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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 512x512, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21164808 No.21164808 [Reply] [Original]

how is it that a bunch of basement dwelling, incel, neonazi, edgelords that that made it... HOW!?!?!

life truly isnt fair...

>> No.21164915

I do appreciate how this episode with the Zeus capital liquidation has somehow unified the greater etherean community around the idea that link is a legitimate value add to the ecosystem. First time I’ve seen some ETH maxis defending link. I mean, they’re still fucking idiots but good to see they’re coming around

>> No.21164936
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>> No.21164955

Any examples

>> No.21165384

Sophisticated reddit? Lol. They're a bunch of retards. Please explain how they are Sophisticated.

>> No.21165410

Reddit is a bunch of liberal retards.

>> No.21165432

They saw it posted here and didn't want to be associated with biz so ignored it

>> No.21165434
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>> No.21165475

There are actually some extremely smart and talented posters here. But they are probably just ostracized so they don't want to fuck with faggy reddit. Of course there is a lot of shit here, but I like the chaos, I embrace it.

>> No.21165476
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wsb is the only tolerable place on reddit, and even they are getting pretty söy

>> No.21165493

bless, we're all gonna make it friend

>> No.21165523

tf nigger?

>> No.21165543

We actively went on there to say it's a scam, it's not a secret it was a funny saga, used their ubpovts system to increase the fud

>> No.21165564

They were warned that chainlink was a dangerous neonazi crypto currency, so they avoided it like the plague

>> No.21165592

has been utter normie shit for 2 years now. absolute tucking trash.

>> No.21165595

many linkeeeees

>> No.21165603
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reddit replaces critical thinking with a populist upvote/downvote system, regulated by unaccountable moderation and censorship. if you use it to make important decisions then you have to accept the consequences of that. don't understand this? that's probably for the best. now it's time to go back

>> No.21165608

This place is full of smart but awkward and lazy people. Reddit is full of hypersocial faggots that can't have an opinion different than the herd.

>> No.21165614

They literally thought chainlink was a scam and thought vechain was the next gold because vechain had paid shillers all over

>> No.21165618

Reddit does not take risks...reddit is the place to shill NEO and XRP and wonder why they don’t get any gains. They follow “crypto influencers” and don’t have a clue what could be influential. They are NPCs and ironically shun boomer stocks while hodling the equivalent of boomer stocks in their crypto.

>> No.21165675
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Better to be autisticated than sophisticated

>> No.21165740
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Fren, I just wanna say I'm happy for you. All I want is 1,000 LINK and I'll be happy. I've only got 309. Dropping 6k to increase my stack next month. Enjoy your gains.

>> No.21165798

Reddit is based on the majority. Sadly the majority is quite stupid. I have tried shilling great projects to reddit and they always don't get them and become mad. Then they buy XRP and BCH

>> No.21165826

lmao nicely put lad

>> No.21165837

because reddit is for dorks for think their smart but are actually above average intelligence.

>> No.21165851

>keeping it on binance
you are honestly a fucking maniac

>> No.21165863


>> No.21165905

Nothing is going to make sense for a long time.

>> No.21165945

2 cups 1 Sergey

>> No.21166523

maximum kek

>> No.21166594

this, by contrast 4chan is full of weird autistic savants

>> No.21166674

Like others already said, /biz is pure Darwinian and reddit is populism.
The truth never dress nice

>> No.21166755

damn, I goofed and only got 300. congrats tho bro, iron hands

>> No.21166766

Liberals are brainlets

>> No.21166784

lol what a stupid fucking nigger you are

>> No.21166911
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>shilled on 4chan meaning big yikes
>fudded heavily by biz tards there
>reddit users are basedboys and have boomer era investing mentality
I could go on, pic kinda related

>> No.21166945
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>Selling because of Zeus Capital

I bought IN when I saw that shit at 6.50.
Total scam, easy to see someone wanted to keep the price low.

