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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21226594 No.21226594 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21226646


>> No.21226763

Has anyone looked over this yet to see if it's legit?

>> No.21226814

yes it is

source: been in crypto for 5 years and am a programmer

>> No.21226853


it's legit

>> No.21226860

anons, you had days to accumulate. it was $1.50 less than an hour ago.
you did accumulate, right?

>> No.21226939

it won't go under $2 for months

>> No.21227521

Holy shit we are in a for a new ponzi ride. What a fucking century we live in

>> No.21227539

u do know how flash loans work, right?

>> No.21227592

Point being?

>> No.21227715

Brainlet here, wdym?

>> No.21227748

buy RMPL

make 100 times.

then u can google flash loans

>> No.21227786


You do realize they based the code on AMPL's right? Which already had the flash loan bug fixed nigger.

>> No.21227905

these fudders have no more material

RMPL taking over ampleforth

>> No.21228065

check the code, that's all i'll say

>> No.21228121

Yeah let me go ahead and buy a clone of an absolute piece of shit.
>Let’s just add an R in front and scam biz
Token is NOT needed. Kys pajeets.

>> No.21228258

>fls id
>talks flashloan
I'd take this nigger seriously

>> No.21228266

Lose money and kys

>> No.21228362

Please tell me, I don't know how to read the code. They didn't fix it?

>> No.21228451


All they need now is a gecko/CMC listing and this will go absolutely nuts.

>> No.21228462


Imagine buying a 7 day old AMPL.

Imagine buying it before the coingecko listing.

Imagine getting a fuckload of positive rebases during a bullrun and cashing out.

Imagine not being a retard.

>> No.21228537

According to https://www.ampltalk.org/app/forum/technology-development-17/topic/rfc-2-disallow-contracts-from-calling-rebase-14/

It's a problem because the rebase is called by a contract?

This shouldn't be a problem here as rebase is random, nobody can time it like in AMPL... no?

>> No.21228571

This is important. WE ARE IN A BULL RUN. RMPL just got more legitimate with the release but even if it still is a scam it will pump to 100 million. Nobody remembers FunFair or Oyster Pearl? How new are these faggots here

>> No.21228576

Imagine buying anything like this Kek. Cope harder incel

>> No.21228633

Hahahahaha hahahahahaha
https://mobile.twitter.com/scams_alarms/status/1290693423746424832 CONGRATS

>> No.21228703


>> No.21228842
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fucking BASED


>> No.21228848

gtfo with this fake fud

>> No.21229109

lmao dev wallets skim tokens from the rebases, complete anarchy


heres a wallet that got 4x the rebase tokens than everyone else

>> No.21229139
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>> No.21229184

where can i buy this nigger shit ?

i am lazy white male. Link me url plx

>> No.21229200
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>> No.21229238

Bruno fucking Block. Fucking newfags have no idea.

>> No.21229363

go to uniswap token then search rmpl and hit trade, fren

enjoy the free gains but DON'T forget to post a thank you thread later

>> No.21229536

400,000 *1.2 day zero rebase * 3.58 accumulated rebase factor since day 1 = balance in wallet? Must suck to be so at math and fud all day. I do hope youre just a fudster, otherwise I fear for your intelligence.

>> No.21229665

Fudders on suicide watch

>> No.21229672

what this means is, the wallet balance is 100% legit. Team has delivered on everything so far, and will keep delivering. You can stop making up new fud and just buy the damned thing, aint getting cheaper.

>> No.21229691



>> No.21229732

it's not and we have a whole thread about it over here >>21227452

it's too bad the jeets are straight up lying to protect this scam right now. we need to be looking out for our bizbros here.
the devs themselves admit that the rebase is handled off chain.
>As we are in the early stages of development for the Rebaser contract, the team have decided to perform random rebasing offchain until a suitable, well reviewed version is ready to be deployed

they are rewriting the contract to try to make a random rebase function, but as it is now...it's a manual trigger. so...if they get a working random rebase contract, they will need to deploy and swap tokens for the new contract. the current one is shit anon.

>> No.21229754

Bags are packed.

>> No.21229810

Wrong, they don't need to update main contract dumb fuck

>> No.21229951

they literally say that in the medium article they posted. the github literally states that as well. the code show clear as day that the rebase function is manually triggered....and you're still lying? why?

>> No.21230046

if you're implying that they don't need to update the main contract because they can just deploy a random rebase contract to call the external LogRebase function.... you're still wrong. as it is programmed now, only the dev wallet can trigger the rebase. a new side contract could be created to start triggering it onchain from the dev wallet, but that would not remove the devs ability to trigger it manually as well....which would be a huge vulnerability in the code moving forward.

>> No.21230061
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>> No.21230225

These projects exist simply due to the seething of those who didnt buy Ampl when biz told them. Its HEX3x HEX2x blah blah all over again. Wrf is wrong with people just buy real shit not scams.

>> No.21230963

and they think that AMPL investors care about their lunch money

>> No.21230964

> Ample 250 mio cap
> Rmpl 15 mio cap
Thx but no thx anon, buy your overpriced shit yourself