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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 22 KB, 620x413, fistnigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2113372 No.2113372 [Reply] [Original]

Really, you guys are so fucking stupid it's literally making me upset. Last chance to buy DGB.

Buy in at ETH for $100... what's the best case scenario in 4 years, it goes up to $800? Unlikely because of the influx of new coins, but let's go further and say it reachs $2k. Wow, you've made 20x your money in 4 years, great.

DGB will go to a dollar in a year. Right now it's not even a cent but lets pretend it is.
.01 x10 = .10
.1 x 10 = 10
You've made 100x profit in a year.

If you bought in at 200 Sats, add a 5x multiplier.

You've made 500x your investment in a year.

If you invest 1k, you would have made HALF A MILLION DOLLARS IN A YEAR.

If you had invested 1k into ETH, the most you could hope to make is 20k in FOUR YEARS.

How fucking illiterate in math are you fucks? USE YOUR FUCKING HEADS GOD DAMN.

>> No.2113412

No certainty it'll reach 1$ my dude

>> No.2113430

I'm holding mate

>> No.2113469

You sold me, I buy $10,000 of your coin

>> No.2113476
File: 982 KB, 320x287, 1495185887682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no certainty that you won't get hit by a fucking rogue meteor today you faggot

People who speak like you are fucking retarded, it's called "INVESTING" not "guaranteed 100% will increase 500x"

No one knows anything for certain, but you have to take available information and make good decisions with it.

>> No.2113490

I believe DGB has good chances for 1$, but i'm not sure when. 2-3 years?

>> No.2113498

Dumbass can't see a sliding scale

>> No.2113508

Less, I think 1 year.

>> No.2113524


w-when is posw reaching $1?..

>> No.2113550
File: 243 KB, 611x540, 1473586326692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this will moon sooner or later

>> No.2113555
File: 49 KB, 717x640, pepe-the-frog-to-sleep-perchance-to-meme-004-4014ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DGB will go to a dollar in a year.
B-but you said it like its certain

>> No.2113560

never because it's trash.

>> No.2113664

Ok listen up faggot, time for school.

When you look at a coin, you must ask yourself, "what is this good for, is it useful within it's field, and will it be profitable"?

If you ask those questions about shit coin POSW you will immediately dump your position.

Now take a more high status coin like Golem. Interesting concept right? Getting some hype? Getting a tiny pump here and there? It will never work, here's why.
In order for Golem to be profitable, it'll need huge companies that need computer processing power to invest. We're talking about hollywood VFX firms, military defense firms, ADOBE, render farms, tech firms, etc.

Guess what. None of them will risk their super sensitive material on some global super computing network. They all have billions and can afford their own shit and control their own security measures. Golem will only be used by university academics and some hobbiest nerds, it will never take off the way people are predicting even with brass.

DGB is a coin that is going to slide into the video gaming world, and possibly into real world transactions because of how smooth the tech behind it is. Video games are bigger than movies, they are HUGE. Use your heads when you invest.

I'm not a fucking shill, but I cannot stand by and watch you retards miss out on something that will at least, at this moment, increase your money by 200x.

Also RDD is actually taking off. I jokingly bought a tiny bit of RDD but then threw down heavily yesterday because it's so cheap. It has potential because it's literally been shilled so hard that it's been meme'd into existence as a major player. It's almost like the Trump equivalent of crypto. If that shit hits reddit, game over, and the loser is poverty.

>> No.2113844

I'm having difficulty downloading the DGB core wallet. Any idea why? I click the link and nothing happens.

>> No.2113868

Server overload due to everyone trying to get it :^)

>> No.2113876


shipping and transportation
signing and handlig documents on the blockchain

Shit went out of beta and you can register now.
(No update from the devs like always to avoid a large hype)

Next year, DGB is rocking.
The bad thing is, if you aren't in the Telegram channel since >1-2 year you missed all the details.

The bitcointalk thread is pure shit, you won't find information there.

I'm lucky that I hopped on the board <100 Sat as soon as I started investigating this coin.

One important thing:
You have to hold long term.
It might drop now. Just hold long.
The same was with ETH when it dropped to <9$

>> No.2113885

You can download the bootstrap file:


>> No.2113886

So just wait until I can download?
>tfw I bought ETH at $4 and sold at $13 because I needed the quick cash for an emergency
>tfw I could have weathered that storm and have made bank by now
Not again!

>> No.2113938

How high do you think DGB could go? According to >>2113550 no higher than $10?

>> No.2113957

How realistically can DGB get to $1?

Because if my calculations are correct, I would literally become a millionaire................

>> No.2113972

very realistically. hodl my friend.
I don't know about 10 in the next few years, but definitely 1 by the end of the year.

>> No.2113978

If it goes to $10 I'll be able to buy an entire airplane hangar of lambos.

>> No.2113986

So what should I invest like 600 bucks today if I can and get myself 100,000 coins? More?


>> No.2113988


I already laughed when people said Ripple will get higher then 0.01$ because of that insame coin supply.
Now they are sitting at >0.30$.....

DGB has a lot less supply and has a lot of great tech (stuff even other coins implemented afterwards).

0.10$ are definitelly possible
1$ to be honest, It wouldn't surprise me.
End of this year maybe, more like next year.

10$ is preeeetty hardcore. First let's reach 0.10$

Regardless of the highest peak.
It will multiplie a lot until end of 2017.
That is reason enough for me to hold.

>> No.2113998


I should refresh before I reply, damn double posts

>> No.2114006

you better be fucking right, just dropped everything I have on it at 350 sats

>> No.2114040

So the other day I read a facebook reply of a guy who's father works for Nintendo. he said they're talking about implenting digibyte.

