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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 563x331, Screen_Shot_2016-11-07_at_9.14.34_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2115964 No.2115964 [Reply] [Original]

>He missed BTC
>He missed ETH
>He missed LTC
>He missed XRP
>He missed XBY
>He missed DGB
>He missed RDD


ZClassic was removed from Bittrex for 24 hours while another blockchain (a fork of Zclassic) was being added as they were very similar to avoid issues.

It has now been readded and drop from 60K sats to 1000sats due to the removal. It is already back to 20K sats and will hit 50K+ within 2 hours.


>> No.2115976

Nice shilling, might drop a grand

>> No.2115997

Zclassic a great coin which was built on a solid foundation (Zcash)
Zclassic will rise again up to 50,000-60,000 Sats. Now is the perfect time to buy. I'm in for £1000

>> No.2116006


Now that I'm bought up I will 2nd that this is rising, Get in there!

>> No.2116008



>> No.2116018
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If you cant understand this graph you are literally fucking retarded

>> No.2116060

So if its gonna to to 50k whats wrong with buying at 25?

>> No.2116073

I see 600k, not 60k sat there.

>> No.2116080

What the fuck it's already 4 dollars?! awww man.

>> No.2116084

my bad, it sits at 600K, dropped to 1001, rallied back to 200K within minutes.

Will be back to normal values (500-600K) within a few hours.

Don't be retarded this thing is flying up faster than I can post.

>> No.2116093

50BTC wall between 250K and 500K.

500BTC volume in the last 24 hours.

Do the maths.

>> No.2116100

This is actually a very compelling argument...
I'd have to take money out of DGB though...

>> No.2116109

>not on yobit

well great.

>> No.2116117

Move fast, it's already up another 30K sats since I posted the thread.

I'd consider anything under 350K early and safe for gains

>> No.2116132

Okay okay shill you've convinced me
If I didn't make all those DGB gains so I have a safety net I wouldn't have done it though

>> No.2116136

This is free money thanks OP

>> No.2116140
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That chat is so fucking weird holy shit

>> No.2116143

Do take, this will be the next eth! Buy the dip, be a millionaire.

>> No.2116166
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already back to 390K on crypto.

Wont be long before bittrex follows

>> No.2116185

who the fuck is selling this shit right now?

>> No.2116186

I still haven't even bought yet
I can't do it I give up too risky now

>> No.2116194

People who got in really low, don't worry about it buy more and sell at 500.

>> No.2116195

Use Tabtrader

>> No.2116214

The whale discord I lurk has picked up on this and is preparing to trickle-pump the 50btc to bring price back to 500k

I'll try to give you a heads up before it happens guys. Seat belts on!

>> No.2116219

Zclassic should be over $10 before the release of ZEN on May 23rd! This should go parabolic

>> No.2116223

Link to discord?

>> No.2116226

No. I'm tired of these. I'm holding BTC and ETH.

>> No.2116238

Yep enjoy your 20-40% gains per 6 months. Meanwhile we are gaining 100% in a few hours

>> No.2116261
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>> No.2116263

eth is literally up 30% today alone

>> No.2116273



Please Obiwan, you're my only hope..

>> No.2116288

ZEN is hard forking on the 23rd. Check bittrex announcements.

>> No.2116289

I mean did everyone just sell as soon as it was returned to the exchange??

Did they notify everyone before it as delisted?

>> No.2116328

probably a few uninformed souls fucked up who cares

check other exchanges

>> No.2116341

what does that mean?

>> No.2116354

check other exchanges?

That was sarcasm right.. cause there is no other exchanges with ZCL right?

Please im not good at text based sarcasm

>> No.2116365

after dropping 20% the last week

also eth is gonna drop after the talks.


>> No.2116366


good info OP, i don't really day trade, but these seems pretty logical.

>> No.2116392


>> No.2116396
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>sell the news

>when google is announced as a partner

Wew lad

>> No.2116407


>> No.2116425

$$$ time boys

>> No.2116441
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>> No.2116442

The most legit post on this board right now and the shills are nowhere to be found

>> No.2116465


>> No.2116478

Retards can't see a real win when it's infront of them.

