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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21209565 No.21209565 [Reply] [Original]

why doesn't iExec get any of the oracle hype like BAND is? iExec has technologically superior oracles to any current oraclecoin. SGX/TEE/staking have been on iExec oracles for a year now.

So is it just a marketing thing? Coins that are solely oracles can get the oracle hype easier but since oracles are just a small portion of iExec it cant get the hype??????

market is dumb

>> No.21209634

I know, they need to advertise the oracle aspect more, they always just say its for centralised computing and I doubt many people outside biz even know it can do oracles

>> No.21209815

Honestly people just don't know.
It's the same for defi tools, most people are generally unaware of the capabilities

>> No.21209887

Lad, if you know something the market doesn't, it doesn't mean the market is dumb, it means you are early.

Pack your bags. We're going to Mars.

>> No.21210022

This, grab as much RLC as you can, and don't hold them on exchanges

>> No.21210088
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Just like other anons are saying
Its a blessing in a disguise
Load up while you still can

>> No.21210241

band is just a shitty copy of chainlink. they got lucky that they got huge attention with coinbase listing coinciding just in time with chainlink’s defi fomo.

>> No.21210257

Perhaps it's because iExec is a pajeet scam and even the biggest retards know to stay away from it?

>> No.21210297

this sell now before it gose to 20ct

>> No.21210508

Vaporware pnd scam. It's astounding how people still manage to fall for this meme.

>> No.21210683

Is this a paid fud campagn ? Show hands pajeets

>> No.21210936

It's one of the most well established *european* projects, Jeet...