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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 171 KB, 511x671, linkxsnsinger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21218440 No.21218440 [Reply] [Original]

If you haven't already bought XSN then come here and COPE. YOU RETARDED MOTHERFUCKER, YOU HAD LITERALLY 2-3 years. This shit was sub 1000sats for fucking months and you still didn't buy. Imagine coming to /biz/, not doing any research on the coins shilled here and then complaining that you miss all the moon missions. Kill yourself seething homosexual gay ass nigger tranny.

>> No.21218449


>> No.21218483
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Imagine missing the next 100x because you're too stupid to use /biz/ properly.

>> No.21218534

> Digital money
> Decentralized
> Trust-less proof of stake
> Masternodes
> 45% block rewards

> 90% Passive income from user fees (Stage 3: Hydra)
> Almost fee-less
> No kyc
> Instant transactions 24/7
> Infinite scalability
> Decentralized
> Lightning swaps
> Raiden swaps

>> No.21219046

I smell curry..

>> No.21219199

We haven't even passed Stage 1 yet, dumbfuck. Shill when you actually have a working product and not in beta.

>> No.21219236

Just the fuck up no stakie faggot. DEX releases this month. Raiden is coming along very fucking nicely and you still haven't bought.

>> No.21219253

Rofl. This is link 2.0.

I'm going to double my money by putting profits into rope stocks.

>> No.21219260
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I smell cope.

>> No.21219445


>> No.21219688

>Bought at $0.05 when this first started getting shilled here. >Immediately went and tested the DEX
>did a few hours more research and asked questions.
>Decided it was an easy x10 at least,
>2 months later my $5k is $50k and I’m still not selling.
>have become a full believer wish I bought more but oh well
>will be worth $500k in the coming months.

>> No.21219715

Smells like a scam, not sure if I should put any more in since I finally finished getting a suicide stack last week(10mn). Would cost enough to hurt if it shits the bed should I put any more in. Let's hope they manage to at least do something in the next three years.

>> No.21219776
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See how easy it is?

>> No.21219898

>suicide stack
That’s a make it stack. Suicide is 1 or 2 MN depending on who you ask.
At 10 master nodes you’re effectively getting .45/4000 = .01125% of all trading fees from the network.
That may not sound like a big number but that means for every $10,000 in activity, you get a dollar. At a million dollars in daily volume (which is fucking nothing), you’re already making $100 daily. At $10 million a thousand daily.

>> No.21219918

No it's fuck you money.

>> No.21219997

1 Master Node has always been the suicide stack. When the trading fees get lowered and the amount of masternodes hosting the dex is >4000. 1master node ain’t making you too much

>> No.21220184
File: 40 KB, 403x408, Xsnchad3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and coped.
Checked and based. I jumped from 68k to 144K in 6 days, I believe too fren.

>> No.21220208

>10 Masternodes

>> No.21220514

we won't hit 4k nodes until we hit institutional levels of trading volume - it just won't be worth it until the trading fee distribution is equivalent to block rewards, which is balanced by trade fees being used to buy & burn tokens as well as pay nodes.

I'll run some numbers today, but I'm going to guess based on liquidity and price action that equilibrium will be closer to 3500 nodes as long as trade volume is below a couple hundred million per day (and realistically more than a couple hundred million would be wildly successful - uniswap has been around a while and is just now getting over $100mm in volume, and they have strong first mover advantage despite an inferior product)

>> No.21220738

Had to beg borrow and steal to get a MN at .20 and I'm literally never selling

>> No.21220798

I have been doing research and there's unironically too many interesting projects I can't invest in them all.

>> No.21220865

Stakenet is a scam. Buy AAVE.

>> No.21220918

what are masternodes?

>> No.21220968
File: 118 KB, 1280x719, masternode uses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15000 xsn stored in a legacy address to act as a masternode. It can do things, like host the dex.

>> No.21221358

Masternode = node owned by white wan
Conversely a slave node is a node run by shitskins. It's just another racist 4chan meme gone too far. In reality it's a node plain and simple. No kyc means they can't see your race so don't worry.

>> No.21221388

Also as we 10-20x from here within this year, SOME will start selling a MN here and there.
But those buying the coins will most likely not have the funds to buy a full node and will end up Staking 1000xsn.
So that way many current MN will be split up into stakers.
So it's hard to say if the number of MN will go up or down.
So what you wrote is no way fact.
Nor is it logically.

>> No.21221613

Or they'll just hold on to it and make more masternodes. A 20x means I'm getting 4k/wk. That's almost double what I get from my overtime checks. I'd just retire and let my masternoden accumulate. The fuck else am I going to buy after I buy everything I want that week? Less confusing when the money invests itself like that.

>> No.21221641

AAVE is scam. Buy Stakenet

>> No.21221678

There is no way xsn gets to 4000 masternodes unless huge whales or institutional money comes in. The average person is pretty much priced out now.

>> No.21221895

At 2500 now. A node costs like 1k link lent to AAVE. Average stack on /biz/ is like 10k, many have bigger stacks too. Only need 150 /biz/tards to fomo in and we're at 4,000. That assumes the price stays roughly the same which is unlikely when buying up 20% of the supply, but it's not a crazy figure. You see people dropping 100eth on uniswap scams all the time so what's a few link at 3% interest? Average person is a useless metric because only autists, retards, and weirdos browse here. More often than not they are 2 or more of those things at the same time. You're better off looking for an average person at a star trek convention.

