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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21162777 No.21162777 [Reply] [Original]

Retards are talking about Bitcoin
I'm not talking about plebbitors or Hoskinson

I can't think of a bigger sell signal than this


>> No.21162794

Fuck you Frankie is literally /our guy/.

>> No.21162821

crypto is so easy literal tards can buy in?

>> No.21162857

hahahahah. THIS

>> No.21162908


That's right, even a RETARD can understand Bitcoin's value.

What's your excuse?

>> No.21162982


>> No.21163083

fucking hell boys, thought we'd have a longer alt run this time around. pack it up, we'll be back in 2 years.

>> No.21163100

Are you retarded, the more retards buy the better. I am a decade ate to the pump.

>> No.21163189

This. He's smarter, straighter and probably prettier than OP

>> No.21163297

Literally who?

>> No.21163619

Looks and sounds like you typical /biz/ poster

>> No.21163773

sometimes people with disabilities have a 6th sense. he knows whats coming

>> No.21163804

holy shit i lost my shit watching this

frankie is based as fuck ----------- but seriously nigga hes right. and real talk he only gon get more right as time goes on sell your real dollars for bitcones muthafucka its the smartest shit you can do.

>> No.21163872
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Hey everybody, Frankie here.

Here's a video of me in beirut setting up a bomb.

>> No.21163886

Frankie made six figures with LINK. srs.

>> No.21163948

It's pointless to say ''mu retards are buyng---- sell sell sell''

it's just that not enough retards are buying.. aka there is still way up a lot of money to be made
sory for reddit spacing I am not one of them

take your 100 IQ tought process out off here

>> No.21164282

Dude leave Frankie alone he has always been our friend. You’re too young to remember his earthquake alerts. He literally kept us safe.

>> No.21164315

That's a woman

>> No.21164363

Frankie is a good guy, OP. What’s wrong with you?

>> No.21164544

based retard

>> No.21164631

who's money do you think the wealthy are stealing anon?
>this is a good sign, but only temporarily
>good eye though

>> No.21164676
File: 11 KB, 220x192, concernedApu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making fun of Frankie

This is a buy signal if I've ever seen one. Frankie is honestly more perceptive to trends than most normies and picks them up first. This is the start of the great bullrun lads.

>> No.21165607

Is this financial advice?

>> No.21165847

I was skeptical about this whole "Bit Coin" thing before the video, but you have changed my mind. Thanks, Frankie!

>> No.21166303

OP is confirmed faggot. Frankie is literally /our guy/

>> No.21166440

Frankie is the autistic savant from Cube

>> No.21166505

>Retards are talking about Bitcoin
First time on /biz/?

>> No.21166632

thanks just bought 1k

>> No.21166682

That's an actual autist, there is no bigger buy signal than an autist shilling something

>> No.21167028
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You know it makes me happy that Frankie knows about bitcoin and is not going to miss out on the bullrun, hes pretty based.

>> No.21167163

If there's one thing I can get behind its Frankie being the Bubbles of biz's Julian and Ricky

just enough nova scotia in this thread for me

>> No.21167182

Am I the only one who doesn't already know who this man is?

>> No.21167194

fuck you nigger this is a the biggest buy signal we've had yet

>> No.21167203


Frankie is awesome go fuck yourself you joyless loser, your trips mean nothing kek is mocking you

>> No.21167208

He's retarded

>> No.21167223

So are you

>> No.21167237


>> No.21167270
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>> No.21167283
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>Retards are talking about Bitcoin
Are you new here on /biz/?

>> No.21167285

My friend and I randomly stumbled upon one of his weather forecast videos maybe 5 or 6 years ago after splitting a 12 pack and it was legit one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my fucking life. Totally did not expect to click on some shit and see some autist start yelling about the forecast for Bangor, Maine. I rewatch his videos now and it doesn't hit the same as the first time, but I will never fucking forget this guy. I haven't laughed that hard more than 5 or 6 times in my entire life. It physically hurt.

>> No.21167296

So are you, but Frankie has tens of thousands of followers and a cool action figure.

>> No.21167380

Just sold everything
I've been sleeping like shit for the past month anyway. See you guys next summer
>crypto bullrun during a pandemic and recession

>> No.21167489

yes you retard, money printer went brrr for 6 months straight and now everyone is getting the fuck out of fiat

>> No.21167507


>> No.21167562
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>> No.21168477

Rip in pepperonis you'll be on the board another 4 years ps check em 22

>> No.21168533

this man has inert metaphysical psionic powers to control the market
there will be either miracle or calamity

>> No.21168565

>e-celeb bullshit on /biz/
Go back to /v/ you underage faggots