally, FUD won't touch me.

>> No.21241904

Basically. I think there's potential for something similar to happen with third-party development on REN, but there's no solid work on that, so XFT has first mover advantage.

>> No.21241923

Do you guys think it's chinks on Holo who are selling? They see the green bar and immediately sell. I don't think they've heard of the roadmap. Then again, the price of coins tend to drop whenever there is news.

>> No.21241946

>hundred or thousand for a shot at 1000x
how long you think?

>> No.21242033


Long enough for it to be painful.

>> No.21242070

I'd also like to know this.

>> No.21242085


LOL...hardest part about an altcoin bullrun is selling too early. I gotta do some deeper digging but so far everything checks out that this is a legit moonshot.

>> No.21242368

Bro I'm already almost 10x on this and this is just the begining. The fact I'm holding even though I'm alkready almost 10x says a lot.

>> No.21242423

My personal guess is it most likely hit $5 within the next month.
Past that who knows how high it can go. We'll have to look at the code that is being published in the next week or two.

>> No.21242514


Is it worth pumping this thing into pool liquidity for a couple weeks? Have never tried pooling.

>> No.21242533

wtf is pooling

>> No.21242832

$5 this week desu, a lot of traction is starting to pick up

>> No.21242886

>I'm already almost 10x on this
How? It is only up maybe 350% from ATL

>> No.21242948

Probably bought before Coingecko listing when it was just put on Uniswap

>> No.21242953

he got in at the presale I'm pretty sure. Never went that low on uniswap

>> No.21243146

Oh ok, makes sense

>> No.21243186

How can we tell that tokens are locked? Looking at the wallets, the majority of the tokens are held by a few wallets

This seems like a good project, but I am a bit worried since I don't know how to check to make sure tokens are actually vested

>> No.21243211

NVM, someone just answered in another thread

>> No.21243339

Not really, no benefit to it and you'd just suffer impermanent losses. Just hold the asset.

>> No.21243742



>> No.21243757

$30 for a single XFT token?

>> No.21243875
File: 1.72 MB, 500x415, 1594440148392.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya I'll wait for initial dump. Not pissing blood for this.

>> No.21244231

It was listed at 0.20

>> No.21244259

Yes i got in on pre-sale

>> No.21244500


When was presale just curious...and was 15 eth cap?

>> No.21244896

Yes 15 eth was the limit. I believe presale was last week or two weeks ago

>> No.21245616

presaler's sold already, stay poor faggot

>> No.21245786

it's going to be the verge run of 2020.... everyone in this thread whose bought these levels is going to make it, so long as you don't sell early. verge went from quarter million market cap to 3.5B.....was the best run of 2017. XFT checks all the right boxes imo to capture a similar level of hype in the great golden defi bullmarket that's just warming up

>> No.21245793

Presalers are holding on tight, you can look at the contract address and see the top holders yourself. That's super lazy FUD.

>> No.21245878

imo, go heavy, but never all in on anything. all in is always a risk, but it also ties up your capital and keeps you from making gains elsewhere while your chosen project is slow to move. my strategy is to have a few long term projects that makes up most of my portfolio. when one pumps, sell a portion to move into another on of your holds that's due for a pump....when that pumps, sell and redistribute again. also good to keep a few eth on hand at all times to throw at shitcoin pnds. short term in and out type flips. good luck anon. I hope you make it.

>> No.21246008

realistically multi-billion if the team communicates well. last bullrun half the shit in the top 20 didn't even have working mainnets out yet and they were all multi-billion mcs. this is very possibly a top tier project imo

>> No.21246300

This isn't even close to what XHV did and you cucks keep refusing to buy

Get the fuck in or stay broke Anon

>> No.21246380

I'll wait until they lock the tokens. Right now they have like 90%+ of the supply and there is absolutely nothing keeping them from dumping this into oblivion. I like the project, and will buy as soon as it is safe to do so, even if it is at a slightly higher price. It is worth it to avoid getting rugged.

>> No.21246594


you must not understand how all this works very well.

>> No.21246643

Explain what I am missing. Look at the top wallets.

>> No.21246808 [DELETED] 

Yeah he's pretty based

>> No.21246941

Fuck watchin this thing go > $2 again without any. Jumped in.

>> No.21246961

kek yeah wait until then & buy in at $10

>> No.21247036

Tokens are already locked man.

>> No.21247071

Someone said that they haven't locked them yet, they were planning to tomorrow. Do you have a way to verify that the coins are locked?

>> No.21247077

This is literally a scam. Buy DMG.

>> No.21247464

these guys are going to pull the rug: no liquidity is locked so far, the team is completely anon, and the whitepaper is a joke with no specific technical details of how they will pull it. Don't fomo in anons.

>> No.21247515

Are you going to answer, or are you just saying that because it was told to you and you didn't actually check?

>> No.21247861

That's exactly what I am going to do. That's precisely what I wanted to do, but i didnt have enough total money invested to where I felt like I could evenly distribute my money across the board. I picked 4 projects I really liked, and put 40/20/20/20 into each of them. Naturally the one I put 40% into was the only one that didnt pump lol
I'm about even across the board now so I think your strategy makes a lot of sense.

>> No.21247913


you can view locked liquidity here.


>> No.21247989

Liquidity is locked. As far as the tokens allocated for staking, team, liquidity, etc, they are not locked but will be locked into contracts soon, per the team lead via telegram. I was worried when I saw what you saw and asked the same question specifically to the founder a few days ago.

