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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 432 KB, 1280x853, ac9585a9dfb1448cb087e3771249d106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2118251 No.2118251 [Reply] [Original]

Okay lads, how do we wolf of wallstreet this bitch? This crypto-shit is basically like penny stocks but I dont wanna be the one buying them, I wanna be the one running this shit like a real boss.

>> No.2118272

So you either have to create your own coin or create a wallet or exchange. Good luck.

>> No.2118280
File: 51 KB, 600x600, a22acdcca30ca825eecad46c9448567f_excited-face-memes-memesuper-excited-meme-face_600-600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of you faggots are making thousands but is there a way to take advantage of all this hype? Eventually when this stuff becomes mainstream everyone will want in on it and I want to sell it to the average dumbass

>> No.2118306

Dude you got the right attitude son! In no time you will be the face that runs this place, don't let me down, kid.

>> No.2118327

Im still obviously a newfag to this board but one thing ive learned is that a good coin is something that has actually value behind, for example one I read about was supposedly completely anonymous. But I also dont know the first thing about actually making a coin. Im sure theres a way to learn how online though. Would it be worth it?

>> No.2118354
File: 133 KB, 756x564, 3ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you bro means alot. I want to think of a platform that can get the message out to regular financial normies that can also make a substantial profit for me and my team, maybe based of referrals or something. But I have no idea how to make that work though but I have time to think about it while I study the market.

>> No.2118363

once im rich im going to start a business except it wont be a business i will just employ a bunch of people to sit at computers in a pimp top floor office, answering questions emailed by bots.

they think they will work for some type of tech support company but it will all be fake and i will pay them regardless. i just want to be the big boss man ya know?

>> No.2118368

That's right, keep up like that and they will elect you as the CEO of /biz. You got a bright future I know it.

>> No.2118375

well you have to masturbate and do cocaine

>> No.2118381

fuck you

>> No.2118383

That is the most autistic this i've ever heard.

>> No.2118384

>making a coin
>Im sure theres a way to learn how online though

>> No.2118388

been doing this for years. still a poorfag

>> No.2118408

Isn't there a tutorial for everything ever on the Internet?

>> No.2118412

Minereum, tied to/based on ethereum stuff, guaranteed gainz. Only available on non normy exchange livecoin so get in there.

>> No.2118444
File: 147 KB, 1500x1500, kill yourself my man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you know, im usually the one defending capitalism, but its people like you -- who arent content with getting rich but want to get richer than the rich just to have relatively more -- who steer booming trends and industries into the sights of regulatory agencies that promptly shut them down, ruining it for everyone, you apex jew.

>> No.2118445

Gonna get into something when my next paycheck comes through, probably gonna invest in a few cheap coins to start with

>> No.2118449

Oh my God anon

You are everything that's wrong with this world, but that's also really generous to give them a useless job that doesn't benefit anything but your ego

>> No.2118455 [DELETED] 

1. Fork Bitcoin.
2. Slap your name on it.
3. Pump it on /biz/
>secrets to success

>> No.2118471
File: 19 KB, 300x300, shit-coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell me this coin

>> No.2118502

Poloniex beat you to it sorry.

>> No.2118505

Meme coins seem like a legitimately good investment right now desu senpai

>> No.2118529

There popular with stupid financial normies

>> No.2118539

>"cheap coins"

this assumes you know which coins will go up or not. If a coin halves in value tomorrow it wasn't cheap, no matter how little one unit cost!

>> No.2118558

It seems like most people are just making blind bets on cheap coins and holding them

>> No.2118642

There's a LOT of money to be made if you're a good programmer. Its already been posted in this thread though.
>make a wallet or exchange

>> No.2118654

What exactly is a exchange?

>> No.2118657

thats already happening and everything we do is meaningless

>> No.2118696

do you have a doge? no.
do you agree women love doges? yes.
for each doge a woman will be added to your harem. 1mill doges pls senpai

>> No.2118810
File: 144 KB, 500x333, ganja-bob-marley-mausoleum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you think doge will take you to the moon

>> No.2118862

lmfao ok dude you're way out of your depth here

>> No.2118906

Here's what we do. We make our own altcoin called Liberal Tears and set up a website designed purely to piss off antifags when you share the articles on facebook. Sell coffee cups and T-shirts that say "this shit was paid for in liberal tears." Website name: The Whimpering. I bought the domain xD

>> No.2118937

Not bad anon, I would have gone

>do you have doge? No
>do woman love doges? yes
>do you like woman? yes


>> No.2119049

Go back wherever you came from and I'll give you some btc loans in about 5 years holy fuck.

>> No.2119065

They're called leaders you bumbling retard. Humans will always aspire for more because it's in their blood. They don't prosecute prisoners for trying to escape prison in Germany because humans will always aspire (freedom, fame, wealth, power). If it wasn't him, somebody else would try to mold a growing blob of disorganized retards trying to get rich.

>> No.2119200
File: 60 KB, 614x525, Not Today Devil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're definitely a jordan belfort type

>> No.2119211
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>> No.2119523

yea cuz goldman is the only broker at wall street .

problem is cost ALOT of money to run a trading site

>> No.2119544

I'm laughing so fucking hard at this thread thank you so fucking much