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>> No.21214524

This big youtuber Just shilled CLIS guys . Fast forward to 9:30 . He has 40,000 subs so get ready to head to the moon today chads

>> No.21214639

to the anon I called a faggot for shilling OCGN, I'm sorry

>> No.21214653
File: 48 KB, 714x960, 109921147_3135500576560239_7499451112727579148_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BNGO Chads what happened :^)

>> No.21214689


>> No.21214720

does CLIS have anything on the agenda or is it traded like a shitcoin? I.E. constant pump and dump bullshit?

>> No.21214997

DFFN Chads, next couple of days is your last chance to load up your bags

>> No.21215047

If u have inside info spit it out otherwise ur a favor nigger.

>> No.21215144

no thanks. ever since the FDA told them to try again with the clinical study plans, i lost interest.

>> No.21215163

Oil chads rise up. CDEV, OAS, QEP, SM energy, MRO. All going to inevitably explode just a matter of when

>> No.21215194

tons of items on the agenda

>> No.21215261

Your mouth to CEIs ears. Holy fuck am I ever taking a bath on that stock.

>> No.21215687

Beta app launch August 13th, ending otcqb uplisting, full product launch plan for September. They have also stated that they will be fully compliant Q2 2021 if you can hold that long.

>> No.21215691

I hears that DiamondPeak Holding ($DPHC) is The ticker that will change to $RIDE for Lordstown Motors. The guys building for WKHS

>> No.21215711

Where did my TOPS go

>> No.21215803

My bags are getting heavy

>> No.21215840

The FDA wanted them to change the scope of their trials so that broader conclusions could be drawn from their results.

A huge percentage of people have reported continued breathing and lung issues after recovering from the rona. Trans Sodium Crocetinate is aimed at remedying that, which means even slightly positive news from the trial will turn DFFN into a money printer.

>> No.21215888


>> No.21216157
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What the fuck why is it pumping again. God bless this absolute schizo stock.

>> No.21216342
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>> No.21216587

CLIS @ .14 . I’m about to be rich

>> No.21216652

Bros what do I buy? (And why?)

>> No.21216759
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You're turning me on anon.
DFFN gang rise up

>> No.21216814

He's priming a short sell. Junk stock

Eating a shit sandwich is a better idea.

>> No.21216864


>> No.21216884

They are diluting their share price. More later than whiskey in that shot glass.

>> No.21216895
File: 25 KB, 474x499, OIPA2UAKCMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning people
>skip Friday because im at a doctors appointment and forced to rest up all day
>check Monday
>OPGN up 60%
>Bought and held back at 2.28

>> No.21216897

Fair enough. I am all about the therapeutics. People are going to jump from vaccine stocks

>> No.21216969

ZOM finally saw some premarket action for the first time in what seems like forever. Honestly it just going to .18 or .20 and I'd be satisfied dumping this bag and moving on

>> No.21217066
File: 153 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200810-084418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummm. Make sure you dump before the shorts move in on you. Take profit and run.

>> No.21217110

I wouldn't touch a fuckin thing in this thread offered. Unless you like risk and holding other people's bags.

>> No.21217165

If you're short on CLIS, absolutely reduce your position. I plan on holding this position through SEPT even if it has a relative dip post Friday pump.

>> No.21217208

Just set your sell order and bail. Or short it back to ten cents. It's range bound which means an algo is fucking with it.

>> No.21217260
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Are you bear of bears?
im used to luluposting

>> No.21217287

I wouldn't offer my piss if it were on fire. Even with announcements on buyouts it's the disclosed price in the final sale that matters. All you're doing is running into traffic hoping you don't get hit.

>> No.21217291

In all fairness, I'm going to get my principal back today and let the rest ride

>> No.21217330
File: 6 KB, 323x135, clis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what does this mean?

>> No.21217351

Jesus Christ where do all these tripfags come from. No wonder these threads are shit now

>> No.21217353

You should see a doctor if it burns when you pee

>> No.21217368

No just saying otc stocks are like buying a rusted out piece of shit car hoping someone will restore it for pennies. They really aren't investments anymore...they used to be, but got skullfucked in whatever messy triage that comes with delisting stocks and avoiding creditors.

>> No.21217414

It means you have over 14000 pennies, anon

>> No.21217431

Someone is fluffing for a short sale. The volume means sweet fuck all for a penny stocks. You are looking at someone with a couple hundred bucks waiting to stick their dick in some other guy's ass. Easier shorting junk than riding it

>> No.21217468

Best option is take profits and run away. Could be a complete shit head and write options on it. Just have to find a fuck tonne of suckers to take a bite of your shit sandwich.

