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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 15 KB, 520x390, RedPillmedianetwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2117355 No.2117355 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I've been dreaming of starting my own news network like Alex Jones did with Infowars. I call it "Red Pill Media" network and just put out my first radio podcast. You don't have to listen to it all but this has been something I've worked on for a while and would love to get some feedback from people here since I know a lot of you post on /pol/ and this is a pretty slow board. Let me know what you think https://youtu.be/iOSvlU_qL2k

>> No.2117423

What coin do you want us to buy?

>> No.2117446

you can't even fucking upload a video and you want to compete with alex jones?

>> No.2117460

Shill people your coins at the end of each video instead of supplements

>> No.2117503

I'm not seeing a video here, OP.

>> No.2117561

Bit coins

>> No.2117573
File: 19 KB, 890x323, BitBean-final-solution-teambean-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know who to buy

the only coin breaking the jewish stranglehold on childhood memes and enticing people to look into family friendly and white productivity mindsets

>> No.2117577


Start a coin called RedPill instead; Say it's designed to to protect the freedom of the press.

>> No.2117585

im sorry guys i forgot the right link this is my video
please give honest feedback

>> No.2117674

Just saying right off the bat, prerecorded podcasts with a slideshow generally bore me.
And for a title such as that, I certainly don't feel justified in spending 30 minutes of my life into this.

>> No.2117690

I'm bored and watching crypto go up so I'm gonna listen

if you go all
>muh subhumans are as good as you and meee!
>muh muslims dindu nuffin
>jews aren't so bad if they stay in israel

It's getting turned off

>> No.2117695

thanks let me know what you think

>> No.2117701

Bring up the protocols of zion or else you're just an alex jones copy
>1776 worldwide

kek'd audibly you sperg

>> No.2117841

>the rock
>the perfect combo for today