>> No.2114046

be prepared for drop down to 300 or maybe lower.
Put it in an off exchange wallet and wait.

I made the rookie mistake to fuck up a lot when it was sub 100.

Buying and holding would have give me double the amount.

Don't get scared by a drop, you are not daytrading.

>> No.2114047

I downloaded the bootstrap files but I can't extract because there have been too many requests recently. So do I just have to wait until the servers clear up before I can download the wallet?

>> No.2114141

bump pls halp

>> No.2114157

In this case, let the wallet sync.
Even if it takes some time (4-5GB)

>> No.2114159

Litbit.eu has an online DGB supportive wallet, so if the digibyte wallet won't work, go to litbit.

>> No.2114169
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>> No.2114170

But I don't even have the wallet downloaded on my desktop. When I click the link on the digibyte website it says "Waiting for available socket" in the bottom of the screen.

With the bootstrapped files, I downloaded them via ZIP extractor, but when I try to extract to a folder on my computer it can't upload the DGB Core because of too many recent requests.

So do I just have to wait until traffic clear up?

>> No.2114171

not safe

>> No.2114186


aaaah, check out the Chrome wallet!
If this works, create a backup, restore the wallet again on a 2nd device or clean you browser.

If the seed import is working, use the Chrome wallet

>> No.2114196


Tell me why it wouldn't be safe? imo it's safer to store it over there then storing it on my own not so secure PC.

>> No.2114197

Oh, the wallet ITSELF won't download.
Lol my bad.

I only have the linux installer.
And I'm pretty sure you won't download something from a random anon on zhe webz.

>> No.2114211

Perfectly able to download the wallet


>> No.2114213

Jesus this is killing me. I really don't want to miss my chance here. Do you think I'll be able to download the wallet later on? I'm about to leave for the weekend with no wifi, kill me...

>> No.2114230
File: 277 KB, 601x601, 1468668729628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want my gains NOW
why the fuck every time I buy It fucking drops

>> No.2114240

the fuck

do you not look at buy or sell orders..? there was a massive dump order at 353...

>> No.2114257

wtf are YOU talking about? "dump order"??

>> No.2114263

you are actually just gambling lol

dont sell it at this point you fucking nitwit, my god

take a fucking look at the order book before you buy

>> No.2114266

Just had to download via IE. For some reason Chrome is fucking up on me

>> No.2114271

>"dump order"??

holy shit.

Whatever gains you make, cash out. You are fucked.

>> No.2114273

>tfw bought into DGB at 310 sats and sold at 350 sats TWICE
Wow. This IS easy.

>> No.2114274

just sold for 4x. thanks goys
be back in after the dip coming soon

>> No.2114280

and what should I look for in the order book? don't just give me vague information

>> No.2114285

Are you guys memeing me right now? I'm super new (3 days) and all I see is memes. To be fair, I turned 0.3 btc to 0.4 in this time following memes such as RDD and FLDC, which isn't very much in crypto, but Is this for real? Should I take out the 0.1 I have in ETH for this? I WANT TO BELIEVE

>> No.2114290


>> No.2114292

Just wondering if someone could explain why it is realstic that DGB will reach $0,10 by the end of the year?

>> No.2114295

Not going to try day trading with DGB, far too risky.

It'll moon to mars randomly in the next few days, and if you miss it, the difference will consume whatever profits you've made day trading.

Day trade RDD if you must, it's dumping now HARD.

>> No.2114305

ETH is pretty much guaranteed going to be solid gains for at least 2 years.
No you should not take out any of your money from ETH.

>> No.2114307

Stop listening to shills and buying garbage when it's extremely volatile, and in a downward trend you idiot.

Or keep listening for all I care. I want to dump my shares off at above 380 and I guess it can't be done without people like you.

>> No.2114312

Just fucking explain it asshole
how can you see a """"dump"""" order?

>> No.2114314

What about my 0.1 in RDD? All i have left after this is 0.25 btc, worth it? I won't be able to fuck around and pump/dump for the next few weeks if I do this long term stuff. Pls no shill

>> No.2114329
File: 279 KB, 898x790, 1480378728402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not realistic. It's shitcoin talk. Little tiny reptile brains think "ten cents isn't that much money, therefore it must be very possible".

This is the type of talk that's been identical to the pump and dump scams of penny stocks for decades. If you think "It's Different This Time ^TM" you're dumb.

>> No.2114338



thank fuck, I was wondering why trading was so easy and it turns out there are people like you just blindly buying lmao

when the fucking amount of sell orders goes from 40 btc @ 352 to 80 btc @ 353, that's a fucking dump order. theres literally 2x the volume.

If you're too retarded to read numbers, go on polo, chart at the bottom that says market depth, there's a vertical increase at 353. These are sell walls. Sell walls prevent the price from moving up.

>> No.2114343

and yet penny stocks made hundreds of thousands of people millionaires and they even made a movie about it starting Dicaprio... hmm whats your point?

>> No.2114353

do I gotta download a wallet everytime I wanna invest in shit like this?

>> No.2114364

You're retarded

>> No.2114379

that's just a sell wall
which I thought was going to be taken down because its was supposedly MOONING

>> No.2114397
File: 147 KB, 1375x550, fucking whales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HODL. Don't have weak hands.

>> No.2114403

fucking idiot lmao, why would they move that?
that's barely a bump

the sell walls on GRC are the types that will be moved

just fucking hold it you retard, it's going to move back and forth for several hours now lmao

>> No.2114414


>> No.2114421

no, you can just keep it on the exchange; though people don't like to do that after mt gox.

