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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 77 KB, 1903x966, Screenshot_2020-08-09 VirusTotal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21169554 No.21169554 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck does the stakenet core wallet give so many positives?

>> No.21169589

back to 25 cents we go

>> No.21169597

Based trojan wallet

>> No.21169639

I'm genuinely asking, want to take my xsn out of livecoin but no way I'm installing this

>> No.21169660

Can’t believe there are retards on here who have installed that absolute fucking scamware. My god you guys are something else.

Enjoy having all your money backdoored and taped up the ass for illegal activity.

>> No.21169678

Jeetinder Singh want us to pump curry bags

>> No.21169693
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's such a scamnet

Friggen scam lol enjoy ur bags fucklets

>> No.21169722
File: 549 KB, 1080x1080, 1584227267970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep confirmed scam.

>> No.21169747

They are just false positives.

A false positive occurs when an antivirus erroneously identifies a legitimate file or process as malware. This can happen with signature-based scans as well as behavior analysis.

>> No.21169760

Lol u pussy it's overly sensitive and doesn't mean it's a virus you noob

Guys grow a pair and do research, why the fuck do you think so many people in the discord have no problems, and if they do they get IMMEDIATE support from the xsn team.

Fuckers all salty they ignored my shilling at 0.06

Enjoy buying my masternode rewards at 20$ fuckers hahaha

>> No.21169774

Hope you installed that on a pc you don’t have any personal information on buddy. Good luck.

The wojacks from this will be immeasurable. Warned countless times about it being a scam and still continue to buy into it.

>> No.21169801

Dude, stop with this weak fud lol it's an embarassment

I get it, you are trying to accumulate

>> No.21169830

15 positives is the most I've ever had from VT. It seems a lot for a false positive

>> No.21169834
File: 8 KB, 225x225, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM ahahahhahhaha

Jeetinder Singh confirmed hahahahah it's a scam sell now


>> No.21169866

I installed this 5 minutes ago and FBI is knocking on my door what do i do guys quick

>> No.21169874
File: 158 KB, 1080x1030, IMG_20200809_022250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21169890

I have it on multiple machines and use various premium and free version of malware scanners and anti-virus scanners.

never had an issue with the stakenet wallet.

>> No.21169927


>Priced out of MN, clinging onto the very last hope of fud they can to try to push price down

>False positives lmao

>> No.21169932

I guess I'll just install it on my old laptop

>> No.21169953

i created the software actually and i dont have any problems too, please install

>> No.21169956

Ive had the core wallet FOR A WHOLE YEAR so far, no issues you faggots

You had 2 years, stop fucking fudding and let the rest of biz in.

>> No.21169966

Not sure I could afford a MN even if the price went down to 0.1$ so I've just given up with the fud. This is legitimate concern

>> No.21169977

>I'm a faggot who can only afford 100 XSN after selling trinkets in the market for years

>> No.21169982

Yeah, if you're ever unsure then just install it on an old laptop and take it from there as you said.

>> No.21170007

i can see it is and you’re right to check stuff like this dont let anyone tell you otherwise but when you check the specific stuff in the flags you see stuff like „bitcoin miner” etc - no shit, its a core wallet, i dont know about the other malware-ish stuff

>> No.21170028

Desperate cucks
Honestly, it's not too late to buy in. Even if you don't believe in the product (you'd have to be actually retarded not to) it's an easy 10x. Just buy in bro, stop being angry at missing the earlier pricing.
It's not too late. Just buy now, you will still make good gains. Stop seething. Buy.

>> No.21170271

You are gonna burn in hell for all eternity for scamming people on here. You know that right.

Kek wills it. Just buy Link and repent

>> No.21170288
File: 237 KB, 835x804, Screenshot_20200806_162139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL I get it.
Priced out is a real thing and XSN is just getting started hahaha.
On the bright side guys, price has only moved back to "baseline".
Be happy it's still this cheap even though you can't afford a Masternode any longer ;)

>> No.21170294

motherfucker i have my 15K stack already, whats wrong with being concerned about what you download and let run on your PC
i was making fun of those two >>21169874 >>21169890 posted right after each other looking like copypaste antifud from a discord trannies

>> No.21170516

Yeah, SCAAMMM. Nothing to see here, move along people!

>> No.21170555

>thinks that the core product is a malware
>continues buying the coin
amazing logic once again.

