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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 591x407, buidl2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21231813 No.21231813 [Reply] [Original]

Buy now, do a x50 within a year, simple as that
Major news coming including listing on big exchanges and the team has a solid project as they were afterall invited to EDCON

Join us BUIDLbros and enjoy a bright future

>> No.21231836

Explain BUIDL like i'm your grandma

>> No.21231954

New ethereum order

>> No.21232044

honestly considering right now heavily. I have 5-10 eth for it. but i heard it may test $1 as a low before next leg

>> No.21232074
File: 351 KB, 1776x1048, buidlnobrainer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be dev
> 30y.o buidler
> have been working like a mule since the previous night preparing the swap
> chill watching the countdown
> it’s time for the switch
> try and switch your old token
> enter the XYZ amount of arte v1
> mfw I get x11 amount of arte v2
> “Strange I do not remember having set the token conversion to 11x”
> turn to colleague
> him “You forgot a fucking 0”
> mistakes were made
> try to kill the switch contract
> panic.avi
> try to find a solution
> other dev like everythingisfine.png
> other dev storms out of the room
> the contract is dead
> the dev comes back in
> he has a plan
> we are in a dfo wtf are we worrying about
> change the voting token with a new one
> vote to change the switch contract to have two different conversion rates
> v1 gets changed to v3 with no issues
> v2 gets changed to v3 at 1/11 x
> nobody loses anything
> solved in 3 dfo proposals 103% on chain only, 0% offchain trusted third parties shit nobody loses anything
> invent the first ethereum normie proof protocol
> feelsgood.jpg

>> No.21232090

>Major news coming including listing on big exchanges
Source? This is news to me

>> No.21232181

tomorrow we have weekly update....

>> No.21232197

Sincerely, why should I buy it if it already pumped?

>> No.21232201

If something breaks on your car, you can just fix the problem instead of having to buy a new car.

>> No.21232223

this is huge. if you know you know.

>> No.21232346

$1 looks very unlikely. Support at $2.6
But you'd be lucky if I am wrong

>> No.21232350

>it already pumped

more like it's been dumped already, it's still a sub 10mil MC coin

>> No.21232357

Oh if you anons want to know more about the project! Someone posted their edcon stream on YouTube


>> No.21232389

I honestly believe the devs did the 11x mistake on purpose to demonstrate the flexibility of DFOs.
Great PR stunt

>> No.21232447

dude, look at the chart.
You're missing out the opportunity to buy under $3

>> No.21232818

I've got a stack and so scared that it will dump further. Should I swing to STA?

>> No.21232928
File: 29 KB, 600x398, Vitalik0-600x398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik is watching.

>> No.21233032

this is going to be a top 50 coin , open your eyes anon.

>> No.21233117

Keep buying those highs and selling those lows, anon

>> No.21233131
File: 73 KB, 858x536, BUIDLpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Content is pure gold though with all the secrets of the dfo protocol
secrets of the dfo protocol...
follow the rabbit...

>> No.21233429

I'll make it easy for you:
Unironically They have been invited to the same event where these projects are present: chainlink 5B market cap, ethereum 44B, aave 515m market cap, compound 567m market cap, snx 572m market cap, iexec 113m, coingecko, uniswap, Uma 278m, Maker 565m market cap, excuse me if I forget about other projects.
Buidl market cap: 8m
BE READY ANON tomorrow we have weekly update.

>> No.21233914

Omg just bought 100k

>> No.21234047

Rebought like 2k buidl today after selling the last of mine around $4. Feels pretty comfy.

>> No.21234130
File: 72 KB, 960x720, kissu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's how BUIDL fangirls actually looks

>> No.21234145

realistic potential market cap of ARTE?

>> No.21234385

Why is it dumping so hard then?

>> No.21234393
File: 438 KB, 400x563, RaidersOfTheLostArk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21234763


>> No.21235215

whales want your cheap buidl faggot

support at 2.60 and accumulating from 2.60-3.20. weak hands will regret

>> No.21235631

weekly update tomorrow. The new Julians will be crying soon

>> No.21235682

Top 50 coin. I’m buying moarrrr.

>> No.21235813

how can I tell this project is legit? I don't want to go all in having my meager $8k USD locked in a token that won't moon for months. Edcon had like 10 viewers so take that as you will

is there some deep research /biz/ has done or I can do

>> No.21235881

>how can i tell this project is legit?
>invited to EDCON

>> No.21235894
File: 1.73 MB, 2658x1554, 1595886976694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll dump some info

Let me try and explain it as simply as possible. Say you write a contract that lets anyone send money to someones wallet, say, a charity. this is what it looks like

charityAddress = 0x123;

function () payable {

All money sent to the contract is rerouted to the charityAddress. Problem is, that charities wallet has changed in the past, and you assume in the future it might change again. If it does change, any money sent to the contract is useless, and you will need to publish a new one. So you write another bit of code instead

function changeAddress(address new) {
charityAddress = new;

Great, now we can change the address. Only problem is, it is on the blockchain, which means anyone can change the address, and set it to whatever they want. We don't want people to take advantage of that and scam charity money, so instead we write our own address into the contract as an owner, and put something like this in the changeAddress function

require(msg.sender == ownerAddress);

But this just means you have a single ownerAddress who can change the address whenever they want! that's not decentralized at all! So do you have a frail, easily broken contract with no central owner? Or a centralized contract where you have to trust the single owner?

