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2116836 No.2116836 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a poorfag with 1eth, should I sell my motorcycle for around 4K to buy eth? Opinions? I have a car as well

>> No.2116842
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>buying something at ATH
Never change /biz/

>> No.2116848

Why it's already spiked ? Best case scenario you double your money, maybe triple if you're extremely lucky.

Find something else to invest in that's an actual currency and coin, I don't feel the confidence in the stability of ethereum as much as I do bitcoin

>> No.2116855


>Sell your house and everything you own. But as much eth as possible; Go live in the jungle with your paper wallet, return 5 years later; Profit.

>> No.2116902
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It's going to be 2k in a few years when BTC is 10k so I don't see why not

Sounds like a smart investment

You'll have a fine life as a wagecuck if you decide not to though

I mean, wagecuckoldry isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be.

It's kind of peaceful, and the lack of mad pussy keeps you in touch with your soul.

>> No.2116949


>> No.2117002

That's not just a best case scenario, that's very realistic scenario.

>> No.2117004

You know while I agree, no coin would ever pump if people wouldn't buy at ATH so bless

>> No.2117122
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remember most of the investing population is DUMB AS FUCK and doesn't know about crypto yet

>> No.2117162
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True. Good for pump and dumps.

>> No.2117243

yea haha i bet all those cucks are mad for buying ETH when it hit an ATH at 55

>> No.2117720
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>bought ath at $18

>> No.2117763
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