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File: 252 KB, 1110x1476, EevAjruUYAAly7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21141531 No.21141531 [Reply] [Original]

will you buy asian gf with your crypto gains?

>> No.21141558

imagine the smell of her butt

>> No.21141578 [DELETED] 
File: 951 KB, 640x800, 1596884548675.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll buy a few, and creampie them daily.

>> No.21141612

why smell when you can taste it

>> No.21141634
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>> No.21141681
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>> No.21141772

I don't know why people put asian girls on a pedastal, I live in NYC and I've never met one that didn't end up cheating or isn't promiscuous. Its always funny to me that people look at some pictures and watch some videos and they think that a certain type of person is going to be a certain type of way when in reality people are different and it depends on region. If she's a city girl in general expect roasties, even the 5/10 fat ones too because the demand is high and people will grab an uggo chick just to brag they put their dick in an asian.

This goes for almost any city girl, women move to cities and want to live in cities to get dicked dude.

>> No.21141775
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>> No.21141826

im making a list of the best soaplands in japan to visit from gyarus to office milfs and jpop/jav stars etc once link is 1k

>> No.21141833
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That's why you just fuck as many of them as possible idiot. There's a reason there are 5billion Asian people on this planet.

>> No.21141835

>living in the city

>> No.21141840
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>westernized asians

>> No.21141882
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make sure to share the list here fren

>> No.21141930
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>> No.21141978
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>> No.21142022
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>> No.21142096
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>> No.21142115
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>> No.21142144
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>> No.21142168

jav porn is disgusting.

>> No.21142188

all men

>> No.21142198
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uhm no?

>> No.21142202
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Retard alert retard retard retard

>> No.21142261
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for me, it's a harem of trans girls

>> No.21142309
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Get right with god

>> No.21142315

i did this way before i made anything off crypto

>> No.21142319

I won't need to buy them, I'll just let them come to me. I'm going to find a nice Americanized japanese or korean woman near me that's young, or I'll move to korea, learn the language and breed with their women. It will be interesting to explore.

>> No.21142327
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>> No.21142383
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I had sex with a korean girl 5 times when I went to korea

>> No.21142436

Do they moan loud? did she understand english? Are koreans willing to breed with white europeans?

>> No.21142440
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will you do it again?

>> No.21142502
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>says the advocate for miscegenation

>> No.21142548
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Japs are honorary Aryans, you Peter puffer

>> No.21142596
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go away gay
you are not welcome in this thread

>> No.21142637
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Asian girls aren't any different from whites and browns

they're all expensive, want attention 24/7 and get jealous so fucking often it gets annoying

t. had a couple of asian gfs

>> No.21142641

no because we were in my airbnb which had rooms next to it. yes. yes.
probably eventually, dating someone rn, but i'll probably go back to asia someday

>> No.21142653

Thanks anons just updated my coomer file

>> No.21142656
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>> No.21142676


How much did you pay ?
Was she as hot as the girls in this thread ?

>> No.21142690
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>> No.21142700
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trans girls are honorary women. why is always ugly low T men that chase muh azn waifus?

>> No.21142712


>> No.21142746

Yes but I want a really cute girl, not hot. Hot doesn't get me as hard as cute.

>> No.21142759

met her off interpals, still talk to her on snapchat occasionally. yeah she was actually pretty fucking hot, of all the girls i saw while in korea she was probably still in the top 5
my height? 6'3, she was like 5'5 maybe?

>> No.21142777

Taste your own turds, thats what it taste like

>> No.21142794

>ugly low T men
you mean trannies?

>> No.21142801
File: 2.45 MB, 1280x720, [V LIVE] [FM_1.24] 프로미스나인 (fromis_9) - 'KCON 2018 THAILAND' Behind-95282-[18.24.704-18.32.579].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes a very cute one like webm related

>> No.21142811
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fuck off fag

>> No.21142830

sure fren list is quite big but at the moment my top choices are galdeli-ikb and jyoshi-ana

>> No.21142870

how do i find a qt asian gf bros

>> No.21142880
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>list is quite big
how big?

>> No.21142929
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>be white
>go to asia

>> No.21143008
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I've been adding to it since link @0.50

>> No.21143023

Asian women already favor white men over their own. Don't be 230lbs, actually be lean and have a jawline and you'll get pussy I'd assume. Asian women are like other women in that they still don't want you to be a fat slob. Japanese culture you get made fun of for being fat and people poke you.