>> No.21217527

One of those "cut your losses as easy as possible" deals? It's already dumping back to .15 or so. Ugh

>> No.21217563

Stop watching it. Just set your sell order for a week and go live your life.

>> No.21217620

Still holding OPGN
im up 55%
it keep rising
fuck man I don't wanna be greedy but its so fucking hard

>> No.21217664

If it doesn't sell. Rinse and repeat. You actually don't have to sit and sweat a screen all day. Just automate the task and walk away. We both already know these companies are empty boxes that have intellectual property but it should also be said there's ten thousand of these junk stocks that do the same thing as the last one.

They truely are worth a dime a dozen.

>> No.21217700

Up 55%?

What does common sense dictate in your situation?

>> No.21217795
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Range bound. Algos fucking with it.

>> No.21217893
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Local nihilist comes to /ptg/ and don't realize its all betting here

>> No.21217961

I'm up 55% on CLIS. Should I sell at open? I know the beta comes out the 13th but I'm worried it will dump before then

>> No.21217993

Its best to sell king, lets not be greedy

>> No.21218048

I don't know dude, If I do I'll definitely get back in because it should pump back in September, maybe the 13th

>> No.21218170

I held this shit through thick and thin and it's finally paying off. I was down by almost $2,000 but today I'm gonna be up by over $3,000!

OPGN also doing me well today. Up 20% and not gonna sell till $5 minimum.

>> No.21218187

Why didn't I buy back into OCGN during the dip.

God damn I'm retarded

>> No.21218196

Man don't be like my lines, where I ride it and fucking drop like a Korean off a work building

>> No.21218249

I'm up 100%. Guess I'll just sell them all and buy back in at a dump.

>> No.21218261

I bought at .70, lost faith and said fuck it ay .49 on Thursday, pumps on Friday and today.
Never selling at a loss ever again

>> No.21218438

VRTN was risen up lol

>> No.21218484


>> No.21218500

It's time to push CLIS on blacktwitter, be sure to tag the PND guys who missed it (yates, stan, et al)

>> No.21218548
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>Investment in SENS paying off today
Fucking finally, that shit was in the red all last week

>> No.21218673

Anyone here even touching ZOM? Seems kinda shitty

>> No.21218852


>> No.21218871

Where is my 340k CLIS anon? My 100k is felling pretty comfy right now

>> No.21218914
File: 22 KB, 288x499, Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WYY bros where you at?

>> No.21218935

tfw 15k. Did you sell fren?

>> No.21218944

Noooooo I need NNLX to go
Back down so I can put my CLIS gains into it

>> No.21218991

No I think we are going to pump all week to Thursday might exit part of my position on wed, but will renter if it dips Friday after beta launch

>> No.21219074
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Shill me.

>> No.21219077
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XELA still going to fucking town. Ahahahahah you niggers did buy right?

>> No.21219143
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Feelsgoodman. Just gotta let these whales jump before we go to the moon

>> No.21219183

60k here at .079 and having a good time

>> No.21219327

New CLIS floor looking to be .12

>> No.21219339

Wowie zowie Mister, I sure do love being up 0.005!

>> No.21219349

Alright, when are we selling KTOV? These bags are getting heavy

>> No.21219359


>> No.21219416

>selling ktov
Man the ride will be forever

>> No.21219441

any IDEX bois still up in this bih

>> No.21219464

Any ALYI bros here ? 50,000 checking in

>> No.21219472


>> No.21219545

Schwab is really lagging behind today, jesus.

>> No.21219561

it wasn't working at all on my phone earlier I had to switch to my desktop

>> No.21219578


>> No.21219705

GEVO bros, I see a lot of talk about reverse splitting. Im scared

>> No.21219760

>hyped for massive CLIS gains
>see price jump
>check account gains
>no gain
>wtf, check other stocks to see which one is red
>CLIS is gone
>check order history
>apparently I filled an order 1 minute before EOD Friday @ 0.118
Oh my God what the fuck I want to die

>> No.21219777

I'm running with 30k shares. Solid product. Good mgmt now. Ripe for a buyout or moon mission when truforma drops. Lots of manipulation through sell walls

>> No.21219876


>> No.21219961

get back in

>> No.21219993

Why didn't you fucks tell me about MCRB?

>> No.21220028

>Sold GAXY
>Buy more GAXY with profits

>> No.21220047

For some reason, my phone is up to date but the desktop is lagging.

>> No.21220061

What's up with TOPS?

>> No.21220099
File: 63 KB, 632x756, Eb8OJOJUwAEnJ2m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got out at 4% profit today

>> No.21220250

schwabs web and app interface sucks dick. they dont show live quotes. have to keep refreshing when you pull up a stock. also they dont show premarket and afterhours.

