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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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211420 No.211420 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/

The finance industry is dominated by men and I think this is unfair for women like myself. I think there should be some compensation for women when entering the business world, especially for stock trading. If we look at careers in places like the STEM fields, women have backup from the government through programs similar to affirmative action to help support women in STEM fields.

I am proposing similar measures for the finance industry. I think we need to diversify the people who can partake in the industry and feel comfortable. I want to try to get the government to give women a smaller trading fee or remove the fee necessary to trade stocks for women only. I think this will introduce many more Americans into the financial world and be profitable for corporations, online brokers, and the government.

I want to talk to my local legislator about this type of bill in my state. Do you think enough men would support it if I helped carve up a bill or lobby for such measures?

Pic related, one of the few role models women have in the financial world.

>> No.211433

Stop shitposting.

>> No.211437

Sad thing is that there are probably some feminists that have similar thoughts...

>> No.211442

she's not even part of the finance world...

>> No.211441

Fuck right off. Etrade doesn't know if you're male or female, behind a terminal you are genderless.

I know this is almost certainly a troll attempt but 8/10, my jimmies are fucking rustled.

>> No.211443

Sorry, this isn't /pol/. This is /biz/. We have professional standards. Go post bait elsewhere.

Also, in compliance with rule 31 of the Internet: Tits or GTFO. The choice is yours.

>> No.211454

Thats not true. When you register for many online brokers you enter your social security information. This can be connected to generate your gender. This is an easy check since everyone has to submit social security to trade online.

She has a huge influence on it and shows that women can be successful in leading. She leads a tech company which is doubly impressive.

Its not feminist inequality. In general, many men have access to stoke brokerages since women are not encouraged to enter the financial world. This proposal will open huge opportunities to promote new businesses geared towards women. Companies now become public partially to be "funded" by public, and I think opening up the stock exchange to another half of our population is a great stimulus for the economy.

>> No.211463

I support this. I think women should be able to invest in sammich stocks if theyre not actually making sammiches in the kitchen. I don't really think they would have knowledge enough to invest in other stocks though

>> No.211464

she is a shit leader seriously yahoo mail is retarded.
google mail ftw

>> No.211468

7.5/10 you've rustled me

>> No.211485

this could be pasta material...

>> No.211491

Its not. I recently started investing and its ridiculous. I barely know any of my girlfriends that invest. My dad and brother have backgrounds in finance which is the only reason I was able to get into it.

>> No.211510

I dont know any girls that invest either. I think its a genetic predisposition to not understanding finance. Yeah I know that's probably all jumblygook to you. Let me put it in words that are a little easier to understand : Girls are consumers (a consumer is someone who buys stuff like bags and makeup)

>> No.211526

I scored well on my GMATs and GREs. I think I know my vocab just fine...

Everyone is a consumer. It is foolish to think that men are not consumers. Girls have become a huge chunk of the electronic consumer products that used to be for men a few decades ago. Women have just as much input in controlling iPhone, Android, laptop, etc. sales as much as men. It is true that women spend more on consuming in the fashion industry. This is exactly why I think women should have more of an influence in the market. If we are consuming a large portion, it should be our right to participate in the process. Which is why the government should give incentives to promote women's participation in the stock exchange as I proposed.

>> No.211534


>> No.211549

I would just let your boyfriend handle all that. Stocks are kind of stressful and you know how women's emotions are. I wouldn't want to see fluctuations in the market that coincided with monthly cycles (if you know what I mean!). I have to tell you, women are not missing out. Leave big boy stuff to the big boys

>> No.211557


>> No.211567

I know you are saying that facetiously but this is actually the attitude many people in high positions have. It is frustrating to deal with management that treats you like a "little girl" and that I cannot handle the same pressure and responsibility as a man. It infuriates me that men are able to get away with this since they give this perception that women *do not* want o join the higher ranks since they are emotional and not cut out for it. Its this perception that is a huge limiting factor in our economy and the evolution of women's rights. I really hope you are being facetious, and if not that you mature in the future and recognize women's ability to contribute to society.

>> No.211577

See >>211557

>> No.211584

WE don't want women to join the higher ranks because you are legitimately fucking crazy. I fully agree with women not being able to keep their shit together to play the big leagues. Honestly, in what world do you think women are level-headed? This isn't your lgbq board chekyourpriviledge cesspool. This is /biz/. Gender problems are not our concern. GTFO and stop trying to drag your dirty vagina into everything.

>> No.211588
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>this thread

>> No.211589

No I hear ya sweety. I think it would be great to remove trading fees for women. I think I can convince my girlfriend to run all of my investments through her name. Of course then I would have to be able to trust her... maybe I can convince my mom instead....

