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2112941 No.2112941 [Reply] [Original]

Okay idiots. Stop. Stop with the cryptocurrency hysteria.

It was cute but it's sad watching anons scrounge for shekels so feverishly as amateur idiot daytraders making nothing but bad decisions and having to stay glued to their computer 15+ hours a day.

Here's the easiest win you make in 2017. Invest in Solar and Wind. That is all. If you guys can manage crypto you can easily manage real big boy investments. It's time to grow up and make the real money and stop playing the baby bush league game.

>> No.2112953
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t. mad nocoiner

>> No.2112967

>not investing in crypto
>not investing into bitcoin stocks
>not investing that money into stocks

Do you hate money, anon?

>> No.2112975

lol bitter mCbutthurt here

>> No.2113027

>having to stay glued to your computer 15 hours a day
but I do this anyways?

>> No.2113029


Look. You guys are basically playing with the new penny stocks. It's a nice start for a budding trader but you can do so much better. Cash out of crypto and invest in things that will make you easy six figures at the very least.

You guys have become your own worst enemies convincing eachother to buy and sell in this community of memes. You're too focused on short term gains.

>> No.2113054

>get into the stock market where you can make 0.3% per day
gee where do I sign up.

>> No.2113072

>ree stop making money
>join us where we make 0.0001% per day

>> No.2113096

I'm fine with you continuing to be the smallest fish possible. It might be all you're capable of with your pathetic capitals. But if you're an anon that has a brain and has a sizeable capital (Maybe 1% of you) I urge you to get out of this crypto craze and move on to the big numbers.

Also you guys sound scared to tackle real investment. Crypto is appealing because you're poor.

>> No.2113100

>new penny stocks

AHHAHAH. Are you like 50 years old? Crypto is the future you retard. People are increasing their money by ten fold and beyond, something you'd hope to accomplish in 3 lifespans.

>> No.2113120

Really? I keep doubling my money over and over again. Quit being a salty nocoiner and buy some. Or stay poor. This is the new shit, grandpa.

>> No.2113130

>People are increasing their money by ten fold and beyond,
10 fold is nothing when you're dealing with the tiny numbers crypto deals with. Look, I get that you think you're big shot investors making 10k hand over fist looking up the nearest ford fiesta dealers but you are the smallest of small time. I'm trying to educate you and bring you up to the big leagues. Day trading is for idiots. Long term investments are the only thing worth investing in.

>> No.2113137


troll thread I think

>> No.2113138

How is this a big boy investment when most solar farms will net less than 10% a year?

>> No.2113150


>> No.2113153

Have you cashed out?


Then you haven't made anything. I guarantee you lose all of it to day trading insanity if you keep doing this. It will catch up to you and you will lose most if not all of it.

>> No.2113164
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>> No.2113171

>day trading
senpai im so dirt poor that the only thing i can do is take all the pennies i can as a day trader

>> No.2113201

I made more money in 3 months off of crypto than my IRA has made me in 3 years.

I think most of us get long term investments, but c'mon man, you're seriously going to just look away from 30x gains?

>> No.2113204
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Never invest in industries that are dependent on government handouts.

>> No.2113221

Which is a respectable start but very likely to net you almost no gain. This is why capital is required. In theory you can start with $100 and become a millionaire, sure, but most people will end up chasing $100 here $100 there and never really make much in the long run. Most people Daytrade for too long. It should only be used a the very start of investment. Once you get a capital to play in the big leagues you absolutely should move out of small fry stuff like crypto daytrading.

I don't expect the hysterical crypto community here to understand since they'll probably eventually only walk away with a few thousand dollars and countless hours wasted to show for it, but they'll count it a victory. That's what small time does. I bet they tell their friends and family that they're investors too. It's pretty laughable.

What I'm saying is you could all do better. I gave you the hot tip of Wind/Solar. It's going to overtake current power within 10-20 years. Proof of concept phase is over for alt energy. It's time to jump on at the bottom before it skyrockets.

Instead of 5k, 10k...you'll be making 500k, 1m.

>> No.2113268


Nice troll attempt, loser.

Trump is going to utterly dismantle Wind Energy.

>> No.2113269

But people aren't investing tiny numbers, they're investing tens of thousands of dollars and making millions in months. Are you retarded?

Some of the gains are 100 fold, go fuck your solar investment and learn some basic mathematics you nigger.

>> No.2113272

IRA is shit. Everyone knows that. And again,

>but c'mon man, you're seriously going to just look away from 30x gains

Yes. As I said. your "gains" are nothing due to the low numbers. If you already have something substantial to work with from your crypto daytrading then stop with the tutorial to investing and move up.

>> No.2113284

Oh shit, make 500k in 10-20 years??