They rather buy high and sell low on the latest meme pump and dump lol.

>> No.2116479

Buy while you can guys! I already made a nice sum because I bought when it was 22k sats

>> No.2116480

Am i missing something, its original price was 12 dollars?

there is no major sell walls?

>> No.2116483


>> No.2116497

about to break 260k. this will not slow down before 500k.

>> No.2116511

How do you know when a coin gets taken off temporarily?

>> No.2116518

bumping for moon mission

>> No.2116526

It's mooning as we speak. Get in!

>> No.2116537

270K already, within a minute. If you bought it when I posted you already made 30% gains. Grats.

Don't fear, there is still time. ANYTHING UNDER 400K WILL BE GUARANTEED RETURNS

>> No.2116542

Just broke 270k satoshis. Already made 20% in 15 minutes... Volume looks good.

>> No.2116543


Basically, if you had ZEN in your account on bittrex before the 18th you now have that amount in ZCN. You will get your ZEN returned to you when the fork happens on the 23rd. So if you had 100 ZEN before it was renamed on the 18th you now have 100 ZCN and 100 ZEN when it returns (even if you sell all your ZCN now). If you buy any ZCN NOW, you will NOT get ZEN. Go figure why the price halved.

ZCN = ZEN without the change to the code.ZEN = neo-ZEN with the change to the code. Same kind of deal with ETH and ETC.

>> No.2116554

Just for the anons don't know, this coin was taken off of Bittrex for a while to take a snapshop of the blockchain at block 110k, as this is the starting block of the new fork, Zen Cash. Anyone who was holding zclassic at block 110k will have the same Zen Cash if they import their wallet into the zen cash wallet when it's live on the 23rd. People were idiots and decided to dump early even though this is going back to 500k easily and Zen cash will likely hit the same within a week or two of release. Easy doubled cash.

>> No.2116555

280K ...

Are you seriously going to miss this? If you buy now you 100% your investment within the next few hours. honestly what is wrong with you. lol

>> No.2116567

Ty dude. Just broke 280k satoshis.

>> No.2116569

Waiting on bittrex BTC confirmations fml

>> No.2116572

Expanding on this, do not try to hold this and do not try to buy at 400k or above. It will turn to dog shit and stay there when ZEN comes out.

>> No.2116586

when should we sell 530000sats?

>> No.2116598

When does ZEN come out? In 24 hours from now?

>> No.2116603

Back to 300k boys. Whales seem to be wanting out at 500k, so place your sell orders there to minimize risk on your gains.

>> No.2116606

just look at previous average its gonna hover around there anyway

zcl is one of those serious coinss

>> No.2116607

About to break 300k sats. This isn't a shill.

>> No.2116609

Honestly all this hype may actually cause it to moon really hard.
Get in now.

>> No.2116610

On the 23rd

>> No.2116611

this seems good, i'm in for 200$

>> No.2116612

The ZenCash (ZEN) network is anticipated to launch on May 23rd at 5pm PDT (0:00 UTC) as a hard fork from Zclassic (ZCL). Bittrex users will be credited 1 ZEN for each Zclassic (ZCL) held in their exchange accounts at Zclassic block 110,000. The block is estimated to occur at approximately 11:10 PDT (18:10 UTC) 5/18/2017.

>> No.2116613

i have a very small wallet and i moved everything to ZCL

i went from 0.4 to 0.6 in less than 30 minutes

>> No.2116616

> set but price for last
> it goes above it before it's filled
Still can't fucking buy!!!!

>> No.2116624

Every time I refresh my wallet it goes up 5% lol

>> No.2116628

that's what a real moon mission looks like

>> No.2116631

It's going to 450

>> No.2116639

So what youre saying is that you should sell them after the reward and before the crash of ZCL?

>> No.2116644

uhOh FUD

>> No.2116647

You won't get the reward unless you had ZEN in your account prior to the 18th.

>> No.2116656

What does FUD mean?