>> No.21247993


liquidity lock contract is here

>> No.21248206
File: 91 KB, 1341x464, Screenshot (41).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, but the liquidity wasn't what was concerning, it is pic related

>> No.21248584
File: 16 KB, 490x199, XFT-tokens-to-be-locked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly what I was referring to in my post
Those are the addresses holding the tokens for staking, development, marketing, team, liquidity, etc
They will be locked into contracts soon, per the founder via telegram
I asked him about it yesterday, see pic related

>> No.21248640

Who is JohnnyXFT, and how does he have so much money?

>> No.21248664

hes the lead dev

>> No.21248689

>They will be locked into contracts soon
That is my concern though, it could be a scam and they dump all of those wallets and walk away with an easy 2 million dollars

>> No.21248811

It very well could happen, and they'd only be able to sell however much liquidity is available on uniswap/hoo.
Judging by Johnny's demeanor in the telegram, he knows his stuff extremely well, and he will make a lot more money down the line as this project nears completion, along with the rest of us.

>> No.21249059


They could only extract as much liquidity as is available on uniswap. All the time spent marketing and setting this up the right way would essentially be wasted.

>> No.21249119

I don't think it is a scam, but I would rather not risk it since I would be buying with $1-2k

>> No.21249264

They already locked the liquidity, contract is up. I got in on pre-sale and I am def holding and aiming for a 100x at least.

>> No.21249332

I understand your point though. I think the contracts for the locked tokens will be up very soon. Wait until then It will still be a good point of entry I'm sure.

>> No.21249515

Your approach is very reasonable. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your thought process. The only thing is that often times the price is discounted because there are less certainties, such as liquidity wasn't locked immediately, the tokens for staking, marketing, ecosystem, liquidity, team, etc are not locked in contracts yet. The people who have bought in are either willing to risk it to be early, (and hence get a better price) or have done enough research to feel comfortable with the situation. I've been in the telegram for about a week now, have seen the team's response to pretty much every question that's been asked, and am very impressed.
tldr: you're right, it's a risk until the tokens are actually locked, but most often, with more certainty comes a likely higher price. i dont blame you for waiting, it means you won't lose any money in the event that it's an exit scam, but you might gain less when you eventually buy in.

>> No.21249758

Just hit ATH!! :D

>> No.21250203

>Judging by Johnny's demeanor in the telegram, he knows his stuff extremely well,
i legit read through the entire tg chat and dont see him talking about anything technical lol.

how do you view this data?

>> No.21250337
File: 349 KB, 494x356, EfD0-iQUcAEFIvv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pump it pajeet

Faggots want to be poor

Stay poor mfkrs

>> No.21250373

really? you must've skimmed too fast. he didn't get TOO technical, but he clearly knows his stuff well.
>how do you view this data?
it's on etherscan

>> No.21250463

Aren't the contracts already up?

>> No.21250639

liquidity has been locked but the tokens allocated for staking, development, marketing, ecosystem, team, etc have not yet been locked in contracts. will be done this week according to the lead tech.

>> No.21250645

cool so they haven’t been dumping so far, that’s a good sign i guess

>> No.21250689

Is this lead dev anonymous or no?

>> No.21250749

probably cause its a privacy coin like monero etc

>> No.21250791

Monero was a fucking fork
This kind of project should have a real dev
After all the scams of late, I'm done with anon devs + brand new projects without a working product

>> No.21251004

I know what you mean to be honest. I am also usually very hesitant about anon devs. But looking at the website, twitter, medium, whitepaper etc... I just get pro vibes rather than scam vibes. i might turn out to be completely wrong, only time will tell, but if i am then i can afford the loss. And if I'm not, well then this is a gem and a moonshot.

>> No.21251083


>> No.21251223

check my post anon >>21237821

liquidity is locked, teams tokens haven't been touched and the smart contract is currently being written to lock the tokens in a slow vesting plan. If they wanted to scam, they would have done so already by running with the raised money. They also limited the presale to 15 ETH per buyer, and decided to raise $250k because that's all they need. They could have raised a shit ton more, but they didn't need to. Says a lot about the team

>> No.21251276

it's completely fine to be skeptical about an anonymous team, I was the same. Just understand that they're building a privacy protocol on ethereum that will give anyone the access to hide their money/assets from prying eyes (((them))). It's no wonder they want to stay anon, especially at such an early stage of development

>> No.21251311

My sentiments exactly. I get good vibes from this team. I could be 100% wrong, of course.

>> No.21251322

the smart contract for liquidity lock is here:

>> No.21251343

i just hope they don’t dump everything to zero like i see some scams doing currently with lot of liq then huge token dump

>> No.21251424

If you're paranoid, just sit on the sidelines and wait for them to release the token lock contracts. Should only be a few days now. Price might be a lot higher by then but at least you'll be able to sleep better knowing for certain they won't dump

>> No.21251432

Yeah that NEXE project just exit scammed. Wish I poked around a little more there so I could see what it was like before it happened
Like you said though, if XFT does something similar they're the worst scammers ever. Couldve made out with a ton more cash if they were less honest at this point.

>> No.21251477

Yep, as he said here >>21251424 you might pay a premium for waiting, but that's the name of the game unfortunately

>> No.21251633

Honestly, the most bullish thing about this project are the /biz/ threads. Hype is growing organically, takes are nuanced and not just pure hopium, the FUD is easily refuted.

Feeling like a comfy hold lads

>> No.21251753

From the very first threads before the coingecko listing, it had a very different feel. I think the project is attracting more of the audience that appreciates and comprehends the product/scope and not simply moon lambo types. The way they conduct business in the telegram helps as well.

>> No.21251782

In the fullness of time all things become profitable

>> No.21251974

Seems like it's holding pretty well at $2 today

>> No.21252001

$2 is going to be our support now, we should see a new ATH really soon

>> No.21252065

bought this at 1$ yesterday and sold quickly at 1.3$
i don't think it's worth risking money in anonymous projects
yesterday, NEXE and AUTEM got rug pulled