If you're just day trading the coin, keep it on an exchange, wallet is waste of time.

>> No.2114429

it was moving pretty fast to 350 which made it seem like it's actually mooning so I said fuck it and jumped in. I've seen huge walls being taken down quickly during actual moon missions I guess I was wrong this time, only this time I put everything I had

>> No.2114449

it moved fast because there were no walls in the way, jesus christ. this is why you look at the order book. 33-35 were like 1-10 btc in volume.

and do you even know what fucking time it is right now? They've been setting up this pump for two days, you think they're going to moon it while China is asleep?

>> No.2114492

Someone explain to me like a 5 year old, how will DGB be used exactly? Will it simply be a global currency throughout the video gaming world?

And what do these factors tell us about the maximum 1 DGB coin could possibly be worth? How/why would DGB increase?

>> No.2114502

>They've been setting up this pump for two days

just promise me It's going to moon today senpai

>> No.2114516

Compared to other coins with no real applications beeing a 1:1 copy of already existing things, DGB IS currently undervalued.

The dev team won't release updates in masses.
The biggest chance to know whats up is due to the telegram channel.

1€ is per DGB is much.
0.1$ is definitelly realistic.

>> No.2114522

No guarantee today. 20-25 todays will guarantee you a 500%+ return though. As we get closer to transaction release DGB will increasingly rise

My recommendation for you is if you are impatient, just dump most of your funds into DGB then use your other funds for day trading in other shit coins for those instant gains

>> No.2114527

>random shitcoin gets pumped by biz
>they get it up to a nice 160
>fake news comes out about minecraft (coordinated for sure)
>biz shills this even harder to land on the moon
>biz sells out around 250-400 taking a nice 4x gain
>you buy in at 250-400 getting left with minimal profits or bags
>continue to shill said shitcoin hoping to drop bags

>> No.2114530


Thank you.

>> No.2114537

20-25 days*

>> No.2114542

how the fuck am I supposed to know exactly when?

market manipulation is more complicated than that, the same whales might pump another coin today after teasing you with DGB today, and tantalize you to sell your sell for a loss

that's how they make money

however the chart does look good for the weekend at least

>> No.2114545

For more info check the roadmap:


>> No.2114568

the only problem is everything I have is on DGB now

That's not FAIR I want to unload my bags TOO

>> No.2114587

>however the chart does look good for the weekend at least

>> No.2114602

waiting for a dip over next couple hours

>> No.2114607


zoom out 4 days. completed meme triangle, legitimate pattern in stocks.

in combination with the fact that they put up fake sell walls yesterday to hoard DGB, the direction they want DGB to move is up.

>> No.2114609

Do you guys think there is a coin out there right now which will reach BTC's worth today in a few years, if so, which coin and why?

>> No.2114611

Put a buy order at 310. Am I being greedy?

>> No.2114619

Most likely ETH.

>> No.2114623

It probably won't dip that low again, but maybe?

>> No.2114624


>> No.2114625

Why should I buy DGB if it's only going to reach $10? In other words, why is there a limit on how valuable DGB will become?

>> No.2114628

doubt itll go much past 320, you might get lucky though

>> No.2114635

>get on /biz/ after 24 hours of being too busy to be home
>get all comfy with a joint and coffee
>DGB still holding strong and looking like it's ready to flex again

Fuck yes. DGB gang forever.

Who's /comfy/ rn?

>> No.2114642

$10? Only? Dafuq.

>> No.2114646

thanks, suicide averted for now

>> No.2114651

Referring to >>2113550
Is that image incorrect? I haven't been able to find any other sources saying the same thing.

>> No.2114655

DGB has a strong resistance at 300 so at least this isn't your typical pump & dump shitcoin. I'm currently holding 100k which I bought early at around 150~ sats and will wait for it to go further than 1000 sats.

>> No.2114663
File: 370 KB, 850x355, spidernigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so comfy my brother.

>> No.2114671

because its only worth a cent now...

do you not understand how this works?

>> No.2114677

About to pack a bowl in honor of my 20% gains yesterday anon

>> No.2114679


>> No.2114704

Ok ok I get it, buy in now and ride the rocket to the moon. I'm just asking about the image in >>2113550. Can we expect it to go past $10 in the future, or is that question stupid because any movement at this point is a benefit?

>> No.2114722


Well, if that image is correct, I really wouldn't know why it would not surpass $10 in a few years time.

>> No.2114729


Feels wonderful.


Light em up my nigga.

Seriously though.

I can picture this coin going places and it's actually warming my soul. Imagine uniting the video game currencies of the world? Giving gamers - the literal perfect demographic for early adoption of cryptos - the chance to have an expansive market along the lines of the old Grand Exchange in Runescape.

I can even picture a younger version of me really enjoying that.

This is going to start seeing mentions on game streams, server ads, youtube comments, and - best of all - in game chatrooms very soon. I already heard a few guys talking about the coin on CS:GO the other day and it was the first time I'd played in years.

Good signs ahead bros.

>> No.2114732

just got into cryptocurrency yesterday, bought eth and now looking to invest in dgb as well. what platform do you guys use to place orders? also is it safe to leave my eth in coinbase? not gonna sell for at least a couple months. or should I get a wallet on my laptop?

>> No.2114745

if you dont plan to sell, even after the ETH conferences are over, then a wallet on your laptop is safer. Back it up though.