>> No.2116660

fear, uncertainty, doubt

>> No.2116661

pajeets are at it again

>> No.2116663

Oke, thanks for the information

>> No.2116664

everyitme the fucking noobs FUD at a milestone.

So we hit 300K and the noobs cash out for 10-20% gains, while the whales are buying to increase the real gains that are coming at 500k.

Don't panic sell you pussies.

>> No.2116670

u srs. i just sold mine, lost $100. fuck op

>> No.2116674

Insane DIP. Ouch to those that bought in 25K +

>> No.2116680


Dropping like a stone, why can't they just HODL

>> No.2116684

Major gains boys

>> No.2116685

>buy @ 300k
>5 minutes later down to 240k

it'll probably jump again, but still bullshit

>> No.2116687
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I think the highest proof that the cryptomarket is a joke is how a coin with an actual solid market value and real world use got fucking destroyed by a one hour downtime, and is crippled without hope of returning upwards because the market is controlled by insecure NEETs playing gambler with their tendies money.

>> No.2116688

what do you expect /biz/ is full of fucking weak handed cucks

>> No.2116692

you are way too weak to be dealing in crypto you retard. It's going to 450k all you had to do was hold.

GJ making someone rich. Go wagecuck this isn't for you.

>> No.2116695

Still probably going to 400k after this trap. I'd sell there.

>> No.2116697


Same situation fampi, it hurts for now but we're hitting 500k anyway

>> No.2116698

im 10zcl in at 249 loling at these fuds

>> No.2116702

zclassic is probably dead, zencash will replace it

>> No.2116703

babies first crypto?

This is a shakedown at a 300K milestone. The whales prey on pussy FUD who shit their pants as soon as something drops and panic sell (at a loss) and make the whales richer.

There is nothing between 250k-500k in terms of a sell wall. hold and you will be rewarded.

Do I have to hold your hand through this whole thing? It's like you pussies dont wanna make money.

>> No.2116705
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Huge buying opportunity

>> No.2116708

can anyone dement it?

>> No.2116719

going to take it conservative boys,
selling at 400k

>> No.2116720
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it's already back to 300k, ty weak handed cucks you just made me richer

>> No.2116721

already back to 290 these retards

>> No.2116724

so within 3 minutes of the drop from 300k->230k we are back at 300k.

Can all the pussy FUD leave the thread you have lost because you couldn't hold for 3 fucking minutes.


>> No.2116725

The dip just got eaten, who doesn't want free money?
Just buy now below and hold.

>> No.2116726


Although I agree with you on a fundamental level, you can't just ignore that the market is controlled by numbers, and the average user's reaction.
It doesn't matter how solid a coin is, if there's an easy way to run away with pennies, the weaker minded people will take it and take the whole ship down with them.

They're ultimately subhumans, they're the people you're going to see complaining when they're 60 that they always had to settle.

>> No.2116727

I don't think that I have the stomach for this

>> No.2116733

there we go, coming back up

>> No.2116743

Trying to send BTC over from polo and its taking ages
Wait for me

>> No.2116744

and back down

>> No.2116751

Early drops were probably people who got in super early and wanted to make sure they got their easy gains.

Hold till 400k+

>> No.2116763

Don't send between exchanges in BTC, convert to something like DOGE on the first exchange and send over, then swap back to btc-- it's insanely fast and the fees are cheaper

>> No.2116765

why use bitcoin? use something faster

>> No.2116768

All this does is fuel the engine. Despite sounding like a moon related meme it has some truth.

Firstly buying/selling shows stability in a market, secondly the volume is increasing more and more which is another healthy sign.

Ultimately any spastic who can look at a graph and see the price was 500-600k stable before the downtime understands at the very worst we will return to within 10-15% of the average price.

Sell at 400k if you are a pussy, 450K if you are a normie, and 500K if you are a veteran.

>> No.2116770

Do this anon. btc is going to take literal days. Polo is slow garbage as it is.

