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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21167219 No.21167219 [Reply] [Original]

My mommy helped me buy some chainlink a year ago by lending me 10k so I could get in before I got a bunch of cash from inheritance. Now it's $12. There isn't any drama or anger or anything because neither me or my mommy are emotional children, but everyone was talking about family & friends interactions about chainlink, and I just wanted to contribute :)

>> No.21167244

based and wholesome, I couldn't get my cheapass dad to give me a loan but it's okay I managed to save up enough.

>> No.21167282


Checked, based and good-son-pilled

>> No.21167328

I wish my mommy could give me $10,000. All that bitch gives me is lip for pooping in her socks

>> No.21167362
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She could only give me that because she got run over by a bus, Anon :(

>> No.21167366

Based family boy pill
Doing good anon and those noble intentions will help you make it. God bless

>> No.21167475

lucky. you got a free house and free money? my mommy doesn't even make me tendies. bitch is buying it out of the freezer aisle. even if she died I would probably only inherit her debt.

you should invest in a barn and burn it down a year later. you would get more free money

>> No.21167534
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I have to help her every day because shes disabled

>> No.21167558

Got my father, sister, aunt, GF and GF’s brother to buy chainlink when it was $0.4. Nobody has sold yet.

>> No.21167638
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32 million solves my oracle problem you fucking loser neets

>> No.21167675
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I help out my dad as well. Keep your head up, fren

>> No.21167761
File: 74 KB, 468x334, fren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren

>> No.21167769

About an hour ago my dad came into my room to ask me to pray for my mom cause she was shaking in her bed. I had a suspicion that it was some bullshit so as I worked up the courage to get out of bed just in case it was an actual emergency he came in the room asking why I’m not coming to help that mom is having a vision. When I went in the room my mom was just laying on her back. I asked if anything was wrong and she said no and asked if I wanted to pray and my dad repeated that she was having a vision unironically. As far as I know they aren’t actual schizos.
When I read post like yours it makes me wonder what it’s like to have grown up with normal parents who know about investing instead of thinking shit just happens by just praying and that the reason we’re struggling financially is because it’s God’s will instead of something you can make an effort to change.

>> No.21167794

>Doesn't say what it was worth when he bought it
>"now it's 12$"

>> No.21167815
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>finally convince dad to buy LINK in March
>around 5 dollars, tell him to wait for the dip
>corona crash hits
>he buys 12k LINK at $1.80 like a fucking boss
>sells it for 2.50 the next day
>never buys back in because he thinks the economy is gonna crash more

>> No.21167825

unrealised profit

>> No.21167835

Sorry your parents are acting weird, anon.

I bought in pre-mainnet, anon.

>> No.21167846

God, if I was to list all the now hundreds of excuses my mom and siblings have used to suck my bank accounts dry...

>> No.21167881

I still don't know what the price was when you bought it, anon.

>> No.21167893

Was like $.60

>> No.21167915

Ok. See how easy that was?

>> No.21167946
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It's good to have supportive parents, isn't it?

My parents are boomers. They don't understand Link, but they understand I like it and that I managed to make profit off of it.

For the first time in a while, my mom and dad said they were proud of me. I'm a 20 year old hs dropout with a GED who's worked a bunch of retail.

My ma and pa are hodlers and they don't know it. I told them about my stack and how much I've made so far. They were happy about it, but made it clear I shouldn't touch it.

It sounds like a larp, but it's true and it's the comfiest thing imaginable.

>> No.21167977

It's very comfy, anon.

>> No.21168007
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Dubs of comfy. Based.

May we all make it and ensure our parents, if they deserve it, get to live out their old age in comfort and contentment knowing their offspring have made it or will make it.

>> No.21168063

So are you gonna fuck your mom or something?

>> No.21168089

About twenty years ago I had a fight with my brother and mother, I think that's when they decided they were going to fuck up my life. That's when their incessent begging for money for all sorts of reasons started.

>> No.21168123

I told my parents I wanted to quit college in Summer 2018 to work and buy link. They said they’d give me 40k when I ask for it instead of leaving school to work.

Well i waited til december 2018, told my parents to give me the money to buy .18 link, and they told me they needed to learn about it first. Then it went to .4 and they only gave me 20k. I could have had 200k link if I had left school or if they had kept their word.
Worst part is now everyday they check link’s price, tell me I should be grateful they gave me 20k which I could have made in like 4 months in 2018. Fucking resent them hard sometimes. They’re pretty poor and bad with money, I fucking helped them build their retirement accounts

>> No.21168153

At least your parents didn't take 300'000 USD from you.

>> No.21168171

Why are you still communicating with people who stole six figures from you? That's extremely awful behavior and you shouldn't hang out with them anymore.

>> No.21168192

Because I don't have anyone else.

>> No.21168201

You always have yourself, anon. You should get out of there, and then you'll be forced to find anyone else.

>> No.21168212

tell your mommy thank you and that you love her and buy her a gift Fren!

>> No.21168228

What does he think now that it is 12usd?

>> No.21168227

I do, fren :)

>> No.21168231

hey anon

I'v been making alot of money they take my older sister salary off her

the reason i managed to keep it because iv been pretending im a poor fuck then they give me more money

>> No.21168233

I can't even get out of here, because the court decided I have to live here, in my own personal hell. (No not a sex offender.)

>> No.21168273

he is still happy for me when it pumps and not salty at all somehow

>> No.21168274

Are you disabled or something? Just say you're going out and don't come back. Change all your bank accounts too.

>> No.21168300

Well I am morbidly obese, so I can't survive in the wilderness. Plus if I did go without permission, there would be a manhunt.

>> No.21168307

I suppose in his mind he made money so it is whatever

>> No.21168311

hey dude head over to /fit/ get some help

>> No.21168319

Time to lose some weight. Keto helps with it, so does counting calories and wearing those fitbit things that helps count your calories expended.

>> No.21168333

He isn't salty like /biz/ because he's your Papa, anon, and all good fathers want to see their son do better in life than them.

He isn't salty because he loves you. Go hug him.

>> No.21168337

I am trying my best, but I think my days are gone.