>> No.2114750

I buy DGB on YoBit

>> No.2114762

depends, personally I think coinbase has a whole division to secure everything, while my PC doesn't even have an antivirus ;)

>> No.2114763


I use Bittrex as my go-to exchange

You should be able to send BTC/ETH to a wallet on Bittrex and from there use BTC to purchase DGB if you're interested. A decent one to hold alongside ETH IMO.

Coinbase is reputable but I personally prefer being 'in control' of my own coins. Feels better for me to have a wallet and backups.

>> No.2114804

yea I'm same boat which is why I asked
ty all and ill look into those 2 options and see which Is better for me

>> No.2114812

I'm not sure you understand. If someone put 1k into it now, they would have about 500k DGB. If DGB even reaches $1, that person would have 500k if they cashed out. If it reached $10, they would be a multi-millionaire.

>> No.2114814

What is the value in DGB? Could somebody sum up why it will go up?

>> No.2114826

>.1 x 10 = 10
>How fucking illiterate in math are you fucks?

top kek

>> No.2114837

According to the digibyte website, 100k DGB is roughly $650, meaning that 1k USD gets you about 150k DGB. Unless I'm missing something?

But I see what you're saying: at this point it's just worth it to buy in.

>> No.2114846
File: 41 KB, 867x586, dgbwallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I downloaded the DGB wallet, can someone explain why I have to wait 2 years? lol

>> No.2114847

Oh, yeah I have about 650k since I bought when it was 115 sats.

>> No.2114860

Yeah. But even so, if it reaches $1 I'll have $150k. Not bad.
I have a 19 year wait...

>> No.2114864

It does that for everyone. Needs to be fixed.

>> No.2114870

(It will be synced in a number of hours though)

>> No.2114871

It was almost 5 years for me and it actually took about 6 hours.

>> No.2114875


Why tho? So do I have to run this for 2 years before I can use it lmao.

>> No.2114876

Their time remaining algorithm is shit. It's more like a fews hours depending on your hardware.

>> No.2114879

you make my head hurt. what the fuck dude it's not that difficult to understand.

>> No.2114882

Ah, all right. Thanks

>> No.2114898

Mine took over a day. Probably cause I'm using a macbook air

>> No.2114963

bet you bail soon, anon
just stop looking at the chart. just walk away.
Come back next week.

>> No.2115100

It's going up ^

>> No.2115128

same here. brb refi my house and sell my car to buy moar dgb

>> No.2115189
File: 13 KB, 601x601, 1478405388907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I held through and it's at 370 now

>> No.2115197

Need this piece of shit to hit 400 so I can exit for good

>> No.2115216

don't stress. this is gonna grow. it is no PnD

>> No.2115225

Gentlemen, the shuttle is starting.

Get in while you can!

>> No.2115226


>> No.2115234

Do you typically exit rockets before they even leave the ground?

>> No.2115237

Bagholder mentality.
A Shake out and these pussy-hands spazz out

>> No.2115243

did you newfags buy over 300 the past few days?

>> No.2115262

Come back in 2 weeks and see how cheap that is

>> No.2115284

I bought in at 200 sats.

I stupidly let 400+ sell opportunities go this week. Nothing is happening at all with this coin. It's just going up and down for no reason. Hitting 400 and selling will be a relief.

>> No.2115301


Stop trying to trick new friends please. It's misleading. Selling at 400 would be a large mistake. DGB is not a market you want to day trade. Especially at its current phase. These whales are not fucking around and DO NOT want you to buy in. See the buy orders?

>> No.2115307

No news and coin having big highs and lows = whales playing with YOUR money

Get out at 400 and be thankful

>> No.2115312


Please elaborate on how you get to said conclusion rather than making a statement that literally has 0 value

>> No.2115325
File: 80 KB, 639x631, 9a18da97f4495a6471b4c345b6a1b05c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doubling your money is nothing. Take whatever profit you made and multiply it by 100, that's what you're missing out on by selling.

>> No.2115326

No news lol. You dumbass there is a countdown to minecraft. Lurk more.

>> No.2115329

No I bought at 131, no matter what happens pretty much, I make a profit
I just want to sell at 400 because I missed it so many times already. Haha basically the same reason as >>2115284
Also I sold some at 416 and used it to buy back in at 383. Like I said I still have a huge profit, but I'd like not to lose money on that transaction.

>> No.2115337

Eventual adaption to the gaming market.

>> No.2115348

Well goodbye.
Look back later when you sold your future because of muh 4000 gorillion opportunities.

>> No.2115372

Can anyone explain this shilling for DGB except that a lot of people are bagholding @ 400SATS?

>> No.2115390

Worth selling all my ETH (an amazing 0.1 BTC) for DGB at this point? I heard that ETH was going to moon soon.

>> No.2115422

No, don't sell your ETH, its increasing right now. I would not be surprised if it got to $150 shortly.

>> No.2115518

0.1 BTC in ETH won't yield you much gains even if it hits $150. If you want to play it safe and get an extra $20-50, then keep it in ETH, but if you want to make big bucks day trading larger quantitites of shit coins that I'd recommend that.

You should definitely be holding DGB though.

>> No.2115541


Could you explain why you recommend holding DGB?

>> No.2115569

You know what? WHY don't do your own fucking research, spånved little baby.

>why why why
>please please tell why why

USE your own fucking brain, you shithead.

>> No.2115584

I don't feel like retyping everything that's been said in this thread or any of the other 10 DGB threads going on right now. Google about DGB and read what people say about it here.

>> No.2115591

Anybody see the glorious dump by a weak handed faggot and the immediate rebuying? I love watching this DGB market. You can spot the fools selling. Lol

>> No.2115594
File: 28 KB, 360x270, nigga lol tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Video games are bigger than movies,

>> No.2115604

I hope more weak handed faggots will sell it, I want to buy the dip

>> No.2115607

Ikr, it's great. The pattern will continue like this with a steady overall increase, and then, the moon.

