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File: 31 KB, 800x473, frens_only.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21149991 No.21149991 [Reply] [Original]

pls rember that wen u feel scare or frigten
never forget ttimes wen u feeled happy

wen day is dark alway rember happy day

>> No.21150030
File: 238 KB, 600x547, 213c8f3e78692ef26222d54c3fdc3cbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are my frens doing?

>> No.21150090

Thanks fren fagit :)))))

>> No.21150128

its a good day today

>> No.21150150

I am studding about the aliens and shit

>> No.21150327
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Can't use my trip cuz jannis b& me for the giveway thread. But, It's me, the same fagit, alway be here to provide happy.

Is a good day, mom made "cabbage packs" and they wher full of salt. Almost give me a hearthstroke. BUT, I rember happy and SURVIVED.

Aliens are friens. You can watch: Ancient Aliens show if you're into this. Is pretty cool. Full disclosure: you have experience some seizures after finishing the series. But, overall is a cool show.

>> No.21150455

Ancient Aliens is vanilla shit for beginners
I am having fucking draco visitations

>> No.21150495

Sick of fucking waiting on the good life and watching the people on this board make fucking bank, bout to bust out a Kickstarter or GoFundMe scam so I can retire early and get out of this shit life.

>> No.21150668
File: 2.17 MB, 380x214, frens_only.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it anon! Satosy will deliver. Also, chances to get cough are pretty big. You will end up sucking d in jail instead of drinking titi's juice. Have patience.

>> No.21150723

killing myself tonight

>> No.21150868
File: 1.48 MB, 1533x1930, dont_do_it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me link, anon.

Anon, please don't do it. I know you can do better. Is just this year that's fucked up. I know how it is. You can do better. Killing yourself is the easy way out. Be a champ and fite, fite like the rest of us. Fite like you never fifted before. Crunch your teeth and RAGE. SAY: I CAN SUCCEED!

>> No.21150886


>> No.21151029

Ha, you're funny, fren. I don't have an ounce of crypto to my name, that's the problem. Think I'd be considering a pajeet-tier scam if I wasn't already at rock bottom? Even if I got caught, it wouldn't matter that much. My life's in the shitter as it is and a little jail time isn't the worst thing that could ever happen to me.

And if it does happen, then I'll miss you, fren.

>> No.21151144

happy day, fagit.

>> No.21151233
File: 1.39 MB, 2403x2190, dgzsce-54df7bb7-a85b-4b65-a4bb-650f5f4e4b18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alrighty anon, read about applied psychology. So, you can kill and dominate in jail if something bad happens to you.

Happy day fren. <3

>> No.21151446

based good soul

>> No.21151570
File: 846 KB, 1945x3000, gettyimages-692287220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm alway like this with my frens. Unless you double cross me. Then is personel.

>> No.21152010
File: 137 KB, 620x600, URQLvFI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my frens at?!

>> No.21152144
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Hello fagit hope you are doing okay!

>> No.21152390
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>Be me soon gona be 25
>Parents on edge to kill each other
>Asking me for big some of money from my paycheck
>Spend it all on booze cigarettes and weed
>Had hope to start digital drawing course soon gave up on it
>Bought my self a dog still waiting to be 8 weeks old so i can take it from the breeder, strongly thinking to call them and just to tell them to keep the money and the dog
>Tried to change my life habits to better but only to be shit on by mom
>Have strong tendencies to kill both of my parents
>Live in basement for now will be two years at their house
>When sister got a kid she got around 20k dollars from my father to fix her house
>I got jack shit
>Dad is now harassing me to return money that my mother borrowed from him
>Its not even a middle of month and i am only on 50 dollars for the rest of the month

>> No.21153020
File: 566 KB, 400x225, close_to_you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tried to change my life habits to better but only to be shit on by mom
I feel you anon! I love my mom, but, she changed... shes a horrible person now and doesn't deserve my kindness. Just like your horrible mom doesn't deserve yours. But, don't bee too harsh on her, cuz shes still your mom. BUT, she has to know how you feel, doesn't matter if she likes it or not.

>Parents on edge to kill each other
I've been there, I saw my dad pulling a knife on my mom, tried to call the police and they close the phone in my face. Ran away from home, but, I apparently ended up with people who politely abused me over the course of 8 years.

>Spend it all on booze cigarettes and weed
Sometimes if good to go this path, but, don't let it drag you down to much and take breaks to cleanse your body. Go vegan for a while or eat healthy. Your body can take a certain amount of damage and has to be maintained. Once you break something tho, it's hard to heal.

>When sister got a kid she got around 20k dollars from my father to fix her house
>I got jack shit
Girls are more entitled, is the feminism propaganda that's poisoning our minds. I don't say that we should enslave woman, but, acts like this are something that as a feminist I cannot tolerate. Those type of feminists would prefer to stay on the dark instead of changing the light bulb becouse "that's a man job". But, don't worry fren, you will have the last laugh. If she gets all the stuff like that, once the bad, bad happens and yo mamy and dady wont be around, she will crawl to you for help.

No matter the reason, letting them to drag you down is worse than loosing. I think of them as bullies, horrible, filthy and hellish monstrous bullies witch you can't fight. Only abandon like the filth they are and never ever look back. BUT, you need a plan and frens you can trust 100%.

>> No.21153640

Problem is that now i come into such mentality that i dont have will nor hope to move forward. I come into this situation many MANY years before. And its just repeating cycle of my life. When they bouth left for two weeks i did many changes i cleaned my room i fixed my bath and started moving forward. I started to do changes in my life. I felt happy. I started drawing and it look really nice. Quite good to be honest. But now when they returned it all falled down in water. My dad is a old sack of shit same with mom. My sister is good but not so cheerful when i ask her for help. Drives quite expensive car and makes shitload of money only because dad payed her education. When i asked him to pay my education he responded. "You are just a mistake that come with your sister why i would finance someone who will just fail" I am really on fucking edge to kill them bouth. Just to start bashing their head with axe until its just red mess on the floor of skull and brain matter. I dont care anymore because of them i really dont. They make me broke up with my girlfriend that i spend almost 7 years with her. And i regret that every fucking day i am waking up. I loved her but they convinced her that i am just worthless they threatened her and finally she left me. Because of them. If you think am fucking lying i just took couple shots of vodka and i really dont fucking care anymore. Am just fucking angry at them. Maybe you think. "Hell faggot why the fuck you dont move away from them." Its easy to say then done. When you live in soviet block where only way to move out is to be homless or someones slut.

>> No.21153909

I love this pasta the most. Thank you frens