>> No.2116771

400k sat is a level never seen for 6 weeks, buy low while you still can. The average is about 500k sat since 04/04

>> No.2116780

what if i sell at 325? these hands are so weak

>> No.2116781

I dropped 1btc on it. See you guys at $10

>> No.2116794

you bring me confidence anon, i'm but a simple 0.2

>> No.2116797


You're cucking yourself out of 100k sats per coin minimum. Don't be a weak handed cuck. Stay strong and sell at 450 at the lowest.

>> No.2116801


dropped 1.09 btc at 24500

why are these weak handed wimps selling out so early?

>> No.2116803

weak hands will sell to the 50BTC buy at 200k, when rich peaple will make big gains at 400K+

Don't be the weak hand, buy and hodl

>> No.2116804

Should I buy more now at 270k?

>> No.2116807


Anything below 400k is guaranteed gains fampi.

>> No.2116816

Delicious gains

>> No.2116827

Thanks friends, luckily its gone through now and I've bought.

>> No.2116862

You got hella lucky, normally would take so much longer than that haha, enjoy the ride mate.

>> No.2116868

can smb explain 2 a newfag how u sell under condition on bittrex
do i just put 0.00248979 in both "ask" and "condition sell when less or equal to"?

>> No.2116870

I think someone is trying to bring the price down by putting up sell walls of ~3.8 BTC constantly. Anyone agree?

>> No.2116889


They're only delaying the inevitable. Still, greedy whales gonna whale.

>> No.2116890

Buy the dip

>> No.2116892

the whales who caused pussy FUD are offloading some, nothing to worry about.

The volume keeps increasing which will bring more attention. Once other forums, chatboxes etc. realize whats happening it will rocket

>> No.2116909


>> No.2116910

just be careful no one realizes half price is the appropriate one.

>> No.2116928

Can you expand on this?

>> No.2116935

ZCL is partnering with ethereum classic and will fork a new coin....news is coming very soon...this aint just good for a pump

>> No.2116939

People are gonna get double ZEN for free on the 23rd.

>> No.2116948


>> No.2116967
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>price keeps falling

nice work mr shill

>> No.2116972

Oh wow, now I'm glad I couldn't place my order at 270000. I should have figured there'd be a drop at 300000.

Buy in now or wait a bit longer hmmmm

>> No.2116974


Buy the dip friendo

>> No.2116975

this, please explain conditional selling

>> No.2116990

So those who bought above 250 are fucked?

>> No.2116992

just got 350 of these please god go back to 500k

>> No.2116997

ZCL is this coin, not ZEN

>> No.2117007

You shouldn't. Bittrex will try to find the best deal so your bid/ask is not always the same as actual. Not to mention if the price very quickly drops to 200k for example, your buy order might just be unfilled forever unless you put it at 205k or so.

No it'll rebound but only to 350k or so, 400k if optimistic and volume keeps increasing. Keep in mind that only people who had ZEN before the 18th are benefiting from the free ZEN on the fork date.

>> No.2117010

This. The dip is really neat and promising. But let cowardly boys stay away.

>> No.2117037


Moon time

>> No.2117049

Volume is increasing

>> No.2117062


>> No.2117065

Guys just hold your coins. Every damn time I sell at a loss or a small profit, I come back to see a few days later that the coin has stabilized and mooned higher than I thought it would. Just look at RDD or XVG.

>> No.2117069
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bought at 0.00265000

I'm s-still gonna make it, r-right guys?

>> No.2117077
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>missed ETH



>> No.2117080

Aight make me rich BIZZ AZZ fggts

>> No.2117087

We outchere

>> No.2117090

Once all the cucks stop panic selling it'll stabilize at around 400k where it belongs.

>> No.2117100

Anything under 300k is fine.

>> No.2117102

Yupp, we good bro

>> No.2117110

What's a good amount to buy to make it worth the investment?

>> No.2117115

im panicking help
need to sleep

what sell order should i put

>> No.2117117

Lol at the people selling under 230k

>> No.2117123

Litecoin hasnt started. Its 0.04. Ath is 0.05.

>> No.2117128

Volume still rising, going strong boys. Don't be FUD and panic sell. Just buy in and relax.