>> No.2115612


I was just wondering why you thought so, people could have different motivations for holding. It's like everyone holds for the same reason, yes profit, but why do you personally think you'll profit (long term). But all right.

>> No.2115620
File: 14 KB, 431x352, when.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look an actual fag. Allow me to retort:


>> No.2115624

>159 posts
>price is still tanking
this might be the worst attempt at pump ever

>> No.2115635

You should sell, just that you would stop asking stupid questions, do your research.

OK? You understand?

>> No.2115647

This alt coin has potential (after researching, you can agree). You can say other coins have potential too, but this coin's audience is the key.

You can also look at the graphs as of late. After every dip, there's always a spike. It will continue to do this because people are weakminded and other people buy the dip. In terms of short term, you could make some profit that way too.

But overall, DGB will moon because there's literally no downside for major gaming companies to adopt this. It will strengthen and tie the gaming community together while making them money. This coin is a gem, and right now, it's really really cheap (a little less than 1 cent each). Will definitely reach 15 cents, but has large potential to reach $1 within the year, and possibly more (too soon to tell).

I also got in under 100 sats, took out my initial investment, and really don't have anything to lose.

>> No.2115688

Thanks for explaining your motivation, very clear. Bought in last night. I'm thinking about converting my ETH to DGB for long term holding, still not sure..

>> No.2115690

t. newfag who has no idea about markets
>wat is whales accumulating

>> No.2115696

The other argument is for cryptos in general. This is like 1995 all over again (dotcom bubble). The normies and mainstream media hasn't really picked up on cryptos as an investment (except bitcoin). Once the normie dumb money rolls in en mass we will see price go up on a lot of coins.

>> No.2115698


Fuck off.

>> No.2115704

Any other questions, dearie?


>> No.2115714

Suck my dick, you pathetic little bitch. You don't need any more answers or instruction. Just open your mouth in O shape and I enter your pathetic mouth. Any questions?

>> No.2115718

That's why we need to advertise DGB to normies
This coin has a lot of potential with the good marketing

>> No.2115723

stfu dickhead you've asked 18 retarded questions in this thread, many of them repeats. KYS idiot. If you're going to ask question ask ones that are intelligent so at least other people can also benefit from them getting answered.

>> No.2115733

I agree. So that idiots like>>2115698 don't get their tiny little brains confused.

>> No.2115787


Fuck off already mate.

>> No.2115799
File: 56 KB, 657x527, apu haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I heard this about POSW. Those whales sure have been accumulating for over a month now.
t. still a bagholder

>> No.2115817

Suck my dick mate, bring your mother along as well. Did I answer your question? Yes your mother's pussy is amazing so tight, so wet I like it. I will "fill" you in if you got any questions.

>> No.2115833


Happy for you mate, fuck off now lmao

>> No.2115851

is that what you do when people criticize your selfish and childish behavior?

"fuck off"
"fuck off"
"fuck off"

Yes keep repeating yourself you fucking loser.

>> No.2115858

Not until you go down on all fours and beg like the bitch you are, mate.

>> No.2115870

His vocalbury is almost nonexistant, it's the only comeback he knows.

>f-fuck off!

I bet he likes to fiddle with kangaroos.

>> No.2115881

you are a fag and stupid

>> No.2115893


Gonna be a long wait for you.



>> No.2115913

>Wow, you've made 20x your money in 4 years, great.
Yes, shill. That is great. You people have been spoiled by the longest bull market ever and it WILL POP. Not if but when. If you can earn 10% per year, you're making good money

>> No.2115915

What is a good wallet for iOS and where to buy DGB?

>> No.2115919

SO you agree, how long are talking about, bitch?

>gonna be long wait for you
>y-yes i am little bitch

This is too easy.

>> No.2115935


100%, I don't know I was thinking 6 years.

>> No.2115946

Six minutes, six hours, six years.

A bitch is a bitch.

>> No.2115960

SLR solarcoin now.
Hurry, moon soon

>> No.2115968

it's getting comfy.
anons becoming emotional because shits moving again. They would have sold Bitcoins for a pizza

>> No.2115978


Yup, a bitch is a bitch, good point.

>> No.2115985

10% a year? HAH! Regular investment strategies are simply life support systems to keep the wage cuck slavery monster alive and well.

>> No.2116001

At least you admit it... but you are also a bloody retard as well

>> No.2116026

weak hands dying to get out

>> No.2116036


Nothing to admit, a bitch is bitch, like you said.

>> No.2116040

$1 means a 8 billion dollar market cap. Won't happen in one year, maybe 4 years though. It's a good coin, but it's going to contract in the near future.

>> No.2116050

Yeah ok, I get it you are bitch. Shut the fuck up already.

>> No.2116058


You finally got it, was about time, good for you.

>> No.2116069


I will give you a bitcoin, just do it slowly so I will enjoy it more, ok pet?

>> No.2116079

Usually when the anti shills become hostile it means the coin is even closer to mooning. Do I sense correctly?


>> No.2116114



>> No.2116116
File: 1.14 MB, 1072x782, pepepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it just pumped and now it just ... slowing dropping.

>> No.2116123

You are the bitch, a bitch does what it's told.

I will give you 100 satoshi.