>> No.211596

Business is, by nature, a highly competitive environment where management must make hard choices.

Females tend to be, by nature and biology, more emphatic, cautious, and consensus-seeking than men. Not exactly top management material. Sure, there are a lot of notable exceptions, but they aren't the average.

>> No.211602

Almost forgot: because business, unlike politics, believes in equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. If you're a woman, you have to compete with all the guys. You are not entitled to any high position merely because you were born with a vagina.

>> No.211604

Honestly Im all for women learning about finance and equality ;but, the entrance to business schoolsis now saturated with grills trying to be marketing magicians.
They try to get in by all means too, retaking classes, etc.
Aside from this annoyance Im all for diversity etc.

>> No.211611

There is always a wide spectrum of people within a group. There is no binary Crazy/Not crazy personality. Women may be more emotional, but that is not craziness. While I agree that men tend to be more level headed *on average*, this does not mean all women are crazy.

I am much more capable of leading organizations than a man that is underqualified than me. I am studying at a prestigious school and have done internships in big firms and have gotten the right connections to advance. Unfortunately, the men tend to treat me like I am incapable of joining the "big leagues" but they act sincere so I cannot point out how they truly think. I think my proposal is the first step to empowering women to have more influence in this field.

Are you guys that busy you can't read a few sentences when you are posting no 4chan? Men sure seem more intelligent huh...

>> No.211616

Women have just as much opportunity as the men. If they perform better they get better positions, simple as that.

Also your feelings are always irrelevant.

Now fuck off back to tumblr

>> No.211651

> I can lead an organisation better than an under qualified man.

No fucking shit? Anyone who is more qualified than anyone can generally do a better job.
But if you're complaining that because you're a woman you're getting undercut, you really aren't business material. People with a business mindset would see it as a challenge and gain yield from it rather than winging and wanting everything to be easier.

>> No.211657

>treat me like I am incapable of joining the "big leagues"
Probably because they think you're full of shit - you certainly are if your posts are reflective of how you act irl. It's nothing to do with your gender - it's a problem with you.

>> No.211667

Fucking this right here.

>> No.211684

There is a relationship between prestigious jobs and gender.
Most attorneys are men and a lot of women are teachers.

>> No.211718

Why are you even still here. We've made it clear what we think of your vagina empowerment.

>> No.211732

>Thats not true. When you register for many online brokers you enter your social security information. This can be connected to generate your gender. This is an easy check since everyone has to submit social security to trade online.

Okay, so etrade potentially knows your sex. Now the important question: does it care?

>> No.211733

You guys don't know what it feels like to not be taken seriously. I gave a presentation during my first week at a large company for the engineering and marketing departments for a joint presentation on financials, etc. No one took me seriously during the first week but they gave another undergrad whose presentation was far worse more consideration since he was male.

A week later, the company employees I was working with learned I was majoring in bioengineering and taking many courses at Wharton. After this was known, they valued my input a lot more. I even had personal meetings with the VP, etc. after they realized my background and my work.

I thought it was really unfair they treated me badly on the first week since they assumed I was a girl and did not know a) engineering and b) financial modeling. I was not taken seriously until they realized I was from a prestigious university and that just irked me...

>> No.211734


Apparently studies say that women are better long-term investors than men are, so OP, why should women receive compensation for something they aren't lacking in?

>> No.211737

there would be more women in finance if they studied finance. Also, fuck this kind of idea, all the men would use their mom's or their wife's or their sister's account for trading.

>> No.211740

Troll pasta needs way more sensationalism.

>> No.211747

I will compensate you with my dick or the way to the door.
>Your choice

>> No.211794

>another undergrad whose presentation was far worse
Not only was your presentation worse, but you can't even tell that it's worse.

>unfair they treated me badly
They treated you like that because you're a complete noob and you come across as if you think you know everything and that they should all be in awe of you. You can't just walk in there and expect to get respect for existing - you have to earn it. Stop being so entitled.

>> No.211792

I feel bad for women in business. If they have a business mind and are strict/efficient they're labeled bitches. If they're caring, supportive while being efficient, the higher ups treat them like trash. And op, instead of sharing your ideas on an image board go out and do something. The fact women get lower wages annoy me as a male as A) its unethical B)they are preferred because they are paid less and not by qualifications.

>> No.211799


>You guys don't know what it feels like to not be taken seriously

Your feelings don't matter. Give those men facts and figures, not feelings.

That's the reason you weren't taken seriously, because you crumble at the first sign of adversity

>> No.211804

I'm the OP and I disagree with you on the unequal wages. I get why the unequal wages exist. Most women are on leave for more of the time and do not like to take the responsibility mainly because we are treated horribly. So the numbers do make sense with the given workload for male/female imo.

