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File: 36 KB, 400x500, Based-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21122962 No.21122962 [Reply] [Original]

>2017, 10k stacks get made fun of by Linkchads
>fast forward 2020, there are people unironically posting about two digit stacks
what went so incredibly right?

>> No.21122998

something something wisdom of the crowd

>> No.21123080

what really hit home for me was reading a post of some anon who was content and happy that he managed to snag a "stack of 250 link before it exploded" and it really put it into perspective because here I am with my 20k stack miserable as shit questing if my endless want for wealth is even satiable or rather just a void in my soul consuming myself to be a slave to my body
i guess happiness is just a mindset to achieve without the need or want of externals.

hold me boys. Im not gonna make it.

>> No.21123117

You are so fucking retarded Jesus Christ

>> No.21123143

You believed.

>> No.21123172

you have double what i have
stop acting like a bitch

>> No.21123211
File: 90 KB, 900x1042, darkness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw my definition of "making it" is rising with the price. before crypto I wanted to make it to 1million before I turn 30. Now I'm thinking that even 10million isn't "making it". Its all so tiresome.

>> No.21123218

Get drunk on cheap booze stfu and hodl nigger

>> No.21123229

Please don't bully us 3 digit stacks, I don't have enough money to get to 1k link even if I wanted to

>> No.21123260

take out a loan

>> No.21123285

I have a 1 digit stack

>> No.21123297

not bullying, it is just very amusing if you think about it.

>> No.21123322
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Beautiful ain't it?

>> No.21123338

lmao this is what women do to you

>> No.21123340

i feel u bro

>> No.21123350
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>> No.21123364

I am a minimum wage poorfag and you are making me feel great

>> No.21123378
File: 17 KB, 200x200, 233927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22s my numba tn bois

>> No.21123398

fuck yeah this shit rules. i take it every day. make sure to get ksm-66.

>> No.21123407
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, Absolutely based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally never touched one and propably never will. I don't even need money, I just want to see the numbers go up.

>> No.21123431

give me some of your stack and i will show you happiness

>> No.21123886

So now that I have recently bought 1500 linkies, I am concerned about losing it somehow.
Is coinbase FDIC insured from hackers?
How reliable are their vaults, compared to the wallets?
What other options are there for storage offline or online? All replies welcome.

>> No.21124013

You’ll unironically be happier with less. You won’t have any motivation having so much money. If I wake up one day and have 20 million dollars cuz the singularity hit... I’d unironically give about 13 million away. Not to charities and shit but like to regular hard working people. Some waiter struggling... oh.... here’s a tip of 5 ounces of gold for you. I want to have enough where if I fuck up some it hurts or if I make more it means something. I love playing live poker... I’ll upgrade to the biggest games but I don’t want to play in a 100k buy in game and lose 100k in a session and it doesn’t matter because I have 60 million dollars. I’d more want about 5 million so if I lose that 100k it kinda hurts and I feel alive. Or if I win... that extra 50k matters since 5 million while being a lot isn’t mega rich by any standard

>> No.21124061
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>> No.21124123

I understand what you mean. I too want to help hand picked people. I think wanting very much money is more about compensating with the fact that I am a total failure in every other aspect of life. I want to make something of substance.

>> No.21124178

I have so much money kek

t. 125k never sold a single stinky

>> No.21124221
File: 86 KB, 902x1200, Based-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21124298

>tfw sold 10k links at the absolute bottom for fucking BTC
I still have 3.3k linkies but fuck me. Whatever though, can't do shit with $100k. I'll really cry about it when LINK is at $100. I was looking at every single crypto falling, and fled for safety in BTC. I'm selling 200 LINK at 50, the rest is going to the fucking moon.

>> No.21124316

I bought a meme car, should be here next week or so. Going to post it here, hoping to be the first of 2020 reeee

>> No.21124332

25k right the fuck now. You are a certified retard if you don't take some profits here.

>> No.21124347

idgaf what you think

>> No.21124362

sell 25k**
>tfw I'm the retard

>> No.21124420
File: 15 KB, 644x800, Soyboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You HAVE to take atleast some profit

>> No.21124466

>lose that 100k it kinda hurts and I feel alive
Degenerate. Do things that bring fulfillment that are not gambling

>> No.21124504

>daddy tell me the story of how you acquired generational wealth again!
>well your old man was really just looking for a place where he could say nigger in peace when he stumbled across biz
>their frog memes and plaid shirts were so convincing that I bought 1000 chainlink in 2019
>would have necked myself if I hadn't heh heh
>alright Laquisha, take the kids to bed now would you, and when you go out to the barn to sleep make sure you tell Tyrone to remember to milk the cows in the morning

>> No.21124598