>> No.2116138

I just came here to wallow in your dumb ass misery

>> No.2116151


>> No.2116171


>> No.2116301

>decide to just give up on my dream of selling at 400 in a reasonable timeframe
>coin is at 335
>set a sell limit for 336 so I can get into zclassic rising quick
>it fucking drops to 321 as soon as I put my order

>> No.2116338

Where can I get started buying? New to this. Want to get into XRP too

>> No.2116346

Ok seriously some buy my fucking bags right fucking now im out 50 dollars right now

>> No.2116370

you think this is a PnD?

Walk away

>> No.2116375

Sold at 345. Gonna eat some dip tonight :')

>> No.2116391
File: 184 KB, 794x794, 1431995706671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand i threw in everything at the ATH and everyone here completely let me down. YOU WILL CONTINUE TO SHILL THIS FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES FOR ME TO GET MY 50 DOLLARS BACK.

>> No.2116403


>> No.2116422

stop shitting yourself.
this is rising.
dips are people like yourself scrambling for a few sat profit.

>> No.2116546

>finally sold at 336
Feels good
Maybe I buy back in in the low 200's
Maybe not
Should get pumpin again in a couple weeks though with that minecraft thing generating interest in the masses

>> No.2116573

this is our problem

>> No.2116578

Satoshi sounds so cute <3

>> No.2116601

why didn't you sell at the spike?

>> No.2116623


you realize it's not done yet right?

>> No.2116633

it's going to be right back where it was (if not higher) tonight/tomorrow. People still have to get off of work, folks. This isn't over. Buy the dip.

>> No.2116645
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>> No.2116657

Not a PnD. buy the dip. buy under 500 and you will be on top in a few weeks

>> No.2116666


(and to those that aren't weak minded pussies, get ready to buy the even higher dip)

>> No.2116678

Yeah yeah I've heard it all it's always mooning "tonight or tomorrow"
Thanks for reminding me I have to make a thread to laugh at whoever this guy was at 9:45. >>2108048

>> No.2116701

that guy was a shill. Recognise.
But have some fucking patience.

>> No.2116728

Oh yeah that guys a shill, but YOU'RE legit.
Want me to make a post linking every "tonight it'll go up!" or "tomorrow it'll go up!" post in the past couple of days?

>> No.2116761

Eh fuck that actually, I'll just make a post top laugh at you tomorrow too.
I hope you happen to be a whale, because unless you can do something yourself, you're not going to be correct.

>> No.2116762

Look at the graphs. It does go up. It went up today.

It's not going to moon today/tomorrow. It's going to go back to 350-400 sats and continue working its way to a 400-500 sats average.

Just look at the fucking graph. Get out of crypto if you're just here to ride pump and dumps like a retard. DGB isn't like other coins. Sell all you want, it's more for others.

>> No.2116782

You FUDers need to realize this isn't a random pump and dumper. There's clearly promise here and the support in the lower to now mid 300s has been phenomenal. See RDD and XVG, obvious coins of the day that are already done (if you're still holding either, lol). The volume is still here, as is the potential.

Buckle up.

>> No.2116792

Whatever it is, this coin has been bloody resilient. We will see what will happen in the future.

>> No.2116796

Alright bud, I'll hold you to that. I have little doubt it might jump up to 350 tomorrow. But it's going to be a short spike like today's, it's not going to be hovering in the 350-400 range. If you're lucky it'll stay in the ~320 range, if not it's going below 300. The downward trend isn't done yet.

>> No.2116815
File: 720 KB, 2123x1698, 1420696701508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get out of crypto if you're just here to ride pump and dumps like a retard.

But anon, crypto is the only way to ride pump and dumps like a retard.

>> No.2116818

yeah i'm a whale. laugh at me in your post later.
Laugh at me
Laugh LOUD.

you are new here.

>> No.2116833
File: 254 KB, 1440x2560, 20170519_192622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also one last thing, you're telling me to look at the chart, you look at the chart. It's a complete repeat of how we got here in the first place. I drew it so you can understand, I hope you can figure out the patterns that are next.

>> No.2116844

charge your phone

>> No.2116857

That's not how you do it, you need the triangles and shit.

>> No.2116866

The charger is all the way upstairs though...
>1% now
Ride till we die phone

>> No.2116883
File: 40 KB, 447x599, It&#039;s just the garlics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ride till we die phone

>> No.2116925

hurts your battery to let it die, like a lot

>> No.2116952
File: 14 KB, 480x360, muh kangz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If his phone dies, so does he... that's loyalty anon, that's true love...

>> No.2116954

get in.
GAINZ Happening

>> No.2116968
File: 45 KB, 490x490, 1494706185812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETH actually has Tech Industry ramifications


>> No.2116973
File: 597 KB, 800x800, 1494090682984-b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He lives life on the edge

>> No.2116989



>> No.2117013

May 15, 2016
BTC $ 7,086,163,027
ETH $ 819,448,484
XRP $210,303,928

>> No.2117139

the entire thing before todays jump is a triangle.

>> No.2117145

So, It can't go up again?
above 400 even?

>> No.2117153

take a look at where it goes tonight.

sell near 10-11 pm EST

>> No.2117157

I've been checking in on the order book throughout the week and noticing a lot of very interesting activity with this particular coin.

First, it's resilient as all fuck.

Second, holy Jesus Christ on a mountain what is up with all this weird whale activity? Even right now you can see (((somebody))) is accumulating a pretty serious amount and letting the price trickle upwards.

This coin has a lot of serious attention from serious investors. I don't really know what to think about it other than I won't be selling for at least a year.

>> No.2117161
File: 70 KB, 1000x992, not even mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The graph ain't right reeeeeeeeeee! YOU MUST ADD TRIANGELS IN AN ANALYSIS REEEEEEEE

>> No.2117168


Yes I would be worried it it dropped passed 300k sat for a long time, but it refuses to go down.