>> No.2117132

So i just transfered btc from Coinbase to Bittrex but they're not showing up. (First time moving from coinbase)
Blockchain should have updated by now.
How long does this process usually take? Wanna get into this asap

>> No.2117133

.2-.4 btc if you don't have that much.

>> No.2117137

Yupp, easy peasy

>> No.2117142

Takes a while, could be hours.

>> No.2117154

doubled down on my investment. im 3BTC deep. holding till 450k

>> No.2117167


$$$ Major gains coming babies

>> No.2117172

rofl no one here is going to buy your bags schlomo

>> No.2117177

show your holdings

>> No.2117179

just watch friendo

>> No.2117183

See you at 400K

>> No.2117185

350k order and make an alarm for 330k if you want.

>> No.2117188



>> No.2117190

>spends his day spreading FUD on /biz/

Must be making mad gains with that mentality.

>> No.2117192

show your holdings

>> No.2117195

>holding till 450k
the price was 590k just yesterday. I think it's safe to sell even at 550k

>> No.2117196

Okay I put in an order for .002106
Hope it gets filled, if not then it wasn't meant 2bee

>> No.2117199

should it be a conditional equal or greater than?

>> No.2117202
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It didn't gain, bittrex API is shit

It forked u wanna kno y?

Z classic is the old chain.

>> No.2117203

You'll be kicking yourself in 12 hours. screencap this.

>> No.2117216


>> No.2117219


This right here is why you buy the fucking dip bros

>> No.2117222

no point for your case. I just said make an alarm in case you want to cancel at the last minute.

>> No.2117225

also if zcl is going to be replaced by zen, and you will only get zen from zcl you own from before 18th, what will happen to the ZCL i will buy now? It's just going to be useless crypto isn't it? Who's going to buy this?

>> No.2117228

>Z classic is the old chain.
that doesn't mean anything. Zencash has new team of developers. The old team is still working on zclassic

>> No.2117234

Didn't research in to it very much but I assume the same way ETC went, which is no where. It will decrease on the fork date, 99% chance.

>> No.2117236


>> No.2117237

so zen is a fork, but zclass keeps on going?

why make zen? is zen dev team related to ZCL dev team?

>> No.2117253
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that's not too bad

>> No.2117259

this could at least go in the middle and be 30 from its 44 BUYING At 22 LETS GOO

>> No.2117262

ZCL is back on the menu boys, panic selling is almost over, hope you bought the dip

>> No.2117267

How long before people realise the pricing mistake and flood into this coin?

>> No.2117269


watching these panic sellers is hilarious lol, don't they realise it's gonna go back to 10-12 dollars?

>> No.2117271


Don't you faggots know that 99% of coins have their own thread on bitcointalk?


>> No.2117273

I bought at 23K
I didnt miss my chance to be a moon man did I ?

>> No.2117281

you bought at a good time mate dont worry!

>> No.2117283

Fuck no you're golden

>> No.2117285

I am an early Zclassic investor, what does this mean to me?

Anyone who holds Zclassic prior to block the launch event in NYC on May 23rd, 2017 will be allocated a 1:1 amount of Zen automatically. Simply import your private keys into the new Zen wallet to redeem your tokens. We are also working with the various exchanges to ensure everyone will be credited appropriately on their platforms.

what's this mention of 18 th here?

>> No.2117292


>> No.2117300

>Rather than abandoning Zclassic, the team has agreed that development will continue on both networks.

>> No.2117301

engine warming up again.


>> No.2117303

"We also believe the Zclassic network has merit and therefore we will continue to support it."

>> No.2117305


They took a snapshot of the ZCL blockchain at block 110k, which was on the 18th. All coins on the ZCL blockchain at that point can be imported into ZEN on the 23rd when ZEN launches. Any coins that were bought / mined after block 110k aren't part of the ZEN blockchain so won't count.

>> No.2117309


Engine sequence start

>> No.2117318

Also, if anyone is feeling lucky they can withdraw their ZCN to a wallet and wait until the fork on the 23rd. You'll be able to import your ZCN private keys to ZEN and have the same amount of ZEN as ZCN you have.

