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File: 40 KB, 692x491, ETHVERSE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21209459 No.21209459 [Reply] [Original]

>The moment this gets shilled by a big Minecraft youtuber it is going to the moon

We all know it's going to happen. The question is when.

>> No.21209889

cookieswirlc is going to make me a billionaire?

>> No.21210214

Need beta to go well for this to really pop off. Should hit 4 dollars

>> No.21210522
File: 385 KB, 750x819, 8A21DD4F-558E-4691-A816-2F5A20811829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21210693

The fact that this ha a real working product going live in two weeks, and it’s still at a 3M market cap... holy fuck bros.

>> No.21210722

The reason why this will not take off is simple. It's effectively paid DLC for Minecraft. People hate DLC.

Now, for those familiar, servers used to charge money for Minecraft through the Minecraft servers themselves - e.g. people would pay for direct sale of items.

Now, that has been altered, you are not legally allowed to sell/trade/buy virtual Minecraft items with currency otherwise they will shut you the fuck down.

ETH on Minecraft violates this, effectively shooting itself in the foot instantly. In addition it replaces the pre-existing method of paying via paypal or other transaction software for Minecraft.

Admins on Minecraft servers can also see text logs, so imagine a random server owner seeing your transaction history including your address. The decentralised nature falls apart.

So effectively what you have is something that violates the Minecraft ToS immediately and is going to be rejected by most the community, is too risky for many individuals to set-up and is effectively competiting with the pre-existing established systems and lazy server owners who are already generating a revenue stream without the need for crypto adoption.

>> No.21210781

Oh, almost forgot, Minecraft is primarily played by children.

It's very unlikely that children will gain access to mum/dad's credit card info and decide to set-up a crypto account, it's much easier for them to login to a parents paypal because the parent forgot to 'forget login info'

This entire system of implimentation is flawed in every sense possible. Even if Youtubers were shilling this and people joined, why would people pay using crypto and bitcoin addresses which will result in scams as opposed to paypal which is tracable and refundable.

>> No.21210839

look at how retarded you are
this is basically a backwards dlc at best
name one “dlc” in the history of gaming that people could make money with instead of just paying for a yellow hat or stupid wings
this will revolutionize gaming
minecraft people go apeshit over other people’s work, and guess what, now they can buy it
just look at how much money gamers spend on dlcs
don’t you think they’d happily pay for some giant ass mansion or some shit?
jesus boy

>> No.21210888

Except they already have this retard, as I said in the post. You can paypal people to buy Minecraft worlds, plots of land, items, etc... Hypixel was founded on that sort of shit. Let alone other servers where ranks, roles, abilities, name colours, everything monetisable has already been monitised using a method that children such as yourself are familiar with.

>> No.21211008

Where can I buy this coin?

>> No.21211037

I'd guess Uniswap if you have the token address needed, though honestly - you are going to get fucked over hard by this coin.

Just buy 10 Link and call it a day. Check back in a week and decide then if you want to invest in shitcoins or just hodl until you make it.

>> No.21211079

Literally already happened back in 2017. Look up Ethercraft.

>> No.21211107

You’re a dumbass. This will allow people who already sweat for hours on end acquiring resources on servers that exist now, to literally do the same and get fucking payed. This isn’t enjin, it’s an economy and people will have jobs and sell land and participate in selling on the market.. of hundreds of servers that are interlinked.

>> No.21211151

Ethercraft was a fucking 2d collectibles project that was supposed to be turned into a game and never even got to that point because it basically ceased to exist as soon as the 2017 bubble popped, what’s up with all this low IQ fud in here?

>> No.21211198

It’s in a dip. This is the perfect time to buy, server beta testing goes live in two weeks.


And yes, they have partnerships with some big Minecraft you tubers, Alex basically hinted at it already.

>> No.21211348

Hello retard, once again, that aspect already existed until around 2015 in Minecraft until Mojang themselves banned it.

Anyone selling in-game items for IRL currency can be permabanned, let alone the fraud charge and lawsuits against some server owners. The only exception is the official shop:


Hypixel for example used to do exactly what you described and now they can only sell roles. Nobody can use a service like this anymore otherwise the entire service will get brought down because it violates Minecraft ToS.