>> No.2117275

Dude, ignore: >>2117153

People are fudding because they think it's fun.

Just wait a year, trust, DGB is going to moon, mars, Jupiter, Saturn, dude, Planet X.

Honestly, the worst that will happen is you wasted a few hundred dollars, but chances are you won't even lose it, but if the 'shills' are correct, you will make an absolute shit ton of money that could set you up for life.

Also, dude - of course it's going to go past 400 again, and 500. It's broken out, it can go anywhere, it's never going to go back into the 100s again. The major hurdle has been passed.

>> No.2117299


Right? A coin that has no competition. That makes sense. That is tying into the vidya world. How the fuck are people not connecting the dots? Fuck me I am so excited for the future.

>> No.2117316


>> No.2117338

I am having a good day. DGB is proving itself everday, it's almost exactly where it was at moon peak. 343 right now, thats brilliant.

Everyone keeps doom and glooming but DGB keeps holding strong.

This coin has so much potential, digusign literally will revolutionize secure documents. It will benefit every single industry worldwide, the gaming stuff is an aside really, but even that will help rocket it up.

Digibyte is a top 5 coin for potential right now. Hence so much promotion all over twitter and /biz/

>> No.2117359

I am shitting with you, famalamamam.

>> No.2117429
File: 29 KB, 660x336, sterlingarcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do I purchase DGB and other crypto currencies? Do I just download the wallet thing and purchase from there? Are there commissions/brokers I need to go through? Im new to this.

>> No.2117440

Easiest way would be get a coinbase account, buy BTC, and then send it to Poloniex.
Poloniex is the exchange where you will trade BTC for altcoins.
Coinbase will charge a minor fee if you buy instantly, that's about it. Minor transaction fee every single time you send the currency somewhere, but it's so small you'll never notice.

>> No.2117449


That sounds like a pain in the ass. Why can't I just purchase with US dollars?

>> No.2117455

You purchase the BTC with USD dollar and send it to an exchange.
What's the issue? That's incredibly easy to do.

>> No.2117458

because you cant yet faggot. buy BTC with USD from coinbase. transfer BTC to other exchanges. buy whatever memecoins you want (esp ETH, BTC, RDD, and DGB).

see you on the fucking moon, faggot

>> No.2117462


Ok fair enough. What percentage is the commission on coinbase?

>> No.2117481

Depends where you live and how you're buying
For US credit/debit is 4% but it's instant. Bank is 2% I think but you're going to have to wait for the transaction to take place.

>> No.2117490


Is the commission when you buy or sell?

>> No.2117494

They tell you on the page, though I prefer coin mama, no ID bullshit or bank issues.

>> No.2117498


>> No.2117504

Pretty sure it's a base rate each way, but selling will be the lower rate since it's going to your bank account.

>> No.2117548

I think we are safe unless volume slows down.

>> No.2117595

is it too late?

>> No.2117610

who the fuck cares you retard? 3% 5% 10%? You're in it to make 100000%. You guys are so fucking bad at math it's pathetic. Investing is about TIMING not about how much a place charges you for credit card commission. GOD DAMN.

>> No.2117619

is shapeshift.io a good way to buy DGB with BTC?

im a newfag that's been hodling BTC for a while, looking to invest in some shitcoins

>> No.2117623

wat u mean? explain. shapeshifer is nott a legir exhaing systeme. buy else

>> No.2117632


How do you guys buy DGB/other shitcoins with bitcoins? You have some kind of platform that allows you to do that?

>> No.2117649

platforms? coins off shit?! i have sen indnia that peopre mak poo poo coins maybe u try aswel?

>> No.2117656

>make bittrex account
>send BTC from coinbase to bittrex BTC address
>wait a little bit for it to arrive
>buy shitcoins (RDD and DGB) with BTC

i know. rocket science.

>> No.2117692

thanks, made an account on poloniex
>i know. rocket science.

I said I was a newfag.

>> No.2117719

I've got some in there, you niggers better be right.

>> No.2117723

newfagg? so ur a new gayy??!! in indina we burns gays thei ate al teh holi poo poo very gay and bad. i not help u anymore new gays

>> No.2117742

i rec making a Bittrex acct too. polo doesnt have all the shitcoins that bittrex has (yet).

definitely request DGB and RDD on polo tho

>> No.2117809

seems like you're the newfag not him

>> No.2117822



>> No.2117830

sir?! excus me butt that i 3 wife and 20 childrans, i am not newgays, i am lady man. excus me or i will musts us violence

>> No.2117856

Okay can we pump this piece of shit again?

>> No.2117882

i just downloaded DGB wallet and I'm doing some small test transactions. i have some questions

1. It will take longer to send a big amount? because i sent 2 dgb and it confirmed in like 2 minutes.

2. Will i need to keep doing backups? or just once is fine? Can i just do the backup, store it in a couple of places, then forget about it for like a year?

3. Is it better to do the backup before or after transferring the big chunk of coins?

4. All i need to recover my wallet with all the funds is the file and the password, right?

God, this is my first time doing this, I am so afraid i will fuck up somehow

>> No.2117902

Encrypt your wallet, DON'T lose the password, otherwise you will never able to withdraw any coins from the wallet... write the password down. The wallet file, you can store in a USB or on a OneDrive whatever.

>> No.2117911


>> No.2117928

Ask and you shall receive.

>> No.2117938

where do I find the wallet file?

>> No.2117945

It's likely an elaborate financial scam. A convincing one, but still.

