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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 151 KB, 445x447, chainlinkPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21151445 No.21151445 [Reply] [Original]

i recently became a millionaire... pic related

how should i act around my family, friends and women on dates?

>> No.21151487

what the fuck do you mean... tell them youre the fucking shit and theyre all faggots

>> No.21151527

Don’t tell anyone ur rich just use the confidence of ur hidden wealth to be more assertive

>> No.21151808

Act smug.

>> No.21151825

but then they will get jeaous and stop being friends with me and it is hard to make friends when you're close to 30

>> No.21151872

Don't say shit. Talking about your wealth to anyone, even family, is asking for resentment in personal relationships. Keep that shit to yourself, be mysterious.

>> No.21151875

Why would they get jealous?
I just said act smug, not to tell them you're rich.

>> No.21152215

what the fuck does that mean. your rich you dont want poor friends anyways

>> No.21152241

dude if i have one million in the bank and my friends are wagecucking for 2k a month they will see that i am not working and ask what's up

also now that i can afford finer restaurants will i be attracting gold diggers?

>> No.21152354

never say a word to anyone about your wealth. never. keep a humble yet at the same time laidback attitude. you're asking for resentment and lack of acceptance by shoving the greatness of your material situation in the face of others. you might have embarked on this journey alone (if not, share your feelings of joy in the presence of those who have helped your throughout your jorney, but nothing more). carry on by the same token.

>> No.21152447

Do not tell anyone about your wealth
People will expect you to give them money
And when you don’t, they will resent you
You will ruin relationships if you tell people

>> No.21152453

Call everyone niggers

>> No.21152512

who gives a fuck about friens you can make friends online anyways via games or someshit. also if you start doing rich shit like travelling etc you'll meet other rich people. i've met several and it's been fun. even fucked a few milfs in cruises etc.

>> No.21152593


>> No.21152621

>act smug, not to tell them you're rich.
>if you start doing rich shit like travelling etc you'll meet other rich people
this is my plan

>> No.21152708

Brag to your best friends about how rich you are. I'm sure they'll love you.

You new money faggots are insufferable.
t. made it off 2017 BTC run and didn't change his life much at all

>> No.21152741


>> No.21152767


>> No.21152840

Just buy a cybertruck and quit your job without saying shit to anyone

>> No.21152922
File: 15 KB, 644x800, Soyboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still dating women
ngmi. pic is you.

>> No.21152992


>> No.21152993

what do you mean?

>> No.21153016
File: 49 KB, 720x497, 1596902562874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.21153084

Fuck you IDF. You will lose it all

>> No.21153132
File: 5 KB, 240x184, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you date women if you are a millionaire and could do interesting stuff. I'm sincerely asking, help me understand? I mean what do you get from that?

>> No.21153158

If I get to be a millionaire my gf is never working again and just pumping out my kids.
She can continue going to school still for her Nurse Practitioner title if she wants, and maybe work a little if she wants to help people (she cares too much so I can see why she'd want to keep doing it) but either way we will be saving the white race one kid at a time, and then I want to open up those business plans of mine that help white families. Fuck Jews. Get rich for the Reich.

>> No.21153224

>2k a month
I would ditch all them fags

>> No.21153254

With a relaxed, calm confidence.

>> No.21153317

If you let people know you are rich they wont stop begging and lying to you. Better keep it to yourself and enjoy watching how the rest of the world swims right into poverty with the upcoming crisis.

>> No.21153416

I realized something. Chainlink is a cult and one that I am part of. Next step besides dumping my who bank account is get a second mortgage or even sell my house. I will live in the streets or my car. Max out my credit cards and take ridiculous loans. I believe in the cult of Sergay. If Sir Gay wants my butthole, then the door is open. Bring a Sharpie

>> No.21153504

1 mil is nothing unless you set up a passive income of at least 10 000$ a month you are not living.

>> No.21153512

Tell all the fat girls that use to turn you down, you only dating average chicks now

>> No.21153606

Kek based

Why are you thinking like a stupid nigger? Why do you think you have to behave differently? Be the same person but just slowly cut out the people who arent important to you.

>> No.21153687

>Bring a Sharpie
kek, does anyone have a link to thread the other day where we had some people put a sharpie in their butthole?

>> No.21153718

>gets killed in car accident
>everyone thinks anon was an asshole AND poor

>> No.21153750

There were 6 or 7 soldiers in that thread.

>> No.21153830

Just be yourself bro, literally.

>> No.21154107

Can Chainlink reach 10000

>> No.21154287


>> No.21154564
File: 343 KB, 1108x1478, 1596864142280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would simply buy or rent out an apartment a state away or travel

pretend I finally got a high paying job to distract my family wife and kids

while I'm duking out Thai ladyboys and creampieing Asian pussy whilst traveling on "bizness" trips and enjoying wonderful foods and drinks
I'll even pay myself a 50k W-2 paycheck
I will never say a single word of it
double life

>> No.21154860

Simp...oh wait danke kamaraden

>> No.21155676

>an asshole AND poor
Based combination.

