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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 381x80, 25f362194f47b9589cc4855f1722fbb6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21100827 No.21100827 [Reply] [Original]

listen up faggots, u saw what happened yesterday. the conference will take place soon and if u want to enjoy the real moon I suggest you go in now, it had its correction. Now it's time to take off again !

>> No.21100860

tfw you thought you would buidl wealth but youre actually buidling a grave for all your gains

>> No.21100865

Token price doesn't need to go up. Anyone can launch a DFO without it. Wait for real projects to launch if you believe in the platform.

>> No.21100878

buy high sell low!!

>> No.21100882

>enjoy the real moon
> !
is this 4d fud

>> No.21100961

>crashed 50% in one night because someone dumped 1k
I'll pass. absolute shitcoin. let me know when price doesnt move 500% on a 10 rupee buy and doesnt crash 99% on a 10 rupee sell.

>> No.21101027

This is a long-term hold, you thought we'd just show up in the top 100 next week or something?

>> No.21101073

leave them be. They're not educated enough to understand

>> No.21101179
File: 9 KB, 250x243, 1595721997196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We moved on to DIA, get on with the times gramps.

>> No.21102076


stay poor faggots

this is the next moonshot

>> No.21102097

stupid adhd swinger trying to chase pumps

fucking hold this and thank me later

>> No.21102168

This is a gem. Top 50 soon imo. Revolutionary idea, which will surpass current DAOs.

Beautiful chart without shillers still on board. Literally 0 influencer on twitter, tg or similar.

Just imagine what is going to happen when the first influencer starts talking about the project.
About edcon 2020: its a huge deal
After edcon 2019 https://2019.edcon.io/ SNX DID X55, chainlink x17 and kyber x7 (during the next year...)

Build has the lowest market cap of all the projects that have gone to EDCON in the entire history of this event (2018-19-20)

For example this weekend the colleagues who will be at EDCON 2020 are these giants:

BUIDL market cap JUST 9m and only 848 holders: https://etherscan.io/token/0x7b123f53421b1bF8533339BFBdc7C98aA94163db

1- ETH vitalik buterin

2. Aave 482m

3. snx 500m

4. compound 474m

5. uma 233M

6. curve huge hype coin

7. streamr 36M market cap

8. Energy Web ewt 1.1B market cap

>> No.21102258
File: 109 KB, 1200x675, EeMA9g-WAAIirtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thought buidl was your typical biz pnd

You guys left way too early, thx for the dip faggot

>> No.21102350

All in on BUIDL and ARTE, fuck yeah

>> No.21102503



>> No.21102657
File: 759 KB, 1440x1319, 1596625918563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generous of you to spoon feed the anons like this

>> No.21102804

>This is a gem. Top 50 soon imo

It is a gem but I disagree with top 50 "soon"

>> No.21102883

just grabbed a hefty bag ahead of upcoming news during edcon, you read it here first...

>> No.21102916

Post buy tx

>> No.21102977

Been buying the dips ever since edcon lineup was announced, we're gonna make it fren

>> No.21103009

buidl or arte?

>> No.21103199

Both fren, you wouldnt miss on a 500mkc explosion (arte)

>> No.21103597

we are pumping hard! go go go!!!

>> No.21103706

stop pumping plz, got another 50k I'm tryna put in.

>> No.21104145

nice move ! take a look at the price cancer ape :)

>> No.21104436

outstanding, we will push through $5 tonight as soon as the burgers join the pump

>> No.21104469

early whales have 8 million they want out don't worry

>> No.21104533

$10 by end of tomorrow?

>> No.21104545

proof? or are you just summing up the worth of the top x wallets?

>> No.21104608

Balls deep anons. Marketcap is still a joke. We’re early. Top 50 coin and we will get there rather soon.

>> No.21104651

volume is building up fast, this dip isn't going to last

>> No.21104679

learn to check etherscan yourself. asking an anon just opens an opportunity for further fud, photoshopped proof, etc

you gut is right on this one

>> No.21104798
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low energy FUD

>> No.21105024

somebody just bought nearly 30 eth in one go

if you know, you know...

>> No.21105032
File: 194 KB, 2028x552, Screen Shot 2020-08-07 at 11.46.19 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get priced out anons!

>> No.21105080
File: 18 KB, 414x136, Screen Shot 2020-08-07 at 11.48.51 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh, it keeps going up!

>> No.21105086

>bought in an hour ago
>already up 20%
Feels comfy man.

