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2123549 No.2123549 [Reply] [Original]

Siacoin, get your ticket to the moon now $0.01 by tomorrow

>> No.2123567
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S- Sucking
I- Immense
A- Ass


>> No.2123584

While dgb dips I'm taking all my money out of it and buying tons of siacoin

>> No.2123608

Enjoy your burning ship.

>> No.2123632
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>Im going to put all my profits into a bonfire
whatever you say, dood

>> No.2123663

Why not both?
Stupid nigger.

>> No.2123687

Do you think SIA can reach $1?

>> No.2123703


Try $10, faggot.

It's the most advanced coin ever.

Better than GDrive, Dropbox, etc, etc.

>> No.2123743


It would need a higher market cap than all other coins combined to reach $1

>> No.2123746

I'm all for it, believe me, I'd be a millionaire. But come on.
>$10 siacoin = $261,187,556,990 market cap
>3.72x the current total market cap of all coins
Let's be real here

>> No.2123854
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Stop tipping off the nocoiners that will blindly follow a biz post for long term gains.

>> No.2123959

I know what you're saying, but a lot of people seem to forget the entire crypto market will grow exponentially - we aren't even in the public phase yet, go to Wall St and maybe a handful truly understand it.

So while $1 may not seem achievable under *current* conditions, perhaps in a year or two with more money in crypto than ever before, let's just say $1 may seem a tiny target.

Though its all speculation of course.

>> No.2123960

Sorry sensei. Lets focus on the feasible:
If Sia coin reached 10 cents, anyone buying now would enjoy a hefty 12.83x gain.

>> No.2123994

Sia will reach, AT LEAST, 10 cents a coin before this year.

It's pretty feasible. Great dev. Great idea.

Imagine all of those Pajeets and 3rd worlders who would want to make quick money passively jumping in on this.

Just take a look around Blackhatnetwork, Thebot, etc.

Literally a shiton of Pajeets that die for 1 cent a hour.

>> No.2123999

I doubt ill go much higher today

>> No.2124009

The premise is pretty great, fag.

It'll reach 1 cent before tomorrow.

>> No.2124024

x129 in 24hrs, troll shiller spotted

>> No.2124053

If SIA becomes the 'Facebook of Storage' as the lead devs want it to become, then yes, it might.
Sure, it would take a huuuge marketcap, but the thing with crypto is that marketcap isn't based on actual value, but value + speculation and people trading the coin. If millions of siacoin becomes locked with storage, millions more become burned from proof of storage and people simply use it to make money, then it could be worth a lot.

I do see it becoming that valuable within 5-7 years as was my original prediction 2 years ago.

>> No.2124079

Move that decimal. 1 cent would be only 1.29x current price

>> No.2124223

Sia is already worth 0.007895$.
0.01$ is not that far off.

>> No.2124240

so the pumps are probably going to be sia and nav, in fact sia already started if you check the charts, so who knows if it's worth it as short term, if it's long term then yeah, their ideas are pretty solid

>> No.2124276

418 sat on Yunbi
Expect another push upwards.

>> No.2124303



>> No.2124315


The pump isn't over.

.01 cent coin before tomorrow.

>> No.2124319


I remember when it would be impossible for ripple to ever go over 10 cents "because market cap"

Do you remember? It was only 2 weeks ago

>> No.2124333

Yunbi at 430
It's not stopping.

If we reach 417, I will officially be a millionaire.

>> No.2124456


>> No.2124501
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Is 13000 sia enough? tempted to put in $200 from my wageslave check

>> No.2124599

got me like 750 sc with leftover bitcoin change ayyyy

hopefully I can might profits, first time investing in any coin...

am I doing it right /biz/?

>> No.2124652
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More like 'actually'

>> No.2124766

How do you plan to get it to btc?

>> No.2124785

Can you give me money?

please :(-

>> No.2124838

There's a 'bitcoin embassy' near I live.
I can cash out any amount.

>> No.2124849


>> No.2124862

can non-candians use that?

>> No.2124897

what wallet do people use for sia?

>> No.2125011

I guess, if you drive here?

>> No.2125103

I just bought another £500 sia at 380 sats.

I have a feeling about this. A gut feeling this is going to experience great growth like DGB and become 800 sats at the very least soon enough.

It's a steal. I only wish I had more to buy.

>> No.2125185

I can see it possibly breaking out like Ripple did

>> No.2125217

sia coin is fucking stupid. Why is this coin worth anything? Can someone explain?

Try asking why DGB is good, you'll get tons of real information and intelligent speculation thrown at you on /biz/

>> No.2125220

Sia wallet from their site

>> No.2125225

Sia is gonna the future of cloud storage

No more wageslaving for us, Normies will never get in on this in time

>> No.2125233

Because then only half of your money increases 100x and the other SIAcoin half goes to zero. Do you literally not understand numbers?

>> No.2125255
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>Video game currency used for trading virtual paint will moon but a cloud storage coin will fail

>> No.2125292


There's a lot of money in virtual paint, why do you think every game is filled to the brim with DLC skins nowadays.