>> No.21222492
File: 16 KB, 705x103, 1596821675683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This caught my eye. Synthetix is doing something kind of similar to Stakenet. Wonder if people dumped that shit to jump in XSN

>> No.21222651

kek some fucker tried shilling me this over XSN.

anybody who does their own research will realise that Stakenet is making all on chain protocols and liquidity pool bullshit DEX's completely obsolete. Seriously lads, congrats on this.

>> No.21222765

Yup. XSN needs to hurry the fuck up and get the product to market

SNX already has a massive following. Won’t be hard for them to get usage. Might buy a small bag for dem gains

>> No.21222804
File: 312 KB, 1444x816, xsn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13 MN. Did you buy at 600 sats?

>> No.21222962

i jumped from $66k to $140k in 5 days of XSN

>> No.21222965
File: 252 KB, 828x1407, B0AB43CA-F291-4BA6-8636-C6B87A9BC9DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNX is onchain bullshit with wrapped assets, it’s dead before it starts as onchain fees keep rising and conf times get slower. Their aggregator can’t even settle trades instantly as price updates every 3 mins so anyone using one will get rekt.

>> No.21222970

Man, how long does it take to transfer coins into your stakenet wallet? It says 20 transactions but it's been 30 minutes.

>> No.21223048

why does SNX (sucks) look like Stakenet site. Same font, colors and borders?

>> No.21223080

Might just get a small bag on the dip anyway. Normies will buy it when they have some news

>> No.21223098
File: 141 KB, 880x637, 1571412937083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30k stack. Will I make it?

>> No.21223184

Yes, 2 MN is double make it stack in 2021

>> No.21223580

THIS. But I'm happy that XSN was one of my first investments. Bought my second masternode at $0.05 just before the pump cuz /biz/ started shilling it.

>> No.21224011

Stakenet is the one that will allow you then all to be exchanged more fluidly.
I’m not saying that makes it inherently the best, but it does make it have a pretty high ceiling. Sell shovels to gold miners, don’t go looking for gold.

>> No.21224116

SNX trying to rip off XSN that’s why but the problem is you can’t just do what XSN has done because nobody has built anything like what XSN has and it took them 2 years of constant work to get there. So while everyone (see ORN) is trying to copy XSN they don’t have the tech to support it so are just throwing together what they can copy/paste from other projects that’s why they are all the same onchain, wrapped asset bullshit with some parameters changes. Also you can’t just magic a network of over 2000 MN so going to be a long time until anyone can compete with XSN

>> No.21224682

60% of masternodes are hosted on the teams hosting service. I don't know shit about what it does but that much wouldn't be too hard to scam up with a little work. Hardly decentralized at least. They lie about wanting price and hubs working before dex is put on masternodes but I think this is the real reason and they don't want to fuck up something with so much potential. Too much to risk when over half the network is in one pot.
Link has the same problem but solved it in an equally retarded way, kyc'd nodes. Nascent tech and labor pains I know, it's just an observation with no real point being made on my part with this post. Copycatting is good for a quick buck and if it fails then they gleaned something off xsn at minimal cost and huge profits, not hard to understand their reasons. The team toughed it out for years, just hope there's enough reserves to push through to the finish line. I still don't understand instant feeless swaps but also a dex that makes hodlers filthy rich. If I can swap for the shit I want why bother? Arbitrage bots stand to make a killing with it if it works how I think but otherwise sounds like the opposite of profitable for most of us.

>> No.21225229
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>> No.21225824

All the nodes hosted by MNaaS are done trustlessly, the owner of the MN keeps there 15k per MN in their own core wallet on their own machines with their own keys. MNaaS uses multiple VPS provides all over the world to give a good spread of MN’s which you can see on the MN map where they are hosted.

How exactly do you think they can scam with this setup?

>> No.21226263

I meant the copycats could cobble something together that looks like them hosting 60% of nodes. Whether it has the same security or not in up to how hard they work. In criticizing xsn it was more a central point of failure I guess. Take down mnaas and that's 60% of the network. I just buy shit like this and link, buying is easier than understanding. I raise concerns and either get called a larp or cop, or someone who knows more tells me why it's wrong. The lazy man's version of dyor. Good litmus test for a coin too. If you just get called a shill by pajeets for foiling their pnd plans they either don't know fundamentals or there are none to discuss. Like I said before I've got money on this, but I'm not as sure about it as I was link. Lots more spoonfeeding in those threads way back when then you see here. Could be a good thing though.

>> No.21226311
File: 93 KB, 1268x660, waiting for the dip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Might just get a small bag on the dip anyway.
Yup. Gonna dip reeeeal soon. I can feel it. Right? It is going to dip. It has to dip because there's always a dip...

>> No.21226394
File: 298 KB, 1170x1172, doggo1595899183365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good analogy?

>> No.21226544

Can’t take down 60% even if MNaaS got attacked as MNaaS essentially just setup and update your MN on a VPS for you. They use different VPS providers all over the world so to take it all down would mean hitting all the VPS providers in all the different countries at the same time. As for a copycat I suppose they could setup 2000 nodes themselves but who would trust a network where the team has so much control, with XSN that is not the case even with MNaaS as they do not control the XSN

>> No.21226637

You can't "take down MNaaS". It's a service which initially connects vps probider with MN holder, that's it. The network itself is hosted in multiple countries, on hundreds of servers per country, in dozens of data centers. XSN is endgame tier

>> No.21226697