>> No.21166985

they wanted to keep it low and have people buy in. whichever happened they still win

>> No.21167004
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i'm a furry, a gurofag, and a zoophile and i hold chainlink
i will use my chainlink gains to buy animals to fuck and let fuck me
social inclusion is fucking repulsive; i don't want to be included in your delusional society
voluntary segregation is the only way to go

>> No.21167023

You're kind of making me angry. So you should stop.

>> No.21167029

>above average intelligence
reddit is full of pseudo intellectuals that regurgitate other reddit retards just to be apart of the community. rather be liked than different. they shun instagram and fb but lack self awareness to realize they are essentially the same shit. now give karma now!!!

>> No.21167061

I only have 50 link will I make it biz?

>> No.21167094

i check reddit daily and they still haven't figured it out yet and they probably won't until its triple digits

>> No.21167109

How does $500 sound?

>> No.21167122
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w-what's wrong with binance? t.newfag

>> No.21167128

Alright genius.if you HAVE to pick an exchange, where would you put it?

>> No.21167173


>> No.21167183

They think it's a scam because 4chan supports it and they don't have the ability to discern a racist fan from the actual product. They also make the mistake of thinking politics or racism has any effect on whether something is useful or not

>> No.21167280

Does anybody have the screenshot of some reddit faggot complaining how chainlink has made him lose faith in crypto because he believed the FUD?

>> No.21167401

Funds are SAFU!

>> No.21167492


>> No.21167528

you ever heard of mt.gox?

>> No.21167590

damn bro, "smart but awkward & lazy" is too close to the bone

>> No.21167625


>> No.21167658
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Go back

>> No.21167677


>> No.21167752


>> No.21167818

Are you clinically retarded

>> No.21168009

anons have ideas, redditors have talking points.

>> No.21168217

Pedantic doesn't mean sophisticated

>> No.21168535

and also utter degenerate retards. you get the extremes of both ends and that's what makes it fun.

>> No.21168777


>> No.21169110

Memetic powers transcended into reality. This is proof there is a higher power giving us blessings.

>> No.21169165

Reddit teaches you to appease the mob. 4chan to rise above it and then shit on it. That is why so many stupid stuff is here because people have the guts to take the forbidden path while reddit operates on consensus.

>> No.21169225

This exact post proves why 4chan > reddit. There are so many shills and fudders on this fucking site, that you are forced to THINK FOR YOURSELF, instead of reading whatever has the most thumbs up. If you buy everything shilled on biz, you go broke. If you nothing, you stay poor.
> dear diary, anon was not a fag today

>> No.21169395

It was all over twitter people defending it.

I don't understand why people are dismissing the theory that this Zeus Capital """FUD""" was a promo in disguise.
It was meant to bring LINK into the light, everyone was fucking talking about it, it was super fucking sloppy to try enlist celebs on twitter, you just knew they would publish their DMs to their followers. Look at all the fucking articles written on it too.
The way the report was written was some condensed /biz/ tier bullshit, how they were interacting on twitter was really unsophisticated.
That Simeon missdirection too.
Seriously was it ever proven?

Everyone fell into it and now we're past 12EUR

>> No.21169511

Reddit = read most popular post first. It idolises the herd mentality, disgusting place

>> No.21169689

Reddit is a place for retarded soibois living in their echo chamber, they shilled Nano and fudded Link enough said.

>> No.21169919

Absolutely true. In here you have to sift through the chaos and shit but it's possible to find the diamonds in the dirt. Also there are a few high iq anons around here. Reddit is moderated mediocracy that is mostly neither lulz nor especially interesting.

>> No.21170579

You don't remember how much hard work we put in to fudding LINK. Right from the start, we worked tirelessly to stop Reddit from ever buying it. Because it's not enough that we can succeed, Reddit must fail.

>> No.21170646

it's because Reddit is just a circlejerk of confirmation bias due to their system of literally rewarding consensus thinking.

>> No.21170765
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pathetic incel neonazis fascists like you wouldn't recognize sophistication if it hit you in your pimply basement-dweller face

>> No.21170822

We paid our dues from years of lurking moar, sifting through all the shitty gore , troll and baawww threads whilst being ostracized and shunned by society. They then demonised us by calling us incels and weirdos for years, whilst they circle jerked their way to "relevance" with the normies

Keep chasing your upvotes

>> No.21171042
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>> No.21171187

What would you say is the classic reddit folio?

