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File: 16 KB, 363x391, jesus-bleu-mauve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2118639 No.2118639 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously hear me out. On the 16th I gave a needy anon 1000 DGB when it was at 160 sats and not even a day later it hit 440 sats. The Crypto God(Jesus) made this happen. Try it sometime if you want to see some serious gains. He's probably here somewhere and can confirm I'm not lying.

>> No.2118651

While your example is kinda silly, I 100% agree that the key to wealth is giving.

t. christfag

>> No.2118669

Not even a Christfag but I believe giving is the answer. I went from $400 dollars to $800 that day. I'm at $920 now and that was with an initial investment of $200 2 weeks ago today.

>> No.2118681
File: 853 KB, 1024x945, 1494536556608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right. pls give me some btc, I'm poor and needy (seriously)

I'm sure that jesus and kek will reward your generosity with great moonshots. even small donations are welcome, might god and kek bless you anons

>> No.2118694

sent :)

>> No.2118695

Give me waves and i'll make it tsunami

>> No.2118702

I got a raise/promotion 2 weeks before my first kid was born (gift of life!).

It's funny because my dad told me that he got richer with every kid he has. Not in the sense of fulfillment, but material wealth. And now I've experienced the same.

>> No.2118707
File: 1.38 MB, 500x600, 1441125513212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Could be the meme, could be the magic. Who are we to question? Always wanted to make something, could use some btc to start my way.

>> No.2119163

are we posting ids
I just want to be successful enough to make my mom and dad live comfortably for the rest of their lives


>> No.2119180


sent ;)

>> No.2119186

Give a inch and they'll take a mile

>> No.2119193

Pls help a poor nocoiner
I'll zucc your dick

>> No.2119221

sent ;)

>> No.2119228

you have fooled me for the last time

>> No.2119240 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 599x586, 1411176278236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh geez, you actually did it. Shall I go fourth and purchase GNT? Or maybe go in at a dip at dgb? Or perhaps you have suggestions of your own.

>> No.2119253 [DELETED] 

Hereeeee please. Help me start with a few bitcoins coins, long holds for lambo land. Very thanks.

>> No.2119268

Please show me the way kind anon, spare some BTC.

>> No.2119273

I haven't received anything if you actually did send anything but heres an updated wallet for btc cause the one before is unresponsive completely.


>> No.2119276

That's why I'm giving back with Curecoin which is gonna help cure cancer

>> No.2119285

Is this still happening? I could use some btc....

>> No.2119292

Allllllll in for dgb, yes many blessings

>> No.2119307

Give me money cuz im a selfish prick jew that wants everything.

>> No.2119324

sent ;)

>> No.2119343

Please spare some BTC, I want to make potato salad


>> No.2119344

I'm coinless so anything is appreciated <3

>> No.2119348


>> No.2119354

I only send Humaniq.

>> No.2119357


>> No.2119361

Same anon, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.2119363

It's true

>> No.2119369

Jesus and kek both approve of giving to the less fortunate my dubs will confirm this

BTC Wallet 16c7g3EvgQX1fKDkA5a3Rth8Wkf8m5snh1

>> No.2119380
File: 45 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-05-20-12-18-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2119477


Sent ;)