>> No.21105100

can anyone shil me this token ?

>> No.21105116


>> No.21105174

>locked for at the long haul

watch the edc2020 presentation this sunday. microservices on eth. cleaner smart contracts. less waste on the chain leading the way for eth scalability. vitalik acknowledged dfos are an unmet need.

>> No.21105370

Told you anons to get in. It’s not too late.

>> No.21105803
File: 187 KB, 1982x536, Screen Shot 2020-08-07 at 12.06.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


AHHH anons. you're listening right? I hope you're listening

>> No.21105870

Strong sell with a target of 1.50

>> No.21105884

what the fuck anon, imagine if your weak hands sold the dip LOL

>> No.21105996

weak fud anon, you can do better than that

>> No.21106687

Brainlet here, is uniswap the only place to buy it?

>> No.21106707

For now, yes.

>> No.21106741
File: 715 KB, 1242x825, 95788E4C-B830-442B-AE93-688BE5E05D3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TOP 50 SOON, let’s go buidl frens.

>> No.21106787
File: 345 KB, 581x581, bog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rothchilds? Dump them. All in buidl.

>> No.21106794
File: 119 KB, 450x405, 1575425738752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot fren, gonna buy some then.

>> No.21106832

now is a good time to buy the dip

>> No.21107093


yeah, they have 8m of the 2.8m circulating supply to dump... damn, must be going to 0 i guess

>> No.21107259


Why do you lie, Julian

>> No.21107455

I only have 100k BUIDL am I gonna make it?

>> No.21107512

He’s not lying idiot.

>> No.21107545

100k buidl, yea right. If so, you are one lucky guy.

>> No.21107548


I have 100, stop flexing

>> No.21107607

I know you're larping but if you indeed own 100k, hold for a year and you made it
We're gonna dip for sure because of the current crash, but all the top wallets havent sold so this isn't going to $1-2 anytime soon
Screencap this: summer 2021 $50 per buidl

>> No.21107679
File: 295 KB, 1080x1350, 1596752961000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry meant to say all the current top wallets havent bought at 1c or anywhere close
The super early buyers already dumped their BUIDL and left

>> No.21107731

Only 4 non-contract wallets have 100k+.. changes of larp are high, and if not, then he's just telling us "i made it."

and $50 is probably on the low end desu

>> No.21107762


>> No.21107773

just to put it in perspective, there are fewer than 100 non-contract wallets with 4,500+ buidl - let that sink in

>> No.21107785

>only 500 billion net worth
am I gonna make it guys?

>> No.21107786

I am with you fellow poorfag
always wait for lower gas prices (<40gwei), pick an even lower gas price on uniswap and don't diversify

>> No.21107888
File: 49 KB, 200x200, 1ed2ed_d21b5a4dce50411b9644d4eba3fc094f_mv2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really depends on the market really, because right now BUIDL is still a small fish in a big pond, but they are the lowest marketcap coin to ever get invited to EDCON

>> No.21107893


Yes he is lmao

>> No.21107991

guess i needed the /s, ffs

>> No.21108043


Show evidence of said wallets otherwise everyone knows you're lying

>> No.21108077

no doubt. IF it succeeds though, then ~150m MC (especially during the run-up to a real bull) is gonna be average. if it's a long term success then top 25 easy, which would could end up somewhere in the 3 figure range imo

>> No.21108079

you didn't, hes just retarded. the entire reason all the dons are fudding undercover as Julians is to keep these kinds of retards out

>> No.21108115

use the god damn explorer mongoloid, i'm not your bitch - did you not pass 2nd grade? fuckin' moron

>> No.21108165

fair, shouldn't have fed the derp, my bad, i repent

>> No.21108281


I did use it and these fabled dev wallets you're fudding about don't exist. Turns out you were the retard all along

>> No.21108292
File: 6 KB, 250x221, ann88878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is a julian?

>> No.21108413
File: 23 KB, 400x600, BAAA0C5C-8255-4F84-BB37-111DB2EE3A21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21108477


A real piece of work

>> No.21108535

he sleepin wit da feeshes

>> No.21108585
File: 510 KB, 1014x819, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biz making fun of me again

>> No.21108676
File: 2.90 MB, 4032x3024, 80157C48-41B4-4C49-B5D6-F09E6F081D0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21108700

its a meme

julian = fudders

>> No.21108723

alright pajeets I bought some

>> No.21108743

nice stack brah

>> No.21108783

Cristianos too. Snakes in the grass

>> No.21108798

Why buy this when you can buy DIA for cheap and actually make it

>> No.21108818

idk why you'd announce your address like that but ok, and it being real doesnt make you any less of a attention whoring faggot asking if you're gonna make it when you're the 3rd highest holder

>> No.21108821

dump pls buidl needs fairer distribution

>> No.21108880

honestly im a buidl bro and agree with this lol

gonna make it 10x over tho if u dont sell

>> No.21108885
File: 180 KB, 860x838, 51AD71CC-3612-4CFF-9EC0-6309D892F80E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21108899

ive heard this called the “github” of blockchain, i prefer to call it the geocities of blockchain. aint no decent project gonna be building their project on this shit lmao

>> No.21108920


>> No.21108981

geocites was fucking massive anon, like every site in the early 90's was built on it

>> No.21108985

omgggg guise I only have 3m usd at 18 years old am i gonna make it guise?? I'm so poor xddddddddddd

>> No.21108992

#3 holder, but can't take a screenshot, or even a pic in portrait ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But congrats anyway, you made it bro

>> No.21109037
File: 349 KB, 600x622, 1505986854511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In January 1999, near the peak of the dot-com bubble, GeoCities was purchased by Yahoo! for $3.57 billion in stock, with Yahoo! taking control on May 28.

>> No.21109047



>> No.21109065

phoneposting tends to flip the photo 90 degrees

>> No.21109082


that's probably why you are and will remain, a poor poor faggot

>> No.21109087

You’re a dipshit. Literally any project can benefit from this

>> No.21109125


modern day workpress, yeah, if that's the analogy, we've all made it

>> No.21109134

I'm not against buidl by any means lol this shit is going to the moon. this dude just asks this shit same shit in every other buidl thread fishing for attention

>> No.21109166

no i said i agree WITH YOU dude

good for the 100k holder but god damn is it fucking annoying

i got in early too and im not fucking posting in every thread lmao

>> No.21109183

yeah, most galleries i've ever used have a rotate in 2 or 3 clicks though. i'd do it, but maybe i'm just courteous. i guess when you're as loaded as #3 is gonna be with that fuck you money you just don't give a shit about we plebs. fair.

>> No.21109190

Seethe stacklet

>> No.21109198

Whales should sell so this token has a future.

>> No.21109203

did you get your dopamine hit from this you coomer?

>> No.21109243

Haha good one! Now back to Ripple Julian. Buidl is going to the fucking moon.

>> No.21109267

seems about right, shame its 2020

>> No.21109292

Yes thanks for providing it

>> No.21109340



>> No.21109437

This is the first project I’ve ever invested in that has given more than 2x in returns, and I’m so early too

And yet, I’m very interested in how this will play out in dapps

>> No.21109505

Also I don’t believe this can do a 100x from here, sorry newfriends. It can surely do a 25x though

>> No.21109637

Im out, this douche is a sell signal

>> No.21109706

PVY is live on Uniswap! Don't miss the next $ARTE $PVY going to be big! Snag the uni address from dapp.dfohub.com

>> No.21109715

bro they will steal your buidlees

>> No.21109743
File: 130 KB, 1030x1280, IMG_20200807_160934_770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brand Contest Phase 2 - They hired a designer!

>> No.21109764

Fuck off coomer

>> No.21109815




Lol you don't want to buy a new DFO? Great financial decision making

>> No.21109821

Lol.. idiot, its a $Buidl project dumbass. Stay poor fucker I'm a top 20 $buidl wallet.like I said look on dapp.dfohub.com moron. Stay poor faggot

>> No.21109837

ooooooh shit that is awesome

>> No.21109947


PVY is new DFO, and you know what happens to DFOs (they moon violently forever)


>> No.21109990

This guy gets it

>> No.21109996

Yes it is. Team already confirmed to set aside budgets for marketing and expanding. Buidl is going to the top 50.

>> No.21110022

I literally bought at the ATH, how fucked AM I???

>> No.21110045


I'm gonna make a thread about this soon just FYI

>> No.21110064

Yes I’m balls deep in DFOhub but I’m not buying into your coomer DFO. Rather let me be airdropped that cumbrain shit

I’m a Christian man, a follow of Jesus Christ and I do not participate in such immoral acts

>> No.21110073

we have not reached ATH yet, hang on tight

>> No.21110076


Not even slightly fucked whatsoever

>> No.21110095

man pornvisory's site is fucked. what a bizarre concept

>> No.21110175


Dw bro I'll get off over some hot sacrilegious action on your behalf

>> No.21110182

Praise be

>> No.21110253

I just have 560 buidl because I got in too late. Feels bad frens.

>> No.21110255
File: 109 KB, 700x690, Giotto_-_Scrovegni_-_-27-_-_Expulsion_of_the_Money-changers_from_the_Temple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

profiting off coomers is literal the oldest profession anon, get on the bandwagon. Jesus would have hated defi anyways, too much usury

>> No.21110290

this unironically might sink dfohub if it’s too heavily correlated

>> No.21110377

yeah this is making me a bit nervous. it's probably a good idea to try and make money off porn somehow, but i feel like they should've branched it off from the main project...we'll see i guess...

>> No.21110401


That's kind of like saying an ERC could sink ethereum

>> No.21110440

it's just a DFO, it isn't made by the dev team that made DFOhub. anyone can make a DFO

>> No.21110450


Btw it's not a DFOhub project, it's some other company utilizing dfo tech. We are going to see a proliferation of such dfos in the coming months

>> No.21110463
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>> No.21110528

Ahahaha rainbow emoji smut coin
Good luck getting that VC money at your conference now

>> No.21110543

well they did get the community to design a new logo for them

>> No.21110593

oh i get it now, ok cool. thanks

>> No.21110649


>> No.21110688

Doesn't change the fact that the only sign of life is a glitchy porn site

>> No.21110781

don't fuck with my investment anon, my life savings (15 ETH) depend on it, where I'm from 15 ETH buys you a house

>> No.21110818

why did you not just cash the eth out then

>> No.21110822
File: 183 KB, 1200x800, julianos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Way to pretend like BUIDL and ARTE don't exist

>> No.21110841

you will make it anon, in first world terms. just hold. I think you were in another thread, you posted a pic that looked like SE Asia or something. I've always wanted to go to SE Asia, when this hits 100$ I'll come buy you a beer

>> No.21110864

would be a small house, probably about 2 m2

>> No.21110874

Tell me what these projects are, kek

>> No.21110880


... and there's also a DFO for Ethturin, another one for Ethlocal, another for an Italian law organization, and a couple of others that haven't released info yet

>> No.21111558

Cup and handle forming OOOOOOO

>> No.21111590

Holy shit... cup and handle... $5 + INCOMING OHHH BOY

>> No.21111601

Wow it’s about to pop lol... this is gnna be EPIC

>> No.21111628
File: 93 KB, 287x282, 1596529461575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We made the whales an offer they couldn't refuse

>> No.21111797

False flag

>> No.21111828

What is up with all the 1's in IDs

>> No.21111830


>> No.21111870

>is this 4d fud

This. If I didn't already hold a large bag, this bullshit thread would actually prevent me from buying.

>> No.21111873
File: 241 KB, 890x854, 214A6398-3081-4907-8721-C3A5DA490004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will never break $5
See you at $1.5

>> No.21111904

haha... weak fud.

>> No.21111983

ok your right ill sell now thanks dude

>> No.21112009


>> No.21112041
File: 7 KB, 260x194, 300D9216-4216-4A59-8340-5AEA5E74CEF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is happening?!!!

>> No.21112066

rip bobo, you will be missed

>> No.21112089

if i buy v1 buidl rn, can i swap it to v2?

>> No.21112095

Whale manip

>> No.21112096

Okay bought a stack lets go.

>> No.21112101

it may be related to the announcement they are going to make during edcon. you know the drill, buy the rumor...

>> No.21112104
File: 4 KB, 250x225, 1596485797053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21112120

Gonna be HUGE

>> No.21112140

The swap rate goes down over time, check their website.
V1 shouldn't have any liquidity anyway, you're likely better off buying V2.

>> No.21112141


yes at 1:1 but good luck with 0 liquidity

>> No.21112142

nvm it stopped on aug 1st

>> No.21112194

thats my problem with it. Its an interesting project, but the liquidity isnt at the level where I'd feel comfortable buying in. May be a fun play for smaller fishes tho. I'll check back if/when it hits top 150 cap coins and then think about actually putting money in.

>> No.21112229

All aboard, the buidl train.

>> No.21112258

what announcement would that be

>> No.21112289

i am one of them and im not selling till top 100 and just 20% maybe. Im not lying.

>> No.21112290

Cya later then. Always welcome to join us.

>> No.21112412

>he doesn't know

>> No.21112498

where do I buy?

>> No.21112517


They've got XRP Jed kidnapped and tied up in a gimp suit, and they're gonna Eiffel Tower him to death live on stage using only a tablespoon of olive oil for lube

>> No.21112526



>> No.21112533

I’ve dumped /bought 5k at a time and did not change this more than a couple cents

>> No.21112538

neither do u

>> No.21112592
File: 237 KB, 676x1189, 1591661562993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the new fud is just to refer to stuff that happens on v1 and pretend it's v2. they did the same thing with wallet amounts on the other thread
if you have ANY doubts about this project DYOR
the reason why this is so important is because it only takes a few mins of digging to realize how legit these devs are and how excited techfags are for it

>> No.21112693

if you assholes ruin me financially i will sue. redpill me on this shit RIGHT FUKING NOW


>> No.21112763
File: 1.73 MB, 2658x1554, 1595886976694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a buidl holder you own 1.5% of the equity of every DFO, and one of those DFOs is about porn, so I guess you are invested in a porn token in the most technical sense of the word.

>> No.21112800

what if 0 ETH? sorry fren.

>> No.21112824


Then you can't trade anything at all :(

>> No.21112828

buy some eth you doughnut

>> No.21112882

im actually a bit scared this human has so many, either he sold hes house or hes a curry flavoured whale. bruh plz dont ever dump till its three figures.

>> No.21112898

holy shit how many BUIDL threads are there?

>> No.21113176

never enough

>> No.21113202

Thanks for reminding me. Making a new one as we speak

>> No.21113741
File: 104 KB, 898x722, BUILDTISTIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21113766

No one wants something that crashes that much due to one person dumping. Keep your pajeet coin i dont want it

>> No.21113787

Just bought 1ETH of this shit. Hope you guys wont disapoint.

>> No.21113832

Stay out Ransheed. Enjoy ripple.

>> No.21113934

Lower high. 2.5 incoming

>> No.21113937

Been ignoring this so I don’t but into
A pump and get dumped on.
When is the conference so I know when to buy the dump?

>> No.21113976

how much time it takes to swap it btw ?
it's pending for like 5Minutes now

>> No.21114018

9-11. i THINK they speak on the 9th but i'm not 100%

>> No.21114970


if you think a P&D would be allowed to speak at edcon you must be new here

>> No.21115069
File: 60 KB, 695x1280, photo_2020-08-08_09-32-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>crashes that much

you are so transparent Julian

>> No.21115641
File: 28 KB, 750x354, 6242512E-FDAA-465A-9E00-51BC32997A0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh which one is the real fucking token?

>> No.21115682



>> No.21115778
File: 98 KB, 864x576, xfqlgf75oqk21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao remember when Julian and his special needs Discord thought they were the masters of the universe because they'd caught a ride on some bubbles, tried to swing BUIDL at 45 cents, and then watched in helpless rage as their bags were bought up and the coin went straight to $1 and now to $5

I think they had 75k plus and he's barely been able to accumulate 7k now. If this hits $12 he'll have pissed away a million fucking dollars lmao

>> No.21115875
File: 600 KB, 500x750, 1596180756042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL I would feel bad because I did the same with antshares but I wasn't a petty faggot about it, I moved on and now I'm making it off Julian's retardation

>> No.21116079
File: 1.08 MB, 800x600, 1595459988786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw sold 1,500 XOR for 0.67 a few weeks ago.


but nobody's perfect and I too have gotten over it. I think Julian's mostly pissed off because he really thought his lunch money was somehow moving markets, rather than him just getting lucky

>> No.21116108


this is the one i've been buying. i found it thru their website, so hopefully it's real lmao

>> No.21116213

can't change the past, just gotta focus on the present and future. control what you can control from here, anon
it's not like it happened and you gained nothing from it. it's a lesson most will go through at some point, and a valuable lesson it certainly is.
sometimes it's best not to sell "everything".

>> No.21116269


I do remember... I always will. It's one of my favorite stories from the BUIDL canon

>> No.21116618
File: 519 KB, 800x523, 1596496231590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the one. You'll know because the obsolete one or any pajeet fakes will have 0 liquidity


Right? There literally is a new opportunity every couple months.


Oh snap, we've got our own Simeon

Bullish, $800 EOY?