>> No.21170634

The shills have been good. FOMO can be a powerful thing. Wait till the guys who have actually taken out loans to get this get wiped and have to work extra shifts to pay back. How ironic to have a McDonald’s guy in your meme and then you actually have to work there the rest of your days to pay off a loan for a scam because you thought you’d be a ‘crypto magnate’

Goddamn stupid cunts in here.

>> No.21170712

baseless fud is the best fud after all
>who cares if it's a true decentralized, anonymous , non-kyc exchange that can handle ERC20->Lightning Net and back

>> No.21170768

Good luck with this fud last try.
And thx for buying my MN rewards already.


>> No.21170793




>> No.21170799

I was mocking braindead imbeciles like you. Not surprised you didn't get it though.

>> No.21170975

The coin and the wallet offered are a farce, seriously how can people honestly think that purchasing masternode based coins are worthwhile? Lets break it down because I am seeing this shit spammed all over reddit and 4chan.
Number #1 -Issue with Master-node coins.
We have a coin with a ridiculous supply to pay out these supposed master-node holders which at any point if a whale decides he has had enough will sell and crash the value of the coin on the open market, as we have seen in the past this always leads to a group of whales destroying the market price for the sake of rebuying the coins or moving onto their next ponzi scheme. How many middleware service node coins have you seen where the coin gets locked up for xyz amount of time just to be dumped to oblivion AFTER you've locked them away. The precursor to this move is poorly worded hyped up moonboys trying to do you a favor and spam every social media page...Seriously I've been in crypto since 2015 its all the same, look at Dash coin for christ sake...Stake ETH on a trusted service or go into stocks if you want dividends.
Number #2 -Staking and TAX ( YES TAX)
Depending on your countries taxation rules and specific crypto rules you will get burned I promise you, especially if you're an american. How do I know this coin isn't a security and wont send me to jail? I own these coins they give me a return everyday no matter how small and now I have to calculate ontop how much I owe tax man EVERY SINGLE DAY??? Are you kidding me? its like you want risk my own financial safety to boost your coin! Heavy research is required around tax law I would honestly consult and pay for a lawyer/accountant to navigate the purchasing of any staking coin.
Issue #3 -Where do I buy this from?
Well this is clearly an obvious one, I buy it from the most underground shady 2009 looking exchange website that has no 2FA NO support team NO trust from the community as a whole. Cont in next post.

>> No.21171006
File: 95 KB, 420x240, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Issue #3 - Cont
Only place I have ever found this PoS(piece of s***) coin was from terrible exchanges, if it were on some reputable exchanges like bittrex or coinbase then I might give it some thought but nononono some random untrustworthy racist nazi 4channer said I should buy it off Coinallscamnetwork; I think I will stick to real exchanges with real coins that have partnerships with already established financial networks like XRP like ADA like nano. Seriously next thing you're going to tell me is transfer ETH to uniswap then buy xyzgouptoken it has good pumpamentals and will make me richhhh$$$$.
Issue #4 -The team, who are they?
Nobodies thats who, next!
Issue #5 -4chan
I've dabbled in this place since chain-link was supposedly found here first. Why would anyone want to be associated with the worst of the worst. The most racist people on this planet, who casually post the most vial and disgusting things I've ever seen on the internet no wonder you have no girlfriends you incel f***s! Just by being posted on here I can already seee this coin taking a nose dive down into the bin much like bitconnect and confido!

Long story short : You're a fool if you buy this scam and probably-NO certainly a nazi f**


>> No.21171089

This is from that one guys pastebin full of FUD to use to lower the price lmao. Fuck you, I've got my stack, no need for more FUD.

>> No.21171109


I traded this shitcoin already in 2018 and it pumped because dex was coming soon...it will dump so hard when people realize they wont release this retarded dex or they will release it and it will be just shit. Enjoy the ride while it lasts

>> No.21171123

literally clueless and not paying attention
they've got an active discord where they answer literally any question and have already posted examples of trading between lightning network and ERC20, so fuck you, stay poor faggot

>> No.21171133

give me 1 single reason anyone would choose to provide liquidity on stakenet over Bancor V2

>> No.21171137


>> No.21171161

I don't know anything about bancor, tell me. Is it anonymous? Have their devs provided any example of trading Lightning Network with WETH?

