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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21155644 No.21155644 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: get in here and laugh at Amplefags
Here’s the recent performance of the most popular coins on /biz/ per a scientifically accurate straw poll from earlier this week, ranked first to worst.

>XSN up 81% in one week
>PNK up 65% in one week
>LINK up 63% in one week
>RLC up 29% in one week
>XRP up 12% in one week
>ETH up 12% in one week
>RSR up 8% in one week
>BTC up 3% in one week

>AMPL down 35% in one week

One of these things is not like the other. And if you zoom out on a monthly scale:
>PNK up 241% over the past month
>LINK up 123% over the past month
>XSN up 105% over the past month
>RLC up 80% over the past month
>ETH up 63% over the past month
>XRP up 58% over the past month
>RSR up 36% over the past month
>BTC up 26% over the past month

>AMPL down 67% over the past month

The results speak for themselves. We are OFFICIALLY in bull season, and LINK PNK and XSN are the Crown Jewels of /biz/. But if you pick another coin heavily shilled here like RSR or RLC, you’ll still do great!
Unless you pick Ampleworthless like the buttplug-wearing Pajeet retard nigger that you are, in which case you are not going to make it and deserve to be ridiculed for your retardation.

>> No.21155752

Xsn is comfy as fk, ridung dat bull

>> No.21155780

XSN is the best mid term hold and LINK as always is the best short term hold.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.21155821

Holy shit such a retarded post, this is totally expected from amp, uncorrelated what dont you understand about it

>> No.21155874
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He didn’t sell the peak

>> No.21156385

what about oceanfags
can we be cool too

>> No.21156819

9 nodes here.

Give me them dex fees

>> No.21156863

I agree Link is probably the better short hold.

But it'll die. On chain. Useless.

I'd rather just hold my XSN nodes and retire rather than have a few extra bucks now from link

>> No.21156981

Is it too late to buy pnk or has that ship sailed? It's been talked about long enough around here that I'm fine admitting its a valid project.

>> No.21156998

No matter how you spell it out to AMPLfags, they won't listen. They'll die poor and be buried clutching their worthless bags to their chests.

>> No.21157029

What about algo?

>> No.21157039

It’s 2020 TRON.
It doesn’t do anything useful but it will pump up to about 30 cents anyway before crashing down so you may as well ride the wave.

>> No.21157058
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>> No.21157128

Wasting your time on PNK it's on chain. It'll die

>> No.21157233
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and just like that amplefourth is confirmed as uncorrelated just like its supposed to be. lmao you mad? yea you mad.

>> No.21157403

What happened with DMG?

>> No.21157829


Checked Kek'ed and based, XSN 5$ eoy.

>> No.21158371


>> No.21158422
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>Pajeets dumping on me is all part of the plan

>> No.21158625

LIterally sold a big chunk of my Vidt for Ampl. Vidt pumped 35% while Ampl dumped 40%.......DIDN'T READ NEVER FUCKING SELLING! i'LL MAKE BACK 700% PROFIT Come September when all markets dump because Biden is going to win and the economy will tank. then and only then will my gigantic share of the AMPL marketcap be rewarded with blessed upon us rebases after rebases after rebases while you faggots choke on your shitcoin;s cum

>> No.21158714

>PNK and XSN are the Crown Jewels of /biz/.

>> No.21158760

I bet you think BRR is priming to pump too.

>> No.21158843

4k broken

>> No.21158859

i litearlly lost 4k on this after investing 6k in a span of a week

fucking kill me

>> No.21158895

I'm over 10 times that amount STFU and hodl you pleb. Literally lost a brand new C8 Corvette amount even more in opportunity costs.

>> No.21158911 [DELETED] 
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I have completely given up on stocks at this point. I threw some money into a couple long term stocks and completely ignore it now.

