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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21137884 No.21137884 [Reply] [Original]

>Imagine literally missing the train to the future of finance.
Why is /biz/ so retarded sometimes?

>> No.21138093

Went balls deep. No regrets. 100k XCM to make it

>> No.21138311

Those 100k stacks will one day be just as enormous as the 10k OG LINK stacks are now.

>> No.21138407

so what are we thinking coinbros, is the price going to go lower or not, thinking of buying 100k

>> No.21138586

We got quite a good news cycle going with everything that's going to come the next few weeks.
Try laddering down your orders between .04 and .035.
This might get you a nice average price fpr your 100k stack with a bit of patience.

>> No.21139447

currently at 60k stack, want 100-250k. Just 4x's on unitrade and will be dumping more into xcm. Hoping for 0.50$~ eoy

>> No.21139508

Call me when the price settles on something higher than 0.04 euro for once

>> No.21140190

I'm sure you'll get you 100k make it stack soon fellow CoinMetroid.

We're all gonna make it.

We'll see. With USD support right around the corner I can see the price stabilizing compared to th elast pumps.

>> No.21140282

Metro Marine

>> No.21140365

No need to copy the LINK community; CM got its own thing going.
It's AssBlasters second pick after all.

>> No.21140418

did he have more picks?

>> No.21140469

No. LINK and XCM are the chosen ones.

>> No.21140482

Link already mooned.

Let's go boys

>> No.21140501

Patience, this will be a slow moon

>> No.21140618

I'm in this since ICO and have plenty of patience. Not selling before $1

>> No.21140667

CoinMetro is truly geared up to challenge Kraken and Coinbase.

It’s a fucking gem XCM, and it’s a fucking great exchange already with lots planned.

>> No.21140675

currently, searching though the archive, when did he say that i dont find it

>> No.21140770

He hinted at it by saying that the name of his second pick is similar to an old phone manufacturer.
I don't have the warosu links at hand, but maybe someone who has can post the links.

>> No.21140855

He was talking about an old phone company as a hint: Metro by t-mobile

>> No.21141144

searched for old / phone / company / manufacturer / t-mobile / mobile / hint / second / pick / metro / etc
dont find anything

>> No.21141242

Try searching for the threads when he came back after a longer hiatus in 2017.
Hewas also talking about how the project was still at ICO phase at the time - maybe that will help you.

>> No.21141253
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>> No.21141275

And he also mentioned voice messages by the CEO which made him comy; so he was obviously talking about Kevin.

>> No.21141314

Thank you kind Anon

>> No.21141423

fucking impressive, back then i bookmarked the ico but NEVER expected it to actually work out
how did he even know in 2018 that it was a good project

>> No.21141481

>how did he even know in 2018 that it was a good project
I read the whitepaper, checked the website and was instantly sold

>> No.21141648

Kevin also has a lot of knowledge of the finance indsutry, which you realize after 5 minutes of listiening to him.

The project he provided now is just amazing, not sure if assblaster could have predicted that.
Tram, CSD, Amazing interface.


>> No.21141682

>read about this in 2018
>didnt buy

is it too late? im retarded

>> No.21141737

yesterday you guys said its gonna be an instant x40 when the funding comes in

>> No.21141762

Well, last I checked it was 1/10 of the ICO price, so you should be fine.

>> No.21141805
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>Amazing interface
i mean.. but yeah in a year maybe

>> No.21142032

what was assblaster's iq

>> No.21142039

funding is coming in September. With a little hype and the impact of the security marketplace, x40 is possible if you have patience until EOY.

>> No.21142384
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New Dashboard this week
New listings this week
New mobile app in August
Markets page update in August
Securities Marketplace ASAP 15-20th

Various UI updates rolling in continuously


>> No.21142534
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i want more memes

>> No.21143378
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>> No.21143494

Bought 10k stack early 2018. Haven't really been following it since.

>> No.21143540

buy another 90k , hold 6 months and retire early

>> No.21143605

Could you bring me up to speed with the latest news? I always liked the CM memes, might throw a few linkies at it to increase my stack.

>> No.21143810

i'm going to punch uros

>> No.21143924


August: first worldwide crypto security marketplace is launching.
First project: Tangible

USD onramp coming.
as soon as this is ready, Investors will drop 7 digits to coinmetro, some of this (probably 6 digits) into xcm
Also they will bring their usersbase (millions of users) to coinmetro

>> No.21144611


marketing still being tested, slowly ramping up.
In 1-2 weeks, with security marketplace launch, it will be fully ramped up and should results in higher prices

>> No.21144625

should i wait so that it might drop to 0.026 or buy when it drops to 0.03 and or 0.035

>> No.21144779

you can put your order to 0.026 and wait for it to be filled.

although i don't think it will go below ever again.

maybe buy at 0.03?

>> No.21144830

i cant be happy with 97.000, i need to have 100.000

>> No.21145102

yes, yes, let the OCD flow through you

>> No.21145182

i gave up, put up a wall at 0.027, i really want it filled so i dont think ill remove it, except of course if the price goes up instead of down

>> No.21145617

it's never going to be this low again dude

>> No.21145713

it went up "too" fast, so im thinking it'll go down before going up

>> No.21146019

link also went up a lot, way more marketcap.

i think xcm is still extremely undervalued. should be between 5-10 cents by now. but it will come in the next weeks

>> No.21146550

Sounds alright, I think they've been doing some pretty impressive work. But the volume is still balls. Why would it take off with the likes of Binance and such for competition

>> No.21146842

volume has been rising the last days.
Marketing still has not fully launched. It will in 1-2 weeks, then the price will go totally nuts.

>> No.21147168


>> No.21147725

I'm this guy but on desktop now

Alright been doing some reading and it looks promising. Just converted 300 linkies to up my XCM stack to 100k. Thanks based shill anon.

>> No.21148055

Nice, congrats

>> No.21148407

Let's see. Still high 2 Cent Support. But it will gain more traction

>> No.21148559

almost bought into that ICO but I was too bummed out about the crash

>> No.21148969

It's cheaper than ico right now.
So good time to buy some