> it’s an economy
> jobs
Economy plugin, varied

> and sell land
Claim plugin, probably late 2000's?

> selling on market
Quick Shop plugin, 2018

Everything you are describing exists in Minecraft already.

>> No.21211426

You are clearly just here to shill this because you invested and lost when it dipped almost exactly when you posted this thread.

It's clear you have no clue what Minecraft is beyond its appeal and have no understanding of what has happened to Minecraft in regards to the monetisation of its content.

>> No.21211740

Hello dumbass, yet again. Actually, Minecraft recently has open sourced much of its code. So many of the restrictions you are talking about are much more lenient than they were. While you’re right that they could run into some problems with the eula, this is no different than what many servers that were ran on enjin did to make money.

Don’t fucking link me shit plugins on spigot. This isn’t grief prevention of towny other any of that dumb shit, plus the ones you linked are the bigger tier ones no one even uses so you pretty much proved to me you’re a dumbass that doesn’t know what you’re talking about. This is literal erc-20 token that is tradeable for real money being used as an economy in Place of vault or essentials economy or whatever your current fake money plug-in economy of choice is.

>> No.21211764

And once again wrong champ. I’ve actually programmed multiple spigot plugins compatible with spigot and paper, I’ve programmed mods compatible with forge, and I’ve ran many bungeecord servers in my time. Your low IQ fud is useless. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.21211818

Nobody uses bukkit anymore either. Jesus Christ you’re retarded.

>> No.21211859


Seems to me you are struggling to justify your animosity, talking about events in 2015.

Plugins != the complete package, presented in the appropriate way.

Many big success stories have been exactly that, conglomerations of many good ideas that have come and existed separately beforehand.

Microsoft will likely buy up ETHVERSE if it's successful. They have been going pretty heavy into blockchain.

>> No.21211926

It is a confirned pajeet scam. Don't fall for it.

>> No.21211958

Mid wits guaranteed to fomo in at 10M marketcap right before beta launch.

>> No.21212017

>ETH on Minecraft violates this, effectively shooting itself in the foot instantly. In addition it replaces the pre-existing method of paying via paypal or other transaction software for Minecraft.

Then why does https://decentraland.org/ exist and Enjin ? Isn't Ethverse similar to them ?

>> No.21212056

Any time you want to back up the FUD, let us know.

>> No.21212082

That anon doesn’t know what he’s talking about. There are plenty of servers that monetize plenty of different aspects of the game. He’s using outdated 2015 Minecraft happenings because that’s all he knows about Minecraft and is trying to make it sound professional when anyone who knows a lick about Minecraft environment now knows this is an amazing idea that is perfect with its timing. Minecraft has peaked in popularity again and defi is peaking with it. This will have a higher market cap than enjin and decentraland combined eventually. Screenshot this.

>> No.21212099

Heres some real FUD. Apparently the beta is being delayed until next year

>> No.21212119

10 bucks this anon doesn’t come back. He can fud all he wants, I guarantee it’s pointless and he is far less knowledgeable of both crypto and Minecraft to try and fud this.

>> No.21212131

There's a pretty concerted FUD campaign against ETHVERSE at the moment.

I could be wrong but my suspicion is it will stop when liquidity is added today. At the moment liquidity is low so whales can't buy in without massive slippage. Hence the price needs to stay low until Liquidity is added.

According to the head guy on telegram Alex Cupra, liquidity is being added today. Once that happens my prediction is you will suddenly see the FUD become shilling on here.

>> No.21212145

Yeah, no it isn’t. Nice try.

>> No.21212236

>he doesnt know
Kek you will find out soon enough how much "progress" they've actually made

>> No.21212288

Your fud is getting slightly more advanced, but is still based out of thin air on absolutely nothing. Stay poor. Updates will be coming out today. And the entire week. They’ve already selected some beta testers.

>> No.21212354

>real money being used as an economy in place of current fake money

Yay, a game where you pay real money for everything. I'm sure this is going to be incredibly popular - oh wait, we're in a global depression after a pandemic that is going to destroy the economy and leave a majority poor for the next decade and many deceased or mentally destroyed and unable to work surviving on neet bucks. Brilliant idea to invest in that /s

>> No.21212394

Either way, done with the stupidity on display here. Any investor should research and realise none of these ideas work.