Sub 20k Value

>BTC - 50%
>ETH - 25%
>XRP - 15%
>Nano - 5%
>LTC - 5%

>> No.21171224

I was going to call bullshit on you but you're right. Even when it goes up there's nothing but fudding to keep the normies out while we accumulate more.

>> No.21171472

Biz literally memed link to top 10. I can’t imagine chainlink would be in the top 50 without our cult following.

>> No.21171489

Cannot wait for the day when kikes and nigger lovers get the rope. Fuck all normies.

>> No.21171542

i love how the biz psyops worked amazingly on reddit
then out of nowhere zeus capital comes into spice up the latest legendary run for even more uncertainty in the minds of reddit

>> No.21171544

Oh deer

>> No.21171599
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I do miss the good old days

>> No.21171614

Finance, economics, options and securityanalysis are all top notch subs.

You guys hate on Reddit because you Reddit like a Redditor. Same rules as here, you have to dig for the good content.

>> No.21171650

Kek, have a look at this address:
Bought in batches of 7, for the memes no doubt.

>> No.21171666

*just* under yacht party admissiom requirements but im sure you can hand out canapés on the jetty

>> No.21171692

The Absolute States of /biz/rael

>> No.21171697

>Finance, economics, options and securityanalysis are all top notch subs.
Shit and gay, wsb only semi-decent one.

>> No.21171702

This is subtle bait

>> No.21171778

/biz would not let that happen. some no lifers went over to r/Chainlink and fudded the project so hard everyone thought it was trash. I think the mods even deleted interesting threads over there.

It's pathetic if you think about it

>> No.21171779

This... FUCK

>> No.21171782
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Fuck Reddit

>> No.21171789

Reddit actually hates litecoin. They are all deep in like XRP, NANO, and VEchain.

>> No.21171808

>all on binance
omegabased, fuck kikes and their ledger

>> No.21171824

The problem with link is that anyone with a life, job or business could never afford to hodl it. You have to constantly be watching out for the inevitable final dump.

>> No.21171857

>4chan > reddit.
Surely you mean 4chan < reddit. You do not support r*ddit, do you son?

>> No.21171868
File: 393 KB, 1087x603, PRSguitar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit has BEST live music livestreams where amateur people play and sound pretty good. the music livestreams are hit and miss, but every now and then you find amazing music. Also the "public freak out" will usually have nigs killing/severely injuring each other and the reddit comment section will never say it's because they are nigmodes which makes it funnier because they avoid the elephant in the room every time lmao
However there is no quality information due to the upvote system being used by people with zero credentials. Redditors only upvote "shiny" and "pretty" artifacts they find on the internet.
>reddit live music + shitshow vids = good
>reddit intellectualism = bad

>> No.21171933

When we're multimillionaires how could we annihilate reddit? Its murdered co-founder would even approve of this, given what's become of this site.
Reddit breeds herd followers, cucks, leftwing fascists and skynet enthusiasts. I'd pay good money to participate in its utter downfall,

>> No.21172045


above is a music sessions in which I am talking about. Live music but random hobbiests and in this specific section there are barely any normies shitposting because you have to actually have some talent and can't just shit post about nigs/socialism/FuckPolice

>> No.21172049

4chan is chaos and entropy personified. Its community doesn't have any solid stances on anything. /biz/ only cares about making it, and they're too stupid to see that.

>> No.21172050

VeChain is shilled here as well - pretty heavily

>> No.21172070
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You have to really understand the project to get it. We’re all rather stoic about it still we know the potential.

>> No.21172079

theyre having a fruitful discussion
>fuck reddit amirite guys

>> No.21172094


>> No.21172096

I lol'd

>> No.21172104

>fuck reddit amirite guys
Yeah, you're right. Fuck Reddit and check this 5. I am blessed.

