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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21223461 No.21223461 [Reply] [Original]

>website is down
>discord is down
>price is plumetting
absolute state of STA-pajeet p&d shills

>> No.21223536



>> No.21223575

23.4 fucking cents!

>> No.21223577

Feel bad about not buying Anon?

>> No.21223604
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, c6b[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought 5k more for a kino stack of 50k. Thanks OP!

>> No.21223657


>> No.21223674

>Currently at all-time high
>Website is up https://stateratoken.com/
You missed the boat shill, stop trying to tank it so you can buy in. You can still 5x you're just not going to 100x like the rest of us STAstronauts

>> No.21223676


Based madman 13k here you’re gonna make me buy more fuggggg

>> No.21223701

Kek nice try faggot. Never going to sell. $1 SOON.

>> No.21223777
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>> No.21223785
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Hold up, a 100x is a mathematical certainty, even at 0.50, let him feel the fomo

>> No.21223817

Come and take the seat next to me, my friend. We're going to the moon.

>> No.21223866

where can i buy brossss

>> No.21223992 [DELETED] 


Set slippage to 1.5% and gas fees to high

>> No.21223997

Join us anon

>> No.21224041

Only have 2k sta.
Am i going to make it?

>> No.21224063

How does $20000 EoY sound?

>> No.21224077

Add to uniswap and set slippage to 1.5% and gas fees to high

>> No.21224201

I have 1k. Should I buy more before it's too late?

>> No.21224208


>> No.21224240

$50 a token seems insane. I'll take it.

>> No.21224304

Easy 5x is realistic in the short to medium term

>> No.21224371

ar you speaking from from .25 or when it was .10?

>> No.21224408

Dude how is that even a question? This project is taking off before your very own eyes and you have the chance to get on board. Just do it.

>> No.21224419

go back

>> No.21224427

$1 is a modest prediction for this year, maybe even this month if this insane momentum keeps up

>> No.21224468


It's only Monday anon, it could be $1 by the end of this week. Screencap this.

>> No.21224572

is there enough volume to sell? if you do end up making out well?

>> No.21224692


$2.2 million trading volume today and it's on Uniswap and Bamboo Relay only, so yeah I think we're good. Once this hits major exchanges, god damn. Plus, as every transaction burns STAT, as soon as it does hit major exchanges it will just be one huge positive feedback loop of gains. There's literally no limit to this if you hold, this time next year the supply could be like 10 mil or less.

>> No.21224757
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>imagine getting more priced out everyday and still think "it will stop now".
Hilarious. Dont be stupid and get in before you have to live with regret.

>> No.21224777

Someone is trying to sell a little early huh? Sage

>> No.21224784

when will it go on binance sir?

>> No.21224830
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Checked and based

>> No.21224940

oh that's good, I like that

>> No.21225011
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>> No.21225115

tfw bought 5k at 0.05 cos of some random biz post

thanks anons. Made £600 on my 400 investment already I'm pretty happy with that

>> No.21225167
File: 195 KB, 500x499, statera-cozy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinmarketcap tweeted about Statera, we made it bois

>> No.21225223

also here is tweet: https://twitter.com/CoinMarketCap/status/1292853338942439428

>> No.21225305

You are welcome, Fren, glad to have you along for the ride

>> No.21225330

>tried using uniswap from coinbase
>gives me that bar code thing
>take the photo
>sorry https is not a valid protocol

>> No.21225404


Transfer ETH from Coinbase to Metamask, then connect to UniSwap. If you can't, you'll have to wait for a brainlet exchange.

As Statera is full decentralized, it will probably be on Coinbase pretty soon, or so I've heard.

>> No.21225412

The easiest way is to set up a metamask account. It takes 2 minutes.

>> No.21225421
File: 49 KB, 545x526, 1593578210136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being such a retard to buy a coin which gimmicks are the deflationary aspect and index style diversyfing with just 4 Coins

>> No.21225472

Thats not even half of it. And its decentralized meaning anyone can create a pool with whatever tokens they want and have the deflationary part in it to create higher volume and more fees paid out.

>> No.21225569

>Imagine buying an index fund, bro, literally all it does is track a segment of the market and hedge risk. The only reason this is pumping is because the underlying assets are pumping

>> No.21225590


TFW the fud's so poor it barely makes sense. I'm guessing there's a paid poo fud campaign going on right now, we need to find out who is behind it.

>> No.21225649
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>Noo not the heckin gimmickkeriinoo!!!!

>> No.21225671
File: 55 KB, 386x604, 7EAABD2E5A1049C6957FB8E5A69B9BCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine buying an Index Fund with 4 Assets

>> No.21225692

Ahhhhhhh $13 fee rate!

>> No.21225822



>> No.21225829

Uniswap is taking forever bros, I hate this

>> No.21225831

Damnit Vitalik, get your shit together!

>> No.21225844
File: 101 KB, 785x731, 505_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noo not the heckin indexinoriinoo funderiiinoo with only Foureriinoo assetteriinoos likeeriinoo Bitcoineriinoo Etheriumiiinoneerooooo Chainlinkeriinoooo!!!!!!!!!!!11!!111

>> No.21225850

this is huge

>> No.21225918

What are you smoking? Literally takes 1.5 seconds to check all of those things are you're clearly lying. Maybe you didn't realize your internet is out because you're too stupid to know how to ping

>> No.21225921
File: 37 KB, 588x403, d3eaadb1828e4a985ead122555ca9e39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sponsored by your local curry den

>> No.21225964

who cares dawg, u buy, it moon, u sell, make bread fren

>> No.21226749
File: 633 KB, 1280x720, itsallstatera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg this run is making my cock so hard im finally guna be fkn rich

>> No.21226951

Delete this. I own only LINK and STA.

STA + LINK IS /biz/

>> No.21227256


you gonna make it, fren

>> No.21227968

Guys how is this not whitelisted on Uniswap yet?

>> No.21228520

I don't know. I even went to their discord to ask but got no response. I might submit another application


>> No.21228608

I feel like Uniswap can't help but notice them now.

>> No.21228921

Hey friends I knew this was going to moon before anything even started.
I had 9k USD. Can you imagine? I had 3k USD locked up in ETH in coinbase.
Do you know how that feels?

Do you think it will be worth it to buy more on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday?