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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 239x237, SOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21123337 No.21123337 [Reply] [Original]

You guys said this was a scam when I asked at 1$


>> No.21123362


>> No.21123374


>> No.21123412

I remember looking at this when it was a dollar too.

>> No.21123435

haha I remember seeing this shilled at 20c

>> No.21123436

wat name?

>> No.21123451
File: 28 KB, 591x716, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the actual fuck happened to this shitcoin
I had so many opportunities to buy 3< and everything told me it was a useless piece of shit
why my brain is fucking retarded like this?

>> No.21123457



I want to neck myself. 100 dollars would have been 10000 dollars right now. Fucking hell

>> No.21123505


I didn't buy this gay ass token at 1 dollar because of the cringy weeb ceo, now i wanna neck myself

>> No.21123517

what the fuck i thought this shit has infinity supply.

>> No.21123527
File: 898 KB, 487x560, 1595788161469.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know these feels. Anon just straight up lied to my face

>> No.21123531


Me too. The White Jap CEO FUD got to me. i was going to put 1000$ in this at 1$, would have made 100k.

Kill me please

>> No.21123552

Same situation here

>> No.21123566
File: 102 KB, 500x593, 1596040008451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never make the right choices sadly. Atleast I have my link...

>> No.21123583


Yeah how the fuck is it at 300k supply now. It was in the billions before

>> No.21123590

imagining owning 1000 of them 1 month ago or whatever it was, and selling for 1 dollar

imagine how it feels...

not good

>> No.21123615

>casually goes 500x in 2 months
ok, the bull is here

>> No.21123617

So many anons got burned on this.
Weeb CEO and the low follower count on twittee plus crypto chico. It had no regular signs of being a big coin, I mean crowdfunding 2.0 is their own material too on yt.

I just found out today that this is the gas being used on polkaswap, alongaide having a much smaller marketcap. Kicking myself everyday when I see this logo, but you win some you lose some.

>> No.21123620


I was going to buy 1000 fren. I didn't because Biz convinced me it was a scam because of:
- Supply in the billions + infinite
- White fake japanese ceo
- NEM foundation FUD

FUck my life

>> No.21123651

Yea I think anyone who didn't purchase this regrets it. Fantastic gains since June. Grats to everyone who got in and made a fat stack! Hopefully we'll catch the next one

>> No.21123744

I sold in May bros. This shit hurts, not going to lie. I got bored of crabbing at like 40 cents. I sold at a fucking loss. i wish i was dead

>> No.21123781
File: 71 KB, 700x468, 1_wXjcdtr092Oz1uhQTmjirg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is going to $1 Billion easy once PolkaSwap comes online and crushes UniSwap.

I FOMO'ed into the Crypto Chico pump and have 10x gains now. Sometimes FOMOing in is the best thing to do if the fundamentals are good and the marketcap is still low (it's still low).

You still haven't lost out. It's still cheap and you can still 33x in the next year.

Sora to $3,000 a token within a year.

It's literally powered by weeb power and the creator is always talking about having an official waifu for it, literally.

Pro Tip:
Pretty much anything associated with Polkadot will 10-1000x if you can get in early enough.

>> No.21123788

I got involved early and watched anons fud this from $3 til now while promoting the pump and dump of the week. all you guys need to realize how toxic this place is

>> No.21123838


What about the supply? Is it unlimited?

>> No.21123907

Supply debacle. It wasn't accurate. I didn't get in due to it. My source told me to get in at 15c too and I didn't listen. Fuck my life.

>> No.21123953

This. I sold 1k at less than a dollar and felt like necking myself when I saw it pump to $6-7. Once it pulled back to around $4-5 I swallowed my pride and bought back in with 1/4 the stack. While it sucks to think about how much I would have had now for such a cheap initial price, I’m at least really glad I bought back in. Being that this is the gas for Polkaswap, it has good reason to moon and isn’t your typical PnD of the week. This wasn’t known 1-2 months ago which is why so many anons are shook as it came out of nowhere essentially. There’s no reason to think this won’t be a top 100 project soon and eventual top 50 if not higher. Just buy back in frens, even if it’s a pathetically small stack compared to what it was. It will pay off in the long run

>> No.21124015

the token supply is going to be inflated to billions. the price makes no sense

>> No.21124059

Hello discord trannies. Your pump and dump is gross. Fuck niggers

>> No.21124124
File: 282 KB, 750x1334, 84D68B3D-C640-43A9-910F-CA5781A9E984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source? If none I’ll assume FUD

>> No.21124154

listening to biz for financial advice. NGMI

>> No.21124161

Which project associated with Polkadot do you suggest anon?

>> No.21124194

some cunt posted that he sold 750 out of his 1k stack. He'd be fucking crying right about now.

>> No.21124237
File: 80 KB, 700x700, 1595596750731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's FUD.

Here's today's AMA from the Sora creator if you want to learn more of whats:

Literal quote: "We love waifus --- Life is better with a waifu"

@11:06 - This guy is awesome

>> No.21124278
File: 141 KB, 819x908, sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see pic. it was at sora.org/faq but they deleted the page. if you google "sora token supply" you can still see a cached version of it

>> No.21124296
File: 445 KB, 2048x1376, EdYUfc2U8AEXBcI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything on this list that is low market cap... Buy it.

>> No.21124328

Fucking hell it jumped from 25 to 80 in a DAY
imagine the hype. Why wasn't there any memes on /biz/rael? You (((know))) why

>> No.21124401

Wtf anons we got fucked out of this one so badly. Really feel like throwing 1k at each and every shitcoin that pops up now..

>> No.21124427


Kek. Makato is pumping it hard. Once mainnet comes out, holders will seethe when they know about the total supply

>> No.21124431

same bruh

>> No.21124487

sold 150 2 months ago imagine how i feel hahahhhahh

>> No.21124492
File: 184 KB, 696x465, polkadotprivatesaletokentoken-sale43msmart-contractsgavin-wood-696x465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same reason Polkadot will be a +$2 billion once its public to buy, and in the top 10 by the end of the year.

It's basically like a sister chain of Ethereum that will help scale Ethereum too. The founder Gavin Wood is also an original dev on Ethereum.

Polkadot is like a dark horse Cardano, but better as it will be like touch screen web site creators (Polkadot) versus hard coding a website (Ethereum). This is an analogy to help you understand how Polkadot will idiot-proof making blockchain/tolkenization for everyone.

>> No.21124547

Kek. My brain is the same. In fact probably most of us deal with the same issue.

>> No.21124557

If that were to happen they'd likely just airdrop the rest of the currency.

Like if you have 1 Sora ERC-20 you could convert it to 1,000 of the gas version of the Sora coin on the Polkadot blockchain.

I'm just assuming though.

>> No.21124583

what the fuck is going man? shitcoins are popping off left and right and im not making jack shit off them FUCK

>> No.21124775

Didn’t some schizo find out one of their devs exit scammed a project back during ico season? I believed it and didn’t pickup a back.