>> No.21171184

Oh, and when is Bancor V2 slated for release? :^)

>> No.21171188

This is a fud but for newfags let me explain
The reason why it has so many false positives is that its a new software thats in beta thus alot of unknown files

>> No.21171214
File: 442 KB, 1152x1064, 1596825136502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image is pure fantasy. Do not fall for it newfriends.

>> No.21171246

You're literally just posting line after line from the fud pastebin. Excerpt from it containing your line https://pastebin.com/z3jaYeQk

>> No.21171279
File: 67 KB, 200x200, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you. I wrote that pastebin and im posting it from my local .txt file. I'm gonna buy much more stakies and post much more FUD and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.21171311


>> No.21171339
File: 329 KB, 1305x892, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bro but i need to collect more nodes before i can let that happen

>> No.21171346

Just get out while you’re still in profit.

>> No.21171376

Death to FUDcucks! Let the rest of biz in!

>> No.21171397

/biz/ is full of tourists right now and only those already in stakenet deserve to know, or those who can see through the fud (oldfags)
newfags and tourists get the rope

>> No.21171401

man I been trying to fud it as well but shit is too strong now
its been going up up up
gotta get smug and strap in for the moon

>> No.21171466

Why do Master(((Nose))) fags think they’ll make so much? Let’s do some basic math.
There’s just under 110,000,000 TOTAL supply of XSN right now. Not circulating, al of it in existence. Total. I’ll even give you an extra 33ish percent and call it 150,000,000 to make math easy, and it will still show how retarded you are.
One masternode is 15,000 XSN. 150,000,000/15,000 = 10,000. There can only be 10k master nodes if ALL TOKENS ARE USED FOR IT, I.e. there is no currency to process. So if you can acquire ten master nodes right now, you own 1/1000 of the supply. That barrier to entry isn’t that high (about $20-$25k as of this morning and it was much cheaper just a month ago). that means there are multiple mini-whales who already have ten MN worth, and early big whales easily own over 1-2% of the supply. People are going to stake MNs left and right. Who is actually going to bother using the free floating currency when so much of it gets locked up so quickly in staking?

>> No.21171493


>> No.21171602
File: 417 KB, 1080x2019, Screenshot_20200809-124701_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That upcoming E wave will take it to 10k Sats by EOM

>> No.21171828

Again :)
You copy pasta, i copy pasta.
Maybe you get it now:

You forget the blockrewards...
45% stakers 45% masternodes 10% Treasury.
So more Masternodes means, more Masternodes fighting for the rewards right? In that case staking is more interesting again etc...the system has always his balance and it is driven by rewards. Easy as that.
Also new blocks getting mined anyway through blockrewards and so there will be enough liquid stakejuice to use all the fancy stuff built.

>> No.21171920

Who would use dash? So much is locked in nodes
>Dash is 100$

>> No.21171959

wait so are we full FUD campaign now? we're going to have to do better than this if so

>> No.21172030

Oh, and i forget.
Using the currency is not necessary at all in the end.
All fees where converted into xsn which will drive the price insane high anyways because of higher demand.

So getting those trading fees in xsn + staking them will give you fuck you money anon.
You will make it, because it’s programmed to.

>> No.21172041

On multiple wallets I have, legit projects, there are always few false positives...

>> No.21172182

Why does /biz/ always throw their money at shitcoins? XSN is a scam! Newfags do not fall for this one. Want to know what is really hot right now and in the future? AMPLE. It is the new bitcoin. THIS is your chance, OUR chance, to make it. just hold through whatever volatility comes.

>> No.21172226


>> No.21172311

>calling a shitty erc20 token that is designed to stay at 1$ new bitcoin


>> No.21172343

Ampl is a Scam anon and you know it.
You like to push XSN down to accumulate more, thats legit.
But don’t burn newfags.

Some spiced stuff about ampl:


>> No.21172553

Your desperation to fud is my happiness

>> No.21172609

how long until block rewards finish?

>> No.21172756

they dont finish.
it must be infinite to not dry out and scale as necessary.

>> No.21172780

dont install it. buy a shitty laptop to install and wipe it every time (you only need the keys anyway).

people are going to get scammed installing wallets of unknown shitcoins at some point. be smart.

as for your OP, virus detection engines always give off these false positives for bitcoin wallets even just for the simple act of it connecting to the internet. its just to be safer than sorry.