>> No.21172497
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>I am in no way upset about having missed out on Link. It doesnt fit my risk profile

>> No.21172517

Not anymore, it's been a chainlink board for over a year now.

>> No.21172558
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>doesn't fit my risk profile
>I put my entire life savings into crypto
Truly hilarious

>> No.21172605

>Zeus Capital """FUD""" was a promo in disguise.
Did anybody not saw that, at least on here? The first thread that was posted I filtered the bullshit. That was Tron level marketing.

>> No.21172691

> he's not in the discord

>> No.21172734

Reddit is the epitome of the 110 IQ midwit who thinks he's a genius.

>> No.21172845
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there is only one explanation and you faggots didnt post it, fuck you nubiz

>> No.21173064


/u/spez is a cuck of the highest order

That is all.

>> No.21173149

A huge portion or reddit when all in on Nano when it was between $10-$20

>> No.21173278

Dumb nigger fag
Because reddit are domesticated little faggots who look for consensus in everything and are afraid of anything contrarian or thinking outside the box

>> No.21173284

robinhood spoiled wsb

>> No.21173591

>basement dwelling, incel, neonazi, edgelords
I’m all of these, how do trannies, kikes and leftist cope with the fact that i’m going to be rich beyond their imagination? kek

>> No.21173690
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It realy is this simple: Reddit are faggots. There's nothing else to be said.

>> No.21173697

Incel, Neo-Nazi's are just some steps to evolve into Human 2.0.

Stop playing video games, not drinking, fucking whomever you want and investing in Link are the other steps.

>> No.21173701
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Based furifag and linker

>> No.21173800

>List of schizo interests
>Hasn't sold
>Thinks he will make it
Will the voices tell you to long ROPE next?

>> No.21173848

it went to shit after martin got jailed. he was a mod there and would frequently interact with us. he gave the best meme stocks that ended up making me a ton

>> No.21173939

It’s the free market of ideas and speech. Reddit censors an entire swath of ideas. So they lose and we win because we have the freedom to duke it out on the merits of our ideas and could give a shit about virtue signaling.

>> No.21174009

Reddit is just a midwit echochamber which does everything in order to maintain consensus on matters and that consensus is made so the stupidest redditor doesnt feel stupid, so it will always portray diminished information on everything, thus it will remain in a state of stagnation for eternity

>> No.21174037
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>> No.21174054
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sergey was arrested, its over

>> No.21174090

This newfags dont even check digits nowadays

>> No.21174274

Unironically FUDDED link while us /biz/raelies did it on purpose for the love of KEK

>> No.21174390

Get them the fuck off of binance reeee

>> No.21174411

being smart makes you racist that's how

>> No.21174494

Reddit is full of midwits who want to appear smart to other redditors. Not outright toxic but thwarts honesty.

>> No.21174504

So you admit... 4chan is racist?

>> No.21174565

oh man i remember when dentacoin was above chainlink and people were using that as FUD hahah

>> No.21174813

/biz/raeli intellect!
exactly! when you can just shit post and also fud, then sift through this nigerian basket weaving site.
this site has helped me so much,
>/pol/ super similar to here. the best news coverage hands down.
>/sp/ inspires

>> No.21174852

Nice but get off /sp/ all sports is beyond cucked and gay now

>> No.21174881


uhh is coinbase safe?

that was the first app an anon suggested

>> No.21174981

That post is from last year, hardly qualifies you to comment on anyone being new.

>> No.21175033

That bedroom is weird

>> No.21175069


>> No.21175204

Haven't seen a single thread about it, so I doubt.

>> No.21175814
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Because Reddit is where the mid wits accumulate. The chans collect more of the fringes.

>> No.21175872

Coinbase Pro is safe for sure, not sure about Plebbase

>> No.21175910
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>> No.21175911

I´m a neet nazi and I hold 400k LINK

>> No.21175970
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I can count on one hand how many times I have visited reddit but I have been of 4chan since early 08 and I learned one thing over the years. Never underestimate these autists. That applies across all boards.

>> No.21175982

Coinbase have banned people for political motives before.

>> No.21176002
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