>> No.21158932

Great choice my friend

>> No.21158973

>big chunk of my Vidt for Ampl. Vidt pumped 35% while Ampl dumped 40%.......DIDN'T READ NEVER FUCKING SELLING! i'LL MAKE BACK 700% PROFIT Come September when all markets dump because Biden is going to w

i want to kil myself for missing all these alt rallies

>> No.21158977

I am grateful to /biz/ for that. I was in the wrong thread though. I got in at 0.33c, didn't invest as much as I wanted to because I didn't know how to buy ETH properly but got to start somewhere.

>> No.21159001
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Fuggin check, kekked, based and red pilled

>> No.21159003

im actually the lead developer for Amplfifth and we actually own the rights to that name. Please refrain from using it

>> No.21159287

Is it ok if I just go ahead and make a coin called amplesixtyninth?

>> No.21159343

Is Link and XSN the next link and XSN? Or is it too high to buy?

>> No.21159500


>> No.21159559

add BNT to this list

>> No.21159678

Links run is historic and can’t sell any. But biz has also been good to me with XSN. Must sell all other bags to acquire more XSN. Just don’t sell Link.

>> No.21160091

Xsn is still a small cap at 50m . But low liquidity. Could be the next link? Can biz have 2 coins? Not saying links run is over but a small cap is very enticing

>> No.21160336

Fuck it . I’m going 80% XSN. Give me a 10x biz.

>> No.21160361


Do it yolo.

>> No.21160379

its ok theyre only half awake at best

>> No.21160404

Creepy sleepy Joe is not gonna win you moron.

XSN to the Moon!

>> No.21160418

That's right goy, do what biz tells you to do again, this time sell your Amples LMAO

Buy anit ample goy, be a good goy

>> No.21160473


Cold staking and masternodes from the ledger hardware wallet. Trade on the DEX from a multi currency light wallet. Non custodian and no KYC. Get fees distributed to node owners. Stakenet is gonna be so damn lit. And it’s a small cap. This is why I sift through biz.

>> No.21160778

Checked and nice green id.

>> No.21161202

Where should I buy XSN?

>> No.21161214

Beaxy or livecoin

>> No.21161229

what shitcoin should i buy next?

>> No.21161319
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Trezor can also be used to cold stake and run masternodes from, and will probably be announced at the same time of ledgers completion. Both at 99% on the roadmap

>> No.21161387

Livecoin has the most volume.

>> No.21161392

Loool i look at xsn orderbooks on livecoin ppl still think it will dump so they have orders set low but little do they know. YOU WILL BE PRICED OUT!!

>> No.21161764
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Checked and Based

>> No.21161830
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>> No.21161877

lol, what does Reddit or Twitter think of xsn, you think they'll even get on livecoin?

>> No.21161900

Reddit needs to stay the fuck away from our masternodes

>> No.21161943
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absolutely checked

>> No.21161952


our legal team just acquired that term as well

>> No.21162079

STA up 60% on the week, and 500% on the month, biz/coin and it doesn’t even rate a mention...

>> No.21162250


We are still very early bro. These idiots are missing out and will fomo in at 50c.

>> No.21162329

Beautiful cope, post a bit more for me.

>> No.21162387

Reddit can fuck off

>> No.21162577
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>> No.21162678
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For those who don't understand Stakenet - XSN yet

I think I should explain how important the stakenet DEX is.
The major problem in crypto right now is the fact that all exchanges are KYC and this defies the original principals of bitcoin's existence, it means all bitcoin and other cryptos are immediately traceable to users real life ID.

>Stakenet DEX is Anonymous.
>Stakenet DEX never keeps your crypto
>You keep your coins(Prvt Keys) while trading
>Anyone can trade any available crypto on the network
>Aggregators sloves the liquidity problem - fukin genius

Some key Highlights :
>Raiden & LN
>Cold Staking
>DEX Earnings - Hydra
>10% burn from DEX earnings
>literally free transfers from XSN to XSN wallet
>CCPOS (Stake XSN & Get BTC/ETH in rewards)

>> No.21162745

I'm in bzxt right now. We will be on that list soon.

>> No.21162809

Wow another thinly veiled xsn shill thread, fuck off

>> No.21162885
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i got a fever

>> No.21163132
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