Fuck that, DGB is gonna make me 2 million in 3 months. Screen cap this nigga.

>> No.2113290

>having to sit at your computer 15hrs a day

Lel is this a meme? Just buy and hold and enjoy your passive income. I made 10k in gains last night while i slept

>> No.2113295

>they're investing tens of thousands of dollars and making millions in months. Are you retarded?
Those are the 1% that were already wealthy enough to make large gains from crypto. Is that you? No? Didn't think so. Just because a few whales make millions doesn't mean you're all along for the ride to the top.

>> No.2113325

>IRA is shit. Everyone knows that.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.2113337

>Oh shit, make 500k in 10-20 years??
500k, 1m within a year. 10-20 you're looking at half a billion probably more.

>> No.2113346


Give us some concrete examples

>> No.2113389

IRAs are not shit you can allocate them to anything you want, gold or penny stock or index funds. Everyone should be filling up their yearly IRA allotment after their 401k, it's a tax advantaged account.

>> No.2113406

>enjoy your passive income
Unless you've cashed it out it's not income.

>> No.2113429

>Here's the easiest win you make in 2017. Invest in Solar and Wind.
you mean SolarCoin ?

>> No.2113441

People have made 30k off $500 with XRP. Now they have 30k to invest with and can make millions. Is that you? No? Didn't think so.

Guess what, in 20 years you'd be an old fucking man who's dick doesn't work anymore. You're forgetting the most valuable resource known to man, which is TIME. Enjoy your half a billion dollars when you're 70. I'll be banging models in my lambo in 6 months, and the funniest thing is that what I just said is actually kind of possible and everyone watching crypto knows it.

>> No.2113454
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OP you cannot reason with them, it will only infuriate you. You cannot share good information with these people they will defend their coins until they inevitably blow themselves up with their poor risk management. They're all a bunch of sheep brain washed into thinking they're going to be rich next week buying the next pump and dump, but also thinking they're going to be rich without having to leave their bedroom. They think they're smart, probably brag about their gains to women they assume they will stand a chance with when they are "wealthy".

It's almost silly these coins
Fisher-Price® My First Investment Set

>> No.2113487

>People have made 30k off $500 with XRP. Now they have 30k to invest with and can make millions.
30k is initial investment pocket change.

"They" are free to continue investing into crypto. Although maybe only 1% of that 1% will break 10 million in their lifetime.

I'm giving you the opportunity to stop thinking small and thinking a few big whales means you're the next one because you've got a system and you're smarter than everyone else doing this.

>> No.2113562

I thought I could educate the poor scrounging masses but I forget they will stay poor because they refuse to leave what's safe. They'll make maybe enough to buy car, feel like a baller for a few days, then go right back to day trading because obviously that works! They'll always be small time. I thought maybe there might be a few willing to step up and make hundreds of millions but I guess they're happy with their new crypto craze and their few thousands of hard earned cash.

>> No.2113573

Oh really? So a basement neet is going to turn $500 dollars into half a billion through wind and solar? KYS idiot.

Investments are meant to multiply your money. Crypto has the highest multipliers the world has ever seen in the past 20 years since the dot.com boom, except it's year 95 right now not 99. No one understands crypto, including you.

In sheer terms of multiplying money, crypto beats your dumb shit 10-500 fold, literally. So what's the point of your dumb rant? A neet investing $500 in solar won't make shit, but he can in crypto.

>> No.2113630

>So what's the point of your dumb rant?
That you will walk away with maybe 50k and everyone smarter than you in the crypto world will walk away with millions. Then the real investors will be walking away with 500 million because we don't deal with kiddie crap like crypto daytrading.

>> No.2113681

To make 500 million in solar you'd need to invest 100 million. How stupid are you?

>> No.2113713

You're actually so wrong that it's adorable.

You think so small. Like a crypto daytrader would. There's so many more moving parts to the industry than the obvious, and it's those parts that you invest in. Look I see that this place is a lost cause so I'm gonna head out. Maybe 1 intelligent person here will move up from the baby league you're all in.

>> No.2113732

Ok then please enlighten me, I'm just a lowly day trading crypto dumbass so even if you give me all your secrets, no way I could capitalize on them bc im so poor :(

Waiting to hear your strategy, faggot.

>> No.2113774


Use an instrument with leverage built in such as options. Go open a book, half the problem is you guys think it will be easy like put some effort into something for once.

>> No.2113816

HAHAHAHA. You just revealed yourself to be the larping faggot I expected you to be.


Options? There are many types of options. Care to furiously google a bullshit answer because you don't know shit while I wait?