I think for most jobs the atmosphere is fine. Just climbing to high positions is horrible as a female is all I was saying.

>> No.211808

women needs to have social reform tools like the slaves to level the playing ground. you guys are just jealous that women are harder working and can climb the corporate ladder quicker.

its like people who are angry at indians who end up becoming doctors because they themselves are too lazy

>> No.211827

btw i'm a grill

>> No.211832

>You guys don't know what it feels like to not be taken seriously.
Of course we do,everyone does. Everyone in the world started life as a child

>> No.211839
File: 58 KB, 240x320, kathleen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Kathleen Murphy from Fid isnt a multi millionaire

>> No.211943

Everyone knows women are responsible for about 70% of consumption spending anyway. What more control do you want?

>> No.211950

>leads a tech company

like I said even your premise is an outright lie.

>> No.211961
File: 19 KB, 500x500, 1394759402916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like this without any testosterone or understanding of risk going into the stock market.. Yeah no

>> No.211993

You go sister!

I also think there is a lack of females in business ownership. I think all women at the age of 18 should be granted $1,000,000 by the government interest free and no repayments. I think rich men should pay more taxes to cover this. They spend it all on women anyways. :P

>> No.212219

I know it's bait but,

Why do women complain ALL the time? Like think about it, you have a vagina. A think all man love and want (except faggots, but whose counting them) and yet you use it like a disadvantage. If I was a female I would fuck my way up the ladder as fast as possible, Not because its whorish, but because its smart.

Btw, the only women who get into finance are usually smart, calculating, success driven creatures. They don't need any help to get exactly what they want.

>> No.212245

>they act sincere so I cannot point out how they truly think
Sounds like you can't be a good judge of character. Thats why youre a failure.

>> No.212251

Women are literally proven scientifically to be better risk managers.

>not risk takers, but risk managers

>> No.212621

>Implying eliminating fees will get women in to finance.
"What should I invest my money in? I know SHOPPING!!!"

>> No.212634

>No one took me seriously during the first week but they gave another undergrad whose presentation was far worse more consideration since he was male.
Far worse in your subjective opinion.

>> No.212649


>Give those men facts and figures, not feelings.

Basically this ^

You want to get ahead? You deal with people who have LOTS of money. You can't easily change the mind of someone with LOTS OF MONEY if they already look down on you.

And asking for free shit because woman cant into finance doesn't make you look any better.

>> No.212672

>i find it unfair, that i am required to put the same effort as men
>i have a vagina, that should be enough requirement to be a boss
nope, fuck off

>> No.212677
File: 77 KB, 650x431, 1394786054950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for women, subjektive opinion counts more than objective. that's why femnazis came up with things like "power of definition", where the woman decides whats fact. it's all about feelings: she feels abused, she was abused, she feels supressed, she was supressed, she feels more worth than a man she is more worth.
OP is a perfect example for what's wrong with feminism nowadays. while i totally support equal rights, feminists wants power advantages for the female gender.

>> No.212687
File: 64 KB, 191x217, 1379924167480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not fair. Why should I pay a penalty because of my sex just because few in the other sex wish to do what I do?


>> No.212704

damn german habbit

>> No.212705


I didn't think trolling was allowed on /biz/ ?

>> No.212719

This thread really tumblred my jimmies. 3/10.

> I want to try to get the government to give women a smaller trading fee or remove the fee necessary to trade stocks for women only. I think this will introduce many more Americans into the financial world and be profitable for corporations, online brokers, and the government

Will never happen. Market is not run by SJW.

>> No.212744

>since he was male

What evidence do you have to support that claim? Did they go up to you and tell you that was the sole reason? If you have ANY ideas about the basic principles of economics, which I would assume is a part of most finance related degrees you would understand all economic agents are surplus maximizing.

They aren't going to make a decision which is going to negatively economically effect them. They're not picking him over you because you're a woman, they're picking his male tendencies.

Understand also, risk minimization and trends. Men generally have a better output:hour ratio as well as higher mental and emotional stability in all situations. If you disagree with this, then you really need to leave finance because you can't identify basic patterns. Therefore, it is only rational that firms would have a preference for men when other variables are unknown in case, your background to minimize risk and maximize surplus.

>> No.212747

>treated horribly

Welcome to the social world of men. But men don't want compensation. So shut the fuck up already.

>> No.212753

>literally proven scientifically

Yeah, for the fact that you just said that. I'm not going to give a fuck.