>> No.2117951

I started last night with 0 prior knowledge, got bittrex and poloniex going pretty quick, 2 step verification on both. It's a breeze!

I've got 80k RDD, 8k DGB, and like 1.4 ETH hanging around in my coinbase growing. What are numbers that I should be shooting for? Keep in mind it's my second day, just looking for some guidance if you're willing! Thanks!

>> No.2117960

Also, im going to start throwing in like $150 a paycheck, is that ok to start off?

>> No.2117968

my piece of advice being someone whos been trading since 2013 is to divorce all the money you're going to be investing because you are definitely going to lose at some point, get greedy, etc. it happens to all of us

>> No.2117981

Alright i appreciate that, I've alr3ady got the mindset that this is going to be a big learning process where I will make mistakes. I'm prepared for that, I just want to learn and take advantage while I can

Can you give me any insight on my first post please?

>> No.2118024


>> No.2118046

>bagholders who bought in too late

>> No.2118115

This is why we don't spoonfeed people.

Google it you mong. Even I can figure out how to check the order book without any help.

>> No.2118132

>>wait a little bit for it to arrive

>sending bitcoins
>wait """a little bit""" for it to arrive
I chuckled.

>> No.2118203

In your mother's anus, but you gotta dig deep.

>> No.2118227

remember legit coins don't moon 10x over a span of couple of days. Hold and forget fellas. This coin at the very least will be 1k sats in a month, minimum.

>> No.2118242


please, someone respond me, I'm afraid i will fuck up somehow

>> No.2118299


What exchange can I get DGB at? Bittrex won't let me register since I am in NY state

>> No.2118318


>> No.2118326


As of 8/8/2015 and in accordance with the New York State Department of Financial Services, "Poloniex is no longer allowed to provide services to residents of the State of New York. Since you have indicated that you are a New York resident, we regret to inform you that you must close your account."

Thanks anon but is there another alternative or am I just fucked?

>> No.2118328

I'm in NY state and I successfully trade on Bittrex. Poloniex is the one that has the NY state regulations.

>> No.2118330

I'm from NY state too and I also have a Poloniex account. I just told them I'm not from NY.

>> No.2118336


This guy is right Poloniex is the bitch I got them confused

Thanks guys

>> No.2118351

This thread is no longer about DGB which is good in my honest opinion, it's about the underdog newfags who can't even operate a salad fork without close supervision. So newfags, retards and the mentally challenged, we take care of you, this is your haven, your safe space. Come and ask all your questions about poloniex, coins, and other retarded dribble which no sane person would like to hear.

>> No.2118362

Are YOU a newfag?
There's questions like this in every thread
People smell money and they want in

>> No.2118390


Alright the basic plan is buy BTC at coinbase then send it to Poloniex and buy DGB there?

>> No.2118411


>> No.2118424

I had the fucking to not ask those questions, by hijacking some thread. God you shills are so fucking dumb, I can definitely tell you are part of the "chan" culture, because idiocy like this won't be tolerated... but please continue entertain the retards, the trolls and other subhuman scum. Anyway your shit coin is dying, and you are clinging to any rotten branch you get hands on... I wish luck on that little minecraft server launch, you might profit a dollar, hopefully.

>> No.2118439

Yes but you forget the critical component, you insert your credit card into your asshole that way you will automatically shit DGB coins. If you get lucky you might shit out a lambo.

>> No.2118458

>Digibyte is a top 5 coin for potential right now

What are the other 4 if you don't mind me asking

>> No.2118472

Since you are asking nicely, I will oblige. 1.humaniq 2. Bitbean. 3 Ark. 4 myriad. 5 Posw.

>> No.2118480
File: 34 KB, 106x135, 1470511125775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2118489

Lol, I'm sorry. Good troll but I'd feel bad if anyone fell for this

Don't buy these coins.

>> No.2118498

Hidden gems, just like DGB. Giants that will soon awaken!

>> No.2118500

Use bittrex, poly is trash. Very laggy.

>> No.2118521

Lol are you kidding me?! Those gains don't lie, 120% profits made I can't be mad... I see you are a FUD. Anons don't listen to this person.

>> No.2118563

Most of /biz/ is almost nothing but /pol/tards and /r9k/fags, even /b/ is here for some reason. Hell go count the amount of frogs in the catalog.
Point is, the whole underlying issue is with /biz/ userbase itself which is why most of this shit on here reads like literal 14 year olds typing it. There's no quality check from mods, and sure as hell no quality check from the users as so many are from the most fucking butthole boards on 4chan.

Don't even ask me how things ended up like this. Well I might have a theory.

>> No.2118575

Since you are still here, which I presume you are still unsure which coin to buy. Well I got an advice for you, don't buy any fucking coin from here, don't buy this garbage either... These coins they peddle are a joke all of it, is one big pump and dump orchestra, a few shills here and there to make fools like you to buy shit so they can dump it and let it fester in shit. It's investment, use your judgement be cautious don't follow whatever these fucks tell you to do. Oh shills, nothing personal I know you guys are working for a hot meal, I don't mind we gotta survive somehow.

>> No.2118849


I am using the Linux version and I don't know what the fuck to do with the core wallet; There is literally no options to do anything. What the fuck why do they make this shit so unnecessarily complicated.

>> No.2118875
File: 188 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170519-235219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's starting again.

>> No.2119102

Noob here, how does one go about getting into cryptocurrencies?

>> No.2119179


Join this thread for noobs


>> No.2119198
File: 64 KB, 587x699, cmd_2017-05-20_16-02-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

onto it daddy