>> No.21212423

>Realizes he can’t fud with Minecraft technicals
>Changes subject.

Buddy it costs 0 dollars to play, all you need is a Minecraft account (which has seen almost a 30% increase In purchases since the pandemic started) and you can get on and play and earn money just by playing Minecraft and hanging out with the community.

>> No.21212463

Yeah goodbye. You tried, better luck next time. Maybe go buy XRP or Confido, that seems more up your alley.

>> No.21212547


Could you tell why many servers use services like enjin to monetize claim blocks, items, vip passes . Isn't Ethverse trying to do something similar ?

>> No.21212609


Hey , before leaving please reply to this . Then why does https://decentraland.org/ exist and Enjin ? Isn't Ethverse similar to them ?

>> No.21212629

It will dump tonight, will be a good time to buy in. Appreciate the effort

>> No.21212653

He’s already gone anon. He realized his fud is useless and based on nothing. Enjin wouldn’t have a 180M marketcap if monetizing Minecraft was an issue. That anon is a retard plain and simple.

>> No.21212680

It already dumped.

>> No.21212704

You forgot to use your other id there

You shill something you got burned on.

>> No.21212813

12 years too late

>> No.21212859

>Then why does https://decentraland.org/ exist and Enjin ? Isn't Ethverse similar to them ?

Hey , can't you see my comment ? Why aren't you replying to me ?

Why does https://decentraland.org/ exist and Enjin ? Isn't Ethverse similar to them ?

>> No.21212878

Please enlighten me how this is legal? Are they allowed to use the minecraft engine? Is that open source?

>> No.21213000

I don’t have another Id retard, I don’t need it. I got in at 20 cents, so I don’t need to shill either. But I’m not gonna put up with retard fudders.

>> No.21213024


They have open sourced most of Minecraft.

>> No.21213058

He’s ignoring you cause he has no fud that can dismantle that.

>> No.21213061

Exploits the same method as Hypixel.

Admittedly, this project had a lot of ideas right:
- You establish a game that is not pre-existing, because pre-existing games have exploits/hacks
- You get in incredibly early (2018) and use the hype to shoot yourself off

The problem is simply that Ethverse relies on Minecraft at the core, a game where servers are filled with exploits. Every economy server collapses because of duplication methods or hackers. Every single time it is public it'll get exploited.

Decentraland is also a testiment to why these games do not work. Its great owning a bit of virtual land, but it's pointless when you can't flaunt what you own:

- If the game is not popular then it ruins the enjoyment factor and you stop coming back.

- If the game is fun then it becomes entirely pay to win and you'll either find yourself surrounded by other pay to win players or bored because you'll be OP and eventually kill noobs enough that they never return to the server

> Hey , can't you see my comment

Can see your comment, but I expect you are simply an alt account of another user. Either way, answered your remarks. Was in the process of replying.

>> No.21213119

Enjin is a Service that connects to the server, Hypixel was a server itself.

No one puts this much effort into fudding unless they are either afraid of missing out and don’t want to see it succeed, or they are fudding to try to lower price. Good luck fren.

>> No.21213365


This much effort

Every post you have shilled without a singular remark on any negatives of the project. Nobody will take you seriously without some balanced remarks.

The underlying flaw is it's based on Minecraft, is several years late and is pre-existing in a variety of different more accessible forms.

This is before someone even goes into the economic issues with having a variably priced crypto be the founding aspect of a Minecraft economy.

Maybe you just want to exploit the final result, I sure as hell will when it releases and they do not understand about duplication methods - but the token itself will have to be low value in order for the economy to function.

The simple reality is that the crypto itself is kind of worthless when one will be able to log into the finalised product and get however much of the crypto they want by playing the game.

Try and justify why the crypto is more valuable exploiting the system it creates?

>> No.21213391

The no-risk method is simply to play on the server and sell things, no benefit to you to buy things and you don't need to invest at all in the currency.

Zero risk, all reward. This is why this concept fails.

>> No.21213596

Actually I mentioned the eula could be a issue. Learn to read. And yes, duplication glitches will need to be handled also.