But for equal arguement sake. General women who have made it into risk management and have stayed there for the long term are the creme of the crop finance women because most women either don't last long enough to show it, don't even go into finance, don't go into risk management at a rate that men do, so to make the inference that women are better at me at risk management than men because you're sampling a highly qualified and more or less 1% occurance.

Which is stupid.

>> No.212752

Maybe she could start her own broker-dealer and see how profitable she finds that fee structure.

>> No.212826


Women naturally aren't drawn to those kind of things.
It's natural and biological.
Unless you want to call laws of physics "unfair for my liberal neo-feminist infinite rights to bend the universe to my will because muh patriarchy".
Doesn't matter bait or not, there are many people who think like in OP, that's enough to enrage me.

What's next, I call "unfair" that women don't bald as easily as men and ask all women to start balding for me because its MY RIGHT.
Fuck off.

>> No.212830

>ask all women to start balding
this is genius

>> No.213636


Shitskin detected

>> No.213654

>women climb ladder quicker
>still need extra pampering and advantages
>has no arguments to backup the contradicting claims
>everyone else is just jealous
troll harder, dickhead

>> No.213677

I'm an actuary at a large insurance company and we probably have had more female new hires than males since I started. Also lots of female managers and our chief actuary is female.

Not the cutthroat world of high finance which I think is why it appeals more to women but it IS finance.

>> No.213692

>compensation for women

That's sexist. I'm against sexism.

>> No.213694

>Implying this entire thread isn't about women not being able to climb the corporate ladder

>> No.213880

7/10, I smirked
My boobs have not gotten in the way of stock trading, so the problem must be you

>> No.215266


>more male positions
>a job that requires a degree
>3:1 ration of women to men on college campuses

>> No.215280

When women are eligible to be drafted, I will consider them an equal.

>> No.215285


How does it feel that your model doesn't support feminists?

>> No.215322

>Why do women complain ALL the time?

Because they have an excuse. Everyone does that.

Black People: *muh race*
White People: *muh minorities*
Women: *muh gender*

In general there are only a handful of people that have the balls to suck it up, admit their faults and steamroll the competition.

>> No.215330

>a unit of 18 year old females holding guns
Yeah, no.

>> No.215673
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weak bait m8

>> No.217392

nice troll.

In any case, women dominate in some STEM fields, are about even in others, and fall far behind in some more. It's not cut-and-dry. Women also dominate in entire fields like teaching and health care.

There is only one huge reason why women don't go into STEM and finance, and it's the lifestyle. Insanely long hours, demanding clients, and reliance on building a reputation mean that there's no way to balance the job with having kids. Guess what feminists, women want to have kids. It's not some kind of fucking burden, they like it.

Want more women in STEM and finance? Lobby for restricted hours and overtime. That's the only thing that'll make it viable.

Even then, you'll be unhappy to find that, simply put, fewer women are interested in those fields. Fewer women want to sit around all day banging at code, or shouting about account balances. Look at the so-called Norwegian gender "paradox." Arguably the most equal country on earth, and there's still clear gender dimorphism in jobs.

Deal. With. It.

>> No.217395

>I barely know any of my girlfriends that invest
Blame them. They're not fucking interested. It has nothing to do with >>211510 that bullshit, it's not that they're not capable. They're just focused on different shit.

>> No.217405

>If they have a business mind and are strict/efficient they're labeled bitches
boo hoo, and men with similar skills are assholes, dicks, patriarchy, etc. Guess what. Business-minded people don't give a fuck what you label them, they're getting money and the whiners are getting behind.

>> No.217414

>It's natural and biological.

>> No.217423

I suppose you want a program of no negative returns for womyn as well.

> Remove the trading fee for womyn
> More naive young college girls buy stocks because MUH VAGINA
> Next bull market.

Excellent, i say let them come. Hell the more dumb money we can get the better our returns.

We should develop a list of "women friendly" (i.e stocks we brought cheap) and distribute this along with the idea.

>> No.217620

women need to receive reform just like black people with affirmative action (dead srs)

>> No.217671


Some women fuck to get up the social ladder, others try to earn respect and work hard to earn their place.

Sadly, men prefer the ones who fuck than the ones who work hard because they don't want to be usurped in their own domain.

It's totally understandable, but extremely primitive ape-like thinking.

>> No.217684

>We should develop a list of "women friendly" (i.e stocks we brought cheap) and distribute this along with the idea.

Blackberry, it's $9 at the moment.

>> No.218014

>Sadly, men prefer the ones who fuck than the ones who work hard because they don't want to be usurped in their own domain.

It probably has more to do with wanting to keep their private and professional life separate, as well as have someone home, instead of seeing your wife 2 days of the week, because of conflicting schedules.