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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21234243 No.21234243 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>wake up, it's 2070
>lay in gigantic bed I bought with 2 litecoin
>two bitches on my side
>pay them 1 Nimiq each
>they buy themselves enough drugs for a year
>go out
>see homeless man
>probably owned XRP in 2024 as it went to 0
>give him 0.03 LINK
>he starts crying while thanking me
>walk away
>by now bitcoin is worth 5 million per coin
>buy ticket for hyperloop with 0.001 Nano to travel to the next spaceship hangar
>payment arrives instantly, like it should
>one of the fastest ships in the world
>bought it with 5 Monero
>fly to my private island I bought with 50 link
>open door to my billion dollar mansion, bought that shit in 2045 with a lot of eth when it still costed only 554k
>5.0 came out just a month after the purchases
>shit investment
>open pc
>starts in 0.4s
>open coinmetro
>make 100k in a few minutes
>its getting dark
>pay 0.1 Nano to get into Elon musk's mars elevator
>bump into elon
>shills me on cardano, which is still not finished
>everything on mars runs on iota
>buy one ice cream
>pay with bitcoin
>people start screaming and laying out red carpets
>everyone pulls their phone out to take pictures
>walk away
>get into my mars mansion
>50 women are waiting for me
>give them all 2 BAT
>they all instantly cum
>its getting late
>go to local club
>for some reason they won't let me in
>buy the whole fucking building with 1 xcm
>go in
>dump all my shitcoins like Kleros and Tron on the people inside
>they think they will make it
>go out
>look into the sunset while listening to the sound of flying cars
>tfw all the money but still no gf

>> No.21235028


>> No.21235132

based schizo

>> No.21235164

Not reading that shit Karen

>> No.21235189


>> No.21235537

>probably owned XRP in 2024 as it went to 0
buying more xrp now

>> No.21235605
File: 188 KB, 1103x1706, 2018-Larp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 2020 biz doesn't care about greentexts,
2018 biz was way more fun, maybe i should have made a new one instead of rehashing the old one
>fun fact, I was 15 when I wrote the original