>> No.21220258

Go back to /reddit/ you fucking loser bear

>> No.21220259


>> No.21220341

Doubt it. They haven't even been notified of deficiency status yet.

>> No.21220349
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Holy shit this is the most I've ever made

>> No.21220420
File: 11 KB, 205x245, pinkwoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 500 shares of this shit. This morning I had 20 shares and the value dumped immediately by 50%. Fucking Greeks holy shit, I will never buy fucking Greek stock again. They are literally the mafia.

>> No.21220465

now you know why anal fucking is called 'going greek'

>> No.21220469
File: 136 KB, 1087x281, E18CF0DF-0F2B-483D-AD37-96552611DD18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in case you thought you could escape from crypto in your containment board

>> No.21220622

I just did the math and I didn't lose 50% but I did lose about 33%. This shit happened first thing in the morning what the fuck. How is this legal.

>> No.21220632

What the actual fuck what was that??

>> No.21220637

Thank you to the anon who has been shilling clis

>> No.21220638

Shill me something boys

>> No.21220719

Tgis is why shipfags here will always be faggots.

>> No.21220757

XELA 100%

>> No.21220771

Due to technical difficulties, RBC can not process

>Any order on canadian stock
>Any order on american stock


Yahoo finance also seem to be buging. Is it just me?

>> No.21220805

108k here at .75
Enjoying life.
Holding till release.

>> No.21220845

Yeah. I owe him a handjob at least.

>> No.21220860

IDEX is the biggest scam I’ve ever seen. They have absolutely no product and only whine about bears.

>> No.21220880

Why? Should I hold this or wait for earnings and then sell?

>> No.21220942
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>> No.21220953
File: 22 KB, 640x320, 110153824_3136025506507746_891824802423762151_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upcoming ER, announced a new flagship product, etc. Yes hold til tomorrow.



>> No.21221008

I'm probably not the only one but I was big on it. It's a fun ride so far.

>> No.21221141

NXTD will probably be a runner soon huge sell wall at .58. Stock seams to run monday-wednesday then dump thursday and friday.

>> No.21221318

Are we holding CLIS till launch in September or are we dumping before/after BETA?

scured to lose them gains if it goes over $1

>> No.21221333

Thanks based anon

>> No.21221522

I’m up 20%. Are you holding through the ER on Thursday or dumping before then?

>> No.21221858


>> No.21222185

I've been burned too many times on SNSS

>> No.21222282

CLIS bros wtf was that

>> No.21222364

Ive been crabbing for 3 weeks what do i do bros

>> No.21222550

The usual crabbing of a low volume stock. To be honest, I expected a pull back today not a climb.

>> No.21222638

i've been hodling CLIS since .07 and the goal was to go long, am I based or retarded?

>> No.21222694

This thing only started climbing Friday. The fact that we are holding above .10 is honestly great.

>> No.21222773

wtf i dont even see CLIS through my broker despite other american OTCs being available.

>> No.21222789

Why not both? But consider selling some of your position when you hit a price target. This stock may be promising but it is still volatile.

>> No.21222872

Is ZAGG a good buy?

>> No.21223689

Full on ball-less redditor here, folks. Surprised you didn't format your post either, you narcissistic fucking ass muncher

>> No.21223703

>don’t say I didn’t shill this .

>> No.21223796

Got $200, how should I yolo this?

>> No.21223976

IGEN,GAXY,CLIS pick one of the three

>> No.21224040

Just buy a NKLA call desu

>> No.21224289

I think DBVT found its floor around 2.35. I bought in too early at 2.49. Just denied FDA approval 2 weeks ago. Might be worth it now.

>> No.21224574

Damn that's a risky play

Don't know if I have the steely hands for it

>> No.21224747

Equal up and downside, I didn't put more than 1% of my available cash in, just figured it might be worth it to someone who really wants to YOLO. I'll sell DBVT if it crabs until this Friday.

>> No.21225297

I bought ZAGG at 3.43.
I'll see next week, if it was a good idea.

>> No.21225551
File: 149 KB, 400x416, D5D902EC-F3E9-424C-8D5B-8F81A86AFB85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m stuck holding bags and CO is gonna moon without me

>> No.21225721
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I really hate BNGO rn ngl senpai.

>> No.21225966

I'm regretting not accumulating more CLIS. I only have 650 shares at about .073. I thought I had more time damn it. Oh well, profit is profit.

>> No.21225971

Dumb namefag, you should have joined us on the CLIS train

>> No.21226015

Hey fellow /ptg/ bottom feeders. Keep your eyes on $LITB, I think this fucker has a strong chance of mooning. I made ~25% on a quick flip this morning
$LITB (light in the box)

>> No.21226070

Haha kys.