>> No.21172828

I thought the max supply was 108,638,765 XSN ?
If this has infinite supply, are there block reward halvenings?

>> No.21172931

Ethereum 2.0 will be infinitive supply, too. That's simply PoS.

In case of XSN there will be burns at market prices permanently for 10% of all collected trading fees on their dex. Moreover all services on the dex can be payed in any shitcoin and the backend will autoswap it into XSN, everytime, further increasing the buy preassure

>> No.21172978

It will stay on this level.
-Dex burns parts of Fees
-Holders lock in to more MN
-Holders staking Coins and TPos
-More Services = as the Dex is only the first D/L app on the Network = more Fees and Burns.

>> No.21172992

and you don't even need XSN to use the DEX.

You can completely forget it exist if you want - poorfag if you do, but it won't matter to the DEX.

>> No.21173041

XSN will burn part of the transfer fees to combat inflation and creating constant buying pressure on the market.

>> No.21173050

I have no problem with it being unlimited, I think a currency should be. I was just asking because coinmarketcap and coingecko show total supply, which normally means fixed cap amount

>> No.21173063

Ok gotcha m8

>> No.21173158

were there block reward halvenings in the past? I can see that the supply has almost doubled in the past 2 years, just curious

>> No.21173343

yah, the blocks rewards were higher and now its settled on its final amount of 20 XSN per block - 45% to MN, 45% to Stakers and 10% to treasury

>> No.21173515

do you know the inflation rate per year? Is there an estimate excluding the burn rate

>> No.21173642

Your antivirus must be trash.

>> No.21173938

Quote from Discord:

Inflation is currently less than 10% per annum and that decreases year on year as a % of supply, our inflation is a lot less than BTC, and ETH’s were at this stage plus it will be offset by burning 10% of trading fees

We worked it out that at $30M daily volume at current price we would be buying and burning more XSN than what is produced making us deflationary

>> No.21174080
File: 540 KB, 1080x1266, Screenshot_20200809-143459_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Investing in XSN means investing in fucking next level alien tech. Pic related.
DeFi goes vertical because of "innovative" staking and lending. XSN will leave the solar system

>> No.21174206

Keep it up, need it to go down to.

>> No.21174260

Jesus imaging even writing that. Someone must have been high as fuck.

The more these threads go on the more absolute pure fucking Kek gold comes out. Holy shit stakeshits.

>> No.21174282
File: 142 KB, 1000x1000, 9AEB3A85-3DDB-44A0-9F06-40A525EEB9F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you’re the guy I destroyed earlier!
Did I make u mad bro?

>> No.21174334

LMAO, who the heck downloads a random wallet, thats not even been tested properly on your computer where u trade?

This shit is going to the biggest scam in crypto history.

I cant believe how stupid u children are.
Keep away from stocks and crypto until u know what u are doing.

>> No.21174357

downloading a trojan wallet. GG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u deserve to loose.

>> No.21174410

Go back to /pol/ u homo

>> No.21174500

XSN is not even getting in on the serious trading places, why the heck do you think you can only buy it at such a few places? Use your brain, for once.

How can people be so ignorant. Cant believe what im reading. Some have invested tons of money, life savings. What the hell guys.

Open your eyes.

I will only trade this, no way in hell im keeping this as a long term investment.

>> No.21174503

You're too low iq to grasp that, but I'm not surprised judging from that shitty fud you've already written here.

Microsoft made a patent on very similar tech, but hey I guess they have some awesome weed strains in that multi billion dollar company

>> No.21174564

You didn't buy antshares on shitty exchanges for a few cents, right? You bought NEO when it was 100$+

This is exactly why most biztards will stay poor

>> No.21174777
File: 191 KB, 1340x1333, 091A3C3A-6137-445E-924D-4346C933B2D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy high sell low

>> No.21174805
File: 27 KB, 396x385, 95D139E8-8D4D-4AD5-A1C1-9615B23B0B10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy digits confirm

>> No.21174985

Remember last week when the fud was that it can’t even break $0.30 and now it’s pushing $0.50.

>> No.21175112

Lol, you think this scam can break $.50? Think again pajeet, team has exit scammed long before that happens. Keep sucking that hopium.

