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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21199027 No.21199027 [Reply] [Original]

The dust has settled, and the weak hands are gone, but the BUIDL bros are strong. Soon we will rise again to all new highs

>> No.21199339

I am gonna KILL MYSELF for selling 20.000 buidl at 0.40$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.21199432

Yes we will my fren. Still accumulating.

>> No.21199441


It's not too late to get back in, anon

>> No.21199551

i would have over 25k if never sold. did not think it would pick up the way it did for literal years

>> No.21200107

How did the edcon presentation go? I was sleeping at the time.

>> No.21200153

not well, they dressed up like mario and wario it was really cringe

>> No.21200199


Julian... why...

>> No.21200209

i just reenter

>> No.21200212

didn't watch it myself. saw people saying it was a couple of stuttering autists who explicitly referenced 4chan at the end
i'm still holding tho

>> No.21200382
File: 984 KB, 1101x762, 1597011932263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I was lying, where did I get this screenshot?

>> No.21200467

That was an older update from a few weeks ago. I watched that video.

>> No.21200466


Oh Julian... glad to see you tuned into their earlier AMA

>> No.21200635

absolutely bullish

>> No.21200721


>> No.21201066

Kinda boring desu, no new info, but nevertheless good exposure and it weeded out the weak hands so that I could buy another bag.

>> No.21201101

Devs mentioned 4chan. This project will get blacklisted soon mark my words

>> No.21201157

Yeah desu i really hope its the last time they mention 4chan, ether cucks are typically proud left wing plebbitors and will immediately disregard a buncha 4channers

>> No.21201210

We are BUIDLing a New World (Ethereum) Order

>> No.21201296

Pajeet shit never going to break 10mill mc

>> No.21201305

now thats something i can get behind

>> No.21201339

will break 100mcap, cap this juliano

>> No.21201368


That’s good enough for me. Still feeling comfy.

>> No.21201997

Why the fuck is it dumping, if I had money i'd buy more if i were you guys
Fucking $3 buidl -- this is going to be hard to believe in a year or two

>> No.21202658

you’re overestimating how much people care about chan association. literally the only people who will care are mental contamination ocd redditors who feel compelled to avoid anything with remote nazi association (deliberately ignoring the prevalence of nazis on their social media channel of choice).

besides, those people don’t talk about anything new or relevant. some are still afraid of chainlink. neo regularly shows in merv.tech stats. buidl is for those brave enough to look for it.

>t. leftist sjw cuck