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21227452 No.21227452 [Reply] [Original]

RMPL Announcements, [10.08.20 12:06]
Dear RMPL supporters it is time to publish our code on github and etherscan

Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/address/0xE17f017475a709De58E976081eB916081ff4c9d5#code

GitHub: https://github.com/rmpldefiteam/rmpl

We also wrote an article to explain some things regarding the code and look back on our launch week.
We'd be happy if you share the article and leave some claps there


>> No.21227767

did you look at the code? did you read the explanation? the trigger is manual retard....just like we told you it was. they claim they've been triggering it manually...at random times though, so it's okay. kek

>> No.21227807

It's not manually you fucking utter retard

>> No.21227852

wrong. i am a programmer and read the code, its 100% automatic.

>> No.21227851

No, you're a liar.


Random Rebasing was triggered automatically through a private web3 controller protected by the RMPL team private key. The trigger for rebase was generated based on a probability/cumulative distribution function with the 48-hour parameter programmed in the back-end code, reducing code visibility for those attempting to predict the rebase times. Concluding, this function is executed in a completely random manner, as soon as certain metrics are met. Not a single person is able to execute or predict the time of the rebase.

>> No.21227888

KEK you poor pathetic moron. Go sit in the fucking corner pleb.

>> No.21227939
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Baseless AMPL FUD trying to damage control. $4 EOD

>> No.21228042
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whe need an Korean to do the maths. havent read shit but this feels like high stakes poker?

>> No.21228091

wrong, your a lying jeet. I'm a solidity dev and looked at it myself.

>was triggered automatically through a private web3 controller protected by the RMPL team private key

do you even know what that fucking means retard? it means the function is called from the devs wallet. holy shit the absolute state of newfags. log into your own wallet on a web3 client....MEW for example. then go to contract, you can make function calls to interact with contracts too.
>web3 controller protected by the team private key
meaning only the team wallet can trigger this function.
> function rebase(int256 supplyDelta) external onlyOwner returns (uint256)
it's an external function that can only be called by the dev (onlyOwner). this is standard contract programming stuff here..... it's absolutely manual though and the article even says so....the problem is they fancied it up in technical jargon and you retards are too dumb to understand what is meant when they say
>triggered automatically through a private web3 controller protected by the RMPL team private key

>> No.21228128

you haven't read it, have no knowledge of it, so your opinion is worthless ma'am.

>> No.21228144

Where can I see live chart?

>> No.21228174

Which one is getting adopted by coinbase?


>> No.21228180

holy shit you guys are shameless.
>if we just pretend to be retards maybe everyone else will believe we're right

>> No.21228219

"Not a single person is able to execute or predict the time of the rebase."
You are one stupid faggot

>> No.21228225

if you ain't dumping this shit...you're about to get dumped on

>> No.21228286

that's what they say....but they've offered no proof. the article basically states that they programmed some backend logic to randomly calculate a time....then trigger the function from there. so they still claim it's random, but it sure as fuck isn't. the contract requires an external call to the rebase function, it's not handled automatically in the contract itself. that's all you need to know

>> No.21228294

You say it says that it is manual in the article, it literally says the exact opposite. "Not a single person is able to execute or predict the time of the rebase." What the fuck type of sissy games are you trying to play here?

>> No.21228350

I guess you figure that if you keep telling the lie, people will eventually believe it. Well some will, not I. Enjoy your negative interest amplefag.

>> No.21228368

> the problem is they fancied it up in technical jargon and you retards are too dumb to understand what is meant when they say

Clearly you are the projecting retard too dumb to understand, good sir. It’s okay, not all solidity devs are created equal.

>> No.21228427

do you believe them? what they are implying is that they have a serparate program they are running on their machine which calculates and triggers the rebase. def not programmed into the smart contract and they admit that too....again, you're just too stupid to understand what they're saying.
re-read the paragraph "Towards Trustless"...
>the team has now made the decision to migrate its random rebase solution from one with back-end protected by RMPL team members to a fully trustless smartcontract method.
kek, they are rewriting the contract is what they are saying so that randomness is programmed in the actual contract....cause it currently isnt'

>> No.21228453

He’s just clinging to the last shred of an argument so his AMPL bags don’t implode. We should just ignore this poorfag that doesn’t want to make it.

>> No.21228455

Nigga I watched all the rebases, there were no huge price movements before ever

>> No.21228465

please kill yourself

>> No.21228509

I watched them too. I had alerts set up to email me when the rebase function was triggered....CAUSE ITS HAPPENING IN AN EXTERNAL TRANSACTION.

>> No.21228519

Love the Fud, reminds me of the early days of LINK, this WILL go up btw. Good luck!

>> No.21228562

No where in that statement did it say that the rebase was not random. All it said is that they are migrating to a method where they no longer need to protect the back end themselves. Maybe you need to work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.21228590

I really don't mind retards needing to be spoonfed...the problem with you cunts is you absolutely know what I'm saying is true, but you're literally pretending the situation is different than it is to sucker in newfags. it's shameless. the team themselves even admit that the randomness isn't programmed into the contract and it's an external function....the code as it is written is clear as day too..... you fucking jeets still wanna pretend like it's not though. kys

>> No.21228651

you have to go back, rajesh

>> No.21228662

you'll just have to take their word for it. the timing of every one of my post in this thread was submitted via a program which calculates a random time between 1m-5m and submits automatically. trust me.

>> No.21228665

All of your false talking points have been defeated, you now resort to ad homonym attacks. I'm soo not impressed. Stay poor forever then buddy kek.

>> No.21228717

you don't even know what that means....and it shows.
>protect the back end themselves
kek. if the dev has to sign in to their wallet to execute the function from a web3 client....it's not random

>> No.21228737


>> No.21228799

don't waste too much energy on them. they're coming from the telegram. the iq there is room temperature at best.