>> No.2113832


I'm not even OP, you're expecting a strategy or something handed to you on a silver platter, are you retarded? To prove a point you expect him to divulge information that gives him an edge?

No wonder you waste your time chasing coins, you're brain dead dude.

>> No.2113840
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proper good OC op.

>> No.2113864

Solar / wind energy is a huge meme pushed by environmentalists. It's not actually a reliable source of energy generation and will not take over fossil based energy in it's current state, ever.

>> No.2113866

Are YOU retarded? Faggot OP comes in here claiming you can make half a billion if you switch from cryptos to investing in "wind". Then when asked how this is accomplished he says, "options".

That's like if someone asked me how to make money and I said, "invest". Sure, that's a legit answer but it means nothing.

Options can be extremely dangerous. Do either you fucking idiots know anything about stocks or investing or are you just projecting self-hatred because you missed out on crypto?


>> No.2113901


You must be retarded dude, I am not OP.

>> No.2113920

Never said you were. Now KYS. Or better yet how about you take all your money and do "options" in wind. Fucking idiot.

>> No.2113934

I work in the PV business so if you have so questions ask me.

>> No.2113977

I started with 500€ worth of crypto in 2014.
Quit my job in 2015.
Still going strong.

>> No.2114011


I don't do options in wind, I didn't say anything about wind. Only OP did. You asked how to capitalize on them, you have low capital I offered you a solution for your under capitalization.

This is why you wont go anywhere man, someone gives you information and you'd rather bitch about something stupid. OP has offered helpful information, if coiners understood all aspects of the market not their tiny corner of the world they would see that coins are garbage and a waste of time.

>> No.2114012

>Have you cashed out?
Crypto bought me a car, a vacation, rent and food.

>> No.2114024

Kek. Yeah invest in this industry that relies on govt handouts and make 5% return per annum if you're lucky.
Sorry that you're shit at crypto trading and don't understand markets.

>> No.2114061


Bro, do you understand how dangerous options can be? You can actually owe money if you try shorting a stock. You are playing with money that is not yours and you will eat shit if you are wrong. You actually see higher gains in crypto, but the most you can lose is everything you invested, which has literally not happened to anyone yet through fault of the markets.

How difficult is it for you to grasp new concepts and ideas? The second I saw crypto, I was like this this is insane and new and no one knows about it, therefore I'm in.

Keep "leveraging" away bro. You should not tell new investors to gamble with options, because it's literally gambling. Glad to know you took econ 101 at your local community college, looks like its working great for you.

>> No.2114065


>Invest in some coins conjured up by some NEET in his basement, trade said coins back and forth with similarly bad smelling NEETs, high on hopeium everyday thinking his garbage will be worth more as more idiots pile on

>> No.2114107

That is how stocks work too, are you retarded? Do you know how much shilling goes on in the stock market? You just can't detect it because it's literally so advanced that it basically doesn't exist to your conscious mind. You think you'll see something implemented by Ogilvy & Mather and be able to call out shilling?

Nigger, please. You just wanna feel superior to us. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.2114183

You have supplied 0 real world examples. Just saying hurr Durr alt energy isn't gonna give us much. Half the reason we do this is it's accessable. If you've got any real fucking tips besides "JUST" invest in solar and wind let us know

>> No.2114401


The one thing I've learned through all of this is that the entire world is built on memes

>> No.2114434

Fiat money isn't real either, even less so than crypto currency in fact.
At least crypto is backed by mathematics and in turn the energy spent on mining it, kind of like the former gold standard.

>> No.2114439

A small fry like me, made 7k in Digibytes... I could never make that amount with 2k in stock trading.

>> No.2114455

OP got it exactly the wrong way round when he says to move into large markets.
Large markets are analyzed from tip to toe by the world's most intelligent mathematicians, who are paid million dollar salaries, to squeeze the every last penny out of them.
Small markets are not worth their time. Hence better chances for amateurs.

>> No.2114512

Cool stocks bro.
I made .3% with stocks in a day
I made 300% with cryptocurrency in that same day

Hmmm which would you choose.

>> No.2114600

>stop making money you poor fucks
>why aren't you joining my hyperoptimized sandbox in which multi-billionaires will fleece you effortlessly

>> No.2114768

Where did faggot 1 and faggot 2 go? Oh yeah, BTFO.

>> No.2115383

no, crypto is appealing because in 2 days RDD went from 5 to 20 sats and I quadrupled my money. No stock does that unless its a penny stock and even those usually have 100%-200% gains. Only DRYS, KBIO, and a couple others pulled off ridiculous 10,000% moves and that was just a short squeeze

>> No.2115533

Wind and solar don't work, you illiterate boomer.


>> No.2115561


>> No.2115580

another nocoiner BTFO