Bittrex is honoring accounts before the 18th not the 23rd.

>> No.2117330

KEK these panic sellers are funny as fuck

>> No.2117332

Gear up my ladies

>> No.2117333


You can only import z classic into zen if you owned it BEFORE block 110k. Read the thread properly.

>> No.2117334

Disregard this, the 110,000th chain has already been reached.

>> No.2117341

yeah no shit. I bought at the low 2 days ago lmao.

>> No.2117349
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>> No.2117351

We gonna be golfing on the moon soon

>> No.2117353

How will ZEN affect the price of ZCN

>> No.2117358

In at 250k sats with 132 ZLC. Hoping for those sweet gains.

>> No.2117377

praise fucking KEK!!! in for 200k sats im hoping this goes back to 400k!!!


>> No.2117380


Moon mission

>> No.2117403

Volume of bids just doubled

>> No.2117417
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if it's anything like ETH and ETC, when the main coin goes up, the classic goes up with it

>> No.2117443

Welp only up from here

>> No.2117466

Time to double my gains

>> No.2117467

slowest moon ever

>> No.2117471

timezones broski, some ppl went to bed

>> No.2117486

Thrusters engaged lads

>> No.2117509

aww yaaa baby

>> No.2117515

Better pump properly this time

>> No.2117516
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>> No.2117519

See y'all at .005!

>> No.2117525


Mass gains incoming

>> No.2117536
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ya'll motherfuckers got meme'd

topkek OP

>> No.2117542

We are in the dip right now, chill bro

What is price correction?

>> No.2117544

What is a SAT? How exactly do I buy anything non-btc/eth-ltc?

I currently have $9.16 deposited on Gemini and 1 eth. Can I buy anything with this?

>> No.2117551


Retard. The price dropped due to a temporary removal from market as they took a snapshot of the blockchain for an upcoming fork. Retards panic sold the second it came back up. It's going back to where it was, no worries lad. Enjoy being poor, though.

>> No.2117552

Lurk more newfag.

>> No.2117554

there's not going to be a price correction

this new currency is worth exactly 1/2 of the original since it's just a fork

Notice why the price stabilized to EXACTLY 0.5 the holding price before the fork?

>> No.2117560
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>> No.2117563


bitches have been spoonfeeding me this all day and I will continue to be spoonfed, fuck you I want money

making a thread right now to get my answer

>> No.2117571

1 sat = 1 satoshi = 1/1,000,000 of a BTC
Gemini only does BTC/ETH/USD so you need to withdraw from Gemini in to a Bittrex or Poloniex account. I suggest withdrawing as ETH to avoid delays and transaction fee. Bittrex has more selection of coins but less volume and a lot better service.

>> No.2117578

>At block 100,000 (somewhere around April 29, 2017) the Zclassic network will execute a purposeful divergence into two blockchains; Zclassic and the newly formed Zen network. Zclassic will retain its original functionality and feature set but the Zen network will be adapted to include segregated witness (segwit) support and additional cryptographic technologies.

You are holding a dead, duplicated coin. OP meme'd you to make some money on his old ZClassic stash.

>> No.2117582

Welp. Guess I'm fucked. Can't withdraw ETH until Gemini clears with my bank.

>> No.2117584

o snap

>> No.2117586

ETC got me some gains today and ZCN will be receiving updates so I doubt that.

>> No.2117597

ZCL will fork into a new coin once again abd partner with ETC....price will go above 500k soon when nees hits

>> No.2117598


It's not a dead coin you retard, it is still getting updated.

>> No.2117603

>1/1,000,000 of a BTC

>> No.2117613

yes, excuse me, it's 100,000,000.

>> No.2117616

So how do sell walls pan out during pump and dumps like this, don't a bunch of you get left holding the bag except for the guy that shorted the coin at say 380 sat while everyone is waiting for 400 sat?

>> No.2117617

that's fine if you think the pre-segwit version of the coin will still be popular, but I don't think anyone in their right minds would buy this and assume it's going right back up to its pre-fork price

Give me one good reason that a) anyone except a bagholder would use zclassic over zen b) that zclassic would move back up to its holding price after everyone was given free zencash to use going forward?