>> No.21175162

You are right fuck this piece of shit scam

>> No.21175184
File: 258 KB, 828x1147, 8754503C-97C7-46DE-A8BB-5B1DEB2B11D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already broke $0.50 earlier

>> No.21175211

nice shop

>> No.21175306

Do I have to wait for the wallet to download the entire blockchain to use it or can I use it right away?

>> No.21175338
File: 388 KB, 828x738, 6D702F0F-13AD-4C00-A52D-9DF89255B71E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another

>> No.21175508

100$ 2021

>> No.21175507
File: 144 KB, 1070x466, exit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try posting the real chart next time

>> No.21175550

Well XSN also has 10x the coins Dash does. Wonder how this will affect the worth of one masternode

>> No.21175653

Let's say it'll only do 1/10th of DASHs ATH. I'm good with 140$ per XSN lol. But let's also not forget that DASH nodes are useless while XSN nodes will give you multiple attractive income streams. The block rewards alone will yield 500$/month at 2.80$. No dex fees and lending included

>> No.21175834

>looks legit

>> No.21175841

i wanna believe

>> No.21175912


>> No.21175983

Buy signal

>> No.21176020

Clearly written by a whale.

>> No.21176089

Boring copypasta is boring

>> No.21176218
File: 431 KB, 828x1792, 29ED4D95-3BFC-4030-AD82-20DCD2ACC69E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tpos go brrrrrrr

>> No.21176227

Check that update anon.
Layer 2 tech will suck all onchain dex‘s dry as soon its ready for the public.
With this update anyone, also retarded people, can use the Lightning Network and Raiden to trade or move funds with super cheap fees and within seconds.


>> No.21176557

I can't believe there are anons making hundreds of dollars, and a few are making over a thousand dollars a month on this thing already

>> No.21176607

Can someone tell me please?

>> No.21176692

I'm with you. I really appreciate it anon

>> No.21176793

I’ve made $80 today on my tpos so far and it’s only early afternoon and that’s just block rewards. Once DEX fees start rolling in shits going to be ridiculous

>> No.21176879

Can anyone do that tpo thing or do you also need 15k like with MN?

>> No.21176917
File: 429 KB, 1242x1647, 48619851-4E68-463B-AFD1-A4879F345327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it or buy more?

>> No.21176950

you definitely made it, now it's about how much more money you want.

>> No.21176981

Looking for normie financial freedom

>> No.21177001

>$7,000 worth
Am I free from wage slavery?

>> No.21177032

Long as you have a MN you will be free from the cage.

>> No.21177130

1 MN is the make it stack?

>> No.21177144


>> No.21177197

Anyone can stake from their wallet if they leave it running 24/7. TPoS is cloud staking for people who want cold storage and pay a small fee for some work around I can't explain well.

>> No.21177228

Yeah, so then.
I hold, enjoy the ride,
and get feed from passive income till old fag days.
We make it!

>> No.21177318

I wonder if I can talk to an accountant and make a masternode a personal business investment since I franchise it from stakenet. Is this possible?

>> No.21177418

How many MNs is this?

>> No.21177435

Wouldn't hurt asking but I wouldn't let the glowies know anything.
I have no idea how you pay taxes on the XSN rewards. Can you convert them to bitcoin and hold for a year then sell and pay capital gains taxes on that? You would need to keep track of a lot of shit to do that.

>> No.21177675

1 MN is make it stack

>> No.21177743

How much time until price goes boom and I'm 100% priced out

>> No.21177792

until the end of the month when the dex inevitably launches. It will continue pumping until then people are accumulating

>> No.21177819

in 3 years jews will send assassins after MN holders to stop this second Shoah

>> No.21177922

What I fear the most. MN holders should start their own country

>> No.21177952

Tell me a biz secret to quickly get 5000 bucks

>> No.21178050

buy kneepads

>> No.21178294
File: 106 KB, 466x1070, hodyshidspadaboldic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit! It's going to the moon!

>> No.21178380

Nah cause they will be using it too for laundering. It's the controlled opposition

>> No.21178910

Guys how long until my 2 masternodes earn me enough to quit my job

>> No.21178949

>Sarah mtf

>> No.21178961


Which wallet tracker is this?

>> No.21179359

Rofl. Fud over the core wallet?!

I've had my coin in there for 2 fucking years.

You streetjeets are getting fucking desperado

>> No.21179485

After Radien is integrated into the dex

>> No.21179487
File: 29 KB, 680x364, 1596125772505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK. The fud is evolving.