>> No.21116651

This is the real one, they've updated it apparently. I accidently bought the old one, but you can switch it to the new version here:

>> No.21117108


>> No.21117354

Thanks boys appreciate the help. I’ve got a grand in BUIDL now

>> No.21117690

this is my make it coin bros

>> No.21117713

what's your make it stack bro

>> No.21117762

50 buidl

>> No.21117779

how does 5000$ sound?

>> No.21117787
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>> No.21117861

Pajeet coin

>> No.21117939


If this thing hits $1b, it should be around $300 BUIDL, so 10k?

>> No.21118183

I imagine circ supply might be a little higher than it is now, by the time it hits $1b mc
But 10k BUIDL at $300 is only $3,000,000, makes me feel like my stack is fucking tiny desu

>> No.21118242

>only $3,000,000
that's for sure make it money to most anons...

>> No.21118255

of course, my point is at $300 BUIDL, you'd need 10k BUIDL for that $3,000,000...

>> No.21118264

You shouldn't be looking to make it on one stack alone. 10x on multiple coins in this market is a lot more likely than 100x on a single coin.

>> No.21118401

yeah, if I had any faith in the market I would feel a lot more comfortable throwing money at this thing
sucks when you have complete faith in a project/company but don't have any faith in the market itself

>> No.21118574



>> No.21118586


Unfortunately, it takes risk to make money, and gambling internet coins is pretty much the definition of ultra-high risk

But that's why you make a fortune when you hit

>> No.21118822

still less risky than stock options. I lost a lot of money on those and am finally breaking even thanks to crypto

>> No.21118836

i have no problem making calculated risks on crypto
but knowing that there are things outside of BUIDL's control that affect the market is what's preventing me from going balls out.
gambling on internet coins is the most secure aspect of the process for me. i can research everything i need to feel comfortable in my investment in the project itself. however, the covid pandemic, fiat situation, stock market bubble, etc. having the potential to crash a semi-correlated crypto market is what gives me pause.

>> No.21118921

I wasn’t saying it’s a pnd I was saying early buyers like to dump on new buyers during big pumps so I may as well wait for the conference dump

>> No.21119007

Just converted 10% of my LINK BUIDL is an easy moonshot if you know anything about DFO

>> No.21119045
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Checking myself 007
Buy BUIDL. Shaken not shtirrred.

>> No.21119051

Consider that the fed has committed to low interest rates for the next two years, and is considering raising its inflation targets. Shit's getting wacky and the riskiest asset you can hold right now is USD.

>> No.21119230

it's a valid point, but if you invest in an asset that drops 40% overnight, you now have less purchasing power compared to the fiat simply losing value to inflation

>> No.21119260

Fair enough

>> No.21119264

>i can research everything i need to feel comfortable in my investment in the project itself. however, the covid pandemic, fiat situation, stock market bubble, etc. having the potential to crash a semi-correlated crypto market is what gives me pause.

lmao holy fuck dude you need to turn off the TV

You know the March crash? You know what was being priced in there? Millions of dead Americans and the total extinction of entire industries, like restaurants, airlines, etc.

Instead some Boomers got killed in nursing homes, everyone got a 4-month paid vacation and the Fed dumped trillions into circulation, with the commitment to keep money easy for at least 2 more years. We're at the beginning of a massive bull market in just about everything.

THAT is the one thing not to worry about.

>> No.21119332

don't even have a TV anon
so you're saying there will not be a sizable correction from here?

>> No.21119456

There may be, since cases are spiking in multiple places, people are getting spooked, and some locales are going back into limited lockdown. There's also the whole financial chain that's built on top of commercial leases and residential rent that hasn't fully dealt with the defaults and evictions from this year's shock yet. There's lots of room for more general chaos, but like >>21119264 says, it's not the apocalyptic event that the March crash was pricing in.

>> No.21119570
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Where are you getting your news, Anon? I'm curious.

>so you're saying there will not be a sizable correction from here?

I mean, outside of commercial real estate, which may well be about to get completely BTFO now that huge corporations have realized they do not need the massive overhead of hugely expensive downtown leases, I can't think of a reason why a correction would happen. The Doom Plague, Destroyer Of Worlds turned out to be about twice as deadly as the ordinary seasonal flu, appears to be easily treatable with generic drugs, and only really dangerous to people who are, to be callous, social liabilities due to age and expensive preexisting conditions. And for that we got trillions in stimulus and an explicit commitment to easy money -- the outlook has never been more bullish.