>> No.21228873

this thing will literally be legit and moon, think of this as eth and ampl as bitcoin, btc had the idea, eth bettered it in someways and give it its own twist

>> No.21228909

I know. these are quite literally the tg admins we're talking to in here who want to misdirect people who don't know any better. it's really fucked up.

>> No.21228947

some shitskin being in control of the rebase function and pretending it's random isn't an improvement on anything. it's just a scam.

>> No.21229008

that's quite a fucking compliment, I'm not a coder by any means, just know how to read PLAIN ENGLISH!

>> No.21229056

The trigger for rebase was generated based on a probability/cumulative distribution function with the 48-hour parameter programmed in the back-end code

So now it's your word (the salty fag) vs theirs. Hmmmm.

>> No.21229064

so go ahead and ask them in plain english why they have to rewrite the contract if it's random..... bet you will get banned from the tg for it.

>> No.21229106

So many people are gonna lose so much money on tokens/alt coins soon.

>900% in 5 days!!!!
This shit need to be regulated soon, or all these teens will loose all their savings.

>> No.21229134

>programmed in the back-end code
this is the misdirection anon. it's not programmed in the contract....that's now what they mean by back-end code. what they are saying is they have a program running locally that is calculating the randomness. go ahead and ask for clarity in the tg...

>> No.21229166

If it sounds too good to be true... yeah, then it's probably a scam

>> No.21229274

Who cares if the function is executed automatically externally or internally if they don't dump before?
You know that the biggest gains come with the biggest risks? They will fix up the code AS YOU CITED YOURSELF

>> No.21229317

from the devs own words on github
>As we are in the early stages of development for the Rebaser contract, the team have decided to perform random rebasing offchain until a suitable, well reviewed version is ready to be deployed.
the team have decided to perform random rebasing offchain..... offchain. stop pretending like this is random. they admit that it's been handled via a manual function call. they are just pretending like they're doing that at random intervals and not whenever the fuck they want.

>> No.21229325

don't bother too much, there's too much hopium here, if they can't figure out that the rebases are invoked manually from the dev wallet, why waste ur time?

>> No.21229381

Jesus christ WHO CARES. You buy the dip like a champ and make money. While you are whining here around I made 2 eth in 20 minutes

>> No.21229402

The absolute state of RMPL bag holders
“My fellow solidity devs”
“Yeah... it totally is random... I know.. I uhh.. I am an expert in the solidity”
Fuck this coin
Fuck you lying cucks
Fuck blue
Fuck whales

>> No.21229466
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>> No.21229472

price didnt move much since release and u made 2 eth ? uh ?

>> No.21229485

>who cares that the team are lying jeets
anon, the value proposition of this entire project was the random rebase. they lied about that though. who cares? idk....those of us who don't like scammers care. go ahead and buy more for all I give a fuck....just stop pretending that it's random rebasing and I will leave you all to it.

>> No.21229557

This is the kind of shit that will completely destroy this market. It might all crash to 0 one day (except for Bitcoin, Ethereum and a few others).

>> No.21229607

You're probably wrong, but maybe you're right, I'll look into it more. But random or not who gives a shit really? There WILL be a shift to a trustless contract. Liquidity is locked, market cap relatively low. Stop bitching and make money bro. Sell those damn AMPL bags.

>> No.21229666

kill yourself ampleforth holder

>> No.21229709

>Didn't move much
Nigga it went from 2$ to 1.5$ back to 2.3$. DO YOU THINK I DON'T SWING THAT BITCH?

>> No.21229742
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>> No.21229777

some anon devs mentioned they will shift to a trustless contract and you unequivocally believe them and their abilities?

>> No.21229891

anon...you come off pretty damn schizo. I never held ample if that's what you're implying. not everyone calling out rmpl as a scam is an ample fan boy.

>> No.21230153

using my line? visit a psychiatrist

>> No.21230457
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This FUD hasn't died down after they released the code. I see you're a persistent one.

>> No.21230499
File: 91 KB, 1084x1280, AMPL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMPL pickers on suicide watch.

>> No.21230526

HAHAHAHAHA. Im not a solidity dev and i know that web3 controllers can (and usually are) programmed to work automatically. It's not RMPL's fault that you're stupid.

>> No.21230591

saying 'private controller' 'protected by private key' seems like fluff more than anything.

>> No.21230645

Did you read the article?

>> No.21230680

the point is that it doesn't have to be random and there's no way to verify that it's random you absolute mong.

>> No.21230755

I sold my dext, where do i check price on rmpl

>> No.21230788

It’s more random than AMPL, that’s for sure. And that’s enough.

>> No.21230793

It's triggered by a function from the devs wallet. They have control of it but it's still hands off. Also they're moving it to a trustless smart contract so it's going to be irrelevant soon

>> No.21230794

Brah you're whole life you're being scammed. Shut up, get paid, and lets not pretend being a SJW here is making a difference.

>> No.21230893

Hmmm it looks like random, it smells like random, it tastes like random... Who cares

>> No.21230959
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>Takes 90% of your liquidity with one tx
what do you do /biz/

>> No.21230997

Even if this is true, its definitely not at set times during the day or even everyday. I would rather be with smart whales who 'scammed' me into investing, and they now have to pretend to call the rebase randomly than having a set rebase time.

>> No.21231022

Buy the dip

>> No.21231059

>sees tx incoming for rebase, manipulates freely like ampl. ZERO DIFFERENCE

>> No.21231068

do it, I need to stop my gambling addiction

>> No.21231126

This can't get listed on any large exchanges precisely because of the randomness.
ampl guy was best niggas with the coinbase CEO in college
>$700M mcap when???