>> No.21143065
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Slept with 10 girls last year in Asia, without putting in any effort because I was too busy working. Im going to slay this year, because my language skills are better and I won't need to work as much.

t. 5`10 skinny 30 year old

>> No.21143102
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>> No.21143153

I'm not a worthless fat loser so I don't need to pay to fuck women.

>> No.21143218
File: 2.73 MB, 720x1280, 200807 오마이걸(OH MY GIRL) 비니(Binnie) 번지(BUNGEE) 직캠(Fancam) [평창평화페스티벌] 4K60p-SmfshBUuvkE-[00.24.907-00.27.695].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21143278
File: 225 KB, 1365x2048, EblQhZQU4AUVIJY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like someone is mad he didnt make money this bullrun

>> No.21143310

The asian girl threads are back, every random shitcoin is mooning every day and it feels just like reading 2017 biz


>> No.21143405
File: 209 KB, 604x613, 94734da7c694c45db67c9b4c6c67c3160c0486ac1160586165a565a9d7f5811e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys look at these legs!

>> No.21143433
File: 231 KB, 384x576, reikakyoto_profile0_pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only problem with most places is they rarely accept foreigners or people without knowing any japanese

>> No.21143444
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>> No.21143449

Paying them is fun. My experience with Asian whores has been a lot more personal and intimate then with white whores.

>> No.21143497

Lads I’m in Asia now and have a decent stack of link. How can I use my link to have sex with Asian women? I’ve played the whole sleeping withslags on Tinder but it’s a numbers game and it requires a lot of effort. I’d rather just show off a little bit of my wealth somehow and get laid more easier

>> No.21143532

stop posting asian women
it makes me very depressed that i'm dating a non-asian

>> No.21143551
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>> No.21143553
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What country friend? Can you speak the language?

>> No.21143590
File: 274 KB, 1957x1716, EYxH1u9U8AANyUI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant you bribe them to let you in?

>> No.21143618


who is she?

>> No.21143624
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>stop posting asian women

>> No.21143683

Vietnam and yes I can speak it quite well. I just hate “playing the game”’of chatting up women. How can I show off my linkies fren?

>> No.21143684
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Leave her for an Asian, or at least propose a threesome

>> No.21143732

maybe eventually, i wanna live out of country for a little so that'll probably lead us to breakup

>> No.21143794

Going to Asia for work? Asia is where western relationships go to die. The attention from objectively prettier women is too much for white guys to handle.

>> No.21143818
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>> No.21143855

Yeah I was planning in doing ESL teaching for a little bit, and if i decide to get my masters try and get a position at a uni there

>> No.21143864

why does their language sound so retarded

>> No.21143865
File: 527 KB, 2046x1534, 1596596132925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit up a club with some friends and get a booth. Pass out some drinks and take your favorite girl to dance. Clubs attract women that are attracted to money.

>> No.21143879

ugly low T men are literally the only pool of dating options that trans "girls" have available, aside from other trans "girls"

>> No.21143887

not after the dirty chink flu, no

>> No.21143901


>> No.21143915

Btw how is life in Vietnam? I was in China last year, but it might not be possible for Americans to return to China anytime soon.

>> No.21143954

I'm good looking with blue/green eyes, I hate clubs. Can't I just find a slut on a dating app, take her on a date, then get her back to my place? Sounds way comfier than going to a club. I hate fucking loud ass shit.

>> No.21143977
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>> No.21143985
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I think you would be able to if you pay what's called a "gaijin tax"

>> No.21144105

jokes on you I already have an asian gf. but to be fair I have 40k LINK so asian bitches are constantly throwing themselves at me

>> No.21144112
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I can afford it I just walk in and show my Link wallet

>> No.21144225
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>> No.21144275
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>> No.21144322
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>> No.21144387
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currently got dips on pic related. Their customer service is meant to be phenomenal

>> No.21144436

they're the only acceptable kind
t. fucked a lot of FOBs

>> No.21144466
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>Their customer service is meant to be phenomenal
elaborate please

>> No.21144792

high end soaplands like this provide transportation, love hotel and the girl even cleans you after, it's a bit of a nice touch although I can't speak on it from experience yet.

>> No.21144869

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