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21205167 No.21205167 [Reply] [Original]

My Jewish lawyer just got me 38k for a minor car accident injury. What should I invest in?

>> No.21205317

More jewish friends

>> No.21205371

STA or maybe bridge but I haven't researched bridge enough yet to go all in.

>> No.21205530

I have a smaller claim he's handling from getting hit by a car walking but I didn't milk that one.

>> No.21205685
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Tips for milking a car accident lawsuit?

>> No.21205788

Has anyone ever met a Jew who actually did work for a living, other than manipulating law and finance?

>> No.21206032

Have a job for one. You can't claim lost wages if you have none. Immediately go to the emergency room if in car accident or hurt at work. X-rays and shit can say nothing is broken but still claim lower back pain or neck pain. You could say you hit your head and been suffering headaches. Pile on as much as you can. Say anxiety has affected your life etc. Can't do shit you like to do like hunting or yard work. Miss as much work as you can while claiming short term and then even. ong term disability if approved by state or employer. Go to your senpai doctor and say it hurts too much to work. They will set you up with physical therapy you go to for like a half hour a few days a week. When you do return to work, get a doctor to request light duty or lower hours. After the settlement, just go back to normal hours.

>> No.21206110

Lmao you sound like a fucking scumbag

>> No.21206155

I'm a personal injury attorney but I'm not jewish

anything he did in particular that you liked, besides make you cash?

>> No.21206172

Also, understand laws and your own insurance policy. They vary from state to state. You may not be in a good position to sue if you pay the cheapest possible insurance. For example, I opted for limited tort insurance which took away my ability to sue for pain and suffering which is how you get paid big in an accident. I just got lucky and the driver was convicted of a dui which by default made me full tort.

>> No.21206196

Mqybe not what you're asking for but my friend had his tuner car fucked up by a schoolbus. Insurance covered everything but he got his friend who works at a body shop to pimp the fuck out of his car and They charged all of it to the insurance company.

>> No.21206212

>Lmao you sound like a fucking scumbag

Don't worry, he's not. Everything he said is spot on, and the thing is, guess who pays for this 99% of the time?

The fucking insurance companies, who are a fucking racket. Every time you take more than ~$10k from an insurance company, you're doing society a favor. Insurance companies (Geico, progressive, liberty mutual, etc. you fucking name it) are a fucking racket and deserve to have money taken from them.

>> No.21206231

insurance pays for it, who gives a fuck?

>> No.21206245
File: 1 KB, 321x157, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AGI (SingularityNET)

-partnered with CISCO
-partnered with Cardano
-partnered with Ping An (largest insurance company in the world)
-partnered with Ocean Protocol
-partnered with Domino's
-partnered with PayPal

DeAI Oracle creating AI tools and AI marketplace for fortune 500 companies. CISCO and Huawei are already utilizing OpenCog within their companies on the back end and will eventually utilize AGI.

Easy 100x, get in now before it's too late

>> No.21206260

I got punched in the face by a hospital security guard. It was all on camera and multiple witness. I've got bruising and bad anxiety from the incident. Do I have a case? Or should I just get the nigger fired?

>> No.21206274

Made sure my medical bills were paid by the insurance. Kept me updated, seemed very confident, talked to me directly with no bullshit or Jewish magic.>>21206172

>> No.21206305

Disgusting fucking claimants and lawyers. The lowest type of trash you will ever encounter.

>> No.21206314
File: 159 KB, 552x524, 9j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm heavy into AGI

Let's go

>> No.21206327

No, the nugger high on PCP with a Russian hooker that blew a red light t-boning me was a piece of shit.

>> No.21206349

>Do I have a case?

I mean I don't know all the details besides what you just wrote, and a lot of it depends on which State you live on, but yes, it sounds like you absolutely have a case. Get witness statements/phone numbers, try to get that video footage, consult an attorney. If you hire a personal injury attorney it's probably going to be free if they take your case - they only get an attorney's fee if they win/get a settlement (but they'll get a big chunk, usually 1/3 of final settlement).

Or should I just get the nigger fired?

You can probably do both, and you probably should do both. A lot of this depends on what you did to get punched though.

>> No.21206452

I was frantic about getting in to see my son. They told me I was too drunk to get in, but they gave me back car key and told me to leave. They were pushing me and kicking me and then one of them punched me square in the mouth right under a camera. Apart from being in a crazy state I didn't do anything. I didn't hit anyone or do anything to get punched.

>> No.21206679

Talk to a lawyer. They won't usually take your case if it sounds like an L. You being drunk and crazy doesn't sound good on your part though.