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21125612 No.21125612 [Reply] [Original]

LINK Marines, what's happening here? What's up with BAND? Are they trying to take over? Should I be worried?

>> No.21125640

awwww loook its retarded

>> No.21125659

They'll always be copies.
But it actually helps raise the value up more. Band is the copy, Chainlink is the Original.

>> No.21125740

yes, but I've been reading that it may be actually cheaper to use Band for data pulls. has anyone researched the tech of band?

>> No.21125745

Imagine Ethereum having "ETH Killers" before Ethereum even mooned LMAO

This is absolutely fucking bullish for Chainlink

All oracles are utter SHIT compared to LINK, Chainlink is the fucking INDUSTRY STANDARD approved by SWIFT, GOOGLE, KOREAN BANKS, WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM

Fuck all other ORACLE projects THEY ARE NOTHING

>> No.21125783

It's like you retards don't even know what LINK is. BAND and LINK solve different issues, so both will be utilized.

>> No.21125831

please do tell more? what different issues do they solve?

>> No.21125856

Who the fuck cares?

>> No.21125899

i care. i don't want my linkies to drop down in value because of this band thing. it can't be hype forever. these protocols must be used for the tokens to cost money.

>> No.21125918

>25mil in circulation
>100mil total
trying to outscam the russian scammer himself

>> No.21125972

>le concern troll xd
Fuck of faggot. If you're so concerned research both projects and report back. Not going to spoonfeed you, nigger

>> No.21126014

i am sorry you are having a bad day and also never had a girlfriend. don't worry, maybe next life you can finally get laid

>> No.21126285
File: 47 KB, 935x359, EZVmHa3WsAAm7il.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are they trying to take over?
Pic related should be able to answer that

>> No.21126310

Literally 90% of the supply is owned by 7 adresses

>> No.21126358

Trying? BAND shits all over link

>> No.21126428

>has anyone researched the tech of band?
Yeah, the Chainlink team lol

>> No.21126448

How does BAND shit over LINK?

>> No.21126477

So Chinese to make a cheap knock off of a beautiful American product

>> No.21126482

Holy shit lmao

>> No.21126683

is this regarding LINK? that 90% of the supply is between 7 addresses? why is that though?

>> No.21126710

No. I'm talking about band. Do research

>> No.21126745

It took them 2 hours?

>> No.21127076



literally has a pic for proof of band copying chainlink... Like are you curry niggers even trying anymore

>> No.21127111

The correct answer is Tellor

>> No.21127152

band will flip link

>> No.21127186


>> No.21127475

Stack both bro, both are going to moon who cares which one all im seeing is green

>> No.21127617

you do realize that this tech will have to be developed for all 7.7 billions of us, right? It actually matters what is being used.

>> No.21127640

Both are overpriced, Band is a scam.

Dump everything for ARPA and wait for the De-Fi-nomics and/or God tier hold plan is to wait for the MPC bubble (1-2 years)

>> No.21127693

BAND is a scam, please enlighten the group....

>> No.21127812
File: 28 KB, 680x261, 52F5C30F-0415-4864-B399-29AEC85C35D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Band doesn’t offer any data or oracles

BAND doesn’t solve anything.

Band has an unprofessional team and weird tokenomics with staking rewards that aren’t based on proof of stake or oracles. You just lock up your BAND, it does nothing, and they mint new tokens and send them to you. It accomplished nothing. It doesn’t verify transactions. It’s not collateral in a smart contract. You just lock up your tokens for no reason and they print new coins and send them to you for no reason.

>> No.21127856
File: 62 KB, 680x510, 06E6A137-9404-462A-B553-C99CBF61666F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There have been many supposed chainlink killers. They all fail for the simple reason that the team are copycats with no vision. Nobody will have any reason to use BAND over chainlink. The multiple oracle meme they push is just that, a meme. You can have multiple nodes in chainlink sourcing data from several sources. Adding a second oracle solution like BAND is redundant and would make your system less secure, not more.

>> No.21127877
File: 953 KB, 1125x2068, FCFF83EE-0A1D-4772-9E01-5C3E1A7539C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is what the team spends their time doing. Telling people to pump BAND on Twitter. Can you imagine sergey doing anything like this? Can you imagine Steve Jobs telling people to pump apple stock? No, because they are serious projects that focus on making their project do what it’s supposed to.

What BAND is doing is not what a serious project looks like.

>> No.21127908
File: 1.02 MB, 1125x1983, 8135AECF-DBF9-4C6E-B600-0DA5A4D26539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the end of the day, BAND will go the same way every crappy chainlink clone does. It will have an initial pump, then a gradual grind to zero as chainlink defines the space and moves all of blockchain forward. If you fall for BAND you deserve what’s coming to you.

>> No.21127914

The point they make that:
>you need multiple oracles, a single oracle is a single point of failure
is primarily cope once you point out that Band is trash and has nothing on Chainlink. They don't seem to understand that Chainlink is not an oracle, but a marketplace/provider of oracles. It's not a product that's on offer but a network. There is no internet two, to give a comparison.

>> No.21127922

>announce partnership with link through bsn
>use link until band bugmen copy link's code
>announce leaving link for better alternative: band
you guys realize band is china's plan to copy and destroy link?

>> No.21127944
File: 45 KB, 640x646, 1591181585302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK still has the most upside potential. There is one caveat though - you need to look up how to safely Jelq if you're going to hold LINK for any significant amount of time. For the last 9 months I've been stacking LINK and I've also been Jelqing a ton too. It's like the price of LINK and the frequency at which I Jelq are somehow correlated. At work today, I hid in the bathroom three separate times to check the price of LINK and Jelq. By holding LINK I am literally compelled to Jelq, it's like I don't have a choice.

>> No.21127964

You can copy link's code all you want, but without the network it has generated your competitor will be worthless.

>> No.21128045

Band chinks on suicide watch since no one is buying their scam.