>> No.2125338

what the fuck, how did you acquire 88 million SC??? Did not know I was in the presence of a whale. much respect you majestic sea creature.

>> No.2125351

Explain to me how SC works.

Pro-tip: you don't know

But let me tell you, no one is going to use coins as cloud storage. Why? Because cloud storage already exists and is faster than any coin network could ever be.

>> No.2125369

I for one appreciate learning experiences like these. I want to make smart money moves which is why i always read a lot more then I buy so far the only going i got is ETH and it has served me well.

>> No.2125382

You do realize if you sell you will destroy the value?

>> No.2125391

If you are at peace that it could dissappear then sure.

>> No.2125395

>You rent out storage space as a contractor
>10x cheaper than Amazon, Google, Apple Cloud storage
>Data is spread out over network contractors
>Data rents are paid in Sia, cloud storage is estimated to be a $80 Billion industry
>value goes to the coins
>Sia is also mineable

>> No.2125446

how is it cheaper than amazon, google, or apple? Also what is stopping amazon, GOOGLE, or apple from making their own cloud storage coin? Crypto is supposed to be a CURRENCY, not a fucking cloud storage coin.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.2125462



>> No.2125470

Don't ask Martin Shkreli about cryptocurrencies. It annoys him. Thanks.


>> No.2125476

why are you so mad? Did you buy into DGB on its ATH? Take some deep breaths friend, maybe drink some water?

While you're doing that I'll sit and smile at my GAINZ

>> No.2125480

virtual paints/hats and camos is literally a billion dollar industry

>> No.2125498

Maybe they are waiting on the side lines to see if it catches on. If it can get up and off the ground then theu have mor than enough capital to buy them out and then they'll enjoy the advantage of not only having an expanded storage service whkse vround work has been layed out, but they also get to buy into the crypto market as well. Buy 1 company get 2 products, it's just a hunch but a lot of major companies just want to focus on mergers & aqusitions these days instead of doing the work themselves.

>> No.2125500

I own both you retard. I bought siacoin as a joke just incase. I keep it like a little retarded pet, knowing it will never go anywhere. Wanna answer my question? You don't because you don't know the answer.

>> No.2125538
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What ATH anon? DGB is in for the long haul.
Why does everyone think everything is happening right now this fucking minute. Take a nap and it's a whole new world again

>> No.2125543

Nothing stops them making their own little cloud storage coin, but Sia has a headstart. I'm not saying Sia is a place to put your retirement, but it can be used to make some quick cash.

>> No.2125586

cloud storage is an $80 billion dollar industry

>> No.2125653

>headstart on apple
>headstart on google
>headstart on amazon

>> No.2125904

Why do you think Sia offers lower cost with greater security?

>> No.2125928

because of the real estate. you see these big fuckers need big fuckoff specially designed buildings to put the hardware, they also need high end equipment so it doesn't fuck up and compensation fund for when it does, plus niggers to work in these places, then they need a PR squad to damage control the big fuckups, hacks etc...

>it costs them nothing magonomies of scale

know who it costs nothing? the fucking pajeet who's shitshack can easily accommodate a couple of machines, give a fuck if they're noisy literally drowned out by the shits being taken in the street outside. this fucking guy is also happy to do the maintenance, he'll work for nothing anyway and this isn't even fucking work, far as he's concerned free tax free money, will he ROI on a hard drive off it? Probably not because there's some other fuckwit who will do it even cheaper.

So how the fuck do you compete with this? property costs, taxes, minimum wage barriers, lawyers, insurance etc.. etc.. vs people who will do it for next to free.

There is a quick fucking rundown on how it would be cheaper and why apple can't fucking do it themselves.

>> No.2125951

fucking idiot.

>> No.2126135

The way sia works is that it makes it so anyone can add their storage to the network. Traditionally, you would have to get a good reputation for anyone to put their files on your network. See Google or Dropbox or Amazon. No company would trust some guy with storage in his backyard since he could see all the sensitive documents. Sia allows anyone to enter the network by separating the files into chunks, meaning that randy won't be able to look at your file and so long as 10 host are online out of 26, you will be able to get your files. By being decentralized, it allows a free market race to the bottom. Amazon or Google can charge whatever price they want and there's nothing you can do about it.
Sia uses the cryptocurrency to establish smart contracts to ensure a person pays collateral to hold the files, as well as paying them once the contract is fulfilled, giving incentive for both parties to hold the file and pay up.

Google and Amazon could obviously make their own cloud storage network, but it wouldn't be decentralized and there's no point to it. The reason why sia has crypto is because it removes liability from any party.

Sia is a very smartly designed coin and has great potential of being worth billions if it eats up the storage market, valued in the dozens of billions. Right now, just with speculation, sia is worth +200 million. What do you think it would be worth if it has an actual value of 200m to 1 billion $?

>> No.2126252

Jesus fuck, polo is going all out with the pump.

>> No.2126270
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I almost bought in at 380 but decided to get DGB at 612 instead.

>> No.2126426


Smart move, DGB will reach 0,50 Euro's soon, very soon.