>> No.21226105

GAXY is getting a lot of excitement. Could moon huge.

>> No.21226277

Recro Pharma HQ, is litteraly a residential house in the forest.

>> No.21226323

I should have if I wasnt an autistic sperg who can't use google to learn where to buy it. Oh well.

>> No.21226517
File: 6 KB, 353x85, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schwab finally decided to update on their website.

>> No.21226539

spoon pls

>> No.21226878

Literally Fidelity.

>> No.21226934

Any SENS frens from last week here? We're doing pretty good right now.
fuck anon I'm sorry to hear that

>> No.21226956

Not the other posters but I'm not seeing any massive shilling for a pre-earning pump so I may just hold.

>> No.21227091

Just read the news. I'm in!

>> No.21227101

GAXY up 100%+

>> No.21227259

Just bought $5 worth am I going to make it?

>> No.21227753

Why buy $5 of a pennystock?

>> No.21227802

because it's all I have available right now until tomorrow

>> No.21228003

>Spent only 5$
>Am I going to make it

I really hope you don't pay any comission!

>> No.21228162

Of course not, what broker charges commission anymore?

>> No.21228348

SENS fren reporting in

>> No.21228416

Just picked up 20,000 IGEN . Any idea what the exit price should be ?

>> No.21228534

GAXY exit price ?

>> No.21229215
File: 331 KB, 1161x863, 94BCC037-96B2-40EF-AF9A-60F8BCAEB392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody investing on the TSXV

>> No.21229270

Most of them outside the USA.

>> No.21229543

I’m shooting for 0.1, might save some for 1.0

>> No.21229597

Wtf is going on with Ameritrade? CLIS is .135 everywhere else but on there its .125?

>> No.21229646

Check the time, delayed reports. I did the same thing Friday. Your broker is accurate.

>> No.21230145

all day baby incredible day today

>> No.21230336

Going to 0

>> No.21230538

Stay mad faggot, we've been telling you to buy this for months. Its a .005 decrease and its flat and market close, seems fine to me.

>> No.21230735
File: 135 KB, 300x302, greeks_lazy_big2 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here got Greek'd by TOPS?

>> No.21230809

What's a good screener, for the TSXV?

>> No.21230844


>> No.21231110

Like, now can't possibly be a good time to buy either, right? There's no good time to buy this shit.

>> No.21231260

cmon now dont talk like a woman

>> No.21231279

Who stacking/holding CHSI here?

>> No.21231500


>> No.21231683

>there's some entity that's been putting up 100k bids and buying ktov throughout the days dips
>they've bought shares for at least $500k now looking at trade history
could it finally be happening??

>> No.21231837

Yup, just picked up MKR at 0.90. Short term trade, waiting on KL to confirm its financing

>> No.21231988

PT for GAXY?

>> No.21232159

I know a lot of Anons on here got fucked by CHFS recently, but realistic expectations for it?

>> No.21232282

CLIS at .10 for anons who missed the boat

>> No.21232285

You guys sold CLIS right?

>> No.21232365

>selling the bottom

kek, no

>> No.21232366

I would have if I had a larger position it

>> No.21232502

CLIS nooooooo

>> No.21232626

Climbed up from .08 Friday, still great

>> No.21232630

Important to remember that there are ALOT of bagholders in CLIS from it's .25 cent run up. Take this opportunity to buy up further.

>> No.21232729

which is why i think CLIS will reach $1 soon

>> No.21232955

no, it's time to buy more if you have funds available

>> No.21233098

bought GAXY at .0156 and sold it at 0.0257.Feels good scraping might buy again tomorrow.

>> No.21233142

Just bought more CLIS. Being at 0.10 only made me harder

>> No.21233292
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who here still bagholding plm?

>> No.21233379

Likewise. My only regret is being too poor to buy more.

>> No.21233385
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MVIS: the gift that keeps on bogging

>> No.21233887

The fuck just happened with XELA

>> No.21234479


>> No.21234504

This fucking general is garbage. Shut the fuck up about CLIS. My fucking god.

>> No.21234810

welp, I'm up 6 gorillion percent today. Bought a suit of armor from Sotheby's and am researching where to retire in Switzerland.

>> No.21234852

>Not keeping the Sotheby suit at home and roll around in BudK suit as your daily armor.

>> No.21235586

Someone missed the CLIS boat

>> No.21235634

Got a good penny stock for you guys, but I won’t be able to invest in it until the end of the month, so I’ll tell you then

>> No.21235836

I've made good gains twice with MVIS. I'll probably buy this dip.