DFOs let you have the best of both worlds. You can now give voting functionality to an ownership token that allows users to vote for changes. Rather than trusting the owner of the contract, a proposal to change the charityAddress is raised, and the people vote, and the address is changed. But this doesn't even start to cover it. With DFOhub and robe you can build totally decentralized, censorship proof site than can load on any web3 browser, front end on-chain and everything.

>> No.21235929
File: 237 KB, 676x1189, 1591661562993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just some info on what an NFT is and why it can be used with buidl

fungible basically just means equivalent. for instance, if you have two lumps of gold with equal purity and weight, they are fungible. you could trade one lump for the other and no value would change. if you have two ten dollar bills, they are also fungible, you can trade them evenly.

now think of something like magic cards. I have a black lotus, and you have a black lotus, but mine is mint condition and yours is bent. these are non-fungible. my black lotus is worth more than yours. so, where an ERC-20 token like buidl, you can trade 1 for 1 with no change (fungible), there are other types of tokens which can be made uniquely

the classic example of an NFT is a cryptokitty. cryptokitties are tokens, but they can't be traded equally. some are much much rarer than others, due to stats or whatever.

so if you want to put art on the blockchain, you can't just upload a jpg, there is no input for files like that. BUT! and heeeeres the brilliant part. if each of those NFTs are made to be unique by the nature of them holding different information, then if you build the proper protocol, you can mint NFTs with information which can be interpreted by web3 to display an image! or a video! or chain a whole bunch together and put a whole front end of a website on chain! and it's there FOREVER! censorship-proof!

>> No.21235960
File: 67 KB, 737x449, dfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21236011

The info is all out there, at the end of the day BUIDL solves a fundamental flaw in smart contracts. It will moon anon.

>> No.21236032

To steal another anons analogy...
If you imagine Ethereum smart contracts or Dapps are like cars. Currently, if you find a problem you will need to discard and replace your car with a new one. with DFO's you can replace only the part that needs replacing

>> No.21236082

but that's not what they're talking about in the edcon video, they just say it's a way to create a token in which the devs don't have full control over it, and who as a dev would want that?

>> No.21236093

sort of a good analogy except it sort misses the point. the repairs aren't trusted to a set of mechanics who have total control over the car. The owners of the car must agree to the repair and have final say over what that repair actually looks like. No longer do we need to trust mechanics not to rip us off

>> No.21236144

>who as a dev would want that?
lots and lots of devs lmao, it lets you build complex DeFi systems that are totally trustless. I can think of 5 great use cases for this just off the top of my head

>> No.21236150

Yes anon. Sums it up way better than my attempt. bravo

>> No.21236170

nigga I bought this at 4.7 will it recover soon?

>> No.21236206

Lol >>21235661

>> No.21236225

I know it might be hard to hold this in a bull market anon, but a rather modest 100m valuation puts us at 37 dollars. This will be worth billions. It's just a matter of cost opportunity. Up to you if you want to try and chase immediate gains somewhere else

>> No.21236256

if it's longer than two weeks maybe, what do you think the timeframe is?

>> No.21236277

Well said. Patience will be worth it with this one. But you might miss out on m00n Lambo gainz elsewhere (which are usually risky anyway)

>> No.21236373

next run will breach $9
but it probs wont be for another month or so

>> No.21236408

they have a weekly update getting released tomorrow. I have a feeling when this gets shilled on twitter or youtube we will recover and then some but obviously I don't know when that might be

>> No.21236413

You can chase other shitcoins but nobody knows when this will run up. It's big enough to where it will price out some anons eventually when it is valued properly, just dont miss it when it runs

>> No.21236493

Idk if this project even needs shit like youtube desu
Just needs that autistic dev power

>> No.21236531

It doesn't need it, but as far as price action goes it would help quell tissue handed anons

>> No.21236667

Yea, lets go with that

>> No.21236704

this but im no weakhanded faggot

>> No.21236725

The molebeard is the true jewel of that jpg

>> No.21236766


>opportunity cost
that's basically the name of the game in the bullrun god damnit if only I had more funds to gamble on crypto..
there are many projects that are soo fucking promising. BNT, Polkadot based projects, Uniswap scam flavour of the month coins, maybe XSN, KTON are all guranteed to moon... I guess I have to get a bag of DFOhub, it's a very unique project and has a good brand name. they have only 4 autist 4chan devs though kekk

>> No.21237005

smart money is buying now.