At best it's a 50/50 split, at worst it's a dead coin superseded by zen

>> No.2117635

ZCL will fork again and partner with ETC...dev confirmed it to me today in ZCL slack

>> No.2117643


is that good?

>> No.2117652

yes lololololo very good...price will spike again big time for new fork

>> No.2117653

even if that was the case, a 50/50 split would still price it at 6.50 usd, ergo, like 400k sats.

>> No.2117678


these retards, it's triggered at 23rd, you can withdraw these coins and get the fucking price split l u l

>> No.2117714
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The owners website even indicates that zcl can be turned into zen at a 1:1 rate.

>> No.2117724
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tfw meme'd

>> No.2117732

no way... so I didn't have to own it before last month or whatever?

suddenly not so suicidal

>> No.2117733


Well hello there! HODLing my Zclassics till the end then.

>> No.2117739

And who's to say that ZEN will be worth anything?

>> No.2117740

us when we transfer our ZEECASH

>> No.2117746


It was originally worth 12 usd, at a stable price since 4/4/17.

The coin will have improved functionality and segwit, basically it's going to more developed.

>> No.2117759

>When the Zclassic network reaches block 110,000, a snapshot will be taken

>> No.2117769

Sooo... should I buy $1000 of this shit or no?

>> No.2117782

Not unless you already owned them before block 110000

>> No.2117800

when it u will have the same amount of coin in both chains, so this could go x2 easy

>> No.2117834

welp thanks for the scam biz

>> No.2117845


no scam you pleb, read the FAQ on ZEN website LUL "Yes. Anyone who holds Zclassic prior to the launch on May 23rd will be given a 1:1 credit of Zen. This is a result of the Zen genesis originating from the Zclassic blockchain."

>> No.2117880

It says only if you hold at the time of the screenshot at block 110,000

>> No.2117898

Anyone who holds Zclassic at the time of the snapshot at block 110,000 (approximatley May 18th, 2017 16:40 UTC) will be allocated a 1:1 amount of Zen automatically on May 23rd.

thanks again

>> No.2117899

go on the slack and speak to them yourself you lazy faggot

>> No.2117900

man he literally played everyone
just go highlight OPs posts and it's nothing but shill tactics
>BIG percentages
>You're a FUD, you're a FUD, you're all FUDs
>INSTANT gains in just a couple HOURS
>if you don't buy YOU yes YOU are a STUPID PUSSY NOOB FUD

But never once did he say exactly WHY the price went down. Thanks anon for warning us >>2117617

>> No.2117907

ban his motherfucking IP

>> No.2117922
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>he fell for it

>> No.2117952
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>> No.2117989

well my 2nd round of selling it got beaten out, why'd you have to ruin the fun.

You know that the coin is still gonna be updated, and could easily be worth 6-7 dollars.

It doesn't become worthless when the switch happens, they're just focusing on two specifically designed coins.

>> No.2117997

so whats the story here? bittrex show 190% gains, and coinmarket shows -50%, should i buy or not? should i start looking for a Lambo or i keep my hyundai, help me /biz/

>> No.2118007
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>thinking that the coins he just bought today would be redeemable for zen

>> No.2118012

yeah like eth and etc

and etc is fucking worthless

>> No.2118023
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it was jus a prank bro.

>> No.2118033

>Anyone who holds Zclassic at the time of the snapshot at block 110,000 (approximatley May 18th, 2017 16:40 UTC) will be allocated a 1:1 amount of Zen automatically on May 23rd. Simply import your private keys saved shortly after the snapshot into the new Zen wallet to redeem your tokens. We are also working with the various exchanges to ensure everyone will be credited appropriately on their platforms.

>Yes. Anyone who holds Zclassic prior to the launch on May 23rd will be given a 1:1 credit of Zen. This is a result of the Zen genesis originating from the Zclassic blockchain.

this is confusing guys

>> No.2118053

Agreed. However they mean prior to May23 and block 110,000.