>> No.21155757

Do NOT tell women you are rich, or ever exactly how much
Tell them 'I make enough to live comfortably', and then if they ask to see your house or car, make sure to not make it seem like a big thing even if it's an expensive set of wheels or big condo
Usually the effect of when they actually find out, is that they'll be impressed, but consider you ambitious

>> No.21155892
File: 69 KB, 600x582, 422BF807-17C9-4132-A172-98CFAA62E2C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 2k per month is double what ill ever make working a decent job in my country

>> No.21156073

i unironically would carry my friends to the top, its fucking awful wagecucking all your life. Give them /biz/, 1k to start each and watch them learn. Being at the top alone is not fun, also while teaching others you will fundament your knowledge and be even better at what you are doing or you can say haha wagecucks go REEEEEEEE and get the fuck out. Its your life

>> No.21156624

>meanwhile cost of living is $100/month
It equals out.

I'm a poorfag making $3k a month, half of which goes to rent, and I'm just in PA suburbia.

I did just make $40k profit from a few altcoins tho. Guess I can afford to get a slightly nicer apartment now if I keep holding and investing.

>> No.21156801

Dude, wtf is wrong with you, fuck them. I’m broke and i wouldn’t be fake like that, let them know to test if they’re true friends.

>> No.21156873


>> No.21157116

OP same here. Question is how to find patrician tier women. I'd love to marry into the upper class. How do you get set up with these women?

>> No.21157166

i don't know, but I'd guess you should start hanging around places you know rich people will be such as country clubs

>> No.21157321

Dont tell them

>> No.21157595


>> No.21157722

Your friends are here anon, we're the only ones who understand

>> No.21157785

/pol/ is here
Took you faggots long enough, how did that racism appreciate for you from 2016 through 2020? Super well, yeah.

>> No.21157862
File: 71 KB, 160x189, walken_prankster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy a big pack of the cheapest toilet paper you can find and give everyone a roll of single-ply. Everyone. One roll.

>> No.21158021


>her father ask what university you went to, your major, accomplishments
What could go wrong. I was raised by trashy women around trashy women so I don't think a well adjusted upper-middle girl is possible for me. Dropped out and kicked out at 16, but at least my $90k net worth I have I earned without any help.

Kill yourself you weak betacuck. Go back to losing money on reddit.

>> No.21158110


>> No.21158150

>gets money from assets
>wants to pay more to rent a shitty apartment.

Just buy a house faggot.

>> No.21158163

as long as you don't give a shit and know how to fuck you will get whatever class of woman you want

>> No.21158229

You should buy a pimp jacket and pimp hat and throw a big party. When they arrive and you open the door for them to come in, say “come awn in, ya broke ass bitches!” Then do a rich pump jig. Of course when they enter, they’re going to look around amazed. Cackle are them and slap them in the face and say “now get the fuck out!” And kick them in the ass into the curb for real.

>> No.21158238

>what is opportunity cost
That'd be a big mistake in this defi bullmarket.

A $30k down payment could be half a million next year if invested in the right projects.

>> No.21158356

Whatever hobbies you're into just find a club or meetup or something. Go to those.

>> No.21158473

Why tell anyone? Instead keep the secret, and just be a really cool person that's "good with money". People won't know why they're calmed by your presence, but they will like it. If they know you've got money that's a filter they will always see you through.

>> No.21158479

And op, if you wanna date some fine ass bitches, just be like, “hey wanna go out? I’m rich. I got a million in the bank. See?” Then flash her your bank account. She will immediately start lactating and get sopping wet. If she’s really a ho, she’ll start dropping down her legs unashamed. That’s a bitch you can fuck for a biggie meal at mcd so don’t waste your time and money. Just take her through a drive thru, let her smell the mcd as you rip through the streets in your mclauren, straight to your house. She’ll be soaking wet this time, legs all dripping, and probably all spread out. If a skank says take me, you may want to reconsider, but if it’s your <50th bitch to fuck, you may be desperate and don’t give a fuck. That’s totally understandable and you can treat any disease since you’re rich af! Anyway, the bitch will start to dig into her combo meal. That’s when you slap the burger from her hand just as she’s about to eat and show her your swole cock and balls. She’s already soaking wet and lactating and will immediately suck that swole cock and balls like a man infant baby. It’s called the rooting reflex, and all bitches still got it. It’s triggers by money. After you fuck that bitch raw and cum in that roastie vag, tell the bitch “now gtfo”. And throw her clothes in her face. She’ll stutter and say anon but but but. Just stay firm and point her to the door. If she doesn’t go just grab her by the back of the neck and throw her out like a bag of trash. Now be thankful you got that combo meal. Coke tastes so good after a marathon fuck fest.

>> No.21158521
File: 75 KB, 1040x629, A138F2EB-25F7-48B9-ACEA-B8DEB9B1D7D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I too became a multi millionaire but no one not even my dog knows. Why? Because poor people think like poor people. Free gibs I didn’t work for it either but I won’t share it. All I need is a home gym and anime to be happy.

>> No.21158580

they'll ask for money

>> No.21158582

Rub it in their faces constantly.

>> No.21158808

Dangerously based

>> No.21159545

Women are evil thotz anons, just buy hookers

>> No.21160152

That's a nice little wet dream you have there buddy

>> No.21160223

Unironically don't say a thing. Don't tell them you have money. Don't tell them about crypto. Definitely don't tell them specifics of your net worth or what you hold. Just ignore the issue entirely and shrug your shoulders when it becomes increasingly suspicious that some NEET is living far beyond his means despite no apparent income.

>> No.21160274
File: 99 KB, 540x523, guy fierri laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the true meaning of freedom. Imagine being able to laugh at niggers and they'll bitch and moan but they can't actually do jack shit about it because there's no longer the threat of getting in trouble and losing your job hovering over your shoulders.