>> No.2118066

just bought 2btc, lets hope ur right OP...

>> No.2118082


oh my god, you messed up bro.

OP scammed us all, well some of us got out early like me to profit.

but this is perhaps the funniest thing i've seen this week.

>> No.2118092


>> No.2118105


>> No.2118123


Sell now while you can take the 10%, OP is trying to dump his bags by using the confusion of this issue >>2118033

>> No.2118129

>Not reading anything in the actual thread.
>Throwing tons of money on the account of shills
Keep at it son, we need more idiots like you.

>> No.2118144


zclassic is now an old coin, zen is the new coin, whilst this zclassic might get updated, zen will be the coin to return to its original value, good luck trading bro.

this coin can only rise to like 5-6 dollars, maybe even lower since it's basically the worse half of zen.

i got out at 26k after buying in at 24k.

>> No.2118149


Sold muh bags at 25.

>> No.2118243
File: 980 KB, 1280x857, lets rride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought 23 BTC, you better not be trickin me OP. It's almost all I have

>> No.2118255
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>> No.2118332

volume keeps going up, OP's shilling may yet benefit us all

>> No.2118677
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>> No.2118703


>> No.2118739

>>Reacting to a 6 hour old OP during the great memecoining of 2017.
This thing is dead, will be replaced with Zen coin, but only if you bought before the great dip.

>> No.2118933

HAHAAH Do you hate money?

>> No.2118943

wow my meme triangle was right, shit is spiking right now

>> No.2118975

Someone's manipulating the price by placing and removing sell orders, once they're done playing around this shit is gonna get pumped

>> No.2118997

this train is about to leave the station... are you ready /biz/brother

>> No.2119033
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>> No.2119080

Lol what the hell? Some Tyrone dumped 9BTC at 200000.

Are they trying to manipulate the price?

>> No.2119089

a retarded whale is fucking around

>> No.2119094

this coin is scaring me, i went from $260 to $180 to $240.

i bought in at 260k sats am i fucked?

>> No.2119099

Yeah. I'm definitely holding at this point. They made it too obvious.

>> No.2119104

HOLD ur tits, (((they))) will take us to the moon.

>> No.2119105

ha i sold at 30 you guys are getting jewed see you on the next shill

>> No.2119109

Nah. There are a bunch of shills spamming the ask prices right now. Give it a half hour and it will be back up. We'll see just how far this can go.

>> No.2119115

Above 260k though?

>> No.2119125

Duh. I'm personally setting a target of 279k, before I re-evaluate.

>> No.2119135

Also, want proof? Look at the order book. The total number of coins at any price target is exactly the same. 5BTC to 270k and 11BTC to 280k

(((They))) are just moving money back and forth at this point.

>> No.2119142

Okay, thank you, I'll hold.

>> No.2119148
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>> No.2119154

wow this guy is moving 200btc+ just in the buy order, maybe he have 100btc+ on the sell side too...

>> No.2119167

cmon Mr. whale double us, so i can go to sleep.

>> No.2119226
File: 18 KB, 785x223, really makes me think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this even allowed? There are 0.24BTC worth of bots spamming everything and keeping the price 30k below what it should be.

>> No.2119233

So, will this coin go back to it's pre-crash rate or is this all down hill from here ?

>> No.2119234

Nevermind guys. I was looking at an old chart. It's actually a few BTC worth of shills.

>> No.2119384

Are you people fucking retarded? The pre-fork price was obviously ZLC+ZEN and I'd bet on that most of it was the latter seeing how it has much more potential.

>> No.2119729

someone accumulate this under 23k ....maybe pump next hour ...

>> No.2119771
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whats happening

>> No.2119858

sell ?

>> No.2119885

at 300

>> No.2120055

yesterday at 00:30 same thing ....pump and dump around 30k ... as far as i concerned ... i sell at 30k...

>> No.2120155

fck, i fall sleep and the 300k mark left... should i hodl or sell at 270k?

>> No.2120586

Sell, take your gains.

>> No.2120611

whales might dump